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模式,原本指某种事物的标准形式或使人可以照着做的标准样式。笔者把定罪量刑过程及其表现出来的样式称为定罪量刑模式。定罪量刑模式关注的是影响法官定罪量刑的各种因素、以及这些因素对定罪量刑活动产生影响的过程。定罪量刑模式可以分为两类:定罪量刑法理学模式和定罪量刑社会学模式。本文对许霆恶意取款案的分析便是建立在定罪量刑法理学模式与定罪量刑社会学模式的分类基础之上。  相似文献   

论定罪量刑的社会学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行刑事立法赋予法官享有一定的定罪量刑自由裁量权,该自由裁量权受诸多案件社会结构因素影响,案件社会结构因素影响定罪量刑的过程及其表现出的样式就是定罪量刑社会学模式。定罪量刑的社会学模式以案件社会学理论为参照,并基本被实证研究所证实。由于同性质的具体案件的社会结构不同或同一案件在不同诉讼阶段的社会结构不同,法官受其影响程度也不同,定罪量刑不公正现象由此而生。实现公正定罪量刑的关键在于避免定罪量刑社会学模式发生作用。  相似文献   

在美国,量刑证明在无标准到低标准(即优势证明标准),再到高标准(即排除合理怀疑标准)的发展过程中,始终争议不断.目前在美国形成了以"低标准为主,高标准为辅"的量刑证明标准模式,但仍存在某些问题尚未解决.美国量刑证明标准的变迁与争议表明量刑证明标准的设置受以下三方面关键因素的综合影响:一是程序法因素,包括程序价值目标、程序运作方式;二是实体法因素,包括刑罚目的观、刑罚性质以及量刑实体规范;三是对量刑及其程序的认识因素,包括对量刑与定罪相比的重要性的认识、对量刑程序与定罪程序规范差异的认识.对比考量这些因素在我国的状况,我国应在培养量刑程序价值观、更新量刑程序模式设置、转型刑法目的观、配合量刑实体规范、厘清定罪与量刑关系、反思量刑证明与定罪证明规范差异的前提下,对于量刑证明标准进行规范设置.  相似文献   

贪污受贿之定罪量刑标准关乎惩治贪污受贿犯罪的力度和效果,是我国刑事法治领域重大的理论和实务问题。当前我国贪污受贿的定罪量刑标准存在难以全面适时反映贪污受贿个罪的社会危害性、不能充分体现罪责刑相适应原则、影响个罪之间罪刑设置的体系协调等问题。本文认为,应确立"数额+情节"的二元定罪量刑标准,引入罪群立法模式并明确各自定罪量刑标准,受贿罪与贪污罪的定罪量刑标准应实行分立,由司法解释规定并科学、合理设定具体数额标准,妥善解决数额标准适用时的省际冲突等问题。  相似文献   

我国相对独立量刑程序的设计与构建   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
一、构建我国量刑程序的基本思路在刑事诉讼中,由于定罪问题与量刑问题之间存在逻辑上的先后关系,因此本文拟以被告人是否认罪为标准,将量刑阶段与定罪阶段的关系二元化——定罪阶段与量刑阶段的分离模式与合一模式。前者是指在被告人不认罪的案件中,定罪问题与量刑问题在程序上分开进行,在确定被告人的行为已  相似文献   

量刑证明与定罪证明同属于以证据为基础的证明活动,在证据属性、证据规则、证明模式、证明标准、证明责任等方面呈现一体同生的遗传因子,共生于证据法学体系中。以"一分为二"的哲学理念探析量刑证明与定罪证明统一与分离的证明关系、严格与自由的证明模式套用之争、标准与差异的证据规则之议、一维与多元的证明责任之疑以及单一与分层的证明标准之惑,有助于明确量刑证明在证据法学体系中的特殊地位,推动量刑证明与定罪证明理论体系的协同发展,促进量刑证明的规范化。  相似文献   

贪污受贿一直以来都是各国严厉打击的对象。贪污受贿对我国社会经济的发展有着极其不利的影响,不仅如此,贪污受贿犯罪现象还严重败坏了党风和社会风气,严厉打击惩处贪污受贿行为势在必行。本文以贪污受贿罪为切入点,在阐述现有贪污受贿罪定罪量刑标准的基础上,通过分析现有贪污受贿罪定罪量刑标准存在的弊端,重点探讨了完善贪污受贿罪定罪量刑标准的策略,旨在说明完善贪污受贿罪定罪量刑标准的必要性,以期指导实践。  相似文献   

张吉喜 《证据科学》2013,(5):545-553
《刑事诉讼法》、《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉的解释》和《关于办理死刑案件审查判断证据若干问题的规定》对量刑事实的证明标准的规定与学术观点之间存在一定分歧.为了防止立法技术上的因素使被告人陷于不利境地以及在界定定罪事实与量刑事实上的无休止争论,罪重事实应当适用与定罪事实相同的证明标准.量刑事实的举证责任分配以及控辩双方的举证能力差异决定着罪轻事实的证明标准应当低于定罪事实的证明标准.其中,从轻处罚的事实可以适用优势证据标准;减轻处罚的事实和免除处罚的事实应当适用明晰可信标准.  相似文献   

自由裁量权的程序规范化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在当今的量刑程序模式上,存在着英美法系定罪量刑阶段二元化的独立量刑程序模式与大陆法系的定罪与量刑一体化的混合量刑模式.近些年来,在两大法系融合日趋明显的背景下,大陆法系国家量刑程序模式也出现向独立化方向发展的趋势.我国量刑模式一直采用大陆法系的混合量刑程序,随着社会刑罚价值理念的变迁、量刑观点的转变以及刑事诉讼证据规则...  相似文献   

在当今的量刑程序模式上,存在着英美法系定罪量刑阶段二元化的独立量刑程序模式与大陆法系的定罪与量刑一体化的混合量刑模式。近些年来,在两大法系融合日趋明显的背景下,大陆法系国家量刑程序模式也出现向独立化方向发展的趋势。我国量刑模式一直采用大陆法系的混合量刑程序,随着社会刑罚价值理念的变迁、量刑观点的转变以及刑事诉讼证据规则的日趋完善,量刑依附于定罪混合模式的缺陷日益显现,量刑程序  相似文献   

船舶油污损害数额的认定存在困难,对此可以损害额酌定制度来解决.从比较法的视角并结合中国现行相关立法、制度及司法实践,对损害额酌定制度如何应用于船舶油污损害赔偿诉讼做了探讨.认为:损害额酌定兼具证明标准降低和自由裁量双重性质,能适用于诸多船舶油污损害赔偿请求权;法院在酌定损害数额时应当综合考虑所排放油类的数量及品质、受污染的海域范围及其污染程度、油污事故与损害之间的因果关系、责任人的偿付能力等因素,并注意规约法院的诉讼行为和切实保障当事人的程序利益,以使酌定的损害数额尽量客观化、合理化.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the height from which human fell from his/her tissue and organ injuries is discussed. The authors of available publications paid the principal attention to estimation of the height from which the victim fell without consideration for the kinetic energy of the body, which depends not only on the height from which the victim fell, but on his/her body weight as well. Primary external and primary internal injuries are distinguished, which are determined by the area of contusion during landing; secondary contact injuries which form during inertial movement of the body after the first contusion, and injuries due to negative acceleration during contusion when landing (so-called signs of total body concussion) are also distinguished. The totality of all listed injuries helps estimate the total kinetic energy at the moment of contusion and determine the height of falling, with due consideration for anthropometric characteristics of the victim.  相似文献   

In this case study, the body of a 45‐year‐old man was exhumed after 1 year at the request of the public prosecutor to assess whether the death was caused by drug consumption. Toxicological analyses were performed on several matrices, including liver, kidney, and the alternative matrices hair and teeth. The systematic toxicological analysis (STA), which consisted of basic and acid liquid/liquid extraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) analysis, showed the presence of opiates in each of the matrices analyzed. Subsequently, to confirm and quantify the presence of opioids, samples of each of the matrices were subjected to solid‐phase extraction and specific GC‐MS analysis. The case presented demonstrates the possibility of drug detection in an exhumed body that has been buried for 1 year, despite the problems of quantitative interpretation of the data, and that toxicological results could be useful along with other forensic evidence.  相似文献   

内地与香港律师管理之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应“内地与香港律师专业发展计划”的安排,2005年8月2日,大连市律师协会一行11人去香港进行了为期一个月的研修,经过对香港律师协会、大律师公会、律政司、立法会、委托公证人协会、中国法律服务(香港)有限公司等单位为期一周的参见、参察,在香港的p.c.woo&co律师事务所进行了为期三周的工作与学习,对两地的律师管理有了更深一步的了解。对于内地而言,真正意义上的律师管理制度的建立是在上个世纪80年代。1996年5月,《中华人民共和国律师法》正式颁布,为内地律师制度确立了法律基础,自此,内地的律师和律师事务所开始步入了专业化、规模化的…  相似文献   

The determination of sex from bones or bone fragments considerably contributes to identifying unknown bodies or skeletal remains. Due to temporal change and regional differences anthropometric standards have to be constantly renewed. The present study provides measurements of femoral dimensions in a contemporary German population and analyses sexual dimorphism by discriminant analysis. Maximum length (male: 46.4+/-2.4 cm, female: 43.4+/-2.4 cm), maximum midshaft diameter (male: 3.1+/-0.2 cm, female: 2.8+/-0.2 cm), condylar width (male: 8.4+/-1.0 cm, female: 7.7+/-0.5 cm), vertical head diameter (male: 4.9+/-0.3 cm, female: 4.4+/-0.3 cm), head circumference (male: 15.7+/-0.8 cm, female: 13.8+/-1.0 cm) and transverse head diameter (male: 4.9+/-0.3 cm, female: 4.3+/-0.3 cm) were measured in 170 femora, 100 from male (age: 16-92 years, mean: 60.8 years; body height: 153-190 cm, mean: 171 cm) and 70 from female (age: 20-96 years, mean: 72 years; body height: 146-175 cm, mean: 161 cm) individuals. In the discriminant analysis (leave-one-out-method) 67.7% of cases could be grouped correctly with the maximum length alone, 72.4% with the maximum midshaft diameter, 81.4% with the condylar width, 86.8% with the vertical head diameter, 87.7% with the head circumference and 89.6% with the transverse head diameter. The stepwise procedure with all head measurements showed that the results for the transverse head diameter could not be improved. With all measurements subjected to stepwise procedure 91.7% of cases could be classified correctly combining midshaft diameter and head circumference (D=3.012xmidshaft diameter in cm+0.780xhead circumference in cm 20.569).  相似文献   

The attention on stalking – willful and repetitive, sometimes dangerous harassment – and the ways in which legislation can address this issue is investigated. Since the attention on stalking is only a recent development a review is given of the international regulations as well as several opinions about the nature of stalking  相似文献   

Professor Sir Neil MacCormick Professor Emeritus, Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations in the University of Edinburgh As one of four billion people who watched the enthralling launch of this year's Beijing Olympic Games, I feel renewed enthusiasm for the 2009 World Congress of IVR in Beijing. We can be sure to meet a warmand enthusiastic welcome from all our Chinese hosts, and we can all together carry on the IVR's mission of improving mutual understanding in the deep issues that lie at the heart of our common pursuit of philosophy of law and social philosophy.  相似文献   

Hypoglycemia involving a serum glucose of 40 mg/dl or less may lead to death from hypoglycemic coma. Hypoglycemia may be a factor in sudden or unexpected deaths investigated by a medical examiner. We reviewed the data from 54,850 autopsies in a large acute-care medical center to investigate the range of underlying conditions leading to hypoglycemic coma and found 123 cases, which included complications of alcoholism in 41 (33%), drugs in 26 (21%), neoplasia in 26 (21%), conditions producing chronic passive congestion of liver in eight (7%), debilitating neurologic disease in eight (7%), endocrine disorders in four (3%), and a variety of miscellaneous conditions in ten (8%) cases. The commonest mechanisms producing hypoglycemia included liver disease with impaired carbohydrate metabolism, endogenous or exogenous drug or hormonal effect, and inanition from decreased intake of food.  相似文献   

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