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Chun Wing Tse 《当代中国》2016,25(100):579-595
Using data from a 2011 national household survey, this study examines the factors shaping urban residents’ prejudice toward rural-to-urban migrants and the impacts of prejudice on rural migrants’ integration into urban communities. The author addresses the endogeneity of the prejudice variable by employing an instrumental variable method. The results show that urban residents with higher education and household income report stronger prejudice. Also, urban residents with urban hukou at birth are more prejudiced toward rural migrants. Given that hukou status at birth is tied to parental hukou status, this result implies that prejudice can be transferred across generations. With regards to rural migrants’ integration into urban communities, high levels of prejudice in one’s current county of residence reduces perceived social standing of rural migrants and increases the number of livelihood problems they encounter. The author also conducts a falsification test, which provides support that the effect of urban residents’ prejudice on rural migrants’ integration is causal.  相似文献   

在我国进入城乡统筹新发展阶段的背景下,社区公共服务供给面临诸多现实困境,加强社区公共服务精准供给是城乡社区融合转型发展的必然要求,也是大数据情景下整体性治理的现实需要,更是对国家智慧社区建设的积极回应。社区公共服务精准供给以需求群体、需求设施、需求内容和需求质量等维度分析为基础,从创新精准供给理念、应用数据治理技术、完善需求识别机制和健全精准供给体系等方面建构实施路径,进而推动社区公共服务精准供给工作有效开展。  相似文献   

LAUREL BOSSEN 《当代中国》2007,16(50):97-116
Recently much attention has focused on the rising tide of rural to urban migration in China. Some of this migration is inter-provincial, and some is merely a shift to the nearest big town or city. Much less is known about the effects of long-distance marriage between rural areas. This type of migration does not entail a shift to urban household registration, nor does it involve adaptation to city living. Distant rural migration is a phenomenon that often includes risk-taking women who marry into distant regions seeking a better life, or better opportunities, compared to their natal village. Yet these migrants typically remain farmers. Based on fieldwork in rural Henan and Yunnan I discuss cases of village women and men who had married at great distance from their natal kin. I observe some of the effects of family separation and social strategies adopted by migrants in rural settings. Much as urban migrants often face a world of uncertainties, those who migrate long-distance to other rural communities face a world of strangers with little legal or social protection.  相似文献   

This article studies people born in rural China who now live in urban areas of China and possess a residence permit, an urban hukou; these are the hukou converters and they are examined using large datasets covering substantial parts of China in 2002. According to our estimates, there are 107 million hukou converters constituting 20% of the registered population of China's urban areas. Presence of a high employment rate in the city, that the city is small or medium-sized, and that the city is located in the middle or western part of China are factors which cause the ratio of hukou converters in the registered city population to be comparatively high. The probability of becoming a hukou converter is strongly linked to having parents with relatively high human and social capital and belonging to the ethnic majority. Compared to their rural-born peers left behind, as well as to migrants who have kept their rural hukou, the hukou converters have much higher per capita household incomes. Years of schooling and CPC membership contribute to this difference but most of the difference remains unexplained in a statistical sense, signalling large incentives to urbanise as well as to receive an urban hukou. While living a very different life from their peers left behind, the economic circumstances of China's hukou converters at the destination are, on average, similar to the urban-born population. Hukou converters who receive an urban hukou before age 25 do well in the labour market and we have reported indications that they actually overtake urban-born peers regarding earnings. In contrast, hukou migrants who receive an urban hukou after age 25 do not catch up with their urban-born counterparts in terms of earnings.  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of mental health and substance abuse disorders and service utilization among a racially and ethnically diverse group of foster youth. Self-report data on symptoms and service receipt were used to identify whether groups of adolescents defined by their race and ethnicity were equally likely to receive services given the presence of a mental health or substance use disorder. Study findings showed that Caucasians are more likely to receive mental health services than African Americans. Race was not a significant predictor of accessing substance abuse services. Hispanic ethnicity was not a predictor of receipt of mental health or substance abuse treatment services. Implications for future research, practice, and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

社会性别视野中的健康公平性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
健康公平是社会公平的重要内容。健康公平性的性别特征是性别平等与否的重要特征。本文利用2000年第二期中国妇女社会地位调查数据、历年人口和卫生统计资料以及其它相关调查结果,对健康公平性的性别特征、地区和城乡差异进行分析。结论认为健康水平、卫生保健服务利用在性别之间、地区之间和城乡之间都存在明显差异。女性与男性相比健康水平更低,健康服务的利用更为有限;边远贫困地区农村妇女健康水平、卫生保健服务利用与城市地区和发达地区妇女相比相对处于劣势。说明中国妇女公平享有卫生保健和提高健康水平还需要政府和社会各方面的进一步努力。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国经济社会转型不断加快,农村地区尤其是西部农村地区的各类纠纷正呈现多样化的趋势,农村地区对优质法律服务的需求也日益紧迫。然而,由于我国西部农村地区的法律服务保障被长期忽视,实践中存在着法律服务供给与需求之间矛盾突出、法律服务机构执业混乱以及法律服务质量低下的问题,这不仅严重制约了法律服务的健康发展,也损害了当地民众获得司法服务的权利。为此,有必要通过完善有关法律服务的立法、加强公共财政投入以及明确法律服务市场监管机制等方式,确保西部农村地区的法律服务业健康有序发展。  相似文献   

高宏德 《中国发展》2009,9(4):30-33
中国乡镇债务规模巨大,覆盖范围广泛,不良债务比例较高,化解工作困难,严重制约了农村经济社会的持续健康发展。随着中国统筹城乡发展战略的深入实施,国家对农村教育、医疗卫生、基础设施建设等公共事业的投入和支持力度不断加大,为化解乡镇债务并彻底消除其产生存在的基础带来了重大机遇。  相似文献   

Yanzhong Huang 《当代中国》2004,13(39):367-390
Contrary to what most alarmist reports would imply, China has not witnessed a measurable decline in the overall public health status. What explains the continuous improvement in some important domains of public health despite the pertinacious pricing, financing and institutional‐behavioral problems in China's health system change? This study provides a political economy analysis of the role the local Chinese state played in rural public health provision during the reform era. Through comparative case studies, statistical analysis, and formal modeling, the study shows that state capacity is a principal factor setting the parameters for rural public health in China. It also suggests that the post‐Mao reforms, while generating strong disincentives for the provision of public services, unleashed forces that lay down the institutional bases for sustained state engagement in the health sector.  相似文献   

Jie Chen 《当代中国》2005,14(44):445-464
Do ordinary villagers and cadres in the Chinese village share similar attitudes toward major sociopolitical issues? Do these two groups construct their respective attitudes in a similar way? This article addresses these two crucial questions based on the data collected from both villager and cadre surveys in a rural setting. The findings indicate that (1) villagers and cadres had quite different views of the village socioeconomic conditions, the legitimacy of CCP rule, democratic principles, and the effects of post-Mao reforms as a whole, although they did have similar opinions on the role of the individual; (2) these two groups constructed their views on some issues similarly but on others differently; and (3) the relevance and salience of issues were positively associated with the levels of attitude consistency among both cadres and villagers. These findings have strong implications not only for the ongoing interaction between these two sets of political players, but also for sociopolitical stability in rural China.  相似文献   

在信息化进程中,我国面临多重数字鸿沟。其中,我国的城乡数字鸿沟具有“三农”问题的特殊背景。三农问题是造成城乡数字鸿沟的重要因素之一,数字鸿沟也制约了三农问题的解决。为防止城乡差距的进一步拉大,我国应该以科学发展观为指导,采取综合措施治理城乡数字鸿沟。  相似文献   

Hong Zhang 《当代中国》2009,18(61):639-656
In the past two decades, migration has become a quintessential feature defining the identity and life experiences of millions of young rural women who have left their home villages and migrated to urban areas for wage labor in China. However, due to the combined effects of the state-instituted hukou system and women's traditional gender roles of childcare and household duties, many female migrants face difficult choices when it is time for them to get married. In this study I examine the rise of a new marriage form among migrant couples in Dongguan, a newly industrializing boomtown in the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong province. I call this marriage a neo-local marriage as migrant couples set up their post-marital residence in a destination locale that is thousands of miles away from their hometowns. I first describe some of the new features of neo-local marriages for young migrant couples in Dongguan. I then explore Dongguan's boomtown status in the new economy, the changing labor market, and young migrants' agency as new forces behind the rise of this new marriage form. Finally I discuss both the potential transformative power of a neo-local marriage for young female migrants and the risks and constraints of this marriage for them as well.  相似文献   

Xian Huang 《当代中国》2014,23(89):923-951
This article asks ‘who gets what, when and how’ from China's recent social welfare expansion. Little research to date examines the overall landscape of China's social health insurance, which has changed dramatically since 2003, and the distributive consequences and implications thereof. Drawing on public survey data and fieldwork for empirical support, this article finds that China's recent social health insurance expansion does significantly expand people's access to social health insurance. However, the expansion, which entails health insurance fragmentation and increasing benefit disparities, not only reinforces existing social cleavages such as the rural–urban divide, but it also generates new divisions within urbanites and workforce. Moreover, multiple social cleavages that cross-cut class differences have been institutionalized into China's social health insurance system. This reflects authoritarian regimes' ‘divide and rule’ tactic in social welfare provision.  相似文献   

Jong-Ho Jeong 《当代中国》2014,23(86):330-350
This paper explores why Zhejiangcun's Wenzhou migrants and Wangjing's Chaoxianzu migrants were able to maintain and actively restructure their settlements in Beijing while Beijing's other migrant settlements either disappeared or were forced out from their original locations. Highlighting the role of the Wenzhou model in Zhejiangcun and that of the transnational ethnic ties in Wangjing, this research illustrates how certain rural migrants emerged as a new social group by utilizing their cultural capital based on native-place and ethnic ties and newly found economic power. The present study examines the urban space of Zhejiangcun and Wangjing where alternative sources of economic power and social networks were created and utilized and therefore offers a unique perspective by locating a specifically-founded ethnographic analysis within the general debate on the restructuring of post-reform urban space.  相似文献   

孙津 《中国发展》2009,9(2):51-56
中国农村的现代化建设进入深入创制的新时期,其核心问题,是土地生产关系的创制和农民自身的转型。从城乡关系的实际情况以及农村人口的转移来讲,该创制包括两个基本的现代化建设任务。其一,农村必须实施自己的城市化,而不仅仅是建设小城镇、更不是被动地接受既有城市的扩张需要;其二,农民必须在这种城市化的同时实现转型,也即农民将作为农村和农业的现代化建设主体,使农民本身不再成为“问题”。为此,国家批准新建一大批由农民自己建设的建制城市是一个可行的途径。  相似文献   

刘建民 《桂海论丛》2013,(1):124-128
居家养老模式是家庭养老和机构养老的有效整合,是未来我国养老事业重点建设的目标之一。中国目前居家养老服务多为政府购买服务、民间组织提供服务或社区承办服务等模式。广西民族地区农村人口老龄化速度快、经济欠发达、家庭结构失衡、养老设施匮乏,居家养老模式应成为养老方式的首选。建设广西农村居家养老模式应重点完善农村基本医疗照顾,加强农村传统邻里互助关系,保护和传承少数民族文化习俗。  相似文献   

基于收入差别的农村公共服务需求偏好与满意度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以收入差别为逻辑起点,对当前我国农村公共服务需求偏好进行研究发现:现阶段我国农村养老、子女教育和医疗保障服务的需求愿望较为强烈,且生活类公共服务需求愿望强于生产类公共服务需求;随着收入的增加,保障型公共服务需求递减,发展型公共服务需求递增;在农村公共服务满意度方面,高收入群体对公共服务的满意度总体上高于低收入群体。这一研究发现蕴涵三方面的公共政策取向:一是当前完善农村公共服务体系的重点是公众需求强烈的子女教育、医疗保障、养老等基本民生领域;二是在对农村公共服务供给结构组合中,优先保证公众生活类公共服务需求,同时尽力满足公众发展型公共服务需求;三是在农村公共服务供给项目选择上,优先保证低收入群体的公共服务需求。  相似文献   

关于农村集体建设用地直接入市问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张志强 《中国发展》2008,8(3):78-84
农村集体建设用地直接入市有深刻的利益动因。在实践中已经形成了一些基本的农村集体建设用地直接入市的方式,也形成以试点地区为代表的典型模式。当然,农村集体建设用地直接入市还存在着很多问题。然而,针对这些问题可以发现一些进一步创新的方向。  相似文献   

本文对生命健康领域的生命安全、保健服务和疾病威胁等方面的重点指标进行性别分析,并选取其中一些可操作的指标对生命健康领域性别平等与妇女发展状况进行评估。结果既显示了中国在健康水平和保健服务公平性方面取得的进展,也发现了其中值得关注的问题。  相似文献   

韩国在1970—1984年与中国1992-2006年间有着十分相似的经济状况并且几乎以相同的轨迹增长。数据比较显示:中韩在经济发展过程中,中国的基尼系数、城乡人均收入差距等都呈逐渐增加并不断高于韩国的趋势;但是在教育支出、中高等教育入学率等方面都远不及韩国的增长速度。韩国的新农村建设、教育制度、社保制度保证是韩国缩小城乡差距,实现一元化经济的三大重要因素,而中国在这几方面都存在不同程度的不足与政策缺失。全面推进新农村建设、大力发展教育事业、完善社保制度是解决当前中国收入差距不断扩大、经济发展中的收入分配不平等问题的重要举措。  相似文献   

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