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时间的足音,敲响在一个切换点上:回眸’96,关注’97。古希腊戏剧家索福克勒斯说,慎重的人根据过去的事件来判断现在。诗人拜伦说,过去是最好的预言者。米德说,所谓未来就是现在。丘吉尔说,过去给我们以无穷的希望。读者朋友,你,在过去的1996年,感触最深的是什么?对于1997年,你最关注的又是什么?——带着这一话题,本刊派出记者,四处采访了各行各业的人士,得出一些很有意思的“过去与未来”的答案。从这一期起,焦点时空版块的“话题”就与读者朋友见面了,欢迎大家踊跃点题并自荐成为“话题”的发言者。请相信:过去的话题是你成长的印证,未来的话题是你成长的憧憬。  相似文献   

Creation of local government districts has become an enterprise in Uganda, with many stakeholders having diverse opinions about the government's motives. This article examines the questions: What are the proclaimed and hidden or implicit intentions of the government? What evidence is available to provide reasonable interpretation of government action according to a particular rationale? By triangulating primary and secondary data and using a deductive approach, the study concludes that the initial intention of the government to create new districts to bring services and government closer to the people was consistent with the country's constitution and decentralisation policy. However, since 1997, and especially since 2006, other rationales have come to the fore, though not communicated as such in public policy statements. While we do not exclude ethnic rationale, the article finds more evidence that points to political patronage and a variant of gerrymandering (namely, that of splitting up districts while not redrawing boundaries).  相似文献   

我是要长大的“程琳,你对《程琳新歌1987》有什么想法?”“这盒带子出来以后,很多人吃惊。去年还听我唱《秋千》,怎么一下子跳成这样。许多人不理解。我知道人们喜欢我唱流行歌曲,大家也总叫我‘小程琳,小程琳’。可是小程琳会长大的呀,我也不能抱着对去不放,我希望做各种探索,提高我自己,我相信这种探索对社会是有益的。“这盒新歌,引起了不少人的注意和议论。有的说《明星》太棒了,有人说《从前有座山》好,也  相似文献   

1991年12月26日,在克里姆林宫上空飘扬了69年的红底、铁锤和镰刀的苏联国旗被缓缓降下,原苏联的各加盟共和国带着各自的梦想,踏上了一条未卜之途。一个称雄于世的超级大国就这样迅速地解体了,它的变化,对世界格局产生了深刻的影响。中国西部的新疆,与原苏联有着3000多公里的共同国境线。随着苏联的解体,中苏边界也已发生了历史性的变化。如今,依然是那道国境线,依旧是那些守卫在这里的边防军,昔日中苏边界的名称已经成为历史,随之而成的则是中俄、中哈、中吉和中塔边界。  相似文献   


This is a revised version of a paper presented on 22 June 2006 by Kenneth Parker at The English Academy of Southern Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, on the occasion of the presentation of a Gold Medal to Professor Colin Gardner for distinguished service to English. The paper takes a tongue-in-cheek look at ‘Britishness’ and conforming to British standards – including what the British saw as the ‘way forward for the English language’. It shows how the erstwhile ‘colonized’, and more particularly their British-born descendants, have been doing some ‘colonizin’ of their own.  相似文献   

1993年5月。倾盆大雨下了又下,大地上到处响起防汛的警报。专家说:这是厄尔尼诺现象再生,西南季风强盛活跃所致。于是水涨船高,有人调笑:国人素爱以水为财,水涨自然也价升吧? 5月广州的物价再度攀升,比去年同期增长25.4%。1至5月累计比去年同期升幅19.2%,不到半年,增长率已大步跨越年增长10%的预计,而且几乎高出一倍。还是5月,国家信息中心公布了令人“危言耸听”的预测:若不对目前固定资产投资趋势加以控制,全年固定资产增长突破9400亿安全线,今年下半年或第4  相似文献   

Sexing the City: Lesbian and Gay Politics within the Activist State. By Davina Cooper. London, Rivers Oram Press, 1994. Pp.216. £30 hb, £11.95pb.  相似文献   

Many Tanzanians share a basic understanding of the occult as a moving force in the visible world. But at the same time, notions of the occult are characterised by indeterminacies in meaning, thereby allowing for multiple interpretations of particular events. This article explores various readings of two particular incidents that both occurred within a suburb of the city of Iringa in South-central Tanzania. First a Lutheran pastor started suffering from a paralyzed shoulder and a few weeks later an old woman was found lying naked outside of his home in the middle of the night. While both incidents were widely ascribed to witchcraft the article shows how particular interpretations were embedded in and reflective of a dense social climate, characterised by different kinds of tension, inequalities, suspicions of corruption and by religious and medical pluralism and competition. The article argues that the very opaqueness and uncertainty of witchcraft knowledge enabled a variety of actors with different stakes to make claims to truth, spiritual status and moral identity.  相似文献   

“酷”,一个90年代兴起的新词,和许多诞生在同一时代的新兴公司一样,虽没有百年辉煌,却一样令人倾倒。  相似文献   

历史转轨期贪欲大爆发 普普通通的老百姓第一次如此大开眼界,他们怀着听天方夜谭似的心情注视着这些事实: 原深圳工程咨询公司副总经理兼广州公司经理曾利华,先后向  相似文献   

1989年2月,正当人们对“全国将取消粮票”津津乐道的时候,突然看到了严格按定量口粮供粮的通知。黑市上粮票价格骤涨,许多城市甚至对议价米也采取凭卡定点供应制。人们不会忘记,1988年5月,广东率先放开粮价,牌价粮调高了108%,入夏后,广州集市米价随气温一道急剧上升。三级米从年初的每公斤0.3元涨到0.7元、1.2元、2元,年底一度卖到3.2元。未及年底,粮食又成了新闻界的热门话题,信息表明:1988年全国粮食减产已成定局。广东等沿海省份最先闻风而动,率先到四川、湖南等产粮省购买大米。对此,川、湘等地早有警  相似文献   

Morris Slavin 《欧亚研究》1996,48(7):1219-1229
Louis Fischer, The Life of Lenin. New York, Evanston, & London: Harper & Row, 1964, 707 pp.

Robert Service, Lenin, A Political Life. Volume 1, The Strength of Contradiction; Volume 2, Worlds in Collision; Volume 3, The Iron Ring. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1985, 1991, 1995, 246 pp., xviii + 422 pp., xxi + 393 pp., $24.93, $39.95, $29.95.

Dmitri Volkogonov, Lenin. A New Biography. Translated & edited by Harold Shukman, New York: The Free Press, 1994, $30.00.  相似文献   

Reviewing the history of women’s movement, this article expects to find a large role of women’s organizations in the process of change that has helped to increase participation of women in local government political process of Bangladesh. While there is considerable support for the presence of the women’s movement, there is much ambivalence as to the specifics of such influence: its objects, means, and magnitude. The difficulty in assessing influence may stem from the reliance on informal channels, which makes tracing and tracking influence a great challenge, and calls for more grounded research to expose the intricate interactions between actors.  相似文献   


Proponents of Gov2.0 claim that it offers the potential to improve the relationship between the citizen and state. Whether this potential can be realised depends in part on how new web-based technologies are implemented. Local government officials and politicians are important actors in this process, yet we know little about how they view Gov2.0. This paper applies Q-methodology to a sample of English local government actors to generate new data and fill this gap in our knowledge. Four frames of reference within this population are revealed: Sunlight on Government, Cautious Crowdsourcers, Gov1.0 and Platform Providers. The paper concludes that while there is general agreement that technology will be a driver of change, and that local government should adapt, there is no clear agreement as to the nature of reform.  相似文献   

1993年广东流行乐坛在经历了若干年跌跌撞撞的摸索发展后,终于发生了深刻的变化,一个日后乐坛良性发展的整体环境日趋成熟。创作歌手的崛起 1993年,广东歌坛最引人注目的人物无疑是李春波。这位来自沈阳的小伙子客居广州不到一年就已大红大紫,成为本地歌坛无可争议的第一人。李春波的处女专辑《小芳》全部由他一人包办词曲演唱,他的作品受到歌迷和传媒的狂热捧场,这在一向随香港口味摆动的广东不能不说是个异数。李春波奇迹般的走红对广东乐坛的各方  相似文献   

In the fast-moving world of development policy, buzzwords play an important part in framing solutions. Today's development orthodoxies are captured in a seductive mix of such words, among which ‘participation’, ‘empowerment’ and ‘poverty reduction’ take a prominent place. This paper takes a critical look at how these three terms have come to be used in international development policy, exploring how different configurations of words frame and justify particular kinds of development interventions. It analyses their use in the context of two contemporary development policy instruments, the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (prsps) and the Millennium Development Goals (mdgs). We show how words that once spoke of politics and power have come to be reconfigured in the service of today's one-size-fits-all development recipes, spun into an apoliticised form that everyone can agree with. As such, we contend, their use in development policy may offer little hope of the world free of poverty that they are used to evoke.  相似文献   

这一切来得是如此突然却又在意料之中。今年5月底,中国的股民又经历了一次切肤之痛的风险教育。一连串的调控政策,股市连续大跌,被套牢者无计其数。仅仅几天之前,股民还在憧憬着到香港回归时的投资大丰收,而在“凯旋门”前摔的这一跤,使之清醒些了。有很长一段时间,中国股市以不断上涨来对应香港回归倒计时。盼回归迎九七,到了股民那里就变成了买股票迎九七,像几年前炒作西藏上市股票冠以“民族团结”概念股一样,潇洒地炒一回九七概念。  相似文献   

早知今日何必当初广州的美容院星罗棋布,美容项目可谓包罗万象。美容小姐在女客人的下眼睑上刺上氧化亚铁颜料,一条永久性的眼线,便使女客免去画眼线的麻烦。古老文身术在现代社会的神奇功效,给许多容貌有这样或那样缺陷的人带来了希望。花钱买靓成了现代广州人的一种新时尚。一间美容院开张不久,一位农村青年便来光顾。他左上臂挽起衣袖露出一个“忍”字,也露出了一面愁容。“哎”的一声长叹,此君感慨地说,“现在潮流不兴文身了,女朋友说我这个  相似文献   

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