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公共服务型政府的制度建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国的政府改革正由职能转变向功能转型的纵深方向发展,建设公共服务型政府将成为下一阶段政府改革的重点。公共服务型政府的制度建构包括了财政体制的转变、政府绩效审计制度的建设、对公共服务的社会监督、营造政府与社会的协作机制、公共服务领域引入竞争机制等方面。  相似文献   

Abstract: The concepts of merit and motivation are central to recruiting and retaining high‐quality public servants. The meaning of merit has evolved to the more flexible interpretation contained in the 2003 federal Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), and the concept of motivation has become much more central to public management. The PSEA enshrines merit and non‐partisanship as the main values to be protected in public‐service appointments. It also provides a new definition of merit. Employees with a high level of public‐service motivation (PSM) are predisposed to having greater job satisfaction and organizational commitment and, therefore, to performing at a higher level. The challenge is to recruit and retain employees with a high PSM level and to maintain this level while fostering high performance by other employees. This challenge is being pursued in part by fostering employee engagement in the sense of job/organization satisfaction and organizational commitment. Among the major drivers of employee engagement is fair staffing practices, including merit‐based hiring. The successful pursuit of a high level of employee engagement can improve public‐sector management in general and human resource management in particular.  相似文献   

王亚丽骗官案充分暴露出公务员队伍中存在的滥用权力、价值定位混乱等伦理失范问题。我国公务员伦理法制化建设迫在眉睫,应在借鉴国内外经验与分析公务员伦理法制化现状的基础上,遵循超道德底线原则和权责统一原则出台专业的国家公务员伦理法。设立公务员伦理审查机构是防止公务员伦理失范风险的必要路径。  相似文献   

Abstract: Change is in the wind. There is an expectation that when the present leadership of the governing Liberal party passes from the scene and a transition to a Progressive Conservative or newly led Liberal government follows, sweeping changes at the top of the public service dl be the order of the day. The author welcomes a healthy dose of change — but change that is carefully thought through and orderly. He defends the concept of a permanent, professional, non-partisan public service and points out how the doctrine of political neutrality has been eroded. He argues for a return to a stricter adherence to the anonymity principle and to a reaffirmation of merit as the benchmark of appointments. In seeking to strengthen the accountability of the public service to the executive, the author rejects partisan appointments to the public service in favour of appointed senior policy advisors. He proposes buttressing the role of individual advisors with a partisan research and policy analysis unit of some ten to fifteen people reporting directly to the Prime Minister and the cabinet as a whole. He suggests the upgrading of the research apparatuses of political parties themselves. Finally, he underscores the vital role that Parliament could play in exacting public service accountability. The author concludes that the federal public service in its central characteristics should be preserved, and that changes should be aimed inure in the direction of the restoration of the basic principles that have guided it in the past.  相似文献   

现代公共服务的一般使命包括保障普遍人权、实现社会公平与正义以及提供共同的发展条件。上世纪末以来席卷全球的公共服务市场化改革理论及其实践,给我们提供了良好的启示和借鉴,但其对工具理性的过度崇拜以及根本价值取向的模糊,也暴露出自身难以克服的缺陷。新公共服务理论将公民权、社会责任、公共利益等价值量度重新置回行政话语的中心,有助于我们在进行公共服务领域理论研究与实践探索的过程中避免误区,坚持公共利益信仰和公民本位观点,正视公共服务责任,真正实现公共服务的基本使命。  相似文献   

为提高新形势下公安机关预防、打击、管理、服务能力,加快实现公安工作现代化,必须进一步加强公安科技队伍建设。通过积极引进高科技人才,提高公安科技含量;加强学习培训,提高人才素质;努力营造有利于科技队伍成长的环境;提高公安科技人员的政治生活待遇;重整内部职能,优化队伍结构和知识结构等措施,进一步加强公安科技队伍建设。  相似文献   

在依法治国成为国家治理基本方略背景下所建设的服务型政府,必然是法治政府,服务型政府与法律问题密不可分,如影随形,服务型政府建设中必须高度重视法律问题,加大法治建设力度。  相似文献   

Abstract: Historically, the concept of career public service has received remarkably little attention in Canada. Career public service is, however, a central theme in the recent Public Service 2000 white paper on renewal of the federal public service. The challenge is to decide the extent to which the public service should adhere to the major principles of career public service relating to political neutrality, merit, open versus closed competitions, and career planning. There are significant barriers to achieving these principles, including conflict between some of the principles themselves. The extent to which career service will be achieved depends largely on the degree to which the vision of Public Service 2000 is realized. It is a vision of a new public service culture that is results-oriented and client-oriented and that is based on the precepts of service, innovation, people, and accountability. Among the obstacles to successful implementation of this vision are resistance by public service unions, lack of understanding about the magnitude of the commitment required to create a new public service culture, and the possible lack of political will to implement the white paper's proposals. Among the means by which the federal government can enhance the prospects for career service are a renewal of commitment to career service, including the allocation of more resources to career planning and development, and greater sensitivity to the threat of undue politicization of the public service. Sommaire: Historiquement, au Canada, le concept d'une fonction publique de carrière a bien peu retenu I'attention. Mais récemment, un livre blanc consacré au renouveau de la fonction publique, intituléFonction publique 2000, en a fait son thème central. L'enjeu, c'est de décider dans quelle mesure la fonction publique devrait adhérer aux principes fondamentaux d'une fonction publique axée sur des fonctionnaires de carrière, en ce qui concerne la neutralité politique, le mérite, les nominations en système ouvert ou fermé, et la planification de carriÈre.  相似文献   

特别区是美国地方政府中一种独特类别,它们为居民提供单一、专门化的公共服务。随着公共事务日益复杂化,特别区逐渐成为美国最普遍的地方政府形态,通过建立特别区来为公众提供公共产品和服务也成为美国地方治理的一个鲜明特色。了解美国特别区的历史演变、特别区公共服务提供的逻辑原理、它们的功能与性质,以及特别区背后的理论争议,对于我国的公共服务提供具有一定的启发性价值。  相似文献   

Abstract: In December 1989 the prime minister launched an initiative of public service reform and renewal called “Public Service 2000.” The initiative is designed to equip the public service of Canada to meet the challenges of an increasingly demanding national and international environment. Based on the premise that the key to management is the motivation of people, the underlying thrust of Public Service 2000 is on changing how public servants are managed and, more broadly, how work is done in government. Building on the established foundations of the modern, professional public service, Public Service 2000 will lead to reforms in mandates, structures and operations and, above all, in the management culture of the public service, its efficiency and its capacity to serve Canadians effectively. Sommaire: En décembre 1989, le Premier ministre a annoncé un projet de réforme et de renouvellement de la fonction publique intitulé“Fonction publique 2000”. Cette initiative vise à adapter la fonction publique du Canada aux défis de plus en plus exigeants de l'environnement national et international. Fondée sur la prémisse que la motivation du personnel constitue la clef d'une saine gestion, Fonction publique 2000 vise à changer non seulement la façon dont les ressources humaines sont gérées, mais plus généralement, la façon dont le gouvernement accomplit son travail. Venant s'ajouter aux réformes antérieures qui ont instauré une fonction publique professionnelle et moderne, Fonction publique 2000 mènera à la réforme des mandats, des structures, des opérations et, surtout, de la culture de gestion de la fonction publique et de sa capacité d'offrir un service efficace à la population.  相似文献   

随着社会结构的变迁,传统的警务模式已经不适应时代的发展需求。新时期服务型警务紧跟政府改革的步伐,是解决目前众多"警务模式失效"的有效途径。它不仅有现实的理论依据,也是实施其他警务的指导纲领;既具有其他警务模式的一般特性,也有其特殊的特征。新时期服务型警务模式是一个动态的系统过程。因此,在构建服务型警务中,需要转变警务观念、建立完善的公安组织结构、构建合理的警务运行机制等。  相似文献   

从制度经济学的观点来看,公共组织与企业、家庭等私人组织的根本区别在于,其与所提供产品和服务的对象(公民、社会公众、社区成员)之间不是市场交换关系,而是委托代理关系。"政府"与"社会"是公共组织的两种基本形式,前者可以定义为通过国家权威强制供给公共品或提供公共服务的公共组织;后者是非政府性或民间性质的公共组织,自有其一系列特殊规定性。当代世界各国公共组织变革与整合的基本取向和趋势,简单地说,就是通过市场化、民营化建立"小政府,大社会"的公共治理模式。  相似文献   

我国政府雇员制研究成果述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国政府雇员制的发展是近年来值得特别关注的人事行政制度的改革与创新。我国的学者和研究人员围绕政府雇员制的内涵与特点、肇因及正负效应、政府雇员制与公务员制度的比较、政府雇员制的实践模式及面临的现实难题、政府雇员制的发展趋向等诸多问题进行了富有意义的探讨。  相似文献   

在目前的公安工作实践中,公安"打击与防范"工作在某种程度上并未得到正确的落实,存在着"重打击,轻防范"的问题.对制约公安"打防"工作正确落实的公安基层现状、公安后勤保障、长效机制和绩效考核机制等相关因素进行分析研究,对于公安理论与实践均具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

目前,基层公安机关侦查人员数量少,工作激情缺乏,业务知识更新慢,很难适应当前基层侦查工作。同时,由于主客观因素的制约,公安院校也很难培养出满足基层侦查工作需要的人才,因此,必须切实加强侦查专业队伍建设,严格依法招录侦查人才,加大师资培养力度,实行"导师制"教学方式,大力加强实践性教学环节和在职侦查人员的培训,切实培养和建设一支称职的侦查员队伍,为维护社会秩序服务。  相似文献   

在相当长的一段时间里,保安服务的开展缺少法律依据。《保安服务管理条例》为公安机关开展行政监管、为规范保安服务企业和保安员的行为、为培育保安服务市场提供了基本的法律依据,推进了保安业的创新。我们应当根据《保安服务管理条例》的规定,解决好保安服务公司的改制问题、保安协会和公安机关的关系问题、公安机关履行监管职责的问题、为保安员上保险的问题、招收保安员的问题、保安服务公司实现自我壮大的问题。  相似文献   

公安机关应树立统一而鲜明的民主警务、社区警务观念,结合自身的特点建立健全公安信息公开制度,并明确公安信息公开的基本原则,探索并构建公安信息公开的基本模式,正确认识和处理公安信息公开的危机,推进我国社会治安治理的民主化、市场化、社区化和综合化。  相似文献   

Using the results of the 2005 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES), this paper identifies which factors have the greatest effect on employee satisfaction in the Canadian public service. Several hypotheses are tested against the backdrop of existing literature. In general, public servant satisfaction is affected by belief in opportunities for promotion, fair classification, adherence to client service standards, life balance, recognition by immediate supervisors, team relationships with colleagues, how well information is shared and, finally, belief in the abilities of senior management. Some interesting elaborations of these basic findings emerge when other variables are controlled. The discussion considers how the public service can be seen as a more desirable career choice.  相似文献   

中国犯罪学研究会第九届学术研讨会于 2 0 0 0年 4月在上海召开。会议主要研讨了犯罪学基础理论、城市化与犯罪、跨国跨境犯罪及防治对策。  相似文献   

“从事公务”是国家工作人员的本质特征 ,是界定国家工作人员范围的基本依据。对于“公务”应从职务犯罪侵害的客体 ,《刑法》第 93条关于从事公务人员范围的规定 ,以及公务与劳务的关系入手 ,才易于对公务的内涵形成共识。刑法意义上的公务仅指具有国家管理性质的公共事务。公务与劳务相区别的关键在于某种活动是否具有国家权力性和管理性。相应地 ,所谓从事公务就是指代表国家对公共事务所进行的组织、领导、管理、监督等职务行为 ,以及其他办理国家事务的行为。  相似文献   

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