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本文通过俄罗斯转轨期间汇率的实际数据和汇率制度的安排,对俄罗斯外汇制度的改革进程进行分析,并且讨论不同阶段进行汇率制度改革的原因以及汇率改革后对经济产生的影响。俄罗斯汇率制度自由化改革,首先是实现经常账户自由化,然后实行资本账户的自由化。俄罗斯汇率制度的安排,也从开始的不可兑换到国家内部可兑换,然后发展到"汇率走廊"制度。在"汇率走廊"制度不再满足需求后,俄罗斯实行了浮动汇率制度。最后,在经济好转和外汇储备充足的情况下,俄罗斯实行了自由浮动汇率制度。在经济一体化的时代,我们认为俄罗斯的汇率政策选择应该更多地参与区域与国际协调,这样才能更好地应付金融危机。  相似文献   

论俄罗斯新制度安排及其特点   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
现阶段,俄罗斯基本上完成了大规模的制度变迁,正在努力构建一种与俄罗斯本土价值观念相适应的制度安排。这种制度安排的基本特点体现在“可控的民主”与“可控的市场”,它们被认为是俄罗斯“可控式”制度安排的主要内容。这一制度安排的产生基于以下社会背景:第一,叶利钦时期所推行的“自由式”的制度安排,被俄罗斯转型10多年的实践证明在俄罗斯行不通;第二,普京治理国家的理念及普京政府的政策措施的推动;第三,“可控式”制度安排是俄罗斯民族价值观的体现,并成为俄罗斯经济增长及其未来崛起的一个重要推动因素。在这种推断的基础上,本文对俄罗斯“可控式”制度安排及其主要内容和具体表现,以及它对于拉动俄罗斯经济增长、促进俄罗斯崛起的作用进行了分析,试图给出一个结论:俄经济发展将有可能沿着具有俄罗斯特征的“可控式”制度安排的方向演进。  相似文献   

俄罗斯养老保险制度改革及其经济效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于遭遇人口与经济的双重危机,俄罗斯于20世纪90年代开始改革养老保险制度。改革的内容是由单一的现收现付制度转变为三支柱养老保险体系。尽管养老保险制度的改革对储蓄率、消费率、投资率等宏观经济指标产生了一些负面影响,但从总体来看,俄罗斯已经建立起了基本适合国情的养老保险制度。  相似文献   

自2007年以来,俄罗斯开始实行三年期中期预算制度,以这样一种前瞻性的战略方式确立优先次序并配置资源,这是身处复杂局面下的俄罗斯稳定宏观经济的重要方法。总体上,中期预算以紧缩为主,但也考虑了部分领域的补充性预算支出,中期预算下的收入与支出安排,目的是让预算更具持续性。同以往一样,2018-2020年中期预算也引起了俄罗斯国内各政治团体的争论,围绕预算的结构及改革方向,各方均有自己的立场和建议,这些讨论将决定俄罗斯未来财政预算的重塑。  相似文献   

自布雷顿森林货币体系瓦解至今,东南亚国家的汇率制度经历了五个阶段的改革与变迁.在旧汇率制度下,东南亚国家的名义汇率与实际有效汇率有其显著的特点.1997年金融危机爆发之后,东南亚国家都放弃了原有的"软性"钉住美元的汇率制度,采纳了有管理的或独立的浮动汇率制度.新的汇率制度表现出程度不同的"高频钉住美元"和"低频钉住美元"的混合模式的特点,并面临本币升值的压力.新自由主义理论所鼓吹的"中间汇率制度消失论"不符合东南亚的实际情况.  相似文献   

建立东亚固定汇率区:构想、困境与现实选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东亚货币一体化的最终目标是建立东亚固定汇率区,实现东亚单一货币.目前,关于建立东亚固定汇率区有六种代表性构想,每一种构想都有其优势和缺陷.在东亚实际钉住美元的汇率制度下,东亚汇率制度的选择面临困境.选择东亚合意汇率制度、构建东亚固定汇率区,首先要实现双边汇率稳定,再实现"次区域"汇率稳定,最后实现东亚整体汇率稳定.  相似文献   

拉美和东亚的汇率制度比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1994年的墨西哥金融危机和1997年的东亚金融危机充分说明,汇率的重要性越来越明显.本文总结了90年代以前拉美和东亚主要国家汇率制度演化的特点,简要分析了90年代一些东亚国家在汇率管理方面的失误,并探讨了可供发展中国家选择的浮动汇率制、固定汇率制和盯住汇率制的利弊.此外,本文还论述了一些拉美和东亚国家实施货币局汇率制度和美元化的可行性.  相似文献   

本文考察了越南自1989年汇率并轨后至2012年间越盾汇率的变动趋势及汇率制度的演变,分析了不同时期越南实际实行的汇率制度。和中国一样,革新开放后越南的汇率制度变革整体上也是成功的,为经济的转型与长期的经济增长提供了制度保障。在目前管理浮动汇率制的框架下,越南形成了单一钉住美元为主的汇率制度,这使得越南成为继中国之后新近加入"东亚美元本位"体系的国家。  相似文献   

俄罗斯经济增长因素实证分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
俄罗斯经济较轨以来,纵观其各年GDP增长,1995年经济开始有了起色,虽然1997、1998年受到金融危机的影响而有所下降,但是危机过后到现在,一直保持增长趋势。经验认为,俄罗斯经济增长与其能源出口、制度改革、居民消费、汇率贬值和稳定的政治局势有很大关系。通过建立多元回归模型,对影响俄罗斯经济增长的主要因素进行实证分析,来验证学术界存在的观点,并根据结论提出保持经济稳定性增长的几点建议。  相似文献   

俄罗斯经济转轨的非效率制度均衡研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
制度转机必然引起财富分配结构的变化,俄罗斯经济转轨是因对经济效益的追求而从经济制度的根本性剧变起步的,首先表现为激烈地改变原有的财富分配结构,但并没有产生财富增长效应,最终导致俄罗斯经济转轨陷入“非效率制度均衡”。普京上台后,加大力度以改变原有的制度环境,制度环境的改善有利于俄经济转轨走出非效率制度均衡,但是,经济增长的内生性因素并不多见,普京时期能否使制度环境、制度安排与经济绩效之间产生良性互动,还有待观察。  相似文献   

Recent experience has made clear the importance of macroeconomic stability, and exchange rate stability in particular, in generating support for regional integration. The tensions created by exchange-rate and financial volatility are clearly evident in the recent history of Mercosur and may also hinder the development of a Free Trade Area of the Americas. This essay argues that ambitious schemes for a single regional currency are not a practical response to this problem. Nor would a system of currency pegs or bands be sufficiently durable to provide a lasting solution. Instead, countries must solve this problem at home. In practice, this means adopting sound and stable monetary policies backed by a clear and coherent operating strategy, such as inflation targeting. With such policies in place, exchange rate volatility can be reduced to levels compatible with regional integration.  相似文献   

With the end of the cold war and the weakening of the security bond between Europe and the United States, economic relations assume increasing importance. As Europe's dominant economic power, Germany has a central role in the management of the trans‐Atlantic economy. This analysis of economic relations between Germany and the United States shows that whilst investment flows between the two economies suggest common interests and mutual dependence, the structure of German and American trade reveals a strong potential for conflict. Moreover, the experience of the 1980s suggests that economic ties between Germany and the United States are not sufficiently intense to guarantee unconditional cooperation in the management of the Atlantic economy. Divergence in macroeconomic policy has inevitably led to tensions over trade, exchange rates and interest rates. Unless this tendency is checked, the result will be the emergence of ‘Fortress Europe’ with a heightened potential for conflict with the United States.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the effect of wage variables on regional investment policy, the influence of inflation variables on regional investment policy, and the influence of exchange rate variables on investment policy of the Region on Labor. In this study, the population taken is the entire workforce whose data comes from the Central Bureau of Statistics in Sidoarjo which amounted to 64,792 workers. Data analysis using multiple linear regressions with the help of SPSS program version 20 showed that there is an influence of wages, inflation, and exchange rate on local investment policy. Based on the results of calculations and test results conducted, it can be explained that there is an effect of wages on regional investment of labor followed by the characteristics of inflation on labor that affects the exchange rate of investment. This illustrates for policymakers which empirical evidence exists in a series of time to test the theoretical basis while establishing fiscal, monetary, or exchange rate policies to stabilize output and employment by using interest rates, money supply, and exchange rates as instruments for achieving goals.  相似文献   

以日本的制造业和非制造业中的19个行业为例,实证分析了1971—2007年间日元汇率波动对这些行业的影响情况。分析结果表明,总体上日元汇率的波动与日本对外直接投资存在显著的正相关关系。分行业来说,这些行业的结果可以分为三类。最后对这些结果进行了原因分析。  相似文献   

Malaysia gained attention for its use of capital controls in 1998, but since the early 2000s it has emphasised its commitment to an open capital account, despite experiencing volatile capital flows. As well as opting for financial openness, Malaysia chose to manage the value of its exchange rate after de-pegging from the US dollar in 2005. In a bid to escape the macroeconomic constraints that arise from capital mobility, Malaysia also chose to sterilise a large portion of capital inflows. It then made a further choice to use market-based sterilisation instruments more than regulatory sterilisation measures. These choices have carried costs and led to a build-up of economic risk. Three interrelated factors explain these choices: Malaysia’s strategy to manage the stigma arising from its imposition of controls in 1998, the increased level of financial integration that followed from this strategy, and the politically privileged position of groups that have benefitted from Malaysia’s commitment to capital openness.  相似文献   

The choice of exchange rate regime is a continuing challenge to Latin American policymakers, who currently face pressure to dollarize their economies. The constraints imposed by the "dollar bloc," the informal but powerful currency bloc that ties Latin America to the dominant currency, are central to that choice. Current weak economic performance has called the bloc's norms and principles into question and has made the exchange rate an open issue. Ecuador's full official dollarization is one possible strategy for countries with political stability but poor economic performance to gain access to needed dollar resources. Most of Latin America, however, will continue with variants of managed floating exchange rates, and the periodic foreign exchange crises will provide access to official dollar resources and facilitate renegotiation of the terms of outstanding debt.  相似文献   

1997年爆发了席卷东南亚的金融危机,其波及范围之广、影响之深是近几十年来罕见的。本文在简单回顾东南亚金融危机的基础上,特别从汇率制度的角度,结合金融恐慌论对危机爆发的原因进行深入探讨,以此来分析我国当前汇率制度的现状、优点及缺陷,从而阐明人民币汇率从单一钉住美元向钉住一篮子货币过渡,建立与市场相吻合的有弹性的汇率制度是大势所趋,也是我国防范货币危机的最佳选择。  相似文献   

缅甸金融部门实行利率和汇率管制,真实利率为负,市场汇率与官方固定汇率差异巨大,表现出显著的金融抑制特征.20世纪90年代,缅甸政府进行了以建立私营银行体系为重心的金融改革,并取得一定成效,但改革远远没有改变金融抑制的根本,私营银行由于资本规模较小且没有国家信用支持,不具备必要的抗风险能力.金融部门脆弱性加剧,集中表现为2003年金融危机及其后数年金融部门发展停滞甚至倒退.金融抑制下的缅甸金融部门已成为国民经济发展的瓶颈,其自由化改革具有迫切性.本文在对缅甸金融抑制、金融改革及金融困境进行全面剖析的基础上,对缅甸金融自由化前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

石油行业在俄罗斯产业结构中占重要地位。石油行业的税收收入是俄联邦财政预算收入的重要组成部分。俄联邦政府相关部门、石油企业经过多次博弈,对原油、成品油中轻油和重油税率进行了修改,旨在寻求国家财政预算收入与石油企业的投资收益之间的最佳平衡,在国家整个宏观经济调控与石油行业健康发展之间找到最好办法。进行海外油气合作、实施海外并购,一国的财税制度甚为重要。对"走出去"的中国油气公司、企业而言,了解和掌握俄罗斯新税制的通过、实施及其将产生何种影响甚为关键。  相似文献   

This paper argues that state-owned, private domestic, and foreign banks have different preferences for exchange rate policies. More specifically, I posit that governments will be less willing and able to maintain fixed exchange rate arrangements in closed banking systems dominated by government-owned banks than in globalized banking systems with a large presence of foreign banks. The article’s principal claim rests on the notion that ownership structure of the banking system empowers different types of banks, affects their interests, and shapes the responsiveness of government politicians to bank demands. The bank ownership types further influence the stability of the domestic monetary system and financial regulation that are of paramount importance in the determination of exchange rate regimes. An empirical investigation of data on exchange rate regimes for 25 Central and Eastern European countries provides strong support for the theory. The results are robust to alternative estimation techniques, instrumental variable analysis, and the inclusion of several economic and political variables.  相似文献   

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