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DNA数据库9个STR基因座比中认定亲权的可靠性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨Profiler plus试剂盒9个常染色体STR基因座用于DNA数据库中双亲亲缘关系比中结果认定亲权的可靠性。方法在DNA数据库中搜集无关个体与已知母子(或父子)在9个STR基因座不排除亲缘关系的比中记录54例,组成54例假定的三联体家庭,计算其PI值与RCP值;应用Identifiler试剂盒加做到15个常染色体STR基因座,观察其排除情况。结果在54例假定三联体中PI值最低为178.598597(RCP=99.443203%),最高为97318.085812(RCP=99.998972%)。加做到15个STR基因座后,54例假定三联体中每个三联体至少出现2个基因座排除,最多5个基因座出现排除的现象,平均排除基因座数为3.52个。结论Profilerplus试剂盒9个STR基因座用于亲缘关系鉴定可能出现错误结论;单纯利用RCP值来认定亲缘关系是不安全的;建议应用16个或更多的基因座建设DNA数据库和进行亲缘关系判定。  相似文献   

本文针对我校读者对LexisNexis数据库的使用进行了粗浅分析:建议读者应充分利用在线资源,灵活运用检索工具,合理分析在线时间。  相似文献   

罪犯DNA数据库计算机检索系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的开发供输入、输出和检索罪犯DNA遗传特征的计算机软件包。方法用中文VisualFoxpro30数据库开发软件编程,在建立罪犯DNA数据库的基础上,根据STR基因型的类型,设计成显示、增加、编辑、查询、打印和退出等程序模块,并由主程序调用。结果提供一套在中文Windows98环境支持下的、全屏幕菜单提示和操作的罪犯DNA数据库计算机检索系统,它能有效地用于罪犯身份的识别  相似文献   

Lexisnexis数据库检索与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了Lexisnexis数据库的特点及检索方法。该数据库咨询内容广泛,特别是法律方面的内容是其一大特色。该库提供了多功能的检索方法及全方位的服务。非常便于读者使用。  相似文献   

法庭科学DNA数据库是打击犯罪的一柄利器,但是,对DNA样本的提取和使用却会带来很大的风险。提取公民DNA生物样本的行为可能侵犯身体完整权,分析和储存DNA分型结果会侵犯公民的资讯决定权,储存DNA生物样本可能严重侵犯公民的隐私权。为保护公民权利,西方国家要求建立和运用DNA数据库应当遵循合法性原则、司法审查原则、比例原则以及分散管理原则。我国法庭科学DNA数据库在筹建和运行过程中还存在一些问题,西方国家在这方面的成功经验对我国DNA数据库的改革与完善提供可贵的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

建立法庭科学DNA数据库(以下称DNA数据库)为刑事侦查工作提供又一个主动进攻的新手段,其重要性和必要性已经得到了广泛深入的论述,一些地方已经开始了DNA数据库的建设工作,其强大的破案效益正日益显现出来.本文研究了DNA数据库在实际应用、建设过程、技术管理、信息安全和技术发展等方面的需求,全面阐述了江苏省公安机关DNA数据库的构成,并对其实现方法加以研讨.  相似文献   

Zhang WJ  Zhou XP  Jia ZJ 《法医学杂志》2003,19(4):249-252
随着人类基因组计划的进展,全面深入地了解个体和群体间基因组的变异或多态性已成为可能,并日益显示其重要性。X染色体遗传标记的遗传多态性较多地表现在短串联重复序列和单核苷酸的多态性。这类多态性有助于解释个体的表型差异、不同群体和个体对疾病,特别是对复杂疾病的易感性、以及对各种药物的耐受性和对环境因子的反应,因此受到临床及法医工作者的重视。本文收集了国内外X染色体遗传标记在临床疾病诊断及法医DNA工作者实践中的研究和应用资料,汇总报道了X染色体遗传标记的研究进展。  相似文献   

法律文献信息的计算机存贮与检索已成为一种先进的传播交流手段,这已被广大法律工作者所广泛接受和使用。本文给大家介绍了在美国极具代表性的计算机法律检索文库--WESTLAW及其所括数据库的内容和主要的检索方法。  相似文献   

2000年6月16日至30日,公安部DNA技术与管理考察团对美国、加拿大DNA技术及数据库管理进行了考察。通过对美国联邦调查局(FBI)、弗吉尼亚州的法庭科学实验室和加拿大安大略省政府法庭科学实验室的DNA检验技术及数据库管理的实地考察,使我们对处于世界领先水平的美、加两国DNA技术应用和数据库建设与管理有了比较全面的了解,也正确认识了我国DNA检验技术和在数据库建设方面与世界先进水平的差距。1美国、加拿大DNA技术应用和建库管理情况美国FBIDNA实验室、弗吉尼亚州DNA法庭科学实验室和加拿大安大略省政府DNA…  相似文献   

国家法庭科学DNA数据库建设势在必行   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
列举实例论述了建立国家DNA数据库的重要性,并对数据库建设可能面临的重要问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Scientific and technological progress in the field of forensic genetics is very useful in the resolution of criminal cases, but it entails the need for a deep ethical reflection, as the individual Fundamental Rights may be violated.This project aims to collect and compare the opinion of prisoners and prison officials on what characteristics the country's forensic database should have. In this context, 210 subjects were surveyed, 101 of them prisoners and the rest prison officials, from three different Spanish penitentiary centers.Among the results obtained, most prisoners and officials consider the national DNA database to be useful, and additionally, a 40% of the participants would support the integration of the profiles of the entire population. 64% considered it ethical to use the DNA profiles of the database as a tool for familial searching. Despite this, half of the respondents are concerned about the future uses of the DNA database.Integrating the opinion of these analyzed groups with other relevant judicial, scientific and ethical convictions, ensures the regulation between security and individual’s Human Rights.  相似文献   

中国法庭科学DNA数据库   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
本文综述了中国法庭科学DNA数据库的建立和发展过程、DNA数据库结构、内容、特点、作用以及存在的问题、发展方向、展望,目的是为如何进一步建设好具有中国特色的DNA数据库提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The Reuniting Families project attempts to aid federal, state and local agencies currently working towards the identification of deceased undocumented immigrants. This initiative has created a distributed on-line database, accessible by public officials and private citizens interested in searching for missing individuals based on both phenotypic and genotypic characteristics. This broad effort includes the exhumation of individuals from geographically disparate pauper graves, the classification of their physical characteristics, and the cataloging of observed metric traits in a local relational database, to include associated articles of possession and related metadata. Concurrent with the documentation of physical forensic evidence is the analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences. Computational techniques and scoring parameters are applied to automate the process of discovery and identification as well at to preserve information on the missing. The result is a prototype knowledge base that may serve as a model for future efforts in international forensic science collaborations.  相似文献   

We describe how a very simple application of familial searching resolved a decade‐old, high‐profile rape/murder in France. This was the first use of familial searching in a criminal case using the French STR DNA database, which contains approximately 1,800,000 profiles. When an unknown forensic profile (18 loci) was searched against the French arrestee/offender database using CODIS configured for a low stringency search, a single low stringency match was identified. This profile was attributed to the father of the man suspected to be the source of the semen recovered from the murder victim Elodie Kulik. The identification was confirmed using Y‐chromosome DNA from the putative father, an STR profile from the mother, and finally a tissue sample from the exhumed body of the man who left the semen. Because of this identification, the investigators are now pursuing possible co‐conspirators.  相似文献   

The rapid implementation and continuing expansion of forensic DNA databases around the world has been supported by claims about their effectiveness in criminal investigations and challenged by assertions of the resulting intrusiveness into individual privacy. These two competing perspectives provide the basis for ongoing considerations about the categories of persons who should be subject to non-consensual DNA sampling and profile retention as well as the uses to which such profiles should be put. This paper uses the example of the current arrangements for forensic DNA databasing in England and Wales to discuss the ways in which the legislative and operational basis for police DNA databasing is reliant upon continuous deliberations over these and other matters by a range of key stakeholders. We also assess the effects of the recent innovative use of DNA databasing for "familial searching" in this jurisdiction in order to show how agreed understandings about the appropriate uses of DNA can become unsettled and reformulated even where their investigative effectiveness is uncontested. We conclude by making some observations about the future of what is recognized to be the largest forensic DNA database in the world.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over the past decade or more, DNA databases have been a focal point of development for the forensic field. Using this approach, forensic and law enforcement agencies have aided millions of investigations, many of which would remain unsolved but for the intelligence links provided from DNA database comparison. However, despite their widespread use and increasingly broad legislative and operational reach, there has been limited overarching performance modeling or reflection on drivers of operational or financial efficiency. This study derives an inferential model for DNA database performance using data from major national DNA database programs. Parameters that optimize desirable database outputs (matches) are isolated and discussed, as is an approach for maximizing financial efficiency and minimizing ethical impact. This research takes important steps toward identifying measures of performance for forensic DNA database operations.  相似文献   

中国DNA数据库建设应用技术现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的法庭科学DNA数据库建设历经10年,在应用中取得了显著成果.随着DNA分析技术的进步,DNA数据库更加完善,DNA信息作用更加突显.本文综述了中国DNA数据库的规划与建设,DNA数据库建设中的应用技术,以及DNA数据库建设应用技术发展趋势,为完善DNA数据库建设提供借鉴.  相似文献   

为适应时代和专业任务的需求,改善传统的法医毒物学关键信息获取方式,设计、建立法医毒物学数据库及信息平台系统十分重要.利用基于Web的B/S结构建立结构合理的信息系统,收集、整合、收录518种毒物的鉴定相关关键信息,并提供基础检索、中毒症状检索和质谱图检索三种检索途径.所建系统结构合理,内容丰富,检索方式多样,能较好满足毒物鉴定实践需求.  相似文献   

建立的天津市法医DNA数据库系统 ,将DNA分析技术的高效性与计算机系统的储存、高效检索的功能有机结合 ,实现了从受案到结案及建库的全程标准化、规范化、网络化管理。该系统启用一年多以来 ,为本地区侦查机关提供了百余起案件的破案线索 ,在多起重特大刑事案件的串并侦破中发挥了关键作用 ,技术破案率明显提高  相似文献   

The primary aim of any DNA Database is to link individuals to unsolved offenses and unsolved offenses to each other via DNA profiling. This aim has been successfully realised during the operation of the New Zealand (NZ) DNA Databank over the past five years. The DNA Intelligence Project (DIP), a collaborative project involving NZ forensic and law enforcement agencies, interrogated the forensic case data held on the NZ DNA databank and collated it into a functional intelligence database. This database has been used to identify significant trends which direct Police and forensic personnel towards the most appropriate use of DNA technology. Intelligence is being provided in areas such as the level of usage of DNA techniques in criminal investigation, the relative success of crime scene samples and the geographical distribution of crimes. The DIP has broadened the dimensions of the information offered through the NZ DNA Databank and has furthered the understanding and investigative capability of both Police and forensic scientists. The outcomes of this research fit soundly with the current policies of 'intelligence led policing', which are being adopted by Police jurisdictions locally and overseas.  相似文献   

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