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在信息量庞大的互联网上,有网民使用网络言语进行沟通,也有人利用网络实施语言暴力。网络言语能够从一定程度上体现言语者的身份背景,而英文言语的使用是中国互联网上的一个显著特点。从网络英文言语使用现状、网络英文元素词汇分类和特点,及言语者身份的分类和特点等方面,对网络英文言语身份的识别进行分析,有助于为网络案件侦查提供客观依据。  相似文献   

网络言语暴力及其种类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络使网民能够直接参与社会问题的讨论,增强了网民的话语权,但同时也带来了一系列问题,网络言语暴力即其中之一。网络言语暴力带来的精神伤害具有隐藏性、长期性,其危害绝不比体罚小,并且极易引发现实社会问题。虽然网络言语暴力的发生不可预见,但是可以通过分析网络言语暴力的各种表现,揭露其产生的轨迹与规律,从而为杜绝和预防网络言语暴力的发生或将其危害控制在一定范围内提供帮助。  相似文献   

"网络虚拟社区"是随着网络以及人们网络社会行动的扩展而出现的人类社会活动的新型空间。网络虚拟社区也与现实社区一样鱼龙混杂形形色色,现实社区的各种现象也会自然地反映在或存在于虚拟的网络社区中,包括各种违法犯罪案件。网络犯罪案件的发生又多与网络言语行为密切相关,如网络语言暴力、网络色情、网络诈骗、网络人肉搜索、网络攻击、网络赌博、网络虚假信息散布等。在与网络言语有关的违法犯罪案件中,通常可以透过网络言语行为特点,对犯罪主体的个人特征做出一定的刻画和描述,从而为有效、及时、准确遏制或打击网络违法犯罪活动提供技术上的支持。  相似文献   

大学生网络言语失范问题日益严重,规范网络言语环境,建构网络时代的言语道德体系,是当前亟待解决的法律和道德难题,也是大学生思想道德建设的重要课题。从表现、成因等方面探讨了网络行为主体、网络自身、教育和社会环境等因素的影响,并从法律、道德、技术等层面提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,网络反腐与制度反腐、权力反腐形成呼应之势,合力形成新时期我国反腐败斗争的整体战略格局。以哈贝马斯的"言语有效性"为衡量标准,网络反腐在取得诸多成绩的同时,也存在着网络暴力、信息真假难辨、实践运行缺乏制度支撑等问题,其本质在于没有充分满足言语的正当性、真诚性或真实性条件。因此,为有效提升网络反腐的有效性应以主体间性基础上的话语论证缓冲集体非理性,在网络反腐领域中充分满足言语有效性条件,同时公共领域对国家权力的影响需要制度规范,确保网络反腐良性发展。  相似文献   

近些年来,网络犯罪增长势头强劲,且向智能化、隐匿化、广泛迅速化方向发展。研究网络言语,应从其构成形式、特点以及使用类群等方面入手,将网络言语识别与书面言语识别的异同点进行系统的分析比较,从而运用网络言语识别技术分析刻画犯罪分子的个体信息,为侦查工作指明方向,更有效地打击网络违法犯罪。  相似文献   

随着互联网的日益普及,利用网络虚拟社区进行犯罪的案件数量直线上升。网民中18—24岁的年轻人的数量远远高于其他年龄段的网民而占据绝对优势,而在违法犯罪人员中,青少年又占有相当比重。因此,对青少年网民群体的网络言语特征进行研究,便具有极为重要的意义。青少年网络言语特征表现为以下几点:一、喜用新词酷语;二、推崇怪异词句;三、色情词语泛滥;四、ID极具青春活力;五、言语很少伪装。  相似文献   

言语行为理论是语用学研究的主要课题之一,是一种对语言的意义进行研究的理论,它要求学生不仅要具备语音、词汇、语法的基本知识,听、说、读、写的基本技能,而且还要具备一定的语用能力、推导能力、文化判断能力。言语行为理论在交际法外语教学中的运用体现在语境的利用,语用推理能力的提高及跨文化交际意识的培养三方面。言语行为理论对交际法外语教学具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

随着互联网的广泛应用,公民网络政治参与日益勃兴。公民网络政治参与在主体、客体、媒介、行为性本质以及参与方式方面,呈现出对传统政治参与的整体发展性。我国公民网络政治参与行为识别图谱可分为六个步骤:判断参与主体性质,识别参与行为性本质,细分参与行为具体类型,识别网络参与行为所处政治子系统,判断网络言语行为表达内容的目标指向,识别网络政治公共空间纯粹言语表达性行为。  相似文献   

常院玲 《学理论》2012,(11):164-165
言语幽默是一种极普通的语言现象。但古今中外对它的研究却从未间断过。哲学、美学、心理学,社会学等均是幽默研究的传统领域并积累了大量的研究成果。与此相比,语言学对言语的研究还是近年来才兴起的。英语幽默丰富多彩,表达手段及表现形式也多种多样,它是英语语言的精华和重要组成部分。因此,理解和运用英语幽默具有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

Scotland seems to be a counter-example to general theories of the relationship between language and national identity or nationalism. These theories point to three components in the ideology of language and nation—that being able to speak the national language is necessary for full national membership, that the national language is a core part of the nation's culture, and that the future of national political autonomy and the future of the national language are connected with each other. In Scotland, it has appeared that language is not central to national membership or culture, and language campaigning has not been central to the political campaigns for autonomy. The article presents new evidence, from the 2012 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, which questions these beliefs about the relationship between language and national identity or nationalism in Scotland.  相似文献   

马迪 《学理论》2012,(11):227-228
随着网络的发展和普及,电子商务成了各行各业的新宠。而中国近年来发展势头强劲的语言培训行业渐渐开始重视网络课程体验设计。通过对网络课程用户体验的研究,将电子商务运用到语言培训行业中时,应重视网络课程用户体验设计中结合消费者心理,运用移情式设计。  相似文献   

建构主义理论和多媒体大学英语教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓红  李丽瑶 《学理论》2008,(24):60-61
语言学理论与外语学习理论是外语教学实践的最直接的理论基础,在基于计算机和网络的多媒体大学英语教学改革过程中各高校遇到的种种困难,说明了对建构主义理论的理解和贯彻的程度会直接影响到多媒体网络英语教学的效果。因此在新的教学模式下,有必要深入学习和理解建构主义理论。  相似文献   

语言翻译问题是伽达默尔解释学的一个重要内容,翻译不仅与理解密切相关,而且是不同视域的融合过程;由于翻译涉及不同语言之间的转换,而这种转换不仅仅是形式结构的转换,更重要的是世界观的转换,所以原文与译文之间的差异和距离便无法消除.从这个意义上讲,语言的不可翻译性是一个"形而上学事实".这一问题可以透视伽达默尔关于理解、语言、存在三者的关系,而正是这一点为他的解释学本体论转向作好了铺垫.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):165-200

Schleiermacher rarely features in the now widespread discussion of the relevance of the German Idealist and Romantic traditions for contemporary philosophy because he has mainly been regarded as a theologian and theorist of textual interpretation. This essay shows that his most important philosophical work, the Dialectic, involves many ideas concerning truth and language which are generally regarded as belonging to what Habermas terms ‘post-metaphysical thinking’. Schleiermacher's views of truth and language are contrasted with those of Habermas and Rorty, and are seen as being of more than merely historical interest. His reflections on self-consciousness are shown to raise important questions for contemporary accounts of the relationship of the subject to language.  相似文献   

This article centers on two interconnected ideas that have garnered increasing attention in public administration: (1) a shift away from centralized institutional authority structures and (2) the concomitant rise of networks in the public sector. While network theories have been viewed as ushering in a new paradigm for understanding governance, they remain rooted in the language and framework of hierarchical bureaucratic systems. The author suggests that embracing an approach not grounded in a centralized institutional perspective may clarify network theories in public administration. Specifically, the author argues that anarchism has much to add to our understanding of networks and illustrates how an anarchist perspective may advance our understanding of networks in three areas—network formation, network stability, and accountability in networks—in which the hierarchical perspective has generated persistent questions.  相似文献   

This article examines the significance of the mens rea-related evidence present in the specific language and discourse identified in the records of the International Military Tribunal, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The author argues that international proceedings have seen the emergence of a new type of evidence: a cognitive, linguistic, culturally determined plural of genocidal mens rea. As a result, the mental element of genocidal intent can neither be interpreted nor understood without an advanced forensic approach to the language used by the network of génocidaires. Based on a combination of cognitive and social science research with the humanities, the article applies a hybrid method of analysis to some of the genocide cases in international criminal justice and demonstrates how and why this approach ought to be introduced into the process of identification of the guilty minds of the architects of genocide.  相似文献   

谭羚雁  娄成武 《公共管理学报》2012,(1):52-63,124,125
为分析保障性住房政策过程中的中央与地方政府关系,找出问题解决的有效框架,采用案例分析方法,分析了保障性住房政策制定过程中中央部门间的讨价还价、政策执行过程中地方政府及其职能部门以及开发商等营利组织间的利益结盟与变通策略、其他参与主体被排斥等现象。在此基础上,引入政策网络理论,分析网络利益主体与网络利益关系。研究发现:保障性住房与民生密切相关,却积累了太多的"历史赊账";中央与地方政府间的非合作博弈是影响保障性住房政策过程以及政策结果的重要因素;非合作博弈问题需置于政策网络结构环境下去思考,政策网络理论能够提供"解释性"和"建构性"框架。论文研究对未来的保障性住房政策过程以及政策结果有重大实践意义。本文将网络利益分析与网络治理结合在一起,实现了政策网络两个理论流派的应用整合,对该领域的理论研究有重要价值。依据研究结论,保障性住房的政策制定与政策执行必须实现从封闭到开放的转变,为未来"十二五计划"做好铺垫。  相似文献   

The recent increase in the number of students classified as English language learners (ELLs) has focused significant attention on reclassification policy, which governs the process by which ELLs move toward, and are deemed to reach, full English proficiency. In this paper, we draw on a data set containing annual individual‐level records for every Wisconsin student ever classified as an ELL between the 2006–07 and 2012–13 school years to estimate the effects of being reclassified at the end of 10th grade—a crucial period on the pathway to postsecondary education—on several measures related to students’ postsecondary attainments. We estimate these effects in a regression discontinuity framework, exploiting Wisconsin's policy rule that automatically reclassifies ELLs who score above a specified cutoff on the state's English language proficiency exam. Our analysis indicates that being reclassified as fully English proficient in 10th grade has a positive effect on students’ ACT scores. It also provides some evidence of a positive effect on high school graduation and the probability of enrolling in a postsecondary institution the fall after graduation. Together, our analyses provide evidence on the effects of a policy directly relevant to the country's fastest growing student population, and we close the paper with a discussion of the implications for research and policy.  相似文献   

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