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As the curtain lifted on the year 2003,two classic love stories were staged in China:the Peking Opera The West Chamber and French musical Notre Dame de Paris.To the throngs of theater-goers who went to these performances,they were an aural and visual Chinese/cordon bleu feast.  相似文献   

政府社会管理职能绩效评价是政府管理中的一个重点和难点问题。本文采用数据包络分析模型对中国30个省(直辖市、自治区)的政府社会管理职能绩效进行时空差异分析和实证评价。研究发现,30个省(直辖市、自治区)的政府社会管理职能绩效具有空间差异性、雁行形态和区域梯度性、时间动态变化性、结构复杂性特征。为进一步提高我国政府社会管理职能绩效,本文提出了有关对策建议。  相似文献   

新时期以来,中央民族歌舞团致力于优秀少数民族歌舞艺术精品的生产,坚持生产经营与市场接轨,不断提升创新水平,大胆探索,科学实践,创作上演了多台综合性晚会、舞蹈晚会和音乐会,如:《多彩的家园》、《天地祥云》、《盛世中华》、《舞在天地间》、  相似文献   

高校的行政行为是指其行使依法律授权的、为保障公共教育职能实现而实施的各种对教育合同的存续与教育目的实现直接有关的行为,此时的高校成为行政主体。其公权力具体包括录取权、学籍管理权、奖惩权、考试权、证书颁发权以及强化的民事管理权等方面。  相似文献   

Min Chen 《当代中国》1992,1(1):86-98
National culture and traditions exert tremendous influence on the formation of organizational cultures and their performances. Many have agreed that the economic progress of east Asian nations has benefitted from the Confucian ethic. But, for a long time, the Chinese economy was not nearly as dynamic. One typical of socialist economic system. What was the influence of Confucianism during this period? The paper exammed Confucianism and cultural environment of Chinese management, especially the four aspects:1. respect for hierarchy and age; 2. group orientation; 3. the concept of face; and 4. the importance of guanxi. And then it discussed socialism and Chinese management problems, such as structural problems of organizations, the issues of managerial resources, efficiency problems and labor management. And then, the paper analyzed Confucian impact in the deficient socialist management systems to see whether the key values of Confucianism are in conflict with the key values of socialism. The conclusion was that some of the management problems in China that are typical of socialist systems have been aggravated by the values of Confucianism, which, when combined with capitalism, tends to contribute more to dynamic economic development. Reasons were also discussed. Therefore, the key to Chinese management reform lies in the success of combining market system with positive Confucian values. The tendency to totally ignore the influence of Confucian tradition in introducing western management is as harmful as the tendency to preserve all Confucian traditions.  相似文献   

Participating countries at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai can choose a day as their National Pavilion Day.The day is usually celebrated with ceremonies and performances,which bring the nation’s culture and its character to life.  相似文献   

桑农 《思想战线》2007,33(2):19-23
当代学术界有关中国美学的研究既有一定的成绩,又存在一定的误区。中国美学资源的发掘、中国美学话语的重建、中国美学经验的阐释,三种思路各有得失。只有以当代中国的艺术与审美经验为理据,解决当代中国的美学问题,中国美学才能完成其现代建构,真正做到既是中国的,又是世界的。  相似文献   

Jia Qingguo 《当代中国》2005,14(42):11-21
With the rise of China, the importance of understanding Chinese nationalism increases. Assessing Chinese nationalism, many people claim that it has grown stronger and more intense in recent years. Some believe that this is the case because the Chinese Government deliberately promotes nationalism to serve its own purposes. This paper argues that the reality with Chinese nationalism is much more complicated than many assume. It has grown stronger in some respects but weaker in others. The role of the Chinese Government is at best mixed. In explaining the development of Chinese nationalism, one needs to look at external as well as internal and historical causes. Only by doing so can one gain a fuller and more balanced understanding of this intriguing phenomenon.  相似文献   

华侨博物馆作为华侨华人文化遗产收藏、保护、研究、展示的专门机构,其兴建主体、捐赠主体、展陈内容等方面有着明显的地域特点。华侨博物馆在促进华侨华人乡土文化认同及中华文化认同方面有着得天独厚的条件和方法,它通过具有地域特点的藏品和展览为海外华侨华人的乡土文化认同构建提供了基础和途径。基于这些优势,华侨博物馆将在促进华侨华人乡土认同方面发挥越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

新时期侨务工作以三个大有作为为战略契机,致力于凝聚侨心、汇集侨智、发挥侨力、维护侨益。随着新生代华侨华人群体的不断壮大,在凝聚侨心的工作中,除了重视中华传统文化的纽带作用外,还应重视海内外侨胞信任机制的建设。在凝聚侨心目标下,本文通过两利益主体参与和第三方利益主体参与的博弈理论分析以及MATLAB 7.0模拟第三方参与下的多利益主体分析得出结论:第三方参与模式是海内外侨胞信任机制构建的关键所在。  相似文献   

正One former UN program manager explains how calligraphy reflects the roots of Chinese culture After setting up the Chinese calligraphy class at the UN in 2011,Yong Ho,former Chinese Language Supervisor of the UN,instinctively knew the task at hand was a challenging one.  相似文献   

赵越 《八桂侨刊》2021,(1):29-35,44
古巴华侨华人是中国在古巴形象的代言人,也是中国在古巴形象的塑造者。19世纪末至20世纪初,古巴华人群体经历了华工、华商及自由移民者等不同历史阶段。在特定历史背景下,华人在古巴社会中作为“他者”的形象构建与塑造是存在一定差异的。而古巴社会对华人形象的认知,既有对其正面形象的肯定,也有一定程度上对其负面形象的误读。  相似文献   

王娟 《贵州民族研究》2005,25(5):96-101
近代百年历史,是中华民族共同体由“自在”向“自觉”状态转变的关键时期。孙中山在这一转变过程中做出了突出的历史贡献:他在清末已有的中华民族一体化观念的基础上,在终生革命过程中酝酿并形成个人的中华民族观念。它是中国近代中华民族一体化发展过程中的阶段性产物,反过来又极大推动了近代中华民族观念的形成与进一步传播。  相似文献   

张笛 《八桂侨刊》2020,(1):81-93
马来西亚是除中国大陆、台湾、港澳地区以外唯一保留华文教育体系的国家并且华文教育体系完备,具有鲜明的国别特点。对2000年以来马来西亚华文教育的相关文献进行梳理和归纳,主要是整体状况、学校、教材、课程、师资与学习动机六个主题。新世纪马来西亚华文教育总体呈现以下五个特点:华文教育的推广和国家建设之间的博弈;各层次华文学校皆在夹缝中生存;华文教材和课程体系不完善且水平参差不齐;华文师资紧缺且教师专业素质不高;华文学习动机体现了深层次的语言意识形态。马来西亚华文教育在华人的努力和奋斗下,整体上既有困境和挑战也有光明的未来,发展道路并不平坦,但由于各种国际和国内因素的交织,尚有较大的发展空间。  相似文献   

On March 7, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi spoke to Chinese and foreign media at a press conference at the Fourth Session of the 11th National People's Congress. Edited highlights follow:  相似文献   

The China Society of Human Rights Studies and the Human Rights Research Center at Nankai University jointly hosted a seminar on "The 10~(th) Anniversary of the Blue Book on Human Rights and the Chinese Human Rights Concept,Discourse and Theory" on December 19~(th),2020.Experts at the meeting expressed their views and discussed the organization,style,and system of the Blue Book on Human Rights;the concept,expression,and dissemination of the Chinese human rights discourse;the paradigm,principle,and structure of the Chinese human rights theory;and the objectives,paths,and development of the Chinese human rights enterprise.  相似文献   

中国共产党成立后,根据不同历史时期的国情把握和实践需要,围绕实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦这一主题,提出诸多长远的和阶段性奋斗目标。党在民主革命时期逐梦的历史轨迹的当代启示是:实现中国梦,必须善于根据中国国情和具体历史条件的变化,制定切合实际的纲领和奋斗目标,并找到使中华民族走向伟大复兴的正确道路和依靠力量;实现中国梦是一个长期曲折的过程,不可能一蹴而就,需要一代又一代中国共产党人带领人民接续奋斗。  相似文献   

泰国中华总商会成立于1910年,至今已整整一个世纪。在百年的历史发展进程中,泰国中华总商会从无到有,从一个小规模的社团发展到当地最有影响力的社团之一。它的影响力辐射到整个泰华社会,甚至于在泰中两国的友好合作、经贸往来、文化交流等方面都有着深远的影响。1975年泰国与中华人民共和国建立外交关系,两国在取消泰国华人双重国籍问题上达成一致,加快了泰国华人加入泰籍获得公民权利的进程。在这个背景下,泰国中华总商会作为当地重要的侨团组织,随着20世纪70年代泰华社会的转变,其性质也发生了重大转变,即从"华侨社团"转变为"华人社团"。  相似文献   

Sven Grimm 《当代中国》2014,23(90):993-1011
Chinese engagement in African states has increased tremendously over the last decade, much in line with Chinese globalisation strategies and supported by state encouragement and financial support. The size and potential of China as a world power leads to the level of expectations the country faces from the developing world. However, some elements of these expectations are also created through political discourses which emphasise differences with Western countries. The types of promises that the Chinese leadership makes to create such enthusiastic welcome amongst African political leaders are linked closely to the discourse on South–South cooperation. Albeit different from Western development assistance promises and parallel attempts to produce moderate expectations, the current discourse is thus partly sowing the seeds for future disappointment. This article takes a closer look at the discussions around South–South cooperation in China–Africa relations and at key rhetorical features (‘mutual benefit’; ‘non-interference’) and at the practice of this cooperation. It concludes that the Chinese discourse is creating large public expectations in African countries and while China delivers on many projects, its impact on development is less certain. The overall development success of this strategy builds on longer-term success and is implicitly linked to the occurrence of more reforms in Africa. Chinese policy thus ‘bets on the future’ in their foreign relations with Africa; the success of this strategy is dependent on political circumstances among the partners that are largely beyond Chinese control. In a number of cases, it can thus be expected that currently up-beat political rhetoric is going to meet obstacles that will require adjustments in a discourse that, in its current form, might undermine Chinese credibility if not the core elements of South–South cooperation altogether.  相似文献   

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