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法学本科教育专业实习改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王瑾 《法制与经济》2010,(8):132-133
法学本科教育任重而道远,专业实习又是法学本科教学目标得以实现的关键性环节,然而,目前法学本科教育存在着很多的问题,法学专业实习成为流于形式的“装点”,而无法发挥真正的作用,现状令人堪忧。本文从分析问题入手,指出了现实存在的问题和问题的产生原因。在此基础上,尝试提出我国法学本科教育专业实习改革的几点建议。  相似文献   

牟文义 《法制与社会》2010,(25):227-228
法学专业实习作为实践教学的重要环节,在法学本科教育中有着重要的作用。就目前的实习方式而言,主要有集中实习和分散实习两种,随着招生规模的增加,当前法学本科专业实习存在的对实习重视不够,缺少固定的实习基地、实习安排困难,分散实习监管失控、实习有名无实等主要问题更加突出。本文指出要提高专业实习的质量,必须在现有实习方式的基础上探索新的实习方式,开创性地运用单独、不定期实习和委托实习两种方式来弥补现有法学专业实习的不足。  相似文献   

法学本科教育改革研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
就其性质而言,法学本科教育是一种职业教育。因此让法学本科教育回归职业教育之本位乃当前中国法学教育改革所必须面对的问题。鉴于法律职业与人文精神之间的内在关联性,结合当前中国法学本科教育体制,未来中国法学本科教育有必要采行"一二一"原则,即在学制安排上,一年时间用于人文课程学习,两年时间用于专业课程学习,一年时间用于实践学习。为此,有必要适时调整法学本科教学大纲,增加人文必修课程,科学配置法学专业课程,并为实践学习设定刚性规范。  相似文献   

就其性质而言,法学本科教育是一种职业教育.因此让法学本科教育回归职业教育之本位乃当前中国法学教育改革所必须面对的问题.鉴于法律职业与人文精神之间的内在关联性,结合当前中国法学本科教育体制,未来中国法学本科教育有必要采行“一二一”原则,即在学制安排上,一年时间用于人文课程学习,两年时间用于专业课程学习,一年时间用于实践学习.为此,有必要适时调整法学本科教学大纲,增加人文必修课程,科学配置法学专业课程,并为实践学习设定刚性规范.  相似文献   

法学专业在我国整个高等教育中占有重要地位,法学专业教学质量评估也迫在眉睫,现有的法学专业教学质量评估体系专业特色并不鲜明。我国法学教育制度要求法学专业评估建立在素质教育和职业教育并重的基础上,进行理论知识体系和实践技能以及职业技能的多重评估标准。  相似文献   

法学专业实践教学在法学教育中有着重要作用,面对当前实践教学日益严重的形式化倾向,有必要反思且实现法学实践教学模式的创新.在借鉴国外有关法学实践教学制度的基础上,结合我国法学实践教学中积累的经验,对法学实践教学进行系统的设计,提出建议.  相似文献   

肖义 《法制与社会》2010,(35):303-304
培养应用型法律人才必须注重法学专业的实践教学环节。目前我国地方一般院校法学本科实践教学存在“四多四少”现象。地方一般院校法学本科实践教学应当以社会需求为导向,结合高校自身教育定位,开展“诊所式”实践教学;其实践教学体系主要包含实践教学的培养目标、目标实施、目标及实施的评价机制等方面。  相似文献   

我国法学本科教育的最大不足之处在于教学与实际脱节,毕业生欠缺法律实务能力,由此出现了法学教育成品不能满足社会需求的现象,这是现今法学本科教育的缺陷,究其原因,主要在于现今的法学教育模式存在明显的问题,忽视社会对法学专业人才的实际要求,造成所培养的人才与社会脱节。而对法学实验室建设的研究就是探讨从法学本科教学模式的角度解决这一问题。  相似文献   

法学专业在我国整个高等教育中占有重要地位,法学专业教学质量评估也迫在眉睫,现有的法学专业教学质量评估体系专业特色并不鲜明。我国法学教育制度要求法学专业评估建立在素质教育和职业教育并重的基础上,进行理论知识体系和实践技能以及职业技能的多重评估标准。  相似文献   

浅议法学本科精英型人才培养模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑茜 《行政与法》2010,(4):82-84
目前,我国高等教育法学本科人才培养模式已不适合我国未来发展的需要,更难适应全球化趋势对法学专业人才的要求,因此,必须反思现行的法学人才培养模式中存在的问题,从根本上改变教学观念,实事求是地分析法学人才培养上的障碍性因素,借鉴发达国家的法学人才培养经验,立足于我国国情提出可行的改进方法。本文认为,精英型人才是我国高等法学教育的培养目标,应以此为方向改进法学本科人才的培养模式。  相似文献   

The STudent Accountability and Restorative Research (STARR) Project is a multi-campus study of college student disciplinary practices in the USA, comparing traditional conduct hearings that use restorative justice practices alongside traditional college student misconduct hearings. A coherent set of learning goals in college student conduct administration and a robust data-set capable of measuring student learning across different types of disciplinary practice, in particular, comparing traditional ‘model code’ practice with emerging restorative justice processes are examined. Integrating several student development theories, we identify six student development goals: just community/self-authorship, active accountability, interpersonal competence, social ties to institution, procedural fairness, and closure. The STARR Project includes data from 18 college and university campuses across the USA. We analyzed 659 student conduct cases based on surveys of student offenders, conduct officers, and other participants in the conduct processes. Using multiple regression to control for a variety of influences, we determined that the type of conduct process used is the single most influential factor in student learning. In addition, restorative justice practices were routinely found to have a greater impact on student learning than model code hearings.  相似文献   

何景春  夏兵 《行政与法》2008,(2):100-102
如何看待当前高校的学生评教,人们争论颇多。实际上,问题和分歧的实质并不在于学生是否拥有评教权及如何行使评教权,而在于高校内部利益分配机制是否应该由学生评教而改变,学生在高校利益分配机制中是否有表达的权利、影响的效力。因此,必须从法学分析的范式讨论当前高校的学生评教,对问题才可能有一个正确的认识。  相似文献   

This article describes, evaluates and reflects upon student creation of cloud-based digital flashcards as an authentic formative and summative assessment task designed for the deep learning of constitutional law. The usefulness of digital flashcards in online legal education is explored. The undergraduate law student participants in the study responded differently to the assessment task depending upon the constitutional law topic they were assigned, the perceived relevance of constructing digital flashcards to professional practice and how they reacted to this creative task. Building digital flashcards provides a potentially powerful authentic assessment task for the study of constitutional law provided it is designed to support semester long creation, validation and sharing of digital flashcards that students perceive as professionally relevant and educationally useful. Student recommendations for designing an assessment task involving the creation of digital flashcards are evaluated.  相似文献   

大力开展生源地助学贷款,补充高校国家助学贷款之不足,是进一步完善高校家庭经济困难学生资助政策体系的重要内容,从法律上探索和规范国家助学贷款制度,完善相关配套法律是使其良性循环的最有效方法.  相似文献   

近年来,高校连续发生的集体退学事件引起了社会的广泛关注。人们对高校身份处分权的认识不足和高校管理中行政法治的缺失是造成这一现象的主要原因。为了既尊重高校的办学自主权,又切实维护学生的受教育权,理论上应当将高校处分权区分为身份处分权和非身份处分权。实施身份处分权应当遵循行政法治原则。  相似文献   

法制观念和维权意识的不断增强,是近年来当代大学生呈现出的一个显著特征,这一特征的凸现,使大学生在高校中的法律地位由过去的义务主体转向权利主体,致使高校的管理尤其是学生管理面临着新的挑战,应对挑战,改进管理,成为高校“依法办学,依法治校”的热门话题,本文运用法学原理,结合工作实际,对当代大学生权力意识的变化进行法学浅析,进而提出改进高校学生管理、加强高校法制化进程的几点建议。  相似文献   

《The Law teacher》2012,46(1):116-128

The purpose of this small-scale empirical study is to gain an insight into how to explore the contribution clinical legal education (CLE) can make to teaching legal ethics to law students. CLE provides real or simulated opportunities for students to provide legal advice and learn through application, practice and reflection in work-integrated contexts, for example through student law clinics and CLE modules. Previous empirical studies in this area, which have focused on whether CLE can develop a sense of ethical competence in law students, have argued persuasively that CLE provides an effective vehicle for teaching ethics, and this is now generally supported by academic opinion. However, hardly any attention has been given to how CLE develops the ethical competence of law students. This study, which is concerned with conducting a feasibility study of the use of reflective journals within CLE to determine whether and how a full-scale study can be done, is aimed at addressing this gap.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the linked themes of mobility within the European Union for law students and for lawyers. It highlights obstacles to cross-border legal education and legal practice across three Member States: England and Wales, Germany, and Greece. The European legal framework is outlined. The implications of recent case law of the European Court of Justice, on the conditions of access to higher education and financial support, are considered. Three main areas of concern are identified: admission arrangements; student finance; and the professional recognition of qualifications. The article compares the approach of the three Member States in each of these areas and explores conflicts between their domestic law provisions and European Union law. The article concludes by identifying ways in which ‘Europeanisation’ of legal education and the legal profession could be encouraged by facilitating law student mobility and by modernising the law curriculum.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between higher education and ethical practice among law enforcement officers. The spoken and unspoken values of the academic world and their influence on college educated police is explored. The specific values of studying options available to law enforcement practitioners in an academic setting is reviewed, e.g., the role of a policeman acting as a witness at a trial. The areas where college experience can appreciably increase the ethical awareness of policemen is presented.  相似文献   

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