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什么是家庭暴力?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(1)家庭暴力的定义: 家庭暴力是发生在家庭成员之间的暴力行为,造成其中一方生理或心理上的伤害,所谓暴力行为,指的是会引起害怕,恐惧,不安全感,冲突等后果的行为。 (2)家庭暴力的类型: 家庭暴力从形式上来看,可分为: a.身体暴力:包括所有对身体的攻击行为,如:殴打,推操,打耳光,脚踢,使用工具攻击等。 b.语言暴力:以语言威胁恐吓,恶意诽谤,辱骂,使用伤害自尊的言语,从而引起他人情绪难受的言语。 c.性暴力:故意攻击性器官,强迫发生性行为,性接触等。 从家庭暴力的受害者来看,可分为: a.虐待配偶:…  相似文献   

刑法意义上的家庭暴力犯罪是指家庭成员之间使用暴力或者变相暴力,摧残他人身心健康,严重扰乱家庭秩序,带有严重社会危害性,依法应受刑罚处罚的行为。除了法律类型之外,在学理上,家庭暴力犯罪还可划分为硬性暴力犯罪、软性暴力犯罪和精神暴力犯罪等类型。基于家庭的特殊性和个案的特殊性可以对其施予刑罚个别化处置,但总体而言,对家庭暴力犯罪的刑法规制不能与其他暴力犯罪的刑法规制偏离甚远,以免人为割裂其适用的社会效果和法律效果的统一性。由此,还需要进一步梳理关涉家庭暴力犯罪之刑事立法,尽量排除法律体系之间衔接不畅、刑法立法不周延、罪名设置不科学、罪域安排不合理、刑罚度量不均衡等立法技术缺陷问题。  相似文献   

陈桂芬 《传承》2009,(10):112-113
家庭暴力根据性质可以分为对身体的暴力、性的暴力和精神的暴力。对家庭暴力原因的解释,概括起来主要从个人因素、文化因素、经济因素、社会因素等来分析。完善家庭暴力法律,加强地方性、针对性立法,加大执法和处罚力度。建构良好的家庭沟通机制;提高妇女自身的社会地位,提高维权意识;建立相关的社会干预和介入机制。  相似文献   

家庭暴力根据性质可以分为对身体的暴力、性的暴力和精神的暴力.对家庭暴力原因的解释,概括起来主要从个人因素、文化因素、经济因素、社会因素等来分析.完善家庭暴力法律,加强地方性、针对性立法,加大执法和处罚力度.建构良好的家庭沟通机制;提高妇女自身的社会地位,提高维权意识;建立相关的社会干预和介入机制.  相似文献   

胡健 《人民论坛》2012,(26):158-159
家庭暴力概念在比较法上并没有一个统一的概念,国内对其内涵的理解也存在争议。对家庭暴力内涵的界定,既要借鉴域外立法成果,也不能脱离我国传统的婚姻价值观念,家庭暴力主体范围不宜过于宽泛,应对精神暴力做限缩性解释,并将家庭暴力与一般的家庭矛盾加以区分。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是各国普遍关注而又屡禁不止的社会问题,反对家庭暴力已经成为文明国家的共识。家庭暴力作为社会暴力的组成部分,它不仅危害家庭,也同时危害社会稳定的基础。因此,反对家庭暴力,保护公民的人身权利,建立健康文明的家庭关系,是全社会的共同责任。今年7月,省十届人大常委会第四次会议通过了《湖北省人民代表大会常务委员会关于预防和制止家庭暴力的决议》,这一法规性文件的出台,必将成为我们反对家庭暴力的重要武器。  相似文献   

作为家庭性暴力的婚内强奸给妇女的身心健康造成了严重的伤害,影响到家庭关系的和谐。《反家庭暴力法》未涵盖家庭性暴力,婚内强奸游离于《反家庭暴力法》和刑事法律规制之外,导致婚内强奸受害人缺失权利救济通道。鉴于婚内强奸入罪的条件尚未成熟,在《反家庭暴力法》中明确婚内强奸的违法性具有必要性和可行性。婚内强奸入《反家庭暴力法》需要正确区分强奸罪与婚内强奸行为,完善丈夫性请求权的救济途径,设计调整婚内强奸的具体规范条款,以回应婚内强奸入法的国际趋势。  相似文献   

作者采用结构式调查问卷方法,于2001年11月至2002年1月在天津、辽宁、河南及陕西地区对1215名自愿要求人工流产的城市妇女进行调查,分析了中国北方部分城市人工流产妇女中家庭暴力发生的相关因素。结果发现,274名调查对象在本次妊娠前或后曾遭受过亲密伴侣的家庭暴力(包括性暴力、躯体暴力和心理暴力),家庭暴力发生率为22.6%。家庭暴力的发生与年龄、教育程度、职业、经济收入均无关联。家庭暴力并非只发生于特定的人群,而是一个普遍存在的社会问题,人流妇女有与暴力有关的生活经历以及与男方关系不良,易增加暴力发生的风险。  相似文献   

反抗与妥协--家庭暴力受害者个案研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本文主要依据1996-1999年北京妇女热线的100个家庭暴力受害者的来话资料,分析受害者对家庭暴力的态度及其寻求社会支持的情况.研究结论表明,家庭暴力受害者在暴力发生时和发生后均反抗暴力,但由于她们缺乏社会支持,因此,她们在反抗和妥协中摇摆;社会支持系统通过将家庭暴力性质模糊化、将妇女忍受暴力的行为崇高化和将妇女受暴力遭遇命运化压抑妇女,使受害妇女得不到有效的社会支持,同时也表达了社会对家庭暴力的容忍和妥协.  相似文献   

家庭暴力作为一种古老的违法犯罪行为,发展到今天其含义已经发生了一些变化。在处理家庭暴力行为时,我们首先应当理解家庭暴力及家庭暴力的被害人的内涵及其特点。同时,我们还应注意到家庭暴力被害人的"恶逆变",研究家庭暴力的被害人是在何种情况下由被害人转变为施害人的。家庭暴力已经成为危害家庭和谐及社会稳定的一个重大社会问题,而家庭暴力的被害人发生"恶逆变"也给社会敲响了警钟。  相似文献   

School Violence     

While politicians and the media have devoted a great deal of attention to the “problem” of school violence, classrooms teachers remain an underutilized source of information and inspiration about the frequency of school violence, its causes, its consequences, and appropriate interventions. In essence, teachers have been given little, if any, voice. This article is a reflective piece that integrates the author's own experiences as a teacher, focus group data with high school teachers, and the extant literature regarding the importance of teacher voice. Research and theory regarding the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized serve as background. Also explored are the ways that teachers' voices are stifled, as well as suggestions for empowering teachers.  相似文献   


Violence prevention requires a broad focus. Several multimedia-enhanced, psychological education courses that are capable of Internet delivery have been developed at Arizona State University and at KnowConfhct, LLC. These interactive interventions have evolved from earlier work on simulations and computer-based learning; however, they incorporate recent technological advances and current psychological research in areas such as differential diagnosis, observational learning, and cognitive restructuring. They specifically address changing the irrational beliefs that mediate low self-esteem and occupational stereotyping, educating parents on practices affecting the career outcomes of their children, and altering attributions relevant to academic motivation and performance. Although all of these psychological education curricula are relevant to violence prevention, and all have been subjected to continuing conceptual and empirical scrutiny, the most recent project deals directly with enhancing the conflict management skills of our nation's youth.  相似文献   

The U.S.marked a grim milestone in2019:There were more mass shootings than there are days of the year.As of December 22,2019,there had been404 cases of mass shootings in the country,according to the Gun Violence Archive(GVA),a nonprofit organization.This is the highest number registered since the group started collecting data in 2013.The GVA defines a mass shooting as any incident that results in four or more people being shot,excluding the shooter.  相似文献   

Advocates call for new domestic violence law in China A two-day seminar on legislation aimed at curbing domestic violence was held in Nanjing in east China’s  相似文献   


National monitoring of school violence is essential for needs assessments, policymaking, and evaluation at the national level. As informative and important as national monitoring is, the data generated at the national level is often not useful at the district or school site levels. There is therefore a need for a feasible method of monitoring school violence on the district and school level; furthermore, we need to find ways to effectively apply national-level information to schools and school districts. over time should be the foundation for the design, implementation, and evaluation of interventions in this area. In this article, we propose an expanded concept of monitoring that links comparable data on school violence at the grade, school site, district, and national levels. The paper presents our conceptual framework and methodology and illustrates its implementation in a district in Israel. We present examples of reports generated to monitor school violence for the district as a whole and for each of the school sites. Finally, we conclude that this is a feasible and useful model that social services could adopt to monitor practice in many other areas.  相似文献   


Objective: This study was designed to describe the level of violence in three high schools and to test the effects of universal and targeted strategies to reduce this violence.

Design:A repeated measures design with two baseline scores and two intervention scores was used during a two year period. Two rural high schools served as control schools with a single intervention high school.

Participants: All freshmen at the three high schools completed a self-report measure of school violence; 420 completed the study at the end of their sophomore year.

Method: Multiple universal and targeted interventions to prevent school violence were used for slightly more than one year. Scores on student Victimization and Perpetration, gathered one year apart, were compared using a pre-test post-test model.

Findings: Student reports of perpetration at the intervention school were significantly lower than the combined scores at the control school. Students, teachers, and administrators reported improved awareness, knowledge, and skills to implement violence prevention programs.

Conclusions: A comprehensive program that includes university and high school partnerships has the capability to reduce school violence during a short period. Despite limitations to the study, continued use of research partnerships to decrease school violence is war-ranted.  相似文献   

<正>John Woo returns to his signature"gun fu"action thrillersIt has been 50 years since John Woo,the renowned Hong Kong director,started his career in the film industry back in 1968.Woo,now aged 71,has staged more than 30f ilms throughout an illustrious career which has spanned both Hong Kong and Hollywood,winning applause both at home and abroad for his distinctive style of action movies.This winter saw two of Woo’s f ilms screened  相似文献   


School violence has many faces and many casualties. In varying degrees it touches students, parents, educators and communities of every school world wide. At the local level, communities are seen as playing a significant role in violence prevention. Generally, community-based violence prevention approaches involve the assessment of local problems, identification of target issues, selection of a range of interventions, and the encouragement of collaboration among civic groups, the juvenile justice system, local leaders, and young people themselves. These programs are generally judged as successful if they are able to address risk factors effectively for individual youths, strengthen those factors that provide protection and enhance resiliency, provide sufficient support and effective supervision, and increase pro-social attitudes by providing youth with a sense of having an increased stake in their local communities. Although too few educators are aware of its impact, the women's community has been involved in this work for decades. In this paper I discuss the results of interviews with members of the women's community in Atlantic Canada who have developed proactive violence prevention initiatives. I will concentrate on their efforts to bring those programs into the schools and their experiences of the successes and challenges they encounter.  相似文献   

家庭,是构成社会的基本细胞,家庭的和睦安康是社会稳定昌盛的前提条件。当今,人类已进入了现代文明时期。人们的思维理念、行为模式大多完成了对粗俗与野蛮的超脱。然而,“家庭暴力”这个与现代社会极不协调的现象还在困扰着时代文明,由家庭暴力引发的各类案件频频发生。对此,党和政府以及社会各界给予了极大关注,越来越多的人对“家庭暴力”问题进行着种种思考。本文从对家庭暴力事件的认定入手,分析阐述了家庭暴力的各种成因及防治对策。  相似文献   

周敏之 《湖湘论坛》2003,16(2):82-84
康党拟武装夺权 ,是王照上书导致礼部六堂官被黜后新旧矛盾尖锐化的产物 ,有一个逐渐形成的过程。考察康党拟武装夺权的原因和时间 ,以王照上书、礼部六堂官被黜事件作为起点较为恰当。  相似文献   

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