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西欧中世纪法制发展特点论析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西欧中世纪法制由日耳曼法、罗马法与教会法构成。日耳曼法在西欧中世纪早期占据统治地位,带有原始民主性;罗马法是古代调整简单商品经济关系的完善法,在中世纪得以复兴;教会法是天主教会制定和颁布的法规总称,对中世纪西欧社会影响巨大。三支性质不同的法律体系适应统治需要相互渗透与融合,成为西欧中世纪法发展的独具特点,也形成世俗法与宗教法独立并存的法律二元化格局  相似文献   

从整体上讲,中世纪西欧的法律深受神学思想的影响,并在神权与王权长期的斗争过程形成了神权的独语特性;在世俗法领域强调初级互惠的观念;在具体的纠纷解决过程中强调激发个人以决斗为表现形式的内在勇气。尽管中世纪西欧法律的内在逻辑导致神性对人性的压制、法律人道主义的缺失以及法律独立性的缺乏,但是,这套逻辑及其所支撑的法律制度并不像有的学者所认为的那样一无是处。它对西方法律传统的现代转型以及法律主体性的开启具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

中世纪古典教会法是整个教会法发展史的最为重要的阶段,代表着教会法的最高成就,并且对西方法律传统的生成至关重要。而在此时期,古典教会法所获得的型塑式样与成熟,特别是教会法学都与格拉蒂安密切相关。在中世纪欧洲,罗马法与教会法关系密切但也有区别,两法作为中世纪共同法的最为基本的因素对西方法律传统及西欧近代法律的生成具有重要的作用。本文阐释了古典教会法的突出特征及其在实际中的适用,梳理了教会法相关内容与观念对当时及尔后欧洲社会的某些制度与观念形成所发挥的作用及相关评价。  相似文献   

论大陆法国家对信托的引进及其进路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫荣涛 《政法学刊》2009,26(5):39-44
信托的本质是一种财产管理运作方式,从设立到成立、再到运行受到普通法与衡平法的共同调整,对英美普通法与衡平法互动的双重法律体系有着强烈的依赖,而普通法与衡平法互动的双重法律体系又是英美法的特色。尽管没有衡平法和双重法律体系,大陆法系国家还是可以通过功能移植的方式引进信托的。马尔他与魁北克就是成功移植信托的两个实例。  相似文献   

罗马法的借鉴价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢冬慧 《现代法学》2005,27(1):181-188
罗马法作为人类古代社会最发达的法律体系,流传至今仍不减其影响,关键在于它的借鉴价值。它随着罗马国家的形成应运而生,顺应罗马政治、经济的需要不断发展,随着东罗马帝国的灭亡逐渐衰落;但由于特殊的历史需要,罗马法在中世纪又获得“复兴”。其历史源远流长,以至达到了一个非常发达的程度,它以比较成熟的法学理论、深刻的法律思想、科学的法律体系等特色赢得了世人的瞩目。与此同时,罗马法的内容极其充实,它的很多原则和制度被近现代世界上许多国家所借鉴。不言而喻,罗马法对我国法制建设的作用也不容忽视,研究罗马法所得出的结论对我国法制现代化的过程有着深远的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, I present a new argument against inclusive legal positivism. As I show, any theory which permits morality to be a condition on legality cannot account for a core feature of legal activity, namely, that it is an activity of social planning. If the aim of a legal institution is to guide the conduct of the community through plans, it would be self-defeating if the existence of these plans could only be determined through deliberation on the merits. I also argue that, insofar as inclusive legal positivism was developed as a response to Ronald Dworkin's critique of H. L. A. Hart's theory of law, it was founded on a mistake. For once we appreciate the role that planning plays in legal regulation, we will see that Dworkin's objection is based on a flawed conception of legal obligations and rights and hence does not present an objection that inclusive legal positivists were required to answer.  相似文献   

In considering Van Schooten’s study of the Eric O. case (s.1), I ask whether the different approaches taken by the two different “legal institutions”—the prosecuting authorities on the one hand, the courts on the other—are reflective of different images of warfare (a semantic difference) or of the different images each group holds of its own role (a pragmatic difference). If we consider these two “legal institutions” as distinct semiotic groups (s.2), is there an inevitable “communication deficit” (Van Schooten) between them (and the public) and how does this relate to the Hartian account of such a “crisis in communication” (s.3)? I agree with Van Schooten about the role of underlying images in the construction of legal sense, and relate this to the issue of intuitional judgment, both in and outside the law (s.4). I then turn to comparable issues which arise in my other research area, Jewish law, which reflects quite different ideological premises (s.5), reviewing the original (biblical) conception of the (intuitive) role and functions of judges (s.5A), decision-making, justification and consequentialist ethics in postbiblical Jewish law (s.5B), and the conclusions drawn, not least for the pragmatics of communication, in a recent research study on the wife’s rights in divorce. Paradoxically, I argue (s.5C), that the system rests at base on trust rather than objective truth. But trust, too, is a form of meaning, and susceptible to semiotic analysis. I suggest, in conclusion (s.6), that this is an issue which should be treated more seriously in the theory of secular law and legal communication.  相似文献   

汤维建  刘静 《现代法学》2007,29(1):168-176
关于诉讼信托制度,我国理论界存在三种不同的观点:第一种诉讼信托是民事诉讼法中的当事人制度,在民事诉讼法学主流学说中,它和民事诉讼担当制度同义;第二种诉讼信托是公益诉讼信托,是公共利益机关介入私权的表现。这两种诉讼的信托都以扩大当事人适格范围为基本目的;第三种诉讼信托,是当前我国立法禁止的以诉讼为目的的信托制度。三种制度的起源、所属法域、基本内涵、基本功能各不相同,学术研究和立法也应当作出不同的取舍。  相似文献   

古代印度法是世界主要法律传统之一。它包含着丰富的理念和制度,并在整体上形成了不同于其他古代法的鲜明特征。它在宗教和政治的关系上,表现为宗教之法;在不同种姓的关系上,表现为婆罗门之法;在学理与制度的关系上,表现为学说之法;在不同教派、行业与地域的关系上,表现为多元之法。深入研究这一法律文明,不仅可以拓展比较法的视野,而且有助于借鉴其中的有益资源。  相似文献   

毛健铭 《现代法学》2002,24(6):96-103
对商事法总论部分尤其是商法史问题的考察和分析历来是我国商法学研究的薄弱环节。中世纪商人法是近、现代商事立法的源头和渊薮。从宏观上理顺中世纪商人法产生和发展的来龙去脉 ,并通过对历史的回顾得到一些规律性的认识 ,是我们今天广泛学习并有选择地吸收和借鉴西方先进国家商事法律制度的前提。基此 ,本文采用史论结合的研究方法 ,对促使中世纪商人法产生和发展的经济、社会、政治、宗教和法律背景做了较为深入、细致的考察 ,并尝试概括出其几个世纪以来演进的基本特点 ,希望可以收到正本清源、以史鉴今之效果。  相似文献   

Abstract. The author analyses the concept of legal security from its historical evolution to its main structural aspects. In the first part he argues that legal security is a historical and cultural concept of the modern world. He considers a series of factors which lead from the general concept of security generated by an ideological monism and the social rigidity characterizing the Middle Ages to the concept of legal security protected by the legal monism of the modern state, where legal security, understood as formal or procedural justice, has become a principle inspiring the entire legal system. Then he considers legal security in the social state as the expression of the relationship between man and his social needs. In the second part the author makes a structural analysis of the concept of legal security in a modern legal order, identifying the different spheres in which it can be found: state,—focusing on procedural guarantees as limits to power—, law—considering the internal functioning of the legal system—, society—stressing the effects of the action of the social state on the idea of legal security.  相似文献   

马聪 《河北法学》2007,25(8):156-159
中世纪商人法的出现是中世纪城市经济发展的产物,而罗马商法则是古罗马高度繁荣的奴隶制经济发展的必然结果.由于商品经济发展的相似性、地理位置的接近、帝国永续理论的巨大威力以及罗马法学的繁荣等原因,中世纪的商人法明显地体现出对罗马商法的继受.分析中世纪商人法对古罗马商法继受的原因,从中可以看到法律发展过程中的相承关系.  相似文献   

信托法起源于英美法,而英美法在法律概念、体系构造和思维方式上与大陆法存在很大差别,所以在大陆法国家移植信托法的过程中,必然要遇到如何协调和解决外来的信托制度与本土法律制度冲突的问题,其中,物权法定原则与信托制度之间的冲突尤值关注。结合信托诸种制度的特性进行具体分析,可以看出我国新近通过的《物权法》所确立的物权法定原则与信托法之间存在着尖锐的理念冲突。在新《物权法》背景下,如果在理论和实务上因应得宜,则我国的信托制度不仅不会被物权法定原则所窒息,甚至可以此为契机改变信托法在我国法律体系中的边缘地位。  相似文献   

王瑞 《河北法学》2005,23(8):69-73
商法与其他的国内法律部门相比,其国际性特征最为突出:商法在形成之初就带有国际性特征,后来发展为具有国际性的国内商法,现代商法又明显地表现出国际统一性的趋势,从而使商法的发展呈现出一个国际性的回归。  相似文献   

Problems with consumer trust and confidence in the Internet as a safe environment in which to shop, browse and associate are well documented, as are the correlations between this lack of consumer trust and fears about privacy and security online. This paper attempts first to show why existing legal and extra‐legal modes for the protection of privacy online are failing to protect consumers and promote consumer trust. In particular it critiques the European regime of mandatory data protection laws as outdated and inappropriate to a world of multinational corporatism and ubiquitous transnational data flows via cyberspace. In the second part lessons are drawn from the crisis currently faced by intellectual property in cyberspace, particularly in reference to MP3 music files and peer‐to‐peer downloading and useful parallels are drawn from the solution devised by William Fisher of the Berkman Centre, Harvard, in the form of an alternative payment scheme for copyright holders. Finally, the insights drawn from Fisher's work are combined with original proposals drawn from a comparison of the consumer–data collector relationship in cyberspace with the roles played by truster, trustee and beneficiary in the institution of common law trust. The resulting ‘modest proposal’ suggests that a ‘privacy tax’ be levied on the profits made by data collectors and data processors. This could fund no‐fault compensation for identified ‘privacy harms’, improve public privacy enforcement resources, provide privacy‐enhancing technologies to individuals, satisfy the desire of commerce for less data protection‐related internal bureaucracy and possibly create the conditions for better promotion of consumer trust and confidence. The uptake of electronic commerce would thus be significantly enhanced.  相似文献   

Early neoinstitutional theory tended to assume institutional reproduction, while recent accounts privilege situations in which alternative models from outside an organizational environment or delegitimizing criticism from within precipitate institutional change. We know little about institutions that persist despite such change conditions. Recent advances in sociological field theory suggest that interfield ties contribute to institutional change but under‐theorize how such ties may reinforce institutions. Extending both approaches, I incorporate self‐reinforcing mechanisms from path‐dependence scholarship. I elucidate my framework by analyzing the student‐edited, student‐reviewed law review. Despite its anomalous position relative to the dominant peer‐reviewed journal model of other disciplines, and despite sustained criticisms from those who publish in them, the law review remains a bedrock institution of law schools and legal scholarship. I combine qualitative historical analyses of legal scholarship and law schools with quantitative analyses of law‐review structures and field contestation. The analysis covers law review's entire historical trajectory—its emergence, its institutionalization and coherence of a field around it, and its current state as a contested but persistent institution. I argue that self‐reinforcing mechanisms evident in law review's ties to related fields‐legal practice, law schools, the university, and legal periodicals—both enabled its emergence and have buffered it against change.  相似文献   

王葆莳 《时代法学》2012,10(6):105-113
德国国际私法认为,识别源于对冲突规范所使用之“体系概念”的解释,发生识别冲突的原因在于内、外国实体法存在体系差异,内国实体法体系中存在漏洞,内国实体法和国际私法之间存在体系差异。在识别冲突的解决上,存在法院地说、准据法说和独立识别说等三种主要理论。在德国国际私法的司法实践中,法院地说占据主导地位,但法院在一定程度上也采纳独立识别说,作为法院地说的必要补充。采用独立识别说时,法院一方面要对冲突规范中的体系概念进行广义解释,突破其在内国法律体系中的内涵范围,兼容外国法的相关制度;另一方面要从法律体系、文化背景等方面对外国法制度进行比较法分析,以确定其功能和目的。如果能够确认该外国制度和内国某一体系概念在目的和功能上具有对应性,就可以将该外国制度纳入该概念,从而拓展冲突规范的适用范围,否则就必须发展新的冲突规范加以应对。  相似文献   

李勋 《行政与法》2008,(2):106-111
对冲基金的法律关系是指在对冲基金的活动过程中各当事人之间依据对冲基金法律规范所形成的权利与义务关系。对冲基金的法律形式,即对冲基金存在的法律形态。在全球范围内,目前对冲基金的法律形式主要有契约型、公司型和有限舍伙型三种,且各个对冲基金的具体投资风格和投资策略也各异,然而,所有对冲基金的法律运作程序和运作模式基本相同。就其性质而言,对冲基金属于信托,但又是信托发展的新层次。  相似文献   

许细燕 《政法学刊》2011,28(4):104-111
中国的区际警务执法合作是在四个互不隶属的法域、三种不同的法系、两种不同的政治社会制度中进行,尽管各法域的历史过程有所不同形成了文化区别,但都植根于中华文化文明,所以,构建过程中依赖共同文化底蕴和民族生存与发展的需要。经过30多年努力地孕育和开拓,从相互隔绝到接触、碰撞、磨合,达到今天的互信,构建了具有中国特色的区际警务执法合作机制,并基本适应了维护各地社会治安稳定的需要。  相似文献   

我国学者常常将美国公司法上的资本制度称之为授权资本制,并将其与大陆法相对,作为物种多元的样本,同时也作为比较法研究的时候,进行理论折中的一端。本文从进化的角度揭示出,在其他国家历史上也存在着和我国、大陆国家类似的法定资本制度,但随着社会生活的发展和法律规制技术,乃至于法律理论和理念的变化,这些僵化而无效的制度被不断的扬弃,而代之以宽松的资本规制+趋严的诚信义务(fidu-ciaryduty)的方式。具体表现为:(1)从政府通过法律强行性规范直接限制,进化到股东、公司、董事和债权人之间的相互制约;(2)从注重公司资本的起点,进化到以破产为核心标准来进行规制;(3)从公司和股东之间的不当交易及其方式的事前限制,进化到对诚信义务的事后责任分配。  相似文献   

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