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<正> 就像刚刚经历一场"地毯式大轰炸",整个村庄农家院落成片从山梁上"坠"入了因"地陷"形成的"山谷"中,歪斜的屋门和墙面巨大的开裂,漫山遍野地狞笑着…… "蕴藏于地壳深处的矿产资源,利用好了是财富,利用不好就成了灾难。"近日,在山西、湖南、河南、湖北等矿产资源富集省份采访中,《瞭望》新闻周刊深入采矿沉陷区的所见所闻,令人触目惊心:长期、高强度地开采地下矿产资源,直接或  相似文献   

<正> "沉陷户"上访层出不穷,"沉陷区"已成敏感地带,矿区则坠入了"老板赚票子、群众倒房子、政府做‘孝子’"的怪圈频繁发生、愈演愈烈的"地陷",使沉陷区群众成为最直接的受害者。《瞭望》新闻周刊在湖南、山西、河南、湖北等中部省份采访中看到,"沉陷户"生产、生活环境困顿,"越陷越穷"的现象比比皆是。"地陷"受灾户,对救灾、后期扶持的期望值很高,表达诉求的方式也比较激烈。为维护稳定,基层各级政府和官员,充当着"救火队员"角色,成立了诸如"避  相似文献   

粤宣 《民主》2018,(10)
正近日,民进广东省委会积极响应中共广东省委"大学习、深调研、真落实"部署,以直通车形式提交《关于呈报关于建设粤港澳大湾区大数据硅谷的建议"等五项建议的函》,获中共广东省委有关领导批示。民进广东省委会在省政协十二届一次会议上提交的《关于创新粤港澳大湾区融合发展机制以"创新之湾"引领中国第二轮改革开放的提案》入选省长督办《关于加快推进粤港澳大湾区建设系列提案》。2018年4月16日,广东省发改委在广州召开粤港澳大湾区建设党外人士代表座谈  相似文献   

Saul Bernard Cohen认为:心脏地带的边缘层现在可以被更准确地称为"欧亚大陆会聚区"。北约接纳乌克兰或格鲁吉亚将是一个重大的地缘政治错误。在对东欧、东南欧、外高加索、中亚和蒙古等地区的事务进程的影响上,莫斯科比外界力量更有战略优势。如果主要势力集团就对这一地区的控制权展开竞争,尤其是在美国和俄罗斯之间,那这一地区将变成分裂地带,成为世界上最不稳定的部分。  相似文献   

正粤港澳大湾区是当下世界最具经济活力的地区之一,也是中国开发程度最高、经济活力最强的区域之一,它是湾区经济的中国创造,也是世界经济未来发展的领航者。辽宁与粤港澳大湾区的合作是积极参与"一带一路"倡议和落实"新一轮振兴东北老工业基地"的重要举措,对于辽宁进一步扩大对外开放和深化改革有着重要意义。从世界范围看,湾区经济已经成为推动技术创新、产业升级与优质生活圈建设的高效增长极。在区域经济一体化趋势不断深化的背景下,粤港澳大湾区的建设成为在"一带一路"倡议落地过程中的全新的发展增长点。粤港澳大湾区的概念从2003年形成第一个政策文本,到稍后写入  相似文献   

"三区联动"是大学校区、科技园区、公共社区"三区融合、联动发展"的简称。作为杨浦知识创新区发展的核心理念,"三区联动"这一概念最初起源于区委、区政府2003年在论证杨浦知识创新区建设方案的过程中,围绕"知识杨浦"的发展  相似文献   

南岗区新一届区委、区政府组建以来,以超越自我、负重奋进的胆识和气魄,面向"十二五"、确立新航标、谋划新题材,提出了跳出区县和地市比,看发展水平,确定赶超目标;跳出省门与全国十五个副省级城市中心城区比,看发展水平,确定赶超目标的"两个跳出"比超参照系。确立了以"推进新战略、打造新南岗"为主基调,统领未来五年  相似文献   

建国以来,中国政府出于缓解城市政府管理压力、维护城市秩序、促进城市居民民主参与以及促进城市经济社会发展等需要,在中国大中城市中普遍采用了"市—区"二级政府建制。从以往的管理实践来看,该体制在多个方面都发挥了重要功能。不过,随着中国市场经济的日益发展与城市化水平的迅速提升,城市社会经济生活的整体性特征日趋显现,该体制在社会管理、经济发展以及行政效率等方面所暗藏的诸多问题也日渐暴露。基于此,中国政府应当在遵循民主原则、效率原则以及经济发展原则等三大原则的基础上对当下中国大中城市的政府体制进行差别化改革。  相似文献   

天津市滨海新区人民法院汉沽审判区坐落于天津市滨海新区汉沽蓟运河畔,成立于2010年1月。2010年以来,汉沽审判区在李宝平同志为班长的领导班子带领下,紧紧围绕"服务大局、司法为民"的工作主题,坚持抓党建带队建促审判,大力提升干警队伍公正司法能力和水平,狠抓执法办案第一  相似文献   

张晶 《求知》2015,(4):61-62
在湘潭经开区的实践中可以发现,工业现代化与城镇化具有相辅相成的作用,前者是城镇化的依托,反过来城镇化建设又会促进工业产业的提质升级。以前,湘潭经开区只是一个单纯的工厂园区,生活枯燥,幸福感低。如今,随着城镇化的推进,越来越多的城市服务功能被植入工业区,产业与城市实现了有效融合,让九华成为了一个既可创业,又宜居的城市。创造了产业经济发展佳绩的湘潭经开区,在"转型发展、高端发展、创新发展"战略的指引下,  相似文献   

Underwood A 《Newsweek》2006,148(18):67, 70

This article examines how the partisan turnout bias (i.e. turnout rate differences across districts that are linked to the partisan vote shares in those districts) changes over time in PR districted electoral systems. We argue that the bias after the founding election is the unintended consequence of parties and voters' strategic behaviors when they respond to the incentives provided by the electoral system. By looking at the case of Portugal, one of the countries with the largest variation in district magnitude, we find that the increasing asymmetry in turnout rates across districts makes the bias more severe as time goes by.  相似文献   

"西部大开发"是中央政府作出的一项有中国特色的区域发展战略.影响和制约西部发展的因素众多,但根本的、起决定作用的是西部广大地方政府能否有所为有所不为,主导当地的经济发展,为参与西部发展的经济主体和企业主提供适当的个人刺激的有效制度.西部地区目前的社会现实是制度发育不够,发展平台滞后,地方政府能力欠缺.因此,地方政府着手全面的制度创新,必然成为西部发展中首先要做好的基础性工作.  相似文献   

Despite the widely accepted theoretical prediction that high district magnitudes should yield less proportional results in plurality systems, empirical evidence is surprisingly mixed. We argue that these mixed results are ultimately due to a lack of clarity about the counterfactual being considered. We use a simple model to show that an increase in district magnitude reduces expected proportionality in a plurality system only if it is accompanied by a reduction in the number of districts. This conditional prediction helps to explain the diversity of existing findings and is consistent with our own analysis of both U.S. congressional delegations and local councils in Britain.  相似文献   

One of the most important dimensions of rural development policy in Zimbabwe since independence has been rural local government reform, in particular decentralization policy. Evidence from a number of recent studies is used to present a comprehensive review of Zimbabwe's experience of local government decentralization during the first eight years of independence, 1980 to 1988. Section 2 presents a brief outline of some basic concepts on decentralization which have guided the discussion. Section 3 contains a short account of the local government system inherited from the colonial era. Section 4 outlines the major post-independence reforms, that is: the 1980 District Councils Act; the 1984-85 Prime Minister's Directive on Decentralization; the 1985 Provincial Councils and Administration Act; and the 1988 Rural District Councils Act. Section 5 presents an assessment of these reforms, paying particular attention to organizational, financial and planning issues. While some important improvements have been achieved in rural Communal Areas-in particular the extension of services and increases in local revenues and popular participation-the system of local government and administration remains a dual one. Other problems include the gap between the planning and budgeting processes, continued financial dependence of district councils on central government, and a lack of serious effort by central government to make use of provincial and district development plans.  相似文献   

黄玉生 《学理论》2009,(15):1-2
新的香坊区成立以来,区委紧紧围绕建设“经济强区、靓丽城区、和谐新区”目标,提出了“重创新,争创一流发展业绩”的工作举措,区委一届四次全会提出了要“以创新为动力,为‘三区’建设提供新的活力”的工作要求。全区各部门、各单位结合各自实际,扎实工作,大胆突破,涌现出一大批创新成果,  相似文献   

在社会经济转型过程中,社区建设作为一项涉及方方面面的社会系统工程,日益引起社会各界的广泛关注,对此展开深入研究具有很强的现实意义.在社区建设中,政府应扮演极为重要的角色,应完成好规划、引导、协调的任务、同时建立健全社区建设的财力支撑体系从而推动社区建设健康有序的发展.  相似文献   

A central tenet of electoral systems' research is that more parties should get votes in districts with large magnitudes than in districts with smaller magnitudes. This proposition is largely untested at the district level, even though that is the level at which relevant pressures are expected to work. At the aggregate level, research has found that there are systematic deviations from Duverger's law related to incentives from ethnolinguistic fragmentation, institutions, and strategic voting. This analysis confirms that many of these results hold at the district level, which is the most appropriate level for testing Duverger's law. District level party-system fragmentation patterns in 44 countries support Duverger's basic hypotheses. The effect of electoral institutions is contingent, however, upon the presence of social cleavages that generate pressures for additional parties, the establishment of patterns of party-system competition that help voters evaluate contenders' viability, and the absence of competing incentives generated by districts of varying magnitudes. These effects are robust to different specifications of social heterogeneity. However, we find no evidence that institutional features like federalism or presidentialism reduce the strategic effects of district level factors.  相似文献   

李一兵  洪艳 《学理论》2010,(24):205-206
人才培养是高等学校的根本任务,毕业设计又是检验这一任务完成效果的试金石。本文提出了一种创新活动与本科生导师制相结合的新型培养模式,论证了该模式在提高本科教学水平与毕业设计水平的必要性和可行性,分析了该模式对促进学生个性发展与科研综合能力的共同发展、营造一个有益于学生成长的学习氛围的积极作用。  相似文献   

In accordance with the median voter theorem the median legislator is decisive in representative democracy. If the preferences of the median legislator differ from the preferences of the median voter in the polity, fiscal policy choices will predictably diverge from those favored by the median voter. This paper seeks to identify the median district (and therein the preferences driving the median legislator) in American State legislatures. Using economic characteristics of constituents, we find substantial differences between the median district and the statewide median. As the income of the median district rises above the median income of the polity, government expenditures increase. In addition, the degree to which income is skewed across legislative districts affects spending for redistribution programs. Finally, we find that direct democracy procedures, which allow the statewide median voter to check legislative decisions, limit the impact of differences between the district and polity medians.  相似文献   

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