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公安机关法医具有勘查非正常死亡案件现场、提取生物物证检材等职责,在各类现场环境中,不可避免地存在诸多潜在危险因素,威胁一线勘查人员的身体健康和生命安全。其中,传染性生物物证检材对于法医物证检验人员而言一直是个颇为棘手的问题。自2020年1月以来,2019新型冠状病毒(以下简称“新冠病毒”)蔓延成为一个全球性公共卫生安全问题。在此背景下,法医物证检验人员处理涉及新型冠状病毒肺炎患者(尸体)或疑似新冠病毒感染者(尸体)的案件时,既增加了现场生物物证检材(以下简称“生物物证”)采集和处理的难度,也增加了检验人员的人身安全危险系数。故本文从生物物证的采集、运输、DNA提取纯化、保存和废物管理5个方面,对处理涉及新型冠状病毒肺炎患者(尸体)或疑似新冠病毒感染者(尸体)案件的生物物证取证流程进行探讨。  相似文献   

裴黎 《法医学杂志》2001,17(4):236-236
微量物证检验是法医工作经常遇到的一个问题 , 而极微量物证检材的检验又是某些重大疑难案例的难点 , 尤其当检材失去了分子水平检验的条件时 , 经典的常规物证检验方法在实际检案中也可以发挥一定的作用 . 本文报导的是用 MN血型检验侦破一起重伤致残案 .  相似文献   

本文介绍了近9年来我局受理的法医物证检验资料.这些案件有杀人、强奸、伤害、抢劫、盗窃等,杀人案最多占50%:15种检材中现场血迹最多占37%;检材分类中血痕检材最多,占70%;物证检验结果利用率为77%.  相似文献   

电子物证检验的基本方法电子证据的取证技术电子物证提取有两种基本形式:提取硬件物证检材和电子信息物证检材。如果电子设备被用作犯罪工具、作为犯罪目标或是赃物,或者是电子设备内含有大量与案件相关的信息,就需要提取硬件作为物证检材。在准备提取整台计算机作为检材时,应考虑同时提取该计算机的外围硬件,如打印机、磁盘驱  相似文献   

唾液斑DNA检验在性侵害案件中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李佑英  王琴  郑强  程建波  卢刚 《法医学杂志》2004,20(4):i009-i009
自从STR-PCR技术应用于生物物证的检验,微量生物学检材的DNA检测已成为可能。血液、毛发、骨骼、组织、人体分泌物(精斑、唾液、汗液)等物证检材均可通过DNA检验技术进行基因型分析。注意物证存在的多样性,广泛提取各种DNA物证成为在侦察破案中充分发挥DNA检验技术作用的关键。  相似文献   

正近年来,犯罪现场物证呈现多样化、微量化的发展趋势。微量物证具有体积小、隐蔽性强、不易察觉、不易毁灭等特点~([1])。目前微量物证DNA检验工作的瓶颈主要在接触性DNA检材的发现和提取上,接触性DNA类生物检材因其DNA含量少、PCR抑制物多、DNA检验成功率低而成为法医DNA检验的重点和难点~([2])。本文结合实际工作中的3起案例,对果核上微量生物物证DNA的提取方法  相似文献   

李先强 《刑事技术》2003,(Z1):40-40
当前,犯罪分子反侦察手段不断提高,许多刑事犯罪现场被人为的改变或破坏,侦查与反侦查的较量日趋激烈。微量物证检验技术在这场较量中有不可替代的重要作用。常用的扫描电镜/能谱仪是微量物证检验的重要工具,它能进行微区分析,绝对灵敏度高,检材样品前处理简单,检材用量少等优点。扫描电镜/能谱仪能最常用来检验金属、火药、射击残留物、玻璃、花粉等微量物证。本文介绍笔者应用扫描电镜/能谱仪在微量金属物证检验中的一些体会。1仪器和方法日立S-3000N扫描电子显微镜;EDAX-Phoenix能谱仪;超声波清洗器;丙酮(分析纯)。将现场样品用导电胶…  相似文献   

随着DNA提取和检验技术的进步与不断发展,犯罪现场遗留的DNA对于刑事犯罪侦查中犯罪嫌疑人的确定有着举足轻重的作用,但同时犯罪嫌疑人的反侦察意识越来越强,在作案过程中以及实施犯罪行为后遗留在现场的物证微乎其微。因此在对现场物证进行采集的过程中,接触性生物物证的发现、提取和DNA检出越来越重要。目前在犯罪现场中接触性检材所占的比例越来越大,对于案件的侦破也发挥着越来越大的作用。然而这些接触性检材一般极其微量、体积小、较为隐蔽、肉眼不易观察,且现场的各种污染大大加快了这种微量检材的降解速率,因此对于这类检材的检验和分析就成了法医物证检验工作的重点和难点。本文综述了接触DNA的种类、采集和提取方法,影响其检出的因素以及检验中遇到的问题,以期能更好地将其运用到法医学鉴定实践中。  相似文献   

Identifiler(R) Plus试剂盒性能卓越,PCR反应液经过优化,抗抑制剂能力强,适用于案件生物检材DNA检验[1].本文利用纳米银溶液和生物物证提取棉签、植绒拭子对案件常见的血痕类、唾液斑和肋软骨等进行检材转移,采用Identifiler(R)Plus扩增系统配以Prep-n-Go Buffer进行直接扩增检验,以探讨直接扩增技术对此类检材的有效性和可靠性.  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的深入,法律体制的健全,公、检、法各自担负的职能日渐突出明确,他们所属的法医鉴定机构的鉴定工作屯逐步形成了各自的特点,以至专长。法院是案件诉讼的审判机关,其法医物证鉴定工作与公安局和检察院相比亦有不同。一、法院法医物证检验工作特点1.检验案件以亲子鉴定为主,很少直接接触现场生物检材。法医物证检验是应用各种先进技术手段对涉及法律问题的生物检材进行检验和鉴定。它的主要任务是个人识别和亲子鉴定。刑事案件中涉及法医物证检验的,如杀人、强奸、拐卖人口、故意伤害等,民事案件中如离婚、抚养、遗…  相似文献   

This article examines some of the American roots of organized crime, and its place within the American culture. The ethnic succession and limited mobility theses are critically examined, and some new perspectives presented regarding the analysis of organized crime. A number of research needs and propositions in need of further testing are presented.  相似文献   

本文报告用等电聚焦方法,采用拉丁方设计,对血痕保存的温度、布质及含量,以及血痕中 PGM_1亚型检出时间进行了研究。保存在0℃(6个月)、4℃(2个月)、18℃(1个月)及30℃(3周)的6μL 血痕,PGM_1亚型均可检出。血痕的总量对 PGM_1亚型的检出时间也有一定的影响。不同布质对血痕中 PGM_1亚型的检出时间,无明显差异。另外,利用聚脂膜具有亲水膜面的特点,将 PGM_1原始酶谱贴附在聚酯膜上,可长期保存酶谱。  相似文献   

Mediation orientation programs are an increasingly common resource for parents preparing to mediate custody and visitation disputes. In this paper, we review empirical studies on program effectiveness and describe a range of programs in the U.S. Most are brief and psychoeducational in nature, focusing on the mediation process and the effects of conflict on children. Programs typically provide information through reading materials, slides, and videos, either in a group setting or online. Few evaluate program effectiveness. We offer suggestions for program evaluation and introduce an assessment‐based framework for providing individualized services for parents. Key Points for the Family Court Community
  • ? Few Mediation Orientation programs have been empirically evaluated.
  • ? Useful research designs would include (1) assessing participants both before and after the program and (2) comparing program participants to non‐participants.
  • ? The psychoeducational components of Mediation Orientation programs may need to be tailored for low‐ and high‐conflict couples.

以聚合酶链反应(PCR)、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直电泳和银染法对中国100名无关个体小卫星区域p33.4位点的扩增片段长度多态性(Amp-FLPs)进行了研究,检出了8个等位基因。通过BIOTRAC系统进行数据处理.各等位基因重复单位的数目分别为7、10到15,其中在13~14之间发现一差值不足一个重复单位长度的罕见等位基因。片段长度分布于603~1115bP之间,基因频率分布于0.5~33.5%间,杂合度为64%,DP值为84.5%。对5个家庭25名相关个体进行分析,符合孟德尔遗传定律;对同一个体不同组织的DNA进行P33.4位点的分型研究表明,该技术适宜于法医物证检验。此外,本研究以Chelex处理不同检材制备DNA模板用于扩增,率先建立了比常规方法更快、更简便、更为实用的检验方法。  相似文献   

本文报道了对硫磷(1605)中毒后其代谢产物氨基对硫磷的测定方法。检材中的氨基对硫磷经有机溶剂提取,用气相色谱(NPD)测定,在肝或血中的回收率皆在70%以上。本法适用于腐败组织中以检测氨基对硫磷来确定1605中毒。  相似文献   

Compared to China and Japan, family and population studies of pre-modern Korea have not been widely available to scholars outside Korea. As a necessary step to increase scholarship in Korean historical demography, we introduce major historical materials currently available in Korea as useful for historical studies, summarizing demographic variables provided, the type of population covered, and the historical period referred in those historical materials. In particular, we focus on genealogies and household registers that provide demographic information of Korean population before the 20th century. We describe major features of those Korean materials as demographic sources, highlighting similarities and differences as compared to corresponding Chinese historical materials. Korean historical data showing their unique features, along with comparability with other East Asian data, have potential to expand the field of historical demography in East Asia.  相似文献   

In the last several decades, the American family has undergone considerable change, with less than half of all adolescents residing with two married biological parents. Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997, we construct an elaborate measure of family structure and find considerable heterogeneity in the risk of antisocial and delinquent behavior among groups of youth who reside in what are traditionally dichotomized as intact and nonintact families. In particular, we find that youth in “intact” families differ in important ways depending on whether the two biological parents are married or cohabiting and on whether they have children from a previous relationship. In addition, we find that youth who reside with a single biological parent who cohabits with a nonbiological partner exhibit an unusually high rate of antisocial behavior, especially if the custodial parent is the biological father.  相似文献   

提高司法会计鉴定质量不但要考虑接受委托所具备的鉴定力量,还要甄别提供的检材的真伪与范围,严格遵守鉴定程序。  相似文献   

The role of emotional and other affective states as causes and consequences of sexual offending is emerging as an important area for theoretical analysis and for empirical research. In this paper we focus on whether affective and emotional states serve as causal antecedents for sexual offending. Firstly, we identify five sources of evidence relating to whether emotion is causal. We conclude that the evidence broadly supports the notion that a causal relationship exists, at least for some offenders. We then address attempts to identify mechanisms to explain how such effects are mediated. Finally we discuss the implications of this work for therapeutic interventions with sex offenders.  相似文献   

Whereas one line of recent neighborhood research has placed an emphasis on zooming into smaller units of analysis such as street blocks, another line of research has suggested that even the meso‐area of neighborhoods is too narrow and that the area surrounding the neighborhood is also important. Thus, there is a need to examine the scale at which the social ecology impacts crime. We use data from seven cities from around the year 2000 to test our research questions using multilevel negative binomial regression models (N = 73,010 blocks and 8,231 block groups). Our results suggest that although many neighborhood factors seem to operate on the microscale of blocks, others seem to have a much broader impact. In addition, we find that racially and ethnically homogenous blocks within heterogeneous block groups have the most crime. Our findings also show the strongest results for a multitude of land‐use measures and that these measures sharpen some of the associations from social characteristics. Thus, we find that accounting for multiple scales simultaneously is important in ecological studies of crime.  相似文献   

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