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莫迪执政以来,为了实现GDP稳健增长,促进印度经济发展的目标,不断就外国直接投资(FDI)政策进行改革,希望通过政策改革吸引外国资本进入本国投资,弥补本国国内资金不足的问题。本文通过梳理莫迪执政以来印度FDI政策改革内容,采用线性回归模型分析,认为印度通过FDI政策的改革,不断放开外资投资领域,放宽外资准入条件,使得大量外资涌入,一定程度上促进了印度制造业、基础设施等领域的发展,推动了印度经济的发展与复苏。但也应该看到,在未来,莫迪政府如果持续就FDI政策进行改革,将遇到较大阻力,同时由于印度本身存在土地制度、劳工法等问题,使得外国投资项目真正落实存在一定风险。  相似文献   

印度被殖民的恶梦可溯源至以外资面貌出现的东印度公司。因此,独立以后的印度社会,对外资具有天然的恐惧、厌恶和抵制。但基于殖民经济的固有特色,以尼赫鲁为首的印度资产阶级统治精英认识到立即驱逐外资的可怕后果。这决定了印度对待外资的矛盾性。观察印度独立60年来的外资政策轨迹,我们可以发现印度外资政策的三大特点:实用主义;理性、务实、灵活;非意识形态性和非超国民待遇性。  相似文献   

印度在发展民族经济的过程中 ,对外资的利用一直持慎重的态度 ,采取既利用又限制的原则。自 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,随着经济改革的进展 ,印度的外资结构也发生了显著的变化 ,在充分利用间接投资的同时 ,外国直接投资和证券投资有了较快的增长。本文在论述了投资结构变化后 ,进一步分析了其变化的重要原因是印度政府出台了一系列鼓励吸引外资的政策  相似文献   

随着百年不遇的金融危机不断蔓延,新兴经济实体印度正遭受越来越强烈的冲击。面对资金严重短缺、外资大量流失和社会不稳定等不利的投资环境,印度政府积极调整外资政策,以应对国际金融危机的冲击。实践证明,印度谨慎的引资政策在应对金融危机中凸显出较强的优势并取得显著绩效,值得与之国情相似的中国思考。  相似文献   

印度保险业发展较早 ,但在 1990年代的经济改革之前 ,一直由国有企业垄断经营。之后 ,尤其在 1995年印度加入WTO后 ,印度鼓励私人资本积极参与保险业 ,同时改革国有保险企业 ,增进其活力 ,以此应对WTO背景下外资保险公司的挑战。  相似文献   

印度利用外国投资研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外国资本一直是印度经济发展的重要支柱之一。印度利用的外资,狭义上讲,仅指外国投资。广义上讲,还有外国政府和世界银行等国际机构的贷款、赠款和其他款项,统称外国援助,以及印度政府在国际金融市场的商业性借款。迄今为止,在外国援助和商业性借款之间,政府的方针明确,主要倾向于前者,特別是要力争条件优惠的多边“软贷款”。对外国投资,政府始终保持有选择的欢迎的态度,即随着国内外经济政治形势的变化,用具体政策调节外国投资的数量、方式和流向。一般情况下,人们所说印度的外资政策,实际上就是指  相似文献   

印度保险业发展经历了一个从开放的自由竞争到国有化、然后又重新回到自由竞争市场的辨证回归过程。印度保险市场规模较小,外资比例较低,但集中程度较高;个人寿险市场发展较快,但团体寿险滞后。印度保险业改革相对落后于经济发展改革,改革进程一波三折,其措施主要包括向私营企业和外资企业开放保险市场,加强政府对保险市场的监管。自由化改革为印度保险市场既带来机遇,又带来挑战。自由竞争机制的引入和持续的经济增长为印度保险市场发展奠定了良好的前景。  相似文献   

印度于 1991年推行新经济政策 ,开始了使印度经济迈向“自由化”、“全球化”的经济改革。为此 ,历届印度政府不断加大改革力度 ,适时调整经济政策 ,促使印度的经济改革取得令人瞩目的成就。其中最大的亮点之一是印度的国际收支状况得到极大的改善 ,外汇储备持续增加。这将为印度进一步的经济改革提供更大的动力 ,有助于印度经济的稳定增长。  相似文献   

以拉·甘地执政为楔机的印度经济政策大幅度调整迄今已愈一年半,国内对这场改革的内容已有不少介绍。本文试图通过对其原因、重点及关键三方面的初步探讨,说明印度经济改革的任务和方向。一、经济改革的原因在于混合经济功能失调混合经济是印度历届政府坚持的基本经济政策,其目的在于以国家资本主义垄断社会基础设施、控制基础工业部门,划定国营工业企业与私营企业的经营范围;通过计划经济机制  相似文献   

在对外资的管理方面 ,由于智利政府实施了中央银行的干预政策、汇率政策和外资储备金政策 ,放开对资本流出的限制 ,鼓励外国直接投资 ,外资流入适度并保持稳中有升 ,外资结构不断优化 ,外国直接投资和其他较长期的投资连年增加 ,投资效益日益显著。智利管理外资具有以下特点。一是反应迅速 ,政策及时。二是政策灵活 ,随时调整。三是政策多样 ,各有侧重  相似文献   

俄罗斯投资环境与对俄投资策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来俄罗斯投资环境有所好转 ,但仍存在很多不完善之处。俄罗斯市场机遇与风险并存 ,潜力很大。我国企业应抓住商机 ,实施“走出去”战略 ,积极开拓前景广阔的俄罗斯市场。现阶段对俄罗斯投资合作的主攻方向应是境外加工贸易、自然资源开发和设立境外研发中心。为此要强化政府对企业的指导和服务职能 ,加大政策扶持力度 ;拓宽融资渠道 ,解决企业开拓俄罗斯市场的资金困难 ;积极推进外经贸企业制度改革 ,加快培育外经贸骨干企业作为对俄投资主体  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着经济对外开放,大量外资涌入我国,而其中日资对我国产业发展和产业结构的演进产生了广泛的影响,增进了我国与日本之间的经济相互依赖性。一方面,利用日资促进了我国的经济发展。另一方面,也产生了外资对中国产业的控制力,影响国家的经济安全。为了降低我国产业发展的风险,我国应注意建立市场准入制度,增加支柱产业的中国投资比例,提高自主创新能力,优化金融环境,以促进我国产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

It is almost a decade since India began its economic reforms. Apart from the purely domestic economic objectives that the reforms were expected to achieve, there was a recognition that reform was imperative if India wanted to become an economic power of consequence within and beyond its region. This had important foreign policy implications. Official pronouncements reflected the concern that the balance of fiscal power as opposed to military power was the key factor in determining a country's international standing. This called for an integrated strategy to bring economic and foreign policies closer. The implementation of a vigorous foreign economic policy could not be undertaken without sharpening the commercial diplomatic tool. Indian foreign policy over the last decade has been grappling with this challenge. This article analyses the reorientation in Indian foreign policy, assesses the efforts undertaken so far to make commercial diplomacy viable and highlights the challenges that multi-layered diplomacy poses for a country like India.  相似文献   

It is almost a decade since India began its economic reforms. Apart from the purely domestic economic objectives that the reforms were expected to achieve, there was a recognition that reform was imperative if India wanted to become an economic power of consequence within and beyond its region. This had important foreign policy implications. Official pronouncements reflected the concern that the balance of fiscal power as opposed to military power was the key factor in determining a country's international standing. This called for an integrated strategy to bring economic and foreign policies closer. The implementation of a vigorous foreign economic policy could not be undertaken without sharpening the commercial diplomatic tool. Indian foreign policy over the last decade has been grappling with this challenge. This article analyses the reorientation in Indian foreign policy, assesses the efforts undertaken so far to make commercial diplomacy viable and highlights the challenges that multi-layered diplomacy poses for a country like India.  相似文献   

柬埔寨外商投资法律制度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着柬埔寨政局的日趋稳定,它也逐渐成为了境外企业家眼中的一个充满希望的投资国家。中国与柬埔寨传统友谊源远流长。近几年来,中国国有企业在柬埔寨承建水电站、开采矿石、路桥建设、开采石油等大型项目;中国私营企业则主要投资于制衣加工、光纤铺设、电子信息、农林渔、商贸进出口等行业,两国在各领域都进行了卓有成效的合作,双边经贸合作连年增加。  相似文献   

2005年"争常"失败后,日本政府改变了过去长期冷落非洲的外交政策,开始把非洲真正地纳入其全球战略架构中来。加大援非力度,改革援非方案,以对抗气候变暖和环境保护为重点,突出环境外交,全面发展与非洲各国的关系,日本对非战略出现新态势。其基本动因在于,适应新的国际形势变化的需要,反思"争常"失败后的经验和教训,通过发挥日本"环境外交"的优势,扩大其在非洲的影响,这种对非战略的新态势将对中国对非外交构成较大的压力和挑战。  相似文献   

This article examines the record of the United States government in promoting democratic reform through the manipulation of development aid flows between 1992 and 1996. The first section reviews the origins of the policy of political conditionality and the subsequent changes in the US Agency for International Development. The next section evaluates the policy's execution by considering trends in the volume and distribution of US official development assistance, statistical linkages between that aid and recipient democratization, and the relationship with other potential foreign policy goals. The study finds that, contrary to the government's pledges, democratic and democratizing states have not received a greater share of aid. Instead, the distribution has been closely linked with security concerns ‐ a pattern consistent with the cold war record ‐ and US economic self‐interests have also been evident. Finally, three obstacles to the policy of ‘building democracy’ are considered: domestic ambivalence over the US's grand strategy in the post‐cold war era; coexistent foreign policy objectives that conflict with democratization; and the practical difficulties of eliciting reform overseas through the blunt instrument of development assistance.  相似文献   

朝鲜外交政策的基本目标是通过外交手段为确保国家生存权利、巩固和扩大国家生存空间创造条件。朝鲜总体外交战略是两轴战略,基本外交战略是先军战略,安保外交战略是均衡战略加搭便车战略,对南外交战略是民族共助加追求经济实利战略,对外经济合作战略是有限制的开放战略。朝美核危机最终通过和平解决的可能性还是大于通过其他方式解决的可能性。美伊战争的进程和结果将对朝美关系产生重大影响。  相似文献   

吸引外资是俄联邦对外经济政策的主要方针。像世界上其他国家一样,俄罗斯把外资看作是提高技术水平、促进经济发展和改造生产结构并使其现代化、掌握和使用先进的生产方法、加速与世界经济一体化的重要因素。向市场经济转轨以来,俄罗斯一直对外国投资寄予很大的希望。然而,从目前的外国投资现状看,俄罗斯的比较优势并没有得到充分发挥。为了能为外资的投入创造更为有利的气候和务件,俄罗斯还需要花大力气减少外国投资风险、提高投资效率、优化投资环境、保障投资者利益。  相似文献   

While China is fast becoming an important outward direct investor, its companies are showing an increasing interest to locate in Europe and the European Union (EU). It has been suggested that this can partly be explained by the more lenient attitude of the European countries compared to the US, where some acquisitions were abandoned when they ran into political opposition based on security concerns. Yet, also in Europe, the media follow rather closely each new Chinese entry, and certain politicians have started to criticise the take-over of technology-oriented companies, especially by Chinese state-owned firms. Against the background of a very open foreign direct investment (FDI) policy as measured by OECD FDI Restrictiveness Index for the EU and the individual countries, an overview is given of the pre- and post-establishment obstacles to direct foreign investment. Also, the EU policy measures that directly or indirectly deal with incoming direct investment are discussed. Within the context of the EU competition policy and the merger regulation, the EU Commission has cleared five cases of take-over by Chinese state-owned enterprises. Although the Lisbon Treaty authorises the EU Commission to take charge of investment policy as part of the EU commercial policy, it will take time to realise this. If the announced negotiations about an investment treaty between China and the EU could work out the necessary balance, it would be an important step in achieving more reciprocity between their respective investment regimes.  相似文献   

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