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2003年5月 ,菲律宾总统阿罗约应邀访美。布什宣布 ,菲律宾为美国北约之外的主要盟友 ,与澳大利亚、以色列和埃及等国地位相当。两国结成新型的同盟关系 ,符合菲律宾自身的根本利益 ,也是美国积极推进全球化战略的重要一环 ,将不可避免地对地区形势产生影响。  相似文献   

一、菲律宾2001年经济概况2001年1月20日 ,是菲律宾政治史上的一个重要的里程碑。菲律宾前总统马卡泊加尔之女格洛丽亚·马卡泊加尔·阿罗约在具有历史性意义的埃刹大道上 (EDSA)宣誓就任菲律宾新总统 ,以取代被罢黜的“民选”总统埃斯特拉达。阿罗约以其所得的菲律宾国立大学经济学博士学位 ,得到在埃氏垮台事件上发挥重要作用的菲律宾国内经济官僚与学界精英们的拥戴。舆论界普遍认为 ,阿罗约的当选弥补了被罢黜总统国家管理水平与能力低下的缺陷。因此 ,菲律宾2001年及其之后的经济发展前景看好。然而 ,2001年经…  相似文献   

杨武 《东南亚纵横》2005,(12):15-18
2005年3月以来,菲律宾一些媒体陆续刊登现任总统阿罗约的丈夫和儿子从非法赌博行当中获利的消息;6月,反对派又抛出一份电话录音,称其中录有阿罗约在2004年总统选举后与一名选举委员会官员的谈话内容,反对派以此作为阿罗约在选举中舞弊的证据,在菲律宾掀起了一场"政治风暴".7月13日,至少3万人聚集在菲律宾首都马尼拉最繁华的马卡蒂金融商业区示威游行,要求阿罗约立即下台.7月25日,菲律宾反对派议员对阿罗约总统提出弹劾,对阿罗约提出贿赂、渎职腐败、严重违宪和违背公众信任等四项指控.本文就菲律宾此次发生"政治风暴"的原因及政局前景作些浅析.  相似文献   

方拥华 《东南亚》2004,(3):42-47
20 0 4年 5月 1 0日菲律宾举行了全国选举 ,4 2 0 0多万选民在各地投票点推选总统、副总统 ,共有 5名候选人参加了自 1 986年马科斯下台以来最为激烈的总统竞选。阿罗约总统获得 1 2 90多万张选票 ,赢得胜利 ,继续蝉联总统 ,反对党候选人费尔南多·波以 1 1 2万张选票之差落选。①一、阿罗约成功连任的原因(一 )阿罗约执政 3年多来 ,在推动国内经济发展的同时 ,在维护政治稳定、打击恐怖活动等方面取得了不少成绩 ,具有一定的群众基础。阿罗约是在 2 0 0 1年前总统埃斯特拉达被“第二次人民力量”运动赶下台后执政的。上台后阿罗约很快完成…  相似文献   

●6日,菲律宾总统阿罗约签署了该国第一部反恐法案,称这一法案将帮助菲安全部门加大打击恐怖活动的力度。阿罗约表示,颁布反恐法案是菲律宾“与邪恶势力斗争的里程碑”。  相似文献   

6日,菲律宾总统阿罗约签署了该国第一部反恐法案,称这一法案将帮助菲安全部门加大打击恐怖活动的力度。阿罗约表示,颁布反恐法案是菲律宾“与邪恶势力斗争的里程碑”。  相似文献   

(2009年8月1~31日)●1日,菲律宾前总统阿基诺夫人因病去世,菲律宾总统阿罗约宣布菲全国哀悼10天。中国国家主席胡锦涛就阿基诺夫人逝世致电菲律宾总统阿罗约表示慰问。●4日,中共中央对外联络部部长王家瑞在北京会见  相似文献   

2012年,除了对前总统阿罗约的腐败指控和针对阿基诺家族的土地改革表现出的"家族斗争"和两次游行示威活动之外,菲律宾政治社会总体安定;经济增长率超过预期目标;外交上,南海问题给菲律宾与中国的关系造成一定影响,也因为南海紧张局势,菲律宾更加倒向美国和日本,极力在东盟扮演重要角色而难以如愿。  相似文献   

本刊2000年第11期曾报道菲律宾反政府的阿布沙耶夫武装劫持人质事件情况,时隔一年,2001年5月24日凌晨4时,24名全副武装的阿布沙耶夫分子又突袭了位于菲律宾西北部巴拉望省的度假胜地道斯·帕尔马岛,包括13名菲律宾华人和3名美国人在内的20名游客成了绑匪人质。菲律宾动用重兵解救人质,6月2日晚,菲律宾总统阿罗约宣布,菲军方当天在南部巴西兰省拉米坦镇共营救出了6名上月底被恐怖组织阿布沙耶夫绑架的人质。就在菲军刚救出6名人质的同时,阿布沙耶夫匪徒又袭击了在南部巴西兰省的一所医院,将医护人员和病人…  相似文献   

菲律宾2004~2005年回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据《马尼拉时报》报道 ,菲律宾总统阿罗约把菲国的2004年形容为“胜利和灾难的一年”。这称得上一个贴切的总结。政治上 ,当任总统阿罗约在2004年5月的大选中击败对手 ,获得连任 ,当选菲律宾第15届总统 ,保持了菲政权的持续性。菲政府的反恐、反腐行动以及与反政府组织的谈判都取得了一定进展。经济上 ,菲国内生产总值取得了可喜的6.1%的增长率 ,达到15年即1989年以来的最高水平。然而 ,年初的海难、接连遭受的洪涝和台风灾害 ,千头万绪的国内政治、经济问题 ,提前撤军给外交关系蒙上的阴影等等或许都算得上本年度菲律宾难以跨越的坎。2005…  相似文献   

Jill Steans 《Global Society》2008,22(1):159-176
This article focuses on the role of gender in boundary-drawing practices, in the construction of identities and in the discursive construction and depiction of the “body politic” in the War on Terror. It argues that the evocation of “liberated Western women” and “oppressed Muslim” women in narratives on the War on Terror has been useful in the project of casting the United States as a beacon of civilisation and in constructing, reinforcing and reproducing a polarity between the West and the Islamic world. The War on Terror has also generated narratives about male protectors and the female protected; narratives that are also central to boundary-drawing processes. The final section of the article focuses on “dissident stories” that have challenged dominant meanings and dominant constructions of identity and boundaries, and unsettled simplistic and dichotomous characterisations of “good” and “evil” in the War on Terror.  相似文献   


This article explores concepts and discourses regarding citizenship, nation-building and civic solidarity in particular with regard to diverse societies. Attention is given to diverging viewpoints on nation-building and different models on how civic solidarity could be achieved in heterogeneous societies. A distinction is made between Jacobinistic and syncretistic approaches to nation-building and citizenship, as well as between constitutional patriotism, liberal nationalism and deep diversity as models for achieving feelings of belonging, patriotism and social cohesion in heterogeneous societies. Nation-building in Africa and South Africa – and the implications thereof for sub-national groups – are furthermore considered. The role of the media in nation-building, on the one hand, and the accommodation of diversity, on the other, are also considered. The article ends with conclusions and recommendations on the role of the media in promoting discourses on diversity.  相似文献   

This two-part article explores the experience of living and working for povertyfocused NGOs in a civil war whose roots lay in the chronically inequitable distribution of power and access to resources. Drawing on 12 years' work in Central America, the author reflects on the demands and constraints placed on international aid workers in the context of civil conflict; and on the ways in which relationships with local counterpart organisations and NGOs are affected. Empowerment and participation are examined from the perspective of those who refuse to play the role of war victims. Part Two explores the immediate and longer-term impacts of war and political violence both on those who survive, and on local and international workers who are concerned to address its causes and consequences.  相似文献   

This two-part article explores the experience of living and working for poverty-focused NGOs in a civil war whose roots lay in the chronically inequitable distribution of power and access to resources. Based on 12 years' work in Central America, the article reflects on the demands and constraints placed on international aid workers in the context of civil conflict; and on the ways in which relationships with local organisations and NGOs are affected. Empowerment and participation are examined from the perspective of those who reject their role as war victims. In Part Two (to be published in Volume 7, Number 1), the author examines the immediate and longerterm impacts of war and political violence, both on those who survive and on local and international workers who are concerned to address its causes and consequences.  相似文献   

This article builds on the two-level games and international negotiation literatures and shows how the use of an issue typology can shed light on the nature of the interactions between domestic political forces and international negotiations. This is done by presenting four foreign policy process models illustrating that the decision-making process varies depending on the type of issue that is involved in a particular situation. The varying structure and nature of the process affects the range of the domestic level win-set and hinders or aids the achievement of international agreement depending on which model is in play. Although the focus in this article is on the American foreign policy process, the argument is generic to the broader theoretical development of the two-level games approach because similar, but country-specific, decision-making models can be developed for use in the study of non-American foreign policy. Such generalizations build on recent work focusing on the impact of state structure on the foreign policy process and its outcomes.  相似文献   

自然资源是俄罗斯的诅咒还是福祉?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前俄罗斯不存在明显的资源诅咒现象。从经济增长、人力资本积累和收入差距、社会秩序等方面看,无法找到确切的证据表明在俄罗斯存在明显的"资源诅咒"现象。至少到目前为止,俄罗斯无法摆脱对能源原材料部门的依赖,是资源诅咒发生的重要表现。而且,俄罗斯政府对社会领域的投资,对稳定基金、主权养老基金的重视,在很大程度上帮助俄罗斯人更加有效地解决了自然资源的使用效率问题。俄罗斯的经验说明,丰裕的自然资源到底会成为经济长期发展的福祉还是诅咒,最终还是取决于政策,或者说是取决于"人"的因素。  相似文献   

The survival of governments ultimately depends on the survival of its components. These components are politicians whose goal is to stay in office. There has been extensive research on the survival of leaders, but not on the survival of other politicians in government; and even less on how the survival of one affects the survival of the others. The purpose of this article is to take the first step in this direction by analyzing and precisely measuring the impact of the tenure of leaders on the tenure of foreign ministers. This article provides a systematic and formal investigation of the variables that affect the duration in office of foreign ministers. The investigation is based on a new data base on the tenure of more than 7,500 foreign ministers spanning three centuries. Although evidence shows that political institutions have significant impact on the tenure of foreign ministers, internal coalition dynamics such as affinity and loyalty toward a leader, uncertainty, and time dependence are better predictors of their political survival.  相似文献   

This article reports on research that aimed to assess the economic and social impacts of a peer-to-peer training programme targeted to women in Peru, looking at overall and differentiated impacts according to design features, on a sample of 300 women in participant and non-participant communities. The study found significant positive impacts on women’s time devoted to work outside the house and in their saving propensity, although no significant change on time allocated to domestic activities. It also detected some effects on an index of family cohesion and on home improvements. Finally, there was evidence that some design features influence the magnitude and significance of these impacts.  相似文献   

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