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流动人口住房保障体系的建设应秉承渐进性、差异性和多样性的原则,既要因城施策,也要因层施策。流动人口多层次的住房状况是流动人口住房保障政策制定和实施的重要依据,然而,有关流动人口的住房分层以及流动人口住房分层背景下住房保障的讨论不够充分。基于国家卫生健康委员会2017年全国流动人口动态监测数据分析,研究发现我国流动人口形成了“四层八类”的住房分层结构。流动人口住房上层为已获住房产权的有房阶层,流动人口住房中上层为住在居委会辖区的租房阶层,流动人口住房中下层为住在村委会辖区的租房阶层,流动人口住房下层为住在宿舍等其他住房的住房阶层。住房阶层内又可以根据住房权属关系和辖区分为多种类型。研究认为,提高流动人口的住房水平需建立多层次住房保障体系,政府调控稳定住房市场结构与价格,针对流动人口特点提供适配的住房;既要提高商品房市场和租赁房市场住房品种的多层次性,也要促进保障性住房的多样性及保障形式的多样性。  相似文献   

我国的保障性住房制度建设起步于上世纪90年代末,在2005年以后进入快速发展和不断完善阶段.建设保障性住房是弥补市场缺陷、减少社会矛盾、实现社会公平、促进社会和谐的重要战略举措之一,各级政府部门在其中扮演着重要角色,担负着重要职责.当前,我国在保障性住房制度建设方面还存在供需矛盾尖锐,法律体系建设滞后,配套政策成效有限,监管体制机制匮乏等问题.因此,充分发挥市场机制的主导作用,建立健全相关的法律法规体系,高度重视配套政策体系化建设,加快监管体制机制建设步伐,是进一步推进我国保障性住房制度建设的着力点.  相似文献   

“我县保障性住房建设在‘十二五’期间有多少用地指标?如何保证保障房用地的建设需要?” “在保障性住房建设资金保障方面采取了哪些措施?今后对实现保障性住房建设资金的良性循环有什么打算?”  相似文献   

薛晨 《江淮法治》2012,(3):42-43
“保障性住房要注重配套设施建设,充分体现‘以人为本’的设计理念和人文关怀精神,真正让居住者充分享受改革开放的成果。”谈及保障性住房,省十一届人大代表、长丰县政府办公室主任戚锐亮明自己的观点。  相似文献   

凤翔县以改善民生条件为根本,认真贯彻落实中省市关于加快保障性住房建设的重大战略决策,初步建立了廉租住房、公共租赁住房、经济适用住房和限价商品房等多层次的住房保障体系。四年来,全县累计投入78亿元,实施了凤鸣路七号院、万和家园、上善家园、新都市花园、长青苑等保障房项目,保障性住房建设工作走在了全市前列。  相似文献   

以政府为主导的保障性住房建设,在满足社会群体住房需求的过程中取得了巨大的成就,但同时也面临着社会认同的缺失。本文从社会认同的理论视角出发,以长春市的保障性住房建设与管理为研究对象,分析了影响保障性住房建设的社会认同因素,并在此基础上提出了社会认同体系建构的相关建议,以期进一步完善保障性住房建设与管理。  相似文献   

近年来,贵州省贵阳市纪委、监察局将监督融入廉租住房、公共租赁住房、经济适用住房、棚户区改造等保障性安居工程建设和分配全过程,督促相关部门建立和完善适合贵阳市实际的住房保障体系,确保工作顺利开展,取得一定成效。市纪委、监察局抓住重点,加强对保障性住房建设过程的监督检查。严把工程质量关,严格要求建设单位执行基本建设程序,制定专门的监督计划,增  相似文献   

陈一舟 《法人》2011,(1):15-15
“最牛公务员工资”的存废不是问题的关键。已经非常明显,“最牛公务员工资”的一部分来自于财政列支,“与现有公务人员工资构成相符”,而真正让工资“牛”起来的“其他+绩效”部分,则来源于经费自收自支——据悉,这是一家深圳市住房和建设局下属的事业单位,负责深圳市财政投资建设的保障性住房、政策性住房及小区公共配套设施和商业用房的租赁、  相似文献   

我国的保障性住房制度自从建立那天起.就带着先天不足,在质疑声中一路走过10余年的历程。虽然说10余年来保障住房的建设解决了一些中低收入家庭的居住困难,但从现实情况来看,原本为解决中低收入家庭住房困难的保障性住房在现实操作中难以实现政府的初衷。我国的保障性住房制度在发展过程中存在的问题日益暴露和突出。使保障性住房的发展面临着重大考验。  相似文献   

大多数国家在建设保障性住房的过程中,都会遇到的一个现实问题就是融资问题.近年,我国大力开发保障性住房,然而我国现有的融资模式以及融资渠道较单一,需要尽快建立和完善保障性住房的融资体系.本文力求探究我国保障性住房融资方面存在的问题,参考其他国家的成熟经验,结合本国国情,提出完善保障性住房融资模式的相关建议.  相似文献   

Since China’s reform and opening up in 1978, the housing system in China had undergone two major reforms; currently, the third major reform (also called the second housing revolution) has started. This article analyzes the historical course of the reforms, investigates the gains and losses of the reforms, seeks the directions for deepening the reform of housing system, and in turn, establishes the patterns of housing construction and consumption in accordance with Chinese actual conditions. The report of the 17th National People’s Congress pointed out that “housing guarantee” is a heavy task “to ensure and improve people’s living standard, to promote social equity and justice, and to build a harmonious society.” The Real Right Law of China plays a positive role to protect housing rights, but it only gives limited protection of housing right. Meanwhile, the Real Right Law itself introduces new problems to the housing security. In order to protect housing rights and achieve the objective of “housing guarantee,” China needs to further improve the housing system and advance the housing legislation. The main approaches in this article include: (a) carrying out the “three-three housing policies,” there are basically three types of housing systems, three means of land provision, and three teams involved; (b) employing the bidding method of “four decisions and two biddings” for land supply, it means that the government should take the responsibility to decide land prices, construction standards, tax rates and profit rate; and the bidder is determined by scoring each of the bidders as for his house price bidding and building program bidding; (c) establishing the system of habitation right in China’s Housing Law and maximizing its function of social security; and (d) further improving relevant regulations in the proposed housing act or housing security law and paying attention to the establishment and implementation of supporting measures.  相似文献   

新农村建设中土地流转的现实问题及其对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
韩松 《中国法学》2012,(1):19-32
新农村建设中的农地流转和土地利用,要尊重农民的权利和意愿,在农地流转中要节制资本,将资本下乡和合作社限定在为农民和农业生产服务的领域内,防止资本对农民土地的兼并导致农民失业破产。应当采取严格的问责制度和严厉的责任追究制,以制止地方政府权力对农民权益的侵害。同时要建立完善其他法律制度,允许集体建设用地使用权直接入市,改革城乡建设用地挂钩的政策,建立耕地复垦和耕地保护补偿制度。在此基础上,完善关于农民房屋转让的规定,允许房屋所有人与本集体共同对房屋和宅基作出处分,包括向城市人出卖房屋和宅基地,由集体取得建设用地(宅基地)的出让价值,由房屋所有人取得房屋的市场交换价值。  相似文献   

孟庆瑜 《河北法学》2011,29(12):66-76
大力发展公共租赁住房是我国解决住房保障问题的一项重要政策选择,但政府主导的公共租赁住房制度在实施过程中面临着资金来源、土地供应、建设运营、租金标准和执行监督等诸多困难。借鉴有关国家成功经验,从我国实际情况出发,稳步推进公共租赁住房的市场化改革理应成为完善我国公共租赁住房制度的新趋向,而完备的住房租赁补贴制度则是这一制度体系健康运行的关键与核心。为此,我们还需专业化公司、新型土地供应、政策支持等相关配套制度的及时跟进,以形成政府与社会良性互动的住房保障格局。  相似文献   

The last four decades of US housing policy have seen a shift from the federal allocation of affordable housing as a public good to the neoliberal model of private and for‐profit provision of affordable housing. This shift warrants a study of the link between the interests that now shape low‐income housing markets and the stability of the housing they provide. Nowhere are the effects of this shift more evident than in the homes of the 20 million Americans living in manufactured housing, which is installed largely on the private lands of for‐profit developers who can close mobile home parks and force residents to move themselves and their homes with as little as 30 days' notice. This ethnography of mass eviction in a Florida mobile home park examines state regulations intended to protect residents of closing parks and analyzes how private interests shape the implementation of these policies.  相似文献   

把以低工资制为基础的住房实物福利分配供应制度改变成为住房商品化分配供应制度,是住房制度改革的主要内容之一。住房制度改革的实质是利益分配,住房改革制度本身以及执行过程中的偏差,尤其是经济适用房政策的异化,均产生改革利益非公平分享的社会问题。严格执行经济适用房的政策与基本规则,对违规的经济适用房和集资房进行全面清理,由政府直接修建并提供保障性住房,建立保障性住房信息公开制度,区分不同类别的住房有的放矢地开征物业税,是缓解住房改革利益非公平分享问题的良方。  相似文献   

Research Summary: In California, incarceration in the state prison system is in part organized by security level. The higher the security level, the more restrictive the setting. Upon arrival at a reception center, new inmates are scored within a classification system that is used to determine the appropriate level of security. In this paper, we report on the development and testing of a new inmate classification scoring system. Over 20,000 inmates took part in a randomized experiment in which half were assigned to their housing using the existing scoring system and half were assigned to their housing using the new scoring system. There were two key outcomes: (1) potential mismatches between the number of inmates assigned to different security levels and the available beds and (2) reports of inmate misconduct. Policy Implications: We conclude there to be some potential crowding problems, but that the new scoring system is much better than the old scoring system in sorting inmates by the likelihood of misconduct. We also conclude that some predictors popular in the past are no longer effective (e.g., marital status), while some new predictors are extremely powerful (e.g., gang activity), and that one can build in a number of mandatory housing placements (e.g., for sex offenders) and not degrade the overall effectiveness of the new classification system. Finally, the new classification system is shown to be more user‐friendly than the existing classification system and well received by the staff responsible for implementing it.  相似文献   

刘晓霞 《法学杂志》2012,33(5):61-65
"小产权房"是我国近年来出现的社会现象,然而其在建设及交易过程中面临着诸多法律上的难题。这些难题表明我国集体土地所有权被虚置,建设用地使用权流转机制亦不健全。要破解这些法律难题,应当赋予农村集体建设用地使用权以完全用益物权效力,构建城乡平等的建设用地使用权流转制度;创新集体土地所有权和使用权主体制度,确保所有权权能的实现;完善土地征收制度,禁止为"商业利益"而征收;构建科学的城乡土地利用规划制度,同时政府应当让利于民。  相似文献   

张清  严婷婷 《北方法学》2012,6(4):82-92
适足住房权是指公民有权获得可负担得起的适宜于人类居住的、有良好的物质设备和基础服务设施的、具有安全、健康和尊严,并不受歧视的住房的权利。它主要包括:居住权、安全与健康权(或称舒适权)、住宅公平权、住宅隐私权、住房选择偏好权、住宅救济权以及住宅不受侵犯权和自由处分的权利。人权实现与国家义务之间存在密切的内在关联,对于人权的实现国家既具有消极义务,更具有积极义务。我国政府在公民适足住房权实现上具有不可推卸的义务,应从尊重、保护、促进和实现四个方面对国家义务进行分析,使之具有较强的体系性和可行性。  相似文献   

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