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1954年至1962年以吴努总理为首的缅甸自由同盟政府执政的时期,这个时期缅甸华人经济的特点之一,是与中缅政治、外交关系紧密相连。中缅关系越好,缅甸华人经济也就更好。以下按产业对仰光的华人经济况进行简单的阐述。1、进出口业。1958年,仰光有进出口权...  相似文献   

缅甸曼德勒华人占该市人口的十分之一,语言格局多样,单语缅语、单语云南话都很常见,另外还有普通话、闽粤客话、傣语等.本文通过考察场所与使用者,描述了曼德勒华人的语言现状与竞争,预测了变化趋势,以此观照世界华人的语言生活,对其变更给予社会语言学与语言本体学的解释.  相似文献   

钟小鑫 《东南亚研究》2023,(5):119-133+157
在传统缅甸华人社会中,“在商言商”、“远离政治”的诤言与理念成为其族群生存与发展的重要准则。缅甸老一辈华人一直向后辈灌输参与政治的危险性,以及华人曾经卷入政治运动的惨痛记忆与深刻教训。这种角色定位与缅甸华人的身份认同密切相关。然而,在近年来缅甸云谲波诡的政治变幻中,缅甸新生代华人表现出与其父辈完全不同的政治风貌与政治姿态。特别是在2021年缅甸军人再次接管国家政权的背景下,许多新生代华人纷纷涌向街头,积极表达民主诉求。新生代华人的身份认同也出现了较为显著的变化。探讨缅甸华人身份认同和政治参与的变迁,是理解缅甸华人社会以及缅甸政治发展趋势的重要维度,并为进一步探究缅甸民族国家建构中新生代华人的身份与角色提供了理论空间。  相似文献   

蔡晶 《南亚东南亚研究》2023,(1):129-138+157-158
华人移民印度已有200多年的历史,但其在印度社会的发展并不理想。在传统印度教社会按照阶序原理统合和分割的社会形态下,印度教徒接纳并包容华人移民的存在,但同时倾向于将其固定于阶序链条底端,使之成为“事实上的种姓集团”,并以社会隔离的逻辑不与之通婚和交往。在这种情况下,印度华人也被“涵括”进印度教社会结构体系,成为阶序人社会中的一个特定角色,在阶序链条中有其特定的位置,且很难改变。在这种情况下,印度华人和印度教徒的族群边界被凸显和固化了,印度华人无法通过充分的社会交往融入印度教社会,亦难以通过信仰改宗实现新的印度教社会认同。因此,印度华人在形式上嵌入印度社会体系与秩序,在一定程度上接受了相应的身份与角色,借此获得了印度社会的合法成员资格,并进而形成了某种趋同的行为模式,如职业世袭、内婚和社会交往的界限等,这一心理与社会过程,可以看作华人在印度社会的“阶序化”过程。这既是华人面对印度社会主流文化传统造成的社会隔绝的一种反应,也是华人在印度社会文化传统和自身文化传统双重影响下的生存状态。不仅反映了华人基于生存需要的生存策略选择,也凸显了华人基于心理和情感需要的族群身份认同和文化认同特点。  相似文献   

缅甸吴登盛政府上台后实施了一系列措施,拉开了缅甸社会改革的序幕。大刀阔斧的改革引起国际社会高度关注,西方国家纷纷与缅甸新政府接触,发展关系。尤其是昂山素季当选议员之后,美国、欧洲与日本加快了对缅甸的战略争夺。作为缅甸传统友好邻国的中国,与缅甸建立了全面战略合作伙伴关系,两国关系发展较为良好。文章将分析缅甸的改革进程对中缅关系的影响,并思考如何进一步推动中缅关系发展。  相似文献   

膘苏蒂王朝时期 在缅甸史籍中有一部著名的关于中缅关系的记载,这就是《华人莅缅记》。 在这部《华人莅缅记》的开头写道:“自佛事虔诚的天帝之孙、太阳神之子(骠苏蒂)在极乐之邦、威名显赫的蒲甘国获得王位以后,即与芬芳之邦的皇帝的关系时亲时疏,时盟时敌。”这部著作记载了从骠苏蒂王到缅历一○○五年明永历帝事件为止的这一历史时期所发生的一系列史实。  相似文献   

奥巴马政府对缅的务实接触政策使美缅关系发生急剧变化,成为国际社会关注热点。文章认为,美国改善与缅甸关系,是其全球战略调整的重要组成部分;美国主要出于为"重返东南亚"战略打开重要突破口、在缅甸建立美式民主、抢占缅甸市场等方面的考虑,同时也有遏制中国的意图,并在这些方面初步取得成效。美缅关系的改善也有利于缅甸使西方国家取消制裁而摆脱外交孤立状态,这给中国带来不容忽视的影响。  相似文献   

威基耶基纽是缅甸新闻界闻名老报人。他对缅甸华人创办的华文报较了解,其看法也较中肯。现将其《四个时期的中缅关系》一书有关于华文报的情况编译出来;有些地方,据我们掌握的资料加以注释说明,提供给有关研究华侨或华人历史问题的同志参考。——编者  相似文献   

中缅油气管道项目的实施标志着西南油气进口运输通道初步成型,这对于我国实现油气进口运输通道多元化具有重要战略意义。但美国和缅甸关系迅速改善使中缅油气管道的建设和运营前景开始受到影响。美国通过促进缅甸民主改革、支持缅甸国内外各种非政府组织、介入缅甸民族和解进程及解除美国能源企业在缅投资禁令等方式对中缅油气管道项目施加影响。在美缅关系迅速改善的背景下,如何维护西南油气进口运输通道的安全将是我国面临的重大外交课题。  相似文献   

东亚金融危机后,缅甸经济明显有恶化的趋势,政治仍然不稳定,“民主化”政治近期内难以出现,但中缅关系继续保持着友好发展的势头。缅甸华侨华人在危机后仍然以经济发展为主,政治地位有所提高,文化状况有所改善,但较长时期内仍将无法取得与缅族同等的政治地位。缅甸华族形成进程受若干因素制约,将是一个充满变数的长期过程。  相似文献   

This article begins by briefly exploring issues of conflict and control in relation to the 750th anniversary of the city of Kaliningrad/Königsberg. An analysis of the tensions between Russian regional (Kaliningrad) and national (federal) identity discourses on the political symbolism of the 750th anniversary commemoration is offered, using Russian media reports and interviews conducted in Kaliningrad. German narratives on the political symbolism of the anniversary events and their implications for German national identity discourses are investigated via interviews conducted in Kaliningrad and Germany, German media reports, books, films and a theater production about Königsberg. Particular attention is given to the impact of the German expellee organizations on framing the discourse about Königsberg in contemporary Germany. The article will conclude by comparing and contrasting the various discourses and interpretations of the anniversary in the Kaliningrad region, Russia and Germany.  相似文献   

Oren Gruenbaum 《圆桌》2019,108(4):345-353

Oren Gruenbaum 《圆桌》2019,108(2):109-115

The expulsion from Latin America of immigrants from axis countries and their descendants is an important but little‐studied episode of the Second World War. The role of the US, and in particular that of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in their removal has largely disappeared from historical memory. This article examines how the FBI advanced US commercial interests, and in the process harmed vulnerable people who were subject to these expulsions.  相似文献   

Oren Gruenbaum 《圆桌》2017,106(3):245-251

This essay looks at a formative period in the history of the festival of the Senhor do Bonfim, one of Salvador's most important religious festivals. The essay focuses on the public ritual washing of the Church of Bonfim and the tensions between the Catholic Church, who periodically banned the washing from the larger festival, and a variety of historical actors including politicians, journalists, authors and working-class Salvadorans whose efforts eventually contributed to the lifting of the prohibition once and for all in 1953. The author suggests that the defence of the washing both reflected and contributed to a larger hegemonic process taking place in Salvador after 1930, as actors within Salvador's dominant class accepted and even praised Afro-Bahian cultural practices, including them as integral parts of a larger Bahian identity.  相似文献   

This article examines healing practices among the rural inhabitants of Tucumán in the opening quarter of the twentieth century through a reading of the 1921 National Folklore Survey. It argues that popular medical practices, referred to as curanderismos (popular healing), continued into the twentieth century not only as cultural practice of the popular classes but as necessity due to limited investments in public health in the rural regions on the part of the national and provincial government.  相似文献   

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's triumph in Brazil's 2002 presidential election was construed in terms of a promise of radical change against the holders of the status quo . This article argues that in fact a more subtle political game was a stake in the election, a contest over the meaning and limits of change itself. The article examines how the various players – Lula da Silva, outgoing president Fernando Henrique Cardoso and the PSDB's presidential candidate José Serra – invoked and iterated a discourse of change to define and redefine the political dividing lines that marked out the electoral dispute and attempted to set or fix the distinctions between their political positions.  相似文献   

This article offers an account of the impact of Indian PM Narendra Modi’s decision in November 2016 to withdraw suddenly all Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes from circulation in India with the avowed intent of combatting fraud, tax avoidance and other economic problems. The article assesses the impact from the demonetisation in November to the March 2017 Indian regional elections, where wide-scale victories for Modi’s political party, the BJP, appear to have vindicated his reforms. The article provides an analysis of the political background of the period, as well as looking at the economic and societal impact of the changes, including the way in which the behaviour of Indian citizens has been ‘nudged’ with particular regard to use of banking, transactions, social effects, and payment of tax.  相似文献   

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