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闫晓君 《法律科学》2006,24(4):160-168
汉初的刑罚体系是文景刑制改革的基础,由“笞”、“罚”和作为正“刑”的各种肉刑、死刑组成。肉刑一般不单独运用,往往“刑尽”后,又罚使劳役。这样形成一个从轻到重,从生到死,相互衔接,有等次的刑罚统一体。过误、特殊的犯罪主体以及轻罪,适用“罚金”、“赎刑”。故意、重罪适用劳役、肉刑,直到死刑。文景改革以后,笞刑取代肉刑,劳役由无期变为有期。此外,汉初刑罚体系明显受先秦刑罚思想的影响,刑罚被视为对犯罪者的“报复”,有强烈的特殊预防和一般预防的色彩。  相似文献   

严励 《北方法学》2011,5(3):83-99
刑事政策的横向结构是指刑事政策体系内各分系统之间的关系。刑事政策的分系统是指刑事惩罚政策和社会预防政策。刑事惩罚政策是指国家机关运用刑事法律与违法犯罪作斗争的一切手段、方法和措施,包括刑事立法政策、刑事司法政策和刑事执行政策。刑事立法政策是指在刑事立法中的策略、方针和原则,是刑事立法的灵魂。刑事司法政策是指导刑事司法实践的具体指导思想和策略原则。刑事执行政策是指导刑事执行实践的具体指导思想和策略原则。当代刑事惩罚政策已经出现了犯罪化与非犯罪化和轻刑化、非监禁化和行刑社会化以及两极化的发展趋势。社会预防政策是指直接或间接地对犯罪的控制和预防产生影响的具体措施、策略和方法。社会预防政策可以分为宏观预防政策与微观预防政策。在社会转型期,社会预防政策也应进行合理的调整。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine one of the areas where there is a marked difference between Civil and Common contract law, that of the enforcement of liquidated damages and more particularly of penalty clauses. Common law judges are quite reluctant to enforce liquidated damages, especially if they believe that they include penalty clauses which are not enforceable. On the contrary, in almost all European contract laws liquidated damages are readily enforced, as are penalty clauses when they are not manifestly excessive. Although most law and economics scholars have criticized Common law courts for the non-enforcement of penalty clauses, there is a sizable minority of scholars who have defended the Common law “non-enforcement” policy on the ground that penalty clauses are inefficient because they hinder efficient breach. However, and despite the merits of the arguments advanced by advocates of the non-enforcement of penalty clauses, we believe that Common law’s rejection of penalty clauses is inefficient. We further show that the Civil law solution to the problem is not only comparatively more efficient, but that it can also appease the worries of those scholars who are afraid that efficient breaches will be deterred. The solution that Civil law systems give to the problem manages to enforce the parties’ wishes and to avoid deterring efficient breaches. However, we point out that in order for the Civil law systems to take advantage of this superiority, the interpretation of their Civil Codes should be guided by economic analysis and the respect to the wishes of the contracting parties.  相似文献   

根据刑法规定,通过贪污罪的犯罪结果与处刑数量之间的线性关系,把定量分析方法应用于贪污罪的处刑实践,并依此建立了贪污罪的量刑基准体系,以准确确定被告人应当承担刑事责任的数量,以减少司法实践中法官个体之间对贪污罪行为处刑的差异。  相似文献   

当代中国刑罚制度改革论纲   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
当今中国的刑罚制度需要在近年来已有进步的基础上进行系统改革和完善。在刑种和刑罚体系方面,需要通过立法和司法进一步严格限制死刑,完善或充实自由刑、财产刑、资格刑,并对刑罚体系和结构作整体调整;在刑罚裁量制度方面,应当将量刑原则明确化,量刑标准具体化,某些重要的酌定量刑情节法定化;在行刑制度方面,应当确立开放性行刑的理念,并建立、健全社区矫正制度;在刑罚消灭制度方面,应当考虑增补行刑时效和单位犯罪的时效制度,激活赦免制度;在特殊人群的刑罚适用方面,应对未成年犯罪人的刑罚适用予以全面的宽缓和有针对性的改革,并对老年犯罪人贯彻刑罚适用的宽恤。  相似文献   

应当根据刑法规定,通过贪污罪的犯罪结果与处刑数量之间的线性关系,把定量分析方法应用于贪污罪的处刑实践,并依此建立了贪污罪的量刑基准体系,以准确确定被告人应当承担刑事责任的数量,这样,可以减少司法实践中法官个体之间对贪污罪行为处刑的差异。  相似文献   

死刑案件公开审判问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
死刑案件审判的是最严重的刑事犯罪,公开审判是司法公正最重要的保证,死刑案件的公开审判对于维护司法公正、保障人权有极为重要的意义,受到国内外的广泛重视。本文解读联合国有关机构对死刑案件公开审判的要求,提出了公开审判在权利和义务层面的性质,分析了死刑案件公开审判要求的特殊性,介绍了国外在死刑案件公开审判方面的一些做法和存在的问题,分析了我国死刑案件公开审判的现状并提出了若干改革建议和实现的路径。  相似文献   

治安处罚的主要法律依据是《治安管理处罚条例》,法律的滞后导致了执法中的一系列问题。解决问题的基本途径就是要在坚持处罚原则、更新处罚观念的基础上修改法律。  相似文献   

This article undertakes a detailed examination of the practical desirability and legal validity of arbitration clauses under the Nigerian legal regime. This involves navigating through provisions of the relevant Rent Control and Recovery of Premises Law. Areas of incompatibility (including those bordering on jurisdiction, penal provisions and enforcement of awards) between the latter law and arbitration clauses are then discussed. Finally, recommendations are made to the effect that the Rent Control and Recovery of Premises Law should be amended.  相似文献   

王占洲 《时代法学》2009,7(6):90-93,99
缓刑是附条件不执行原判刑罚的一种刑罚制度,就其自身的制度设计而言已经比较完善。但其存在于刑罚制度的综合体系中,不可避免地要与其他刑罚制度发生关系,其中也出现了一些衔接不畅的情况。如缓刑考验期内如何适用减刑和自首、被宣告缓刑的犯罪分子同时剥夺政治权利的刑期计算问题等等。研究和解决这些问题有助于刑罚制度的整体完善。  相似文献   

胡伟 《行政与法》2007,(7):116-118
族刑作为中国古代一种残酷的刑罚种类,其产生和发展有其思想和制度上的根源。中国古的社会特点和结构,以及统治者的反人民性的本质,决定了族刑得以延续。对刑法的工具主义和刑罚的镇慑功能的追求,使得统治者历来信奉重刑治国。现代法治社会,对人权的保障,必须确立"罪止其身"的刑罚原则。  相似文献   

《刑法》第133条规定的逻辑结构决定了如若将交通肇事者肇事后报警并保护事故现场的行为认定为自首,将违反刑法禁止重复评价原则。通过与交通肇事罪同质的其他过失犯罪的法定刑配置对比,可得出交通肇事罪的基本法定刑适用情形中包含了肇事者报警并保护事故现场的内容之结论。其他法律、法规为肇事者设定自首义务有其心理学基础且契合作为法的整体精神。肇事者逃逸后又自动投案并如实供述自己罪行的成立本罪之自首。  相似文献   

What were the consequences of penal transportation to the New World for eighteenth‐century British criminal justice? Transportation has been described by scholars as either a replacement of the death penalty responsible for its decline, or a penal innovation responsible for punishing a multitude of people more severely than they would have been punished before. Using data from the Old Bailey Sessions Papers and the Parliamentary Papers, this study examines sentencing and execution trends in eighteenth‐century London. It takes advantage of the natural experiment provided by the passage of the 1718 Transportation Act that made transportation available as a penal sentence, thus enabling one to assess the “effect” of transportation on penal trends. This study finds that the primary consequence of the adoption of transportation was to make the criminal justice net more dense by subjecting people to a more intense punishment. While it was also associated with a small decline in capital sentences for some types of offenders, the adoption of transportation was also associated with an increase in the rate at which condemned inmates were executed. The study closes with a discussion of the conditions that may lead to law's unintended consequences, including the mesh‐thinning consequences observed here.  相似文献   

王洪亮 《法律科学》2014,(2):115-125
基于对违约金约定数额过高会导致债权人不当得利之担心,违约金被解释为赔偿性,并允许债务人申请酌减。这样的解释并无逻辑与实质根据,赔偿性违约金并非恢复违约金约定实质自由的适合工具。从当事人意思自由出发,惩罚性违约金才是本来意义上的违约金,主要发挥履约担保的功能,是原给付义务,是主给付义务的从义务,而与作为损害赔偿额之预定的赔偿性违约金不同。因此,违约金的酌减规则不应仅考虑实际损害的大小,而应根据债权人的担保目的予以判断,由此形成当事人之间的实质平衡。  相似文献   

劳动者违约金约定禁止之研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《劳动合同法》采取了劳动合同中劳动者违约金约定的一般禁止特殊例外的立法技术,在保障劳动者自由权的前提下,依据经济发展需求,适当保护用人单位财产权,以予平衡。本文通过对这种立法选择的法理研究,论证立法的合理性,并通过分析竞业限制和服务期中劳动者违约金承担的立法不足,提出应该合理限制服务期期限,以及实现离职后接受竞业限制约定的劳动者所得经济补偿金数额和违约金数额之间的平衡。  相似文献   

长期以来,在我国有期徒刑和死刑之间存在着广袤的“刑期真空地带”,无期徒刑的刑期已名不副实。从制度主义的视角来看,保留死刑也好,抑或是废除死刑设立终身监禁刑也罢,都存在着如何合理地解决好“有期”与“无期”之衔接的问题。从刑罚价值上看,无期徒刑既失去了其存在的正当性基础,也不具有了可行性,理应废除。为此建议,应在刑法上确定一种新的刑种——“相对不定期刑”替代现行“无期徒刑”,以弥补我国现行刑法制度设计上的罅隙。  相似文献   

国家司法资源的有限性以及犯罪人权利意识的不断提高,要求保持刑罚高效运作并产生良好的效果,故此效率价值便成为刑罚执行中的基本价值。刑罚执行的效率价值有其独特的含义,并且直接指引着刑罚的适用,抑制着无效、低效的刑罚运作体制。然而,由于我国的刑罚制度设计和执行制度存在着一定缺陷,我国行刑过程中存在刑罚价值普遍偏离的现象,有必要通过借鉴国内外研究成果和司法实践经验对我国现有刑罚执行制度进行反思、重构。通过调整立法权与司法权关系,赋予司法权较为充足的自由裁量权;给予刑罚执行相应的保障措施来确保刑罚的执行,进而提升我国刑罚执行中效率价值的实际效能。  相似文献   

Each year, in the United Kingdom more than two million of our fellow citizens are subject to some form of penal sanction, including imprisonment, house arrest, community punishment, fines, cautions and penalty notices. This will strike many as excessive.  相似文献   

涉及犯罪的税收违法行为,既是税收行政处罚的对象,也是刑法修正后逃税罪的制裁对象;如何衔接好行政程序与司法程序的双向互动,对于加强对逃税行为公法控制,规范税收管理秩序意义重大。  相似文献   

Christian fundamentalism has often been linked to death penalty support, despite mixed results across more than a decade of empirical studies. More recently, a line of research has emerged that has called for a reconceptualization of fundamentalism as harsh and rigid, instead of being more a multifaceted concept. In the spirit of this call, we investigated the relative importance of Christian fundamentalism on death penalty attitudes when compared with non-religious social attitudes. Using 1,560 respondents from the 2008 General Social Survey data, we found self-identified Christian fundamentalism, though not biblical literalism or religious denomination, remained a significant predictor of death penalty attitudes when attitudes toward LGBT marriage equality were included in the model. Unexpectedly, white women who endorsed LGBT marriage equality were also more likely to support the death penalty. Based on our findings, we discuss implications and areas for future research.  相似文献   

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