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传统孝道以养老敬老为基本要求,孝文化乃古代解决养老问题的思想基础。当下社会化养老尚不能取代家庭养老,孝道养老是国家养老政策的底色。为达成现代孝道筑强国家养老保障体系的目标,应将孝道由家庭伦理提升为社会伦理,为孝立法,赋予老人更多权利并创建实践现代孝道的保障措施。  相似文献   

卫生政策是实现政府职能、进行卫生决策的重要途径。有效利用有限的卫生资源,最大限度地保障和满足大众对健康权利公正性的合理诉求,是卫生政策制定的宗旨和目的。卫生政策的实施效果在一定程度上取决于支撑政策的伦理基础。只有进行了充分严谨的伦理论证,卫生政策才能在关注大众健康权利合理性诉求的轨道上沿着正确方向良性发展。  相似文献   

儿童照顾服务具有公共产品属性和社会投资属性,儿童照顾的责任和成本应当由家庭和国家共同承担。在家庭照顾资源减少、托育服务供给有限、养育成本高企的背景下,国家应当建立托育服务补助制度,以降低家庭照顾儿童的成本,并增加有效需求以促进社会化托育服务发展。通过建立适合于全国和各地的估算模型,基于对未来0~2岁婴幼儿人口的预测和适度补助标准,估算2024—2035年托育服务补助制度的财政资金规模发现,这项制度的财务成本可以承受。为此,建议政府积极创造条件尽快实行这项制度,同时健全人口动态监测系统,采用多种补助形式,实行托育服务补助申请制,加强补助资金监管和引导。  相似文献   

随着我国生育政策连续调整并取得积极成效,在"幼有所育"民生目标的指导下,婴幼儿照护服务、学前教育、儿童福利和家庭教育等四个儿童政策子领域发展显著.借鉴"政策体制"理论,对以上四个子领域的发展状况进行分析,发现我国儿童政策体系在进入新时代以来发生了三个方面的重要转型:政策范式上,儿童养育责任已由"家事"转向"国事";权力安排上,政府成为儿童政策的重要行动者,社会和家庭也逐渐发展壮大,责任被重新界定;组织架构上,儿童政策各子领域的行政主管部门的调整,进一步强化了新的政策范式和权力安排.在实施"三孩政策"、落实积极应对人口老龄化国家战略的背景下,完善国家—社会—家庭在儿童养育中的责任分担,集中力量促进重点领域发展,将是今后我国儿童政策努力的方向.  相似文献   

《儿童权利公约》是国际社会儿童权利保护"宪章"。我国一贯重视儿童权利保护立法,具有里程碑意义的是《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》。但比较而言,《儿童权利公约》与《未成年人保护法》,二者不仅在"立法宗旨""基本原则""儿童角色地位""可操作性"等基本范式方面存在着"国际"与"国别"的区分,在"成长环境""享权者""家庭保护"等具体范畴方面也有着质性上的差异。因此,作为《儿童权利公约》缔约国之一的我国,务要进一步加强和完善儿童权利的保护立法。  相似文献   

网约车作为共享经济时代租车市场的新业态,因其监管政策涉及类型多元、资源禀赋各异、互动关系复杂的行动者,有必要利用政策网络理论,明确各行动者所属网络类型、资源配置状况及其基本联系。网约车监管困境的主因在于全政策网络力量不均与话语权不对等,与此同时,政策网络间沟通不足、治理不畅等跨网络关系问题及道德风险突出、表意途径缺失等单网络内部缺陷都加剧了这一困境。以资源配置与互动关系调整为先导,协调各主体间政策价值认知,并基于"互联网+"时代背景扩展政策网络互动途径,优化网络治理的手段,可破解网约车政策的制定困境。  相似文献   

儿童社会工作是具有鲜明特色的社会工作领域,在专业服务过程中不可避免地会面临伦理困境。通过对这些伦理困境产生的原因进行分析,进而提出儿童社会工作伦理困境的应对原则:优先考虑儿童利益最大化原则、注意与儿童监护人有关的伦理问题的原则、差别平等原则和自主原则等。通过对这些问题的分析与思考旨在帮助社会工作者在儿童社会工作实践中面临伦理困境时做出更加合适的选择。  相似文献   

居家养老服务是指为居住在家的老年人提供帮助的一种社会服务模式。过去20年来,我国的居家养老服务建设取得了一定成效,但也存在供给与需求匹配不足、“重设施轻服务”、需求识别不足与服务利用率低下、家庭责任相对弱化等问题。未来,需遵循以社区为基础和家庭中心原则发展具有中国特色的社区老年照顾服务,完善家庭照顾支持政策,建设社区生活共同体,建立社区协同共担机制,推动设施与服务协调发展,提升社区专业服务能力。  相似文献   

刘佳 《理论与改革》2015,(2):99-101
巴黎学派的布鲁诺·拉图尔进行了科学的"实验室研究",创立了"行动者网络理论",以人类学的研究方法描述社会建构的整体论进路,揭示出科学知识生产过程与社会的复杂联系,推进了科学观的"社会学人类学转向"。文章借助拉图尔"行动者网络"、"对称性原则"、"必经之点"等理论观点分析教育政策运行中个体与社会系统之间的交互关系,阐释了过程中的动态性及复杂性,为我国教育政策运行研究提供了网络分析、多元关系建构、田野研究等颇具实践操作价值的方法论借鉴。  相似文献   

如何协调多元行动者、构建高效的大气污染协同治理模式,是我国当前面临的难题。研究采用文献荟萃和跨案例聚类分析的方法,梳理11个国家的14个典型案例,探讨不同行动者在大气污染协同治理的主要角色和协同治理的结构特点。研究发现:(1)在大气污染协同治理中,政府是积极主动的资源提供者与制度建设者,公众是广泛、主动的维权者与监督者,企业是相对被动的资源提供者与执行者,专家学者是积极主动的信息提供者、志愿者与促进者,非营利组织是灵活的信息提供者、志愿者与监督者;(2)有效多元的行动者参与、较大的协同规模、开放的协同网络、密切的协同关系、合作的关系性质共同促成成功的协同治理结果,而协同联结模式与治理结果无显著关系。最后,对如何优化和改进我国大气污染协同治理提出政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the prospects for introducing the precautionary principle in water protection policy. In situations where a problem enters the political agenda and scientific uncertainties remain about causes or effects, political actors can justify state intervention based on the precautionary principle. It allows for public action even if risks related to the problem remain unclear. While the precautionary principle is widely applied in health and environmental policy fields all over the world, the mechanisms leading to its adoption are not fully understood. To close this gap, the paper investigates decision-makers preferences for the precautionary principle and further asks: Which factors promote political actors’ preferences for precautionary policy measures? In order to answer this question we study the case of emerging micropollutants—a water quality issue that recently entered political agendas, where many uncertainties remain about sources and effects. We rely on data gathered through a standardized survey among the political elite in Switzerland, which represents one of the first countries that adopted policy measures to reduce micropollutants in water bodies, despite the uncertainties that remain. Results analyzed through a temporal network autocorrelation model reveal that actors embedded in collaborative governance arrangements have the tendency to prefer precautionary action. Certain aspects of policy design, such as problem prioritization and target group membership, also impact the prospects for introducing the precautionary principle.  相似文献   

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child has advanced a model of active citizenry for children, which is difficult to reconcile with the still dominant Western notions of childhood that fetishize innocence and attribute passivity and incompetence to children. This article explores the manner in which state policy, Canadian courts, and children's politics in Canada have responded to the imaginary of the active child citizen. The Canadian government has provided limited political space to young people and has narrowly construed children's participation rights as limited to family law and juvenile justice. The reluctance of adult decision-makers to open up policy-making to the contributions of children has been further hindered by the current anti-democratic cast of neo-liberal governance. This article examines how quasi-judicial tribunals and the Canadian courts have invoked the Convention in their dealings with child asylum seekers, only to construct childhood participation and childhood protection as mutually exclusive. The article concludes with a brief exploration of the alternative model of children's citizenship revealed by the children's movement organization, Free the Children. In contrast to the relative failure of adult decision-makers to implement the participation rights of children, the contemporary children's movement advances a view of children as empowered, knowledgeable, compassionate and global citizens, who are nonetheless, like other marginalized groups, in need of special, group-differentiated protections.  相似文献   

马克思主义法学思想与中国法治建设的关系,在学术界有否定性意见,问题的产生与源自苏联并影响中国的两种理论解读相关。一个是帕舒卡尼斯囿于“商品交换法学”和未来共产主义社会中法的消亡原理,而否认社会主义法制建设的法律虚无主义;一个是维辛斯基强调法的阶级性而偏于意志论的法律工具主义。前者使社会主义国家趋于人治和以政代法,后者导致对法的过度意识形态化。其实,马克思主义法学的最根本之点在于坚持历史唯物主义立场,强调法律源于人类生产活动,并以其对生产力发展的正负面影响而使社会进步或倒退。马克思主义法学在改革开放的中国一直在场,有必要从意义域角度总结马克思主义法学发展的得失。  相似文献   

国家形象因其复杂、可塑和重要,它的建构已成为现代国家非常重视的课题。国家形象建构是理解、把握新中国成立以来光辉历程不可或缺的维度,因为建构稳定和向好的大国形象是中华人民共和国建国以来重要的内在关切和诉求,我们对此有自觉的认识和努力。新中国成立以来的伟大成就,极大地改变了中国各方面的客观源像,建构了诸如社会主义大国、东方大国、全球性大国等形象,总体上日渐趋好,中国国家形象建构取得很大成绩。国家形象建构和新中国建设、发展之间存在着内在的良性互动关系。也正因为如此,在分析不足的基础上探讨进一步优化国家形象的根本路径,有助于更好地推动中国特色社会主义在新时代健康前行。  相似文献   

The global threat of the coronavirus pandemic has forced policy makers to react quickly with totally new policy-making approaches under conditions of uncertainty. This article focuses on such crisis-driven policy learning, examining how the experiences of China and South Korea as early responder states influenced the subsequent coronavirus crisis management in Germany. The first reaction of the German core executive was the quick concentration of decision-making power at the top of the political hierarchy. Asserting the prerogatives of the executive included the radical simplification of the relationship between politics, law and science. State actors took emergency measures by recourse to a single piece of legislation—the ‘infection protection law’ (Infektionsschutzgesetz)—overriding other elements of the legal order. They also limited the government’s use of scientific expertise to a small number of advisors, thereby cutting short debates about the appropriateness or otherwise of the government’s crisis measures. Finally, German actors failed to understand that some of the earlier Chinese and Korean responses required a precondition—namely public willingness to sacrifice privacy for public health—that is absent in the German case.  相似文献   

跨部门和地区协同是国家治理现代化的重要实现形式,对于京津冀协同发展亦具有至关重要的影响。将政策文献与治理实践进行有效的“对话”,以1997年京津冀进入一体化实质发展阶段以来三地公布的劳动政策文件为分析文本,结合京津冀协同治理实践,考察京津冀府际间政策文本差异与协同特征。分析发现,在一统体制和中央顶层设计背景下,京津冀劳动市场一体化趋势明显,劳动政策内容和数量协同逐渐增多,但在有效治理与利益驱动下存在央地目标设置错位等现象;京津冀劳动政策协同与差异并存,进而形成对区域协同治理的双刃剑效应。  相似文献   

In July 2005, the Little Rock, Arkansas, school district implemented a new policy to reorganize its management structure in order to create a more efficient bureaucracy. Using Richard Matland’s ambiguity‐conflict model of policy implementation, the authors examine the implementation of this school reorganization policy. Interviews and surveys were conducted with the superintendent and his executive assistants, school principals, teachers, and staff. In line with Matland’s model, the findings suggest that successful implementation is directly related to the policy characteristics of ambiguity and conflict. However, the authors point to the importance of recognizing particular characteristics for different groups of stakeholders within the policy implementation process. Discrepancies among groups of policy actors in the degree of policy ambiguity and policy conflict lead to strikingly different implementation strategies.  相似文献   

This study conducts a social semiotic analysis of six sex education picture books for preschool children in the People’s Republic of China. Following van Leeuwen’s framework for analysing the discursive construction of social actors, this paper examines two types of social actors directly associated with the education of human sexuality: the physical body of human beings and the institutional, disciplinary body of the family. The analysis of the linguistic and visual representations of the two types of social actors reveals a significant compromise of biosexuality to the complicated psychosexual and sociosexual concerns in the People’s Republic of China. The introduction of biological knowledge about human reproduction is conducted in such a manner that aims to instil the appropriate moral values and behaviours that are regarded as the norm in contemporary Chinese culture as well as ensuring the sound physical and psychological development of young children.  相似文献   

Transport is currently at the forefront of the political agenda. Successive government transport policies have increased the spatial mobility of the majority of the UK population, largely through encouraging car ownership and use. However, transport and children's geographers have highlighted that children are one social group that face increasing restrictions on their independent spatial mobility. These spatial restrictions are caused in part by safety fears originating from traffic generated by other people's mobility. Thus, with the exception of a few local initiatives such as ‘Safer Routes to School’, current transport policy fails to treat children as political citizens, neglecting to represent or respond to their travel needs. As a result of increasing restrictions on their mobility, children are increasingly escorted by adults in cars. Thus, the car is becoming an increasingly significant social space of childhood. However, little is known about the decision-making processes that result in car use. This paper examines, at the micro level, the everyday familial politics concerning the decision-making processes regarding car use and, more specifically, whether children, as political actors, are included in this process. The paper also discusses the possibilities for promoting children as political citizens at the macro level, by examining mechanisms for incorporating the views and transport needs of children into transport policy and planning.  相似文献   

当今世界,人类文明发展面临的风险与希望、挑战与愿景正呈现出前所未有的内在张力与外在表现,深刻揭示人类文明的本质及其互动与发展特征,成为当下必须直面的具有根本性、战略性、紧迫性的重大时代课题。党的十八大以来,立足于中国道路实现史诗般崛起的现实成就与文明品质,习近平深刻把握人类文明演进的基本规律,以文明交流互鉴为主题展开一系列重要论述,系统地阐发了“多彩、平等、包容”的文明本质论、“交流、互鉴、共存”的文明关系论和“共商、共建、共享”的文明发展论,从而为在21世纪推动构建人类命运共同体、实现人类历史进步与和平发展,提供了具有世界历史意义的文明自信理念。  相似文献   

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