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IN my life I have made many friends, both Chinese and foreign, quite a number of them intimate to the extent that I can repose in them my full confidence. Israel Epstein, known as Eppy to his friends, is one of the most outstanding. In appearance he is foreign, but emotionally he is Chinese, having taken Chinese citizenship in 1957. Those who have heard and read his analyses of Chinese issues are impressed with his deep insight. Epstein, who turns 90 on April 20, is a living witness to the radical changes that have  相似文献   

正Visitors to the Jianchuan Museum Cluster in Anren Town,Dayi County,Sichuan Province walk among statues of soldiers on the square in front of the museum on September 3,2014,the69th anniversary of China’s victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.  相似文献   

Travel and time with friends have taken the place of the family get-togethers during Lunar New Year for younger Chinese  相似文献   

WE all love holidays and the happy gatherings of family and friends that they bring, and the Chinese are no exception. The Chinese celebrate festivals based on the lunar calendar dating back thousands of years. The popular favorite is Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, which falls on the first day of the first lunar month. According to the Western solar or Gregorian calendar, in 2004 it falls on 22nd of January. Spring Festival, or chunjie, dates back to the  相似文献   


Few studies examine the role of friends in victims’ decisions to seek help from health professionals. This study used a sample of college students (N = 637) to examine the factors that may influence whether students would advise a friend to seek help from health professionals. After providing an open-ended response to a vignette, students answered a series of questions about formal support providers, attitudes toward women and rape victims, and their background. Findings suggest a gender divide on the advice given, and more students who responded to an acquaintance-rape scenario recommended that a victim contact health professionals in comparison to those whose scenario depicted an intimate partner rape. Implications are discussed, focusing on the role of friends and campus policy in minimizing the impacts of victimization.  相似文献   

There are times when you want to celebrate, hold a formal business meeting or simply gather together with a few friends to eat and have a good time. One Table Restaurant offers you and your guests the perfect setting for every occasion,  相似文献   

OLD time Beijing was site of one thousand temples. Citizens would visit them in order to meet, make friends and renew old acquaintances, as well as worship. Then, as now, residents of Beijing laid great store on eating and enjoyment. Consequently row upon row of food and souvenir stalls sprang up in temples and their surrounding areas. Later, they became venues for celebratory outings in which to eat, watch dance performances, play drinking games and choose gifts from hosts of souvenir stalls. The temple fair "season" was the first lunar month, when they were held almost daily, carnival fashion.  相似文献   

随着非法吸收公众存款案件的日益增多,其对象范围在理论和司法上出现了很多认识上的分歧,尤其是对于吸收对象公众"不特定性"的内涵、单位职工和亲友的范围、"存款"的刑法学解释等存在诸多争议。非法吸收公众存款罪的立法动因、立法过程是对象范围现实争议的基础,因此,从立法中"不特定性"的表现、免责条款的解读、"亲友"范围的明确化、"存款"的性质等多方面入手,可以深化理论,从而指导实践对非法吸收公众存款罪对象范围的认识。  相似文献   

On her 26th birthday, Hu Jingjing jumped off a street overpass, ending years of living as a drifter in Beijing. This is the opening scene of a recent hit TV show called The Remembrance of Past Things, leading three of Hu's friends, together with startled viewers, to explore reasons for her drastic decision and the meaning of life by solving problems spanning their careers, relationships and families.  相似文献   

《论语》中孔子所言"中庸",是一种实用理论,更是一种实用方法,是放之四海而皆准的通用之"道",即"常道"。它是一个内涵极其丰富的理论体系,包括为政、治学、交友、处事等中庸之道。其"中庸"思想传递给我们历久弥新的真理指南,尤其是在构建和谐社会,全面建设小康社会的今天,孔子的"中庸之道",仍具有积极的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

以睦邻、安邻、富邻为基本内容的和谐思想,造就了中华民族"万邦协和"的博大胸怀.中国传统的"中和"哲学思想中,彰显了中华文化独有的特质,是中华文化时人类文明的一大贡献.中国传统"中和"哲学思想作为新安全观的核心理念,构成了中国当代安全战略理论的文化根基.  相似文献   

本文试图从社会工作的角度,利用社会支持理论,从受虐妇女的心理需求、专业救助和辅导需求、亲友支持以及社会环境支持等需求出发,寻求构建受虐妇女社会支持网络、保护弱势女性权益的新途径。  相似文献   

"Left-behind children" are children who have one parent or both parents working in another city while the children stay in the village. These children usually live with either one of their parents, relatives or family friends. Research shows that there are over 58 million left-behind children in China; 57.2 percent of them have one parent working in another city, 42.8 percent of the children have both parents working in another city, 79.7 percent are raised by their grandparents, 13 percent of the left-behind children are raised by relatives or friends, 7.3 percent of these children are raised without a guardian or information about them is uncertain. As the Chinese economy prospers, working-age adults from villages increasingly choose to work in cities with left-behind children a special population that requires special attention in Chinese village education. Social researchers warn that left-behind children are not only a problem for families but a social problem. The education program in Linzi Elementary School, Rugao City, Jiangsu Province has raised awareness of left-behind children’s education. The school’s "Left-behind Children ’33433’ Linzi Model" is now popular in the country and followed by many elementary schools. This school is now a major experimental elementary school under the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) caring for left-behind children.  相似文献   


In this paper the role of culture in the social development of African-American youth was explored, and an Afrocultural social ethos was advanced as a concept for investigating the social functioning. Study 1 found no significant gender differences on the social ethos variable in third and sixth graders (47 boys, 43 girls) ratings of self, family or friends. However, boys reported more delinquent behaviors than did girls, and friend's social ethos was predictive of fewer aggressive and delinquent behaviors. Although no significant gender differences on social ethos emerged among the sixth and seventh graders (54 boys, 47 girls) in Study 2, family ethos was predictive of empathic concern while the ethos of friends predicted greater perspective taking. Gender was the only significant predictor of peer-rated helping behavior, with girls judged to demonstrate such behaviors more than boys. Discussion focused on directions for basic and applied research, with an emphasis on African-American men and the importance of mobilizing indigenous community resources.  相似文献   

王毅 《北京周报(英文版)》2021,(10):I0001-I0005
各位嘉宾,各位朋友:大家好!中国新春佳节之际,中美各界有识之士在蓝厅交流互动.共商两国关系的未来,具有重要意义。首先,我谨代表中国外交部,向各位长期关心支持中美关系的朋友们致以新春的祝福!冬去春来,季节的变换启示我们,再寒冷的冬天也会过去,希望的春天总会到来。面对全球疫情、经济衰退、气候变化这样前所未有的共同挑战,人类社会不应丧失信心,而应展现勇气、团结和责任。中美作为两个大国,首先应做好自己的事情,同时也要为人类共同利益开展合作,这是国际社会的期盼,也是大国应有的担当。  相似文献   

由于地处偏远、经济落后、社会关系网络局限等原因,西南边疆民族地区归侨侨眷青年的创业问题突出,其中很多处于无业状态。为此,需要从农林场内部就业优先、发展第二第三产业等方面采取措施,同时,要拓展出国就业,探索实施"探亲访友"工程。  相似文献   

立功是有用性和功利性的结合,认定立功应从立功的本质上来把握。从立功信息来源于同监犯罪人、立功信患来源于其辩护律师、立功信息来源于司法机关工作人员或其他负有查禁犯罪活动职责的其他国家机关工作人员、立功信患来源于犯罪人亲友、立功信息来源于买来这5种情形来看,其基本符合立功的本质特征,应当认定为立功。  相似文献   

Nonprofit organization encourages wheelchair users to get more outdoorsy and sporty When asked " Where are you from?" Josh Dominick, born in New Mexico and raised in New York, the U.S., prefers to say he comes from Beijing.Having resided in China for more than two decades, Dominick speaks fluent standard Chinese and has made friends from all across the country, many of them people with disabilities.  相似文献   

本文探讨了宋朝家训文献中涉及的德教内容,并分析了宋朝家训文献注重道德教育的主要原因。  相似文献   

A growing number of Chinese 20-somethings choose to live alone A smartphone and a dog are all Lin Ran needs for a relaxed weekend at home.She spends over 10 hours a day on the phone, switching between apps, ordering food,watching TV episodes and short videos, and chatting with friends. She also makes sure to free up one hour to walk her dog around the block.  相似文献   

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