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The Netherlands Antilles is the former name for the 5 islands called "the Antilles of the Five" (Curacao, Bonaire, St Maarten, St Eustatius, and Saba) and the separatist (since 1986) island of Aruba, which has its own prime minister (Henny Eamon -- the prime minister of the other 5 islands is Don Martina). The total 1988 population is 264,000. They enjoy one of the highest standards of living among the developing countries, with a per capita gross national product of $1610 guilder ($15,390 (US). Health services, life expectancy, and political freedom are excellent, due mainly to Dutch standards and aid. The position of women is also generally progressive. Literacy is excellent despite the different languages used (Dutch and Papiamento in Curacao, Bonaire and Aruba; English in St Maarten, St Eustatius, and Saba). Since the 2 major industries (oil refining and offshore financial services) have collapsed, tourism is limited mainly to the Windward Islands (St Eustatius and Saba), and there is no agriculture or fishing, the country's high standard of living is due to $530 million of Dutch aid, on which the country relies. Aruba will become independent in 1996, a future opposed by nearly all the 67,000 islanders, who fear it will mean the loss of Dutch aid.  相似文献   

从20世纪初开始,马来亚印度人的民族主义逐渐兴起,一方面表现在印度人希望获得马来亚的公民权,但更多地体现在印度劳工希望殖民统治者给予他们公平、合理的待遇。然而,印度人温和合理的政治诉求遭到殖民当局的拒绝,因此他们采取了更为激进的罢工。罢工的失败促使印度人争取祖国印度独立自由的民族主义情绪的高涨,进而在日据时期掀起了一场较有声势的独立运动。日据时期的马来亚印度人的独立运动是一场无果而终的民族解放运动,也是一场失败的民族主义运动,但这场独立运动具有一定的正义性。  相似文献   

Data are presented on the economy, the people, the population's health, and the culture in this country profile of Algeria. The population numbers 21.7 million. The infant mortality rate, used as a health indicator, is 81/1000 live births. Algeria's gross national product per capita is $2410 (US$15,390). Its main imports are machinery, transport equipment, food, tobacco, and consumer goods. The primary exports include oil, petroleum products, liquified natural gas, wine, and tobacco. Algeria's traditional Berber culture has survived occupation by Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, and Europeans. The country is made up of an assortment of different social groups and ethnicities, and modern Algeria realized its unitary identity from the anti-colonial struggle. Recent laws allow freedom of association, an indication of growing pluralism in a state where opposition traditionally has been proscribed. 1987 marks the 25th anniversary of Algeria's independence, obtained after a long and bitter war with France. The victory of the Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN) was a signal for French settlers to leave in droves, and much of the country's managerial and technical expertise left with them. Yet, the FLN inherited a sound infrastructure on which to build a modern post-colonial society. Additionally, the country also was to benefit from plentiful hydrocarbon reserves, which guaranteed good foreign exchange earnings. One of the country's goals is to feed itself by investing in a long-neglected agricultural sector, yet presently oil and gas revenues continue to be the driving force behind development. The plans for increasing food production include greater scope for private farmers. A widening gap exists between those who espouse the old values forged by the liberation struggle and a younger generation, for whom the FLN's founding precepts and the leadership's old authoritarian style mean considerably less.  相似文献   

One of Africa's most rural and densely populated countries, Burundi is a landlocked nation in Central Africa. The 4.9 million people are 85% Hutus, agricultural people of Bantu origin. However, the Hutus are excluded from power by the minority Tutsis, and the 2 groups have engaged in violent conflict. After a military coup in 1987, a new president, Major Pierre Buyoya, was installed, but restrictions on the Hutus continue. The major difference in Burundi has been a relaxation of restrictions on the Catholic church, which were severe under the former President Bagaza. Most Hutus are Catholic, with a minority of Muslims. For the peasant farmer, faced with diminishing arable land and reliance on 1 export crop (coffee), life is becoming more difficult. An expansion of sugar production was planned to reduce reliance on coffee, although the government has a rather ambivalent approach to development. While promoting private sector development with the help of the World Bank and the U.S. government, the Burundi government maintains a rigid 1-party system with strict control over the lives of the people. Infant mortality stands at 196/1,000 live births and life expectancy is low--43 years for women and 40 years for men. The literacy rate is low (39% for men, 15% for women), and the GNP per capita is low ($230). Most land is used for subsistence crops such as cassava, bananas, sweet potatoes, maize, pulses, and sorghum.  相似文献   

Established as a trading post by the people of the Netherlands in the 1600's, Suriname grew into an agricultural colony farming sugar and tobacco. The Dutch have sustained a presence in Suriname, and in 1975, they granted $2.7 billion in aid over 14 years. However, despite financial assistance, Suriname has undergone a number of economic and identity crises in the past few years. Ethnically, the country is divided into groups, including Creoles, East Indians, Indonesians, Amerindians, and others. Economically, the GNP has declined from $2,650 in 1983 to $1,650. A 1980 political takeover by the military promised relief but instead brought about oppression and tragedy. As a result, the Dutch government discontinued aid to Suriname. Civil unrest resulted in the damage of bauxite installations; the exportation of bauxite is one of the primary economic sources for Suriname. The current government is considered moderate left, but it is still subject to a military veto. Although life expectancy, literacy, and the position of women are good, self-reliance is greatly affected by an increasing foreign debt and freedom and income distribution are negatively affected by discriminatory policies and oppressive practices.  相似文献   

二战初期,英属马来亚华人就已展开轰轰烈烈的抗日救亡运动,支持中国抗战。英属马来亚印度人则主要通过举行罢工等较为温和的方式,希望英国殖民政府给予他们公平合理的地位和待遇。日据时期,马来亚华人开展富有成效的抗日武装斗争。马来亚印度人则通过与日本人的合作,借助日军的力量,掀起了一场较有声势的独立运动,希望推翻英国人在祖籍国印度的殖民统治。从民族主义和身份认同的角度考察,二战时期马来亚华人与印度人的政治活动既有共同点和相似性,更有明显的不同和差异。  相似文献   

Traffic crashes kill 1.2 million people annually, and the number is growing fast, particularly in developing countries. Although child road-safety education is widely considered important, few programmes have resulted in demonstrated improvements in safety. We review road-safety education in Ethiopia and conclude that it is often locally inappropriate and impractical. Such programmes are frequently based on dominant but ineffective educational models imported from other contexts. Drawing on our experience of establishing a community-managed child road-safety education programme in Ethiopia, we suggest how road-safety education in developing countries might become more effective.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the Tobas Indians who belong to a large group of indigenous people known as the ?guaycurues?. Originally, the Tobas occupied an extensive part of northern Argentina in the Chaco area, which includes the provinces of Chaco, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Salta, and Formosa, reaching as far as neighboring Paraguay. The Tobas were a nomadic group who lived by hunting, fishing, and gathering. They later adopted some Andean cultural traditions such as ceramics, weaving, and basket making. However, over the years of continuing development, devastation plagued the community and migration became the only option. Rosario became the preferred destination and now the Tobas are living in and around the city. Rubbish provides these people with food, clothes, shoes, and a regular income. Aggravating their poor situation is the difficulty in obtaining social welfare assistance from the government because of political and religious factors. In order for the Tobas to develop in their new urban environment, various specialists are needed to tap the potential of this group to take the initiative to be productive in their own small ways.  相似文献   

尹锡南 《东南亚》2011,(2):84-88
印度学者玛妲玉的《在华印度人:1840—1949》是当前中印关系史研究的一部力作。该书对近代时期印度来华人士的三大群体进行研究,并对这三类在华印度人的复杂命运及其对中印关系的深刻影响进行了深入分析。该书不仅是史学领域的创新研究,也是当前发展中印友好关系的极好参照。  相似文献   

曼德勒为缅甸第二大城市,也是上下缅甸交汇之处,人口、物资、信息的频繁流动与多元的族群文化共同构成了曼德勒复杂多样的城市风景。随着缅甸的社会发展与城市化进程,曼德勒的人口构成、社会阶层与城市空间也随之发生转变。华人移民的迁入与增长,引起了曼德勒城市华人化的论争。事实上,曼德勒城市景观的变化,并非华人单一促就,而是现代化、城市化等内外动因共同作用下的社会后果,因此,需综合曼德勒华人移民、经济行为与族群互动,以及三者与城市发展之间的关系来理解曼德勒的城市化,以避免族群民族主义所带来的成见。  相似文献   

克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区是俄罗斯重要的矿物资源基地之一。其丰富的燃料动力资源和矿产资源对国内外的投资者吸引力很大。该边疆区还是西伯利亚地区的科研中心,拥有高科技的智力创新潜力。区内还有大型出口企业,国际市场对谊地区出口商品的需求量多年来一直是稳增不减。所有这一切都为吸引外资开发该地区的自然资源,进而与毗邻地区共同参与经济全球化提供了有利的条件。  相似文献   

俄罗斯入世后,总体上有利于中俄贸易的健康发展,但也会给双边贸易带来新的挑战:中国商品在俄罗斯市场上将面临残酷的竞争;俄罗斯即将实施的进口农产品质量认证标准可能会把绝大多数中国农产品挡在俄罗斯市场之外;知识产权保护意识的增强将使中国引进俄罗斯高端技术的难度加大;俄罗斯将成为中国吸引外资强有力的竞争对手。因此,如何趋利避害,利用俄加入WTO的契机使中俄贸易迈上一个新的台阶,是中俄双方亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

“满洲国”期间,日本为巩固其统治,大力推行对东北人民的奴化教育。奴化教育的重心就是强制推广日语教育。日伪当局通过建立“新学制”、强制开设日语课、增加日本人教师、编纂教科书、实施日语检定考试、开设日语学校等手段,对“满洲国”进行了长达十四年的殖民教育。  相似文献   

中国即将超越日本成为全球第一大奢侈品消费国。通过对中日两国奢侈品消费的心理文化特征差异性研究,解读影响中日两国奢侈品消费行为的心理文化因素,为中国奢侈消费文化的发展提供可借鉴价值的内容,那就是必须扭转对奢侈品的过度追求及畸形消费。只有将中国人的消费文化引导为可持续发展的消费方式时,才会在意识上真正关注消费行为的积极性。这也是一个关系到中国社会可持续发展的消费伦理问题。  相似文献   

本文简单考察了近代几个主要欧洲殖民强国西班牙、葡萄牙、法国、荷兰与英国在东南亚扩张活动的宗教政策与传教活动,比较了早期欧洲列强在殖民扩张中的特点与差异。  相似文献   

The population problem cannot be solved by a few heads of state sitting round a table and reaching an agreement, is not susceptible to short-term action, and cannot be solved by some new miracle of science and technology. There are no shortcuts, no easy answers, and no undiscovered escape routes to the problem of population. This crisis will change the face of the world and change it in the lifetime of most persons alive today. When and how changes will occur is uncertain. The only certainty is change itself. The injustices are mounting: trade structures which do not allow half the world to earn a decent living; consumption patterns which pollute and strain the world's resources far more than population growth; economic systems which benefit the few at the expense of the many; and political forces which deny people power over their own lives. All this will change as the deprived majority of the world increases in numbers and in awareness and organized power. It is a fair assumption that unemployment will provide the flashpoint. Unemployment and underemployment in the 3rd world are hovering between 25-30% and are still rising. In the next 10 years over 300 millions people will be added to the world's labor force and an estimated 230 million of them will be school leavers in the developing world. Unemployment is no longer confined to the older, illiterate, rural dwellers who are "hidden away" and cared for by their extended families or villae communities. Increasingly the unemployed are young, educated city dwellers. They know more about the world and expect more from it. These facts suggest radical changes. The only choice is to work and plan for that change to be reasoned and rapid. Otherwise, it will be a bloody and sudden change. Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable.  相似文献   

南非曾经是种族矛盾和冲突最为严重的国家,300多年欧洲殖民者的征服和统治,造成了南非种族间政治、经济、社会的割裂与对抗。1994年南非废除种族隔离,建立了种族平等的民主制度。新南非政治社会变革和转型的进程,避免了很多人担忧的种族仇杀和动乱,关键在于坚持了包容性理念和政策,构建了以宪法为核心的一整套法律体系,以保障国家统一和公民基本权利为基本宗旨,在多元一体国家的建设中,取得了举世公认的社会进步。研究南非在新制度下的包容性发展之路,具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。  相似文献   

2009年中国-东盟贸易出现了1999年以来的首次负增长,但在第四季度双方贸易开始复苏,特别是最后两个月均出现了30%以上的增速。按国别看,本年中国与文莱及除柬埔寨之外的3个东盟新成员国的贸易增幅为正,其中,中越贸易增势突出,2009年越南超过菲律宾成为中国的第20大贸易伙伴,而中国与其余东盟6国的贸易都比2008年下滑。用Eviews检验分析显示,中、关、日、韩与东盟的贸易具有协整关系,相互关联。结合定性分析与数学模型,预测2010年的中国-东盟经贸合作将保持较高的增长势头。  相似文献   

This essay makes a comparative assessment of two works dealing with contemporary India. Gupta explains why India has not taken off despite its impressive growth. Nilekani examines the ideas that have shaped the debate about India's development. The essay argues that Nilekani is more optimistic about India's future than Gupta. Gupta's book is a major work that will stand the test of time. Nilekani's book is novel in that he is an entrepreneur who became an author. These are contrasting works. Gupta asserts that growth in India has not led to development. Nilekani argues that India's growth has become more broad-based. Gupta says that the statistics behind India's success hide its underlying failures. Nilekani considers growth to have become more broad-based. Nilekani's moral vision is concerned with ideas, Gupta's is with people. The essay concludes that Indians may be too optimistic about their achievements, but India also has successes to show.  相似文献   

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