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Fifty known siblings and fifty unrelated pairs were genotyped using the ABI Identifiler STR system and sibship indices computed for each pair. Combined sibship indices (CSIs) for the known siblings ranged from less than 10 to greater than 1 billion. CSIs for the unrelated pairs ranged from 4.5 x 10(-8) to 0.12. In the known sibling group the percentage of loci where both alleles matched was approximately 40%, while the percentage of loci where neither matched was approximately 10%. In the non-sibling group, the percentage of loci where both alleles matched was approximately 6%, while the percentage of loci where neither matched was approximately 45%. Interestingly, the percentage of loci where a single allele matched was the same in both the known siblings and unrelated pairs, approximately 50%.  相似文献   

Y chromosome short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) have been widely used in genetic applications and forensic casework. Recently, we found two intermediate alleles, the DYS627 allele 24.1 and the DYS458 allele 15.3, from Chinese Han population. The two allelic variants have not been recorded by the YHRD database. We have examined the molecular structure of these allelic variants by Sanger sequencing. The results showed that this intermediate allele at DYS627 was confirmed as 24.1, the sequence of which showed a base “A” insertion in the 13th repeat unit, and the intermediate allele at DYS458 was confirmed as 15.3, the sequence of which showed a base “G” deletion in the 12th repeat unit. This may be important for individual identification and paternal kinship testing. Besides, more allelic variants detected can be enriched in the Y-STR database.  相似文献   

The identification of the victims of the 2009 Victorian bushfires disaster, as in other mass disasters, relied on a number of scientific disciplines - including DNA analysis. As part of the DVI response, DNA analysis was performed to assist in the identification of victims through kinship (familial matching to relatives) or direct (self source of sample) matching of DNA profiles. The majority of the DNA identifications made (82%) were achieved through kinship matching of familial reference samples to post mortem (PM) samples obtained from the victims. Although each location affected by the bushfires could be treated as a mini-disaster (having a small closed-set of victims), with many such sites spread over vast areas, DNA analysis requires that the short tandem repeat (STR) system used be able to afford enough discrimination between all the DVI cases to assign a match. This publication highlights that although a 9-loci multiplex was sufficient for a DVI of this nature, there were instances that brought to light the short comings of using a 9-loci multiplex for kinship matching--particularly where multiple family members are victims. Moreso it serves to reinforce the recommendation that a minimum of 12 autosomal STR markers (plus Amelogenin) be used for DNA identification of victims which relies heavily on kinship matching.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(1):1-9
Kinship recognition between anonymous DNA samples is becoming a relevant issue in forensics, more so with the increasing number of DNA profiles in databanks. Also, NGS-based genotyping is being increasingly used in routine personal identification, to simultaneously type large numbers of markers of different kind. In the present work, we explored computationally and experimentally the performance of the ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep Kit in identifying the true relationship between two anonymous samples, distinguishing it from other possible relationships. We analyzed with Familias R series of 10,000 pairs with 9 different simulated relationships, corresponding to different degrees of autosomal sharing. For each pair we obtained likelihood ratios for five kinship hypotheses vs. unrelatedness, and used their ranking to identify the preferred relationship. We also typed 21 subjects from two pedigrees, representing from parent-child to 4th cousins relationships. As expected, the power for identifying the true relationship decays in the order of autosomal sharing. Parent-child and full siblings can be robustly identified against other relationships. For half-siblings the chance of reaching a significant conclusion is already small. For more distant relationships the proportion of cases correctly and significantly identified is 10% or less. Bidirectional errors in kinship attribution include the suggestion of relatedness when this does not exist (10–50%), and the suggestion of independence in pairs of individuals more than 4 generations apart (25–60%). The real cases revealed a relevant effect of genotype miscalling at some loci, which could only be partly avoided by modulating the analysis parameters. In conclusion, with the exception of first degree relatives, the kit can be useful to inform additional investigations, but does not usually provide probatory results.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Aiming to estimate the frequency of various types of errors that can occur in the large-scale process of identification, we identified and compared genotypes of 911 parent–child pairs in the database of 3498 relatives of people that disappeared during the 1991/1992 war in Croatia. Genotypes of 891 pairs (97.8%) were matching, while 20 pairs did not match in one or more loci. Reanalysis of these samples revealed that out of 1822 analyzed genotypes, one genotype was completely wrong, and two genotypes had one wrong allele because of human errors. Five genotypes had a single wrong allele due to either polymerase chain reaction or electrophoresis errors. In five genotypes mutations were the cause of mismatch. Genetic inconsistencies with parentage were found in four "fathers" (4.2%) and three "mothers" (0.36%). As the majority of observed single-locus errors were caused by nonhuman errors, all databases produced with similar technology would probably have comparable level of errors.  相似文献   

Microhaplotypes are markers that consist of haplotype blocks of SNPs, which can be analyzed by massively parallel sequencing technologies. These allow determining the haplotype phase at every locus by clonal sequencing each DNA strand. MHs are polymorphic loci with same size alleles, no stutter, and lower mutation rate than STRs. They can provide the same power of discrimination of STR-kits, thus useful for mixture deconvolution, but more accurate ancestry prediction than STRs. In this study we investigated the potential of a recently developed 74plex-MH panel for kinship testing using the Familias software.Samples from families of four major US population groups were collected and genotyped using the 74plex-MH panel. MH allele frequency data from 347 individuals were imported into Familias software along with STR allele frequency data of 29 loci (NIST dataset) from 1036 individuals. Different family scenarios were tested and these included unrelated vs parent-child, unrelated vs full siblings, unrelated vs half siblings, unrelated vs cousin pairs. The prediction of the kinship relation for the four populations of interest was reported as Log10 of the likelihood ratio (LR).Overall, the panel of 74MHs and 29STRs showed similar performance in predicting the correct kinship scenarios tested. Correct prediction was reported for parent-child, full siblings, and half sibling scenarios, but not for the cousin pairs scenario. The panel of 74 MHs showed larger Log10LR values than the 29 STR-assay, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of this biomarker as a tool for kinship testing in addition to mixture deconvolution and ancestry prediction.  相似文献   

This study introduces an automated method for osteological pair‐matching using two‐dimensional outline form data extracted from photographs. A procedure for acquiring photographs that improve the differentiation of specimens from the background is presented along with an extraction procedure that allows the capture of form data from photographs. The raw form data are used in a two‐dimensional registration procedure, which combines iterative closest point, K‐nearest neighbor search, and iterations around an estimated mean. Form data are used in optimized distance calculations that minimize true‐pair difference and maximize false‐pair difference. The sample consists of 122 calcanei and 110 tali from the UI‐Stanford collection. Performance statistics are provided for the maximum and average Segmented‐Hausdorff, Hausdorff, and Procrustes distances to show the comparative statistical results for matching. Results indicate 98.36% and 98.2% accuracy in pinpointing true‐pairs for the calcanei and tali, respectively, using a shortlist of one‐lowest‐distance.  相似文献   

A bioinformatic tool was developed to assist with the victim identification initiative that followed the Swissair Flight 111 disaster. Making use of short tandem repeat (STR) DNA typing data generated with AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus (PP) and AmpFlSTR COfiler(CO) kits, the software systematically compared each available STR genotype with every other genotype. The matching algorithm was based on the search for: (i) direct matches to genotypes derived from personal effects; and (ii) potential kinship associations between victims and next-of-kin, as measured by allele sharing at individual loci. The software greatly assisted parentage analysis by enabling kinship evaluation in situations where complete parentage trios were unavailable and, in some situations, with distantly related relatives. Exclusion of fortuitous kinship associations (FKA) was made possible through the recovery at the disaster site of at least one remains for every sought-after victim, and was incorporated into the kinship software. The data from the 13 combined STR loci produced 6 and 23 times fewer FKAs when compared with PP alone and AmpFlSTR Profiler (PR) alone, respectively. Identification leads or confirmations of identification were obtained for 218 victims for which DNA reference samples (personal effects and kin) had been submitted. Confirmation of an inferred kinship association was sought through frequency and likelihood calculations, as well as corroborative data from other identification modalities. The use of a simple, yet powerful, automated genotype comparison approach and the use of megaplexes with high power of discrimination (PD) values extended considerably the identification capabilities in the case of the Swissair disaster. The DNA typing identification modality proved to be a valuable component of the large arsenal of identification tools deployed in the aftermath of this disaster.  相似文献   

Byrd proposes a method for predicting pair matches in commingled remains to reduce visual comparison. The method compares differences between left and right postcranial element measurements in commingled samples with differences in known pairs from a reference sample using a t‐score approach. We duplicated his protocol using six elements from two samples of known paired elements (= 854 to 1063) and calculated the number of pairs correctly predicted. Time commitment was estimated by mathematically attempting matches with all left and right elements in these samples. Although the results show an 86% reduction in the number of potential pairs requiring visual matching, we do not recommend the method because (i) the normality assumption for use of a t‐score approach is violated, (ii) no account is made for bilateral asymmetry, and (iii) the high rate of false rejections (up to 22%) undermines its ability to show true incompatibilities for potential pair matches.  相似文献   

Eleven Italian forensic laboratories participated in a population study based on the AB Profiler Plus loci with proficiency testing. The validated database, including 1340 individuals, is available on-line. Tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, gametic unbalance, and heterogeneity of gene frequency were generally not significant. Gene frequencies at each locus were consistent with those of two previously published Italian studies, but different from a third. Individuals of each subsample were paired, and the total number of alleles shared across the nine loci was determined in each pair. The analysis was replicated over the total sample. In addition, two samples of mother-child pairs (N=315) and full-sib pairs (N=91) were subjected to allele sharing analysis. The resulting distributions were sufficiently distinct from the sample of unrelated pairs as to be of practical usefulness.  相似文献   

A 9-locus microsatellite framework (minimal haplotype), previously developed for forensic purposes so as to facilitate stain analysis, personal identification and kinship testing, has been adopted for the establishment of a large reference database of male European Y-chromosomal haplotypes. The extent of population stratification pertaining to this database, an issue crucial for its practical forensic application, was assessed through analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) of the 20 regional samples included. Despite the notion of some significant haplotype frequency differences, which were found to correlate with known demographic and historic features of Europeans, AMOVA generally revealed a high level of genetic homogeneity among the populations analyzed. Owing to their high diversity, however, accurate frequency estimation is difficult for Y-STR haplotypes when realistic (i.e. moderately sized) datasets are being used. As expected, strong pair-wise and higher order allelic associations were found to exist between all markers studied, implying that haplotype frequencies cannot be estimated as products of allele frequencies. A new extrapolation method was therefore developed which treats haplotype frequencies as random variables and generates estimates of the underlying distribution functions on the basis of closely related haplotypes. This approach, termed frequency 'surveying', is based upon standard population genetics theory and can in principle be applied to any combination of markers located on the Y-chromosome or in the mitochondrial genome. Application of the method to the quality assured reference Y-STR haplotype database described herein will prove very useful for the evaluation of positive trace-donor matches in forensic casework.  相似文献   

After decades of refinement, DNA testing methods have become essential tools in forensic sciences. They are essentially based on likelihood ratio test principle, which is utilized specifically, by using as prior knowledge the allele frequencies in the population, to confirm or refute a given kinship hypothesis made on two genotypes. This makes these methods ill suited when allele frequencies or kinship hypotheses are unavailable. In this paper, we introduce DNAc, a new clustering methodology for DNA testing based on a new similarity measure that allows an accurate retrieval of the degree of relatedness among two or more genotypes, without relying on kinship hypotheses or allele frequencies in the population. We used DNAc in analyzing microsatellite DNA sequences distributed among 12 genotypes from normal individuals from two distinct families. The results show that DNAc accurately determines kinship among genotypes and further gathers them in the appropriate kinship groups.  相似文献   

Commingling is frequently encountered in cases examined by the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus, and pair‐matching is routinely used as a preliminary segregation method. Here we examine the degree of bilateral asymmetry in nutrient foramen position of the radius and ulna to determine whether nutrient foramen position may be useful in visual and/or ostetometric pair‐matching. Differences in nutrient foramen position between left‐right pairs from the same individual were compared with differences in nutrient foramen position between different individuals. Bilateral asymmetry in nutrient foramen position was found to be high, indicating that it is not a reliable trait for pair‐matching. Bilateral asymmetry and between‐person variation were found to differ between the two bones examined, suggesting that nutrient foramen position in other long bones should also be tested.  相似文献   

PCR-based typing of the HLA-DQA1 locus, using allele specific oligonucleotide (ASO) probes and reverse dot blot methodology was used to determine allelic distributions and construct a database for Arab and Pakistani individuals living in Dubai. Genotype and allelic frequencies were calculated, and the data were tested for departures from Hardy-Weinberg (HWE) equilibrium. The most frequent HLA-DQA1 alleles among Dubaian Arabs are DQA1 4 and 1.2. Among Pakistanis, the most frequent allele is also DQA1 4. No significant deviations from HWE were detected.  相似文献   

We report an unusual paternity test case showing multiple peculiarities. Using AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus and AmpFlSTR Identifiler PCR Amplification kits, the alleged father and the two children were apparently homozygous at the FGA locus, but using the PowerPlex 16 kit the three individuals were found to be heterozygous. Drop-out was caused by a single mutation event in the presumptive binding site of the reverse primer. In addition, three inconsistencies were detected between the daughter and the alleged father among 18 STR markers. The occurrence of the rare null allele at the FGA locus and case history suggested that the true father was the brother of the alleged father. Furthermore, a single-step repeat maternal mutation was also detected at D16S539. This puzzling case was solved by using multiple analytical approaches, including the use of different primer pairs, the use of a high number of STR markers, and the characterization of the mutation causing the "null allele."  相似文献   

CSF1PO is one of the thirteen core loci used for the CODIS database, and alleles reported for this short tandem repeat (STR) locus contain from 6 to 15 repeats of the tetranucleotide AGAT. Screening of DNA from 76 individuals by gel electrophoresis and silver stain detection yielded one sample that contained a rare, off-ladder CSF1PO allele; an allele larger than CSF1PO15 was detected in a heterozygote that also contained a CSF1PO10 allele. Capillary electrophoresis analysis using GeneScan software demonstrated that the variant allele contained four bases more than CSF1PO15. Following agarose gel electrophoresis to separate the two alleles of the heterozygote and cycle sequencing using dye terminators, sequence analysis showed that the variant, which was otherwise identical to the CSF1PO GenBank sequence, contained exactly 16 AGAT repeats. These results demonstrate the existence of an additional CSF1PO allele, a previously unreported size variant, CSF1PO16.  相似文献   

Firearms identification imaging systems help solve crimes by comparing newly acquired images of cartridge casings or bullets to a database of images obtained from past crime scenes. We formulate an optimization problem that bases its matching decisions not only on the similarity between pairs of images, but also on the time and spatial location of each new acquisition and each database entry. The objective is to maximize the detection probability subject to a constraint on the false positive rate. We use data on all cartridge casings matches detected in Israel during 2006–2008 to estimate most of the model parameters. We estimate matching accuracy from two different studies and predict that the optimal use of extraneous information would increase the detection probability from 0.931 to 0.987 and from 0.707 to 0.844, respectively. These improvements are achieved by favoring pairs of images that are closer together in space and time.  相似文献   

A prototype using simple mathematical treatment of the pen pressure data recorded by a digital pen movement recording device was derived. In this study, a total of 48 sets of signature and initial specimens were collected. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to compare the data of the pen pressure patterns. From the 820 pair comparisons of the 48 sets of genuine signatures, a high degree of matching was found in which 95.4% (782 pairs) and 80% (656 pairs) had rPA > 0.7 and rPA > 0.8, respectively. In the comparison of the 23 forged signatures with their corresponding control signatures, 20 of them (89.2% of pairs) had rPA values < 0.6, showing a lower degree of matching when compared with the results of the genuine signatures. The prototype could be used as a complementary technique to improve the objectivity of signature examination and also has a good potential to be developed as a tool for automated signature identification.  相似文献   

Zhao SM  Zhang SH  Que TZ  Zhao ZM  Lin Y  Li L  Li CT 《法医学杂志》2011,27(5):330-333
目的 介绍仅有两名被鉴定人时二者间常见亲缘关系指数的统一算法.方法 以ITO法计算二联体亲权指数(paternity index in duos,PID)、全同胞指数(full sibling index,FSI)、半同胞指数(half sibling index,HSI)、叔侄指数(avuncular index,A...  相似文献   

目的 调查分析17个Y-STR基因座等位基因突变的情况.方法 收集中国汉族人群867对父子共1 649份男性血样本.采用YfilerTM复合扩增试剂盒进行17个Y-STR基因座分型,共检测出14 739次等位基因传递,统计各基因座发生等位基因突变的频率.结果 在17个基因座中发现涉及13个基因座共41次突变,其中一步突变40次(97.6%),两步突变1次(2.4%);突变共涉及40对父子,其中39对仅1个基因座发生突变(97.5%),1对同时有2个基因座发生突变(2.5%);平均突变率为2.8×10-3(95%CI 2.0~3.8×10-3).等位基因突变时获得重复单位数19次,丢失重复单位数22次,两者比例接近.结论 中国汉族人群Y-STR基因座突变可涉及多数基因座,突变率在2.8×10-3左右,在数据库的建立与应用中应重视,注意采用相关方法进行甄别.  相似文献   

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