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制定和完善司法鉴定行业鉴定技术标准是一项艰巨的系统工程 ,目前除法医学和司法精神病学出台了由国家相关部门联合制定颁布的统一适用的行业技术标准外 ,多数鉴定专业领域的鉴定技术标准和规范尚属空白。因而 ,确立司法鉴定统一的管理机关具体负责技术标准的制定修订工作尤为迫切 ,这是每一位专业技术鉴定人员面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

申奥 《学理论》2012,(24):151-152
从古至今较著名的中国传统十大翻译,成为文本翻译的指航灯。口译作为翻译的基本形式,有着与文本翻译不同的工作要求,必然有不同的评价标准,但目前较为著名的口译标准,多是自我的经验总结。梳理了著名的翻译标准,文笔翻译与口译活动的不同,以及著名的口译标准,在口译研究跨学科的发展形势下,新的口译标准的诞生势在必行。  相似文献   

五、GDP、GNP对资本流动和民族企业融资的影响 1.追求GDP导致资金流出增加和国内企业融资困难 追求GDP导致国际收支顺差增大和资金流出增加,民族企业融资困难.随着出口增加和外资引进加速,国际收支顺差增加,特别是资本项目顺差更多.入世2年来,我国在引进外资方面成效卓著,每年都有500多亿美元的外国直接投资进入我国.与此同时,我国的资金在加速流出.在我国的结售汇制度下,由于流入的外国资金都要转换成外汇储备,外汇储备主要是储备美元、欧元的债券.  相似文献   

纪莹 《学理论》2010,(8):157-158
在进入到21世纪后,国家教育部相继制订了《普通高中英语课程标准》及《大学英语课程教学要求》,开始对实行多年的英语教学进行反思,加强了中学英语教育与高校英语教育的衔接。本文对《课程标准》及《教学要求》进行分析对比,论证大学英语教育在教学目标、学习策略和自主性培养等多方面的可持续性发展的可行性,为实现教学服务社会的终极目标提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The 1911 Parliament Act decreed that Lords reform was ‘an urgent question which brooks no delay’, yet the subsequent 112 years have witnessed only sporadic and inchoate reforms. The issue has invariably suffered both from interparty disagreement between the Conservatives and Labour and, more importantly, intraparty disagreements owing to the divergent views and irreconcilable disagreements among Labour MPs over ‘what is to be done?’, and recognition that any reform which enhanced the legitimacy of the second chamber would threaten the pre-eminence of the House of Commons and a Labour government therein. A similar fate is likely to befall the Labour Party's latest proposal for replacing the current House of Lords with an elected second chamber. Meanwhile, the Conservative peer, Lord Norton, is seeking to place the House of Lords Appointments Commission (HOLAC) on a statutory basis and impose stricter criteria on prime ministerial nominations for peerages. Yet, this would still leave any Prime Minister with considerable powers of patronage in appointing members of the second chamber. This article therefore suggests that a Prime Minister should only be permitted to nominate 20 per cent of the membership, with the rest appointed via HOLAC itself, thereby depoliticising the process as far as practicably possible, and imbuing it with greater public trust.  相似文献   

Resulting from the global economic crisis, high budget deficits and debt burden characterise many economies looking for an exit strategy from current fiscal unbalances. The government of Estonia, having pursued a conservative fiscal policy for over a decade, reacted to the economic recession with radical budget adjustments, the latter constituting approximately 9% of gross domestic product in 2009. Consequently, Estonia took its chance and qualified for the euro in 2011. This study examines the behaviour of the Estonian central government and the basis of its budget decisions when planning drastic cost reductions through the theoretical lens of cutback management. The foremost results reveal that the crisis pushed the government to establish a different institutional framework that facilitated fast and effective decision‐making during the budget process. The savings proposals came from the Ministry of Finance; however, running a cash‐basis line‐item budgeting system in practice, the centre possessed only limited performance data for developing the proposals. Consequently, the long‐term impacts of the budget adjustments had not been assessed and are as yet unknown. A further conclusion is that the current budgeting framework should be revised and replaced step by step with a more advanced approach. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent reforms instituted in the network of higher education in Israel have focused on two elements: adjusting the managerial structure of the universities to make it more amenable to market criteria of efficiency and reducing the proportional weight of state funding to the universities compared to that allotted to the technical and professional colleges. The main elements of this process—increasing power of managers in academic institutions, shifting universities toward entrepreneurialism, the idea of the service university, and the massification of the system of higher education—are characteristic of similar changes in higher education in the U.K., the U.S.A., Canada, and Australia.This article examines the impact of organizational and structural changes on the categories of knowledge produced, and by extension on the production of knowledge itself. By examining changes in the organization of higher education in Israel and in particular in the social sciences, the article suggests that institutional and academic diversification have influenced the categorization of legitimate knowledge pertaining to society, the economy, and the political arena—the traditional terrain of the social sciences—and hence what is considered knowledge worth knowing about these subjects. Finally, the article points to certain political interests that have motivated this change, and examines their larger impact upon Israeli society.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the diagnostic criteria for postbullying disorder, which enable the persons who provide therapy services for bullying victims, because until now, there are no criteria to help clinicians diagnose postbullying disorder. This study employed phenomenological research design. Purposive sampling was adopted to sample six university students who are experiencing the bullying behavior from their colleagues in the university campus. The results revealed that there are eight criteria for diagnosing postbullying disorder among victims. These are trauma exposure, symptoms of penetration, avoidance, perception and negative emotions, self‐destructive behavior, dysfunction due to symptoms, duration (1 month or more) of symptoms, and the criteria that the bullying symptoms cannot be attributed to the use of substances or drugs of another medical conditions. Results shed new light on the diagnostic criteria for postbullying disorder and proved the usefulness of these criteria in understanding the development of the postbullying symptoms among victims. These findings enable schools and universities to plan psychotherapy interventions for victims.  相似文献   

试论政策评估的焦点及其标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策评估应该聚焦于什么内容与政策评估有哪些标准,这是政策评估中两个最为重要的问题。政策评估不是“数豆子的游戏”,它针对的是政策影响而非政策输出。政策评估关注的是政策结果带来的影响。政策评估标准基于多维理性,这些标准主要包括政策效益、政策效率、充分性、公平性、回应性和适当性。政策评估的公平性标准更是涉及个人福利最大化、保障最低福利、净福利最大化、再分配福利最大化的公平思路,阿罗悖论、阿马蒂亚·森选择模式、帕累托标准、卡尔多-希克斯标准、罗尔斯的差别原则等为政策评估的公平性标准提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Turkey is a case of a Muslim-majority country that has known an experience of representative democracy almost uninterrupted since the Second World War. The historical passages that have characterized the path to democracy in Turkey have configured the current set of powers. The aim of this article is to explore how the democratization process in Turkey is relevant in procedural, substantive, and result terms. In the first part is undertaken a historical overview from the perspective of modernization and democratic consolidation carried out by Turkey, also on the basis of the ability to meet the requirements of the Copenhagen political criteria. The second part investigates eight dimensions in which democracy spreads its effects in order to assess the quality of democracy of Turkey.  相似文献   

本文阐述了传统的材料力学实验教学的特点和现状,分析了材料力学教学实践中存在的问题及原因,结合实际情况,提出了实验教学改革和发展的几点设想。  相似文献   

社会责任感是个体基于对国家和社会的热爱,主动承担社会责任的一种意识,国民社会责任感的状况直接关系国家未来的发展前途。然而,在我国当前社会经济背景下,"功利主义"、"拜金主义"充斥,社会责任感缺失现象频发,严重制约我国和谐社会的构建。旨在以大学生社会责任感现状为对象,分析社会责任感缺失的原因;进而,从多方面努力,避免消极因素,调动积极因素,促进大学生坚持社会主义核心价值观的形成,培养其社会责任感。  相似文献   

姜胜影  李广才 《学理论》2010,(10):238-239
2004年10月,中共中央国务院发出《关于进一步加强和改进思想政治教育的意见》,强调指出,大学生是十分宝贵的人才资源,是民族的希望,是祖国的未来。加强和改进大学生思想政治教育,提高他们的思想政冶素质,探索大学生思想政治教育的方法,把他们培养成中国特色社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,加快推进社会主义现代化的宏伟目标,确保中国特色社会主义事业兴旺发达,具有重大而深远的战略意义。  相似文献   

罗俊 《学理论》2012,(17):213-214
教师的人格魅力是教师的性格、气质、能力等个性特征的总和,是教师个人整体的精神风貌,它对学生有很大的影响,能够促进学生人格的发展。教师要注意塑造自己高尚的人格,发挥人格力量的独特魅力去影响学生。  相似文献   

大数据时代信息主体需要对其个人信息更强有力的法律保护,与此同时,信息业者呼唤对合理收集、处理信息的法律认可,信息主体和信息业者都对法律提出自己的利益诉求。基于对人格利益和信息自由的利益平衡以及对信息人格属性和财产属性的利益归属,应以利益平衡思想指导个人信息保护立法,对信息主体和信息业者的不同利益诉求进行不同保护,并对个人信息不同权利主体的权利内容进行科学界定。  相似文献   

黄宁 《学理论》2009,(11):134-136
游仙诗发展到曹魏时期,是个重大的转折,曹氏父子首先借重道家的外衣与内核,将游仙诗由叙事的转为抒情的,由不葺的转为整齐的,由朴野的转为文人的,直接影响了后世游仙诗的写作方向。郭璞及曹唐的游仙诗都可在这里寻到源头。  相似文献   

近年来,合同外包日益成为地方政府提供公共服务的重要机制。本文基于二手数据,在对地方政府公共服务合同外包发展状况(2000~2009)的概括性分析中发现,2000年以来,地方政府公共服务合同外包发展迅猛,其应用的广泛性和深入性均前所未有,并且逐步迈入法制化轨道。由于影响合同外包成效的因素相当复杂,政府显然缺乏相关操作经验,无论是在合同外包的决策当中还是在实施当中,"审慎"是最明智的策略。  相似文献   

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