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两岸国际教育集团(两岸早教)是来自台湾地区的婴幼儿早期教育权威机构:她所创造的秉承中华民族悠久的历史文化底蕴、融合东西方文化的思想精髓的多元教育理念品牌,正在悄然引领高品质早期早教的新航向.  相似文献   

死刑具有最有效的威慑作用论之否定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周蔚 《政治与法律》2007,8(6):120-127
死刑具有最有效的威慑功能这个神话一直为许多学者大肆宣扬,并成为了广大统治者控制犯罪的信条。但是二百多年来,不少学者提出了相反的看法,并不断地论证"死刑具有最有效的威慑作用"的非科学性。对"神话"的证伪有两大进路,一是从逻辑思维的角度进行,另一途径是从实证分析的角度进行。通过对"神话"的证伪,可以为政治家、立法者、司法者正确对待死刑提供科学理论指导。  相似文献   

正两岸国际教育集团(两岸早教)是来自台湾地区的婴幼儿早期教育权威机构。她所创造的秉承中华民族悠久的历史文化底蕴、融合东西方文化的思想精髓的多元教育理念品牌,正在悄然引领高品质早期早教的新航向。两岸早教荟萃世界顶尖教育理论和成果,并将科学开发少儿潜能与寓教于乐的学习课程有机结合,在亲子课程、游泳抚触、感觉统合课程、音乐  相似文献   

裁判方法在当下似乎成为统一法律适用与规范裁量权的灵丹妙药。但是,方法并非我们想象的那样总是可靠而且有效。〔1〕特别是在辩证法与形而上学发生了巨大的范式分野之后,坚持什么方法就必须考察其背后的方法论。在裁判方法论的理论版图上,一直存在着独断主  相似文献   

刘庆柱 《法制与社会》2010,(19):245-245
本文分析了儿童早期教育的发展,以及早期教育的重要性,在以后的社会发展当中如何看待早期教育这一社会发展趋势,以期给一些不太了解早期教育的家长们一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

面对不断攀升的犯罪,善良的人们总是期望借助科学的灵丹妙药,将所有犯罪分子手到擒来.  相似文献   

中小学教学内容的城市偏向分析——以语文教科书为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小学语文教学内容有一定程度的城市偏向,主要表现在一种城市生活的价值取向上,并可能培养农村孩子羡慕城市的情感;而农村家庭对孩子早期教育的不足和为孩子所输送的文化资本与学校教育的不连续性,又影响了他们通过学业成功进入城市的机会.可通过加强农村早期教育、成人教育、乡土教育、职业教育等方法以谋求现状的改变,但同时须注意现实问题的复杂性.  相似文献   

山西省忻府区妇幼保健院通过认真学习深刻领会科学发展观的内涵,做好以人为本、持续发展的文章,使医院面貌焕然一新,为民服务的思想进一步拓展,许多孕产妇、婴幼儿成了最大的受益群体,惠及成千上万个家庭.  相似文献   

偷盗婴幼儿的行为严重侵犯婴幼儿的人身权利,对婴幼儿亲属造成极大精神损害,许多家庭因此骨肉分离,甚至家破人亡,并由此引发一系列社会问题,直接影响社会和谐稳定,人民群众对此深恶痛绝。而现行刑法对此行为却没有单独设立罪名,笔者认为不妥。  相似文献   

《庄子》是我国先秦文学中运用语言、神话较多的文本之一。神话思维成为《庄子》的一种文本体现,同时语言的特殊含义在《庄子》的神话思维下得到充分的发挥。二者结合起来构成了《庄子》文章的神秘艺术气息,与其思想境界共同构成了《庄子》的特色。  相似文献   

In an effort to characterize the attitudes and characteristics of men who solicit sex, this study investigated rape myth acceptance as assessed by a modification of Burt's Rape Myth Acceptance Scale. The participants were all men who took part in the Prostitution Offender Program of British Columbia after being arrested for attempting to solicit sex from an undercover police officer. Relationships between endorsement of rape myths, other attitudes, sexual behavior, and demographic variables were examined. Results reveal that age, education, use of pornography, ideal frequency of intercourse, and believing that purchasing sex is a problem are all negatively correlated with rape myth acceptance. Positive correlations were found between rape myth acceptance and sexual conservatism, sexual violence/coercion, and social desirability. Results are discussed in terms of the association between rape myth acceptance and the violence frequently perpetrated against those working in the sex trade.  相似文献   

This study investigates the structure of Struckman-Johnson and Struckman-Johnson's Male Rape Myth Scale, examines gender differences in rape myth acceptance, and explores the underlying ideologies that facilitate male rape myth acceptance. A three-factor model, with rape myths regarding Trauma, Blame, and Denial as separate subscales, is the best fitting solution. However, the results indicate that additional scale development and validity tests are necessary. In exploratory analyses, men are more accepting of male rape myths than are women. Benevolent sexism toward men and acceptance of interpersonal violence are strong predictors of male rape myth acceptance for both men and women. Thus, the attitudes that facilitate rape myth acceptance against men appear to be similar to those that facilitate rape myth acceptance against women. Suggestions for future scale development are outlined and theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Rape myths are prejudicial and stereotyped beliefs about rape which persist in society. They may have a significant impact on those affected by rape as well as the performance of legal and public participants in the justice system. Rape myths may differ over time and within different societies and cultural settings. Awareness of contemporary and local rape myths is necessary if they are to be successfully challenged through public campaigns and other means. This study sought to assess the prevalence of myths concerning rape and sexual abuse in a national population survey.  相似文献   

Rape committed during adolescence is a vital indicator for predicting the propensity of committing rape in adulthood. Moreover, although numerous studies related juvenile rape have been proposed in Western countries, most of these studies have focused on the impact of personal factors, and have neglected to examine the impact of rape myths. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the relationship between rape myths and male juvenile rape. This study used an anonymous self-report questionnaire to collect data. Participants included 466 male middle- and high-school students in Taiwan. The results showed that rape myths are associated with juvenile rape. Furthermore, rape victim myths were the myth category relating to juvenile rape, rather than rape perpetrator myths. Among the rape victim myths, the dimension, women secretly wish to be raped, had the strongest association. Discussions pertaining to implications, applications, limitations, and future research are included in the present study.  相似文献   

The current study extends previous research on marital rape and acceptance of general rape myths by comparing the perceptions of undergraduate college students (n = 85) to those of college alumni/ae (n = 44) who graduated from the same university three decades earlier. Participants read a hypothetical rape scenario that depicted the perpetrator as either the victim's husband or neighbor and completed three measures of different aspects of rape myth acceptance. Results indicated that although participants reported fairly low levels of support for different aspects of rape myths, certain rape myths were more strongly endorsed than were others. Furthermore, rape myth acceptance was stronger for marital rape than for acquaintance rape and for undergraduates than for college alumni/ae. Practical and theoretical implications of this study are discussed.  相似文献   


Research into rape myth acceptance (RMA) first emerged in the 1970s, when authors such as Brownmiller (1975) and Burt (1980) proposed that rape was a mechanism that allowed men to exert power over women and that the endorsement of rape myths justified this sexual dominance. These influential theories have meant that subsequent definitions of rape myths have failed to acknowledge male victims of serious sexual assault, despite an increase in prevalence rates. More recent research has attempted to explore RMA in relation to male victims, with results suggesting that men are more likely than women to endorse rape myths regarding male victims when the victim is assumed to be homosexual, or when the victim is heterosexual and the perpetrator is female. Brownmiller's theory is challenged and a more holistic view of the importance of sex-role traditionality is explored, while acknowledging the contribution of individual factors relating to the development of RMA.  相似文献   


This article illustrates how the social construction of both knowledge and popular culture has been influenced by mythic images of “fair and virginal” good women and “dark and sensual” evil women-what is commonly called the madonna/whore duality. The article examines the myth of Lilith, first wife of Adam, and the images of good and evil women that we can distill from creation myths. We then demonstrate how these images of good and evil women are illustrated in early twentieth century criminology and the 1920s melodrama Lilith.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that investments in early childhood schools have short-term crime reducing effects in neighborhoods. Time series data from the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, were analyzed to evaluate the effects of an early childhood school built in the neighborhood of Kendall-Whittier as part of a larger neighborhood revitalization plan, on violent and property crime. Results revealed that after controlling for city-wide crime trends and monthly fluctuations, violent crime declined significantly in Kendall-Whittier. Further analysis indicated that the possible crime-reducing effects of school investments on violent crime spread beyond Kendall-Whittier, and no displacement was found. The results for property crime were mixed. The study demonstrates the use of clustering analysis, a useful tool in neighborhood-level research to identify comparison neighborhoods. The findings shed light on the possibility that investments in early childhood schools can yield results in a shorter term than anticipated, making them a desirable component of urban revitalization.  相似文献   

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of rape myth acceptance, belief in a just world, and sexual attitudes on attributions of responsibility in a date rape scenario. We predicted that people higher in rape myth acceptance and those who more strongly believed in a just world, as well as those who held more conservative sexual attitudes, would attribute greater blame to the accuser than to the accused. Methods. One hundred seventy‐two undergraduates from a medium‐sized, Catholic university in the USA read a hypothetical date rape scenario and completed the Rape Myth Acceptance Scale, the Just World Scale, the Sexual Attitudes Scale, and a Judgment Questionnaire constructed for the current study. Results. Rape myth acceptance mediated the relationship between gender and judgments of responsibility for the accused and the accuser. Men were more likely to endorse rape myths and, consequently, assign less responsibility to the accused and more responsibility to the accuser than women. Conclusions. Pre‐existing beliefs regarding the nature of rape and the circumstances surrounding it may bias attributions of responsibility in date rape cases. There may be utility in addressing whether jurors hold such beliefs prior to the start of a trial.  相似文献   

It appears that immediately after the Central Electoral Commission totalled up the preliminary results, postelection fever and hysteria broke out, embracing not only politicians and journalists but a portion of the public as well, and that very widespread myths took hold, serving as the base on which public consciousness has attempted to adapt to a new political reality. A calm professional analysis now shows, however, that much of what happened to us simply could not have occurred otherwise, that clear roots and obvious causes existed. There is much we simply did not want to notice or to acknowledge, while attempting to pass off the desirable for the real and reality for a myth. But timidity of the mind has taken its toll, and the time has now come to draw some lessons.  相似文献   

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