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利益原则是国际关系的永恒原则,国家利益是民族国家价值判断的最高 标准,也是国际问题研究的出发点和着眼点。通过利益分析,我们可以比较清楚地把 握国际问题发展的脉络和趋向,较好地抓住蕴藏在国际问题背后的实质和动机。一 般来说,利益分析可分为经济利益分析、政治利益分析、军事利益分析、文化利益分析 这四方面。  相似文献   

在可持续发展背景下 ,环境问题日益受到人们的关注。环境问题属于开放系统问题 ,国际合作项目加深了环境问题的国际化趋向。然而经济发展是不可避免的 ,国际合作已经成为国家周边地区经济发展的动力之一。如何处理国际项目中的环境问题、协调各国的环境准则是关系到经济合作项目能否顺利实现的关键。中俄合作建设俄扎鲁比诺港应关注环境生态影响 ,并采取环境保护措施。  相似文献   

印度软件企业国际化是印度经济面临的国内国际环境双重作用的结果。就国内环境而言,印度软件企业国际化是印度政府跨越式发展战略、经济调整改革和拉杰夫.甘地经济发展思想综合作用的产物。就国际环境而言,印度软件企业国际化得益于过去20多年国际经济活动呈现出的信息化和国际化趋势。正是这两种趋势,为印度提供了发展信息产业的机遇。而一国要实现跨越式发展,实现经济增长方式的转变,必须掌握新科技革命及世界经济发展态势,预见并把握外部出现的机遇,制定前瞻性的产业政策。  相似文献   

欧元国际化进程及其面临的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧元国际化在促进欧元区内外政治及经济发展方面成就斐然.欧元的国际化成功地推动了欧元区国家之间的政策协调,为欧元区营造了相对稳定的宏观经济环境,促进了贸易、投资和金融市场的发展.未来,欧元面临着欧元区成员国国情差异大、信心基础不足、缺乏明确利益代表等内部挑战,且缺乏明晰的国际化战略,国际行动能力有限,因此在相当长时期内,美元仍将主导国际货币体系.  相似文献   

美日欧环境外交政策比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着经济全球化的加速发展 ,国际政治经济化和国际经济政治化并行发展的趋势更加明显。一度被西方许多国际关系学者视为“低政治”的环境问题 ,在国际关系中的地位日益突出 ,甚至有上升到与传统意义的“高政治”(如外交和安全 )地位相当的趋势。当前 ,围绕环境问题的国际合作与斗争变得更加错综复杂 ,各国为追求自身更广泛的利益而开展的环境外交活动日益活跃。西方发达国家在其对外关系中已形成了各具特点的环境外交政策。一、环境问题国际化与环境外交的兴起  环境问题国际化是环境问题进入国际关系领域的重要前提 ,也与环境问题自身的…  相似文献   

进入二十一世纪,经济全球化趋势进一步加强。国家利益越来越体现在经济利益上,而处理国家间关系的核心问题又是调整国家利益。这就必然对以政治为中心的传统国家间关系形成挑战。中国和巴基斯坦有着全天候友谊和全面合作伙伴关系,但近年来也出现了经济往来落后于政治发展的势头。在当前国际和地区形势下,中巴关系应与时俱进,体现时代内涵。本文对中巴战略关系新思维提出的背景、新思维的特点及其前景等进行分析。  相似文献   

区域机制和区域间合作是联结国家机制和国际机制的纽带.二战后,为了解决欧洲的"德国问题",欧洲建立了包括经济、军事、合作安全等多层面的地区机制,这些机制从不同层面促进了欧洲社会发展、地区安全和和平.基于德国的历史现实、地缘环境和国家利益,战后德国积极参与地区性机制建制,推进欧洲一体化.本文从以下几个方面对德国参与地区性和国际性组织进行探析:战后德国对国际法的重新认知,联邦德国参与区域、国际组织的内外动因,统一德国的区域机制建制观,德国对国际组织政治议题的推动、欧洲区域机制的变迁.  相似文献   

当代亚非复兴进程,其实质是近代以来亚非地区各民族追求独立与复兴进程的历史延续,是亚非发展中国家希望实现国际体系更为平等、公正发展,实现西方国家与其他国家平等交往的当代发展.中国和非洲同时开启复兴进程,并在这一进程中加强团结与合作,成为新世纪国际政治领域的重大事件,由此导致世界地缘政治出现结构性变化的新趋向,其历史意义与影响已开始逐步显现.中国、非洲和西方国家应以全新的思维、政策和方式寻求跨区域的多边合作,以共同推动非洲的和平与发展乃至更具广泛意义的全球性问题的解决.国际关系研究也应从观念、理论和政策等多个层面来积极回应当前世界地缘结构的变迁趋向.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化对国际政治影响加深,国际政治格局、国际政治环境变迁,拥有核武器国家增多,大规模战争可能性降低,各种利益互溶性增强等,出现了均势从古典和以集体安全为特征朝溶和型范式发展.本文对此进行了分析,并提出了中国应采取的措施.  相似文献   

尼泊尔职业妇女社会经济状况满莹近年来,关于对区域化社会的地域文明,非工业化国家和地区的民族从传统向现代社会转型过程中的社会结构和文化变迁等人类学、民族学的问题研究,已日益表现出国际化的趋向。对尼泊尔职业妇女社会经济地位的研究,是对南亚地区当代妇女问题...  相似文献   

China’s rise is accompanied by a corresponding growth in its international influence. Not only does this kind of influence have its roots in history and imagination,but it is also an inevitable result of China’s growing strength and economy over the past few decades.It is difficult to accurately quantify a country’s international influence.China’s growing international influence has its own distinct characteristics,marked by the country’s unique national interests.A more influential China is not only good for China’s own development;it is also good for the world.  相似文献   

In the face of ever-changing and precarious new circumstances and problems, China's diplomacy has kept in mind both internal and international imperatives, and adamantly defended national interests with strategic vision and composure. Under the strong guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, it will proceed from a new historic starting point and make greater contributions to national rejuvenation and human progress.  相似文献   

中国边疆邻国众多、民族多样、文化多元,地缘政治与周边环境复杂。在深度全球化时代,各国利益相互镶嵌,安全互依互保。随着中国全面扩大对外开放以及"一带一路"倡议的推进,边疆跨境非传统安全问题愈加复杂多元,互为关联,关涉政治、经济、文化、生态、公共卫生等诸多领域,涵盖地缘、认同、利益与网络等不同安全场域,并融入周边安全、国际安全与人类安全之中。在新形势下,边疆跨境非传统安全及其治理呈现出越来越多的新问题与新难题,只有以总体国家安全观为指导,促进国际与国内相涉行为体之间的协同共治,加强边疆跨境非传统安全全方位、多层次的体系性治理,才能有利于推进维护总体国家安全。  相似文献   

There is no broad literature defining conservative internationalism as there is for liberal internationalism and realism. Yet conservative internationalism differs from liberal internationalism and realism in four important ways. First, it seeks a world of limited government or separate sovereign nations not big international institutions. Second, it believes that national security is a function of ideological differences not just relative power or diplomatic misunderstandings. The democratic peace is a much safer world for America than the balance of power or United Nations. Third, it recognizes the need to use force during negotiations, not just after negotiations fail, because authoritarian states will not take negotiations seriously if they can achieve their objectives outside negotiations. And fourth, it advances democracy conservatively by prioritizing regions where strong democracies exist nearby (today Ukraine and Korea) and by using military leverage to reach timely compromises that weaken authoritarian states.  相似文献   

《Diplomacy & Statecraft》2007,18(4):689-718
President Woodrow Wilson led the United States into World War One, promising to make the world safe for democracy. Advocating liberal internationalism, he called for collective security and national self-determination. He wanted democratic states to create the League of Nations as a partnership for peace in a new world order. But in his thinking and statecraft, the text of modern liberalism was intertwined with the subtext of White racism. His friendship with Thomas Dixon, Jr., and his contributions to David W. Griffith's 1915 film The Birth of a Nation revealed this nexus between liberalism and racism. His liberal civic ideals appeared quite different from the ultra racism of the film, which was based on Dixon's novels. He seemed to advocate inclusive nationalism, in contrast to its exclusive Americanism. The president's apparently universal principles, however, were still influenced by the White South's Lost Cause. His diplomacy and his legacy of Wilsonianism combined racism with liberalism. He adhered to the color line at home by promoting Jim Crow segregation in the federal government and abroad by limiting his liberal internationalism in practice. Historians and political scientists have typically identified Wilsonian diplomacy only with liberalism. To see him and his legacy in international history from a different perspective, which brings into focus the experience of people of color, it is necessary to recognize the subtext of racism in the text of Wilson's liberalism. Racism shaped his understanding of America's national identity and global mission, and thus his vision of liberal democracy and peace.  相似文献   

This article questions two interrelated myths pertaining to the interwar internationalism of the British Labour Party and the theories of so-called idealists in the academic discipline of International Relations (IR). In IR, interwar "idealists" are (in)famous for a detached and utopian approach to international politics. Conventional historiographical verdicts on the international policy of the Labour Party in the interwar period suggest that the party was the practical mirror of this naïve international outlook. In fact, the two themes are connected, most notably through Labour's Advisory Committee on International Questions . This article brings the study of Labour's internationalism and the international theories of purported idealists together by focusing on debates on the League of Nations and the use of force. The analysis reveals that conventional historiographical narratives are inadequate and too simplistic for grasping the diversity of Labour's internationalism and interwar progressivist ideas about international politics in general.  相似文献   

President Woodrow Wilson led the United States into World War One, promising to make the world safe for democracy. Advocating liberal internationalism, he called for collective security and national self-determination. He wanted democratic states to create the League of Nations as a partnership for peace in a new world order. But in his thinking and statecraft, the text of modern liberalism was intertwined with the subtext of White racism. His friendship with Thomas Dixon, Jr., and his contributions to David W. Griffith's 1915 film The Birth of a Nation revealed this nexus between liberalism and racism. His liberal civic ideals appeared quite different from the ultra racism of the film, which was based on Dixon's novels. He seemed to advocate inclusive nationalism, in contrast to its exclusive Americanism. The president's apparently universal principles, however, were still influenced by the White South's Lost Cause. His diplomacy and his legacy of Wilsonianism combined racism with liberalism. He adhered to the color line at home by promoting Jim Crow segregation in the federal government and abroad by limiting his liberal internationalism in practice. Historians and political scientists have typically identified Wilsonian diplomacy only with liberalism. To see him and his legacy in international history from a different perspective, which brings into focus the experience of people of color, it is necessary to recognize the subtext of racism in the text of Wilson's liberalism. Racism shaped his understanding of America's national identity and global mission, and thus his vision of liberal democracy and peace.  相似文献   

The “new” global capitalism is transforming the ways in which commerce is conducted and organized. Business enterprises have to perform and compete in a largely unregulated global market economy if they are to survive, let alone prosper, and contend with higher levels of financial and political risks. Transnational Corporations (TNCs) have come to occupy a pivotal position in the world economy, commanding immense financial resources and employing tens of thousands throughout the world, and are active participants in global political and economic affairs. TNC executives—the global corporate elite—crisscross the planet as they manage local, national, and international relationships, and represent and advance their global interests in myriad international conferences and meetings. TNCs are now interacting with states and international governmental organizations on a broad array of issues and problems (many far removed from the core business). As global actors with distinct and clear interests, they have had to develop their own representational mechanisms to manage the complex relationships that mark today’s global system.  相似文献   

The “new” global capitalism is transforming the ways in which commerce is conducted and organized. Business enterprises have to perform and compete in a largely unregulated global market economy if they are to survive, let alone prosper, and contend with higher levels of financial and political risks. Transnational Corporations (TNCs) have come to occupy a pivotal position in the world economy, commanding immense financial resources and employing tens of thousands throughout the world, and are active participants in global political and economic affairs. TNC executives—the global corporate elite—crisscross the planet as they manage local, national, and international relationships, and represent and advance their global interests in myriad international conferences and meetings. TNCs are now interacting with states and international governmental organizations on a broad array of issues and problems (many far removed from the core business). As global actors with distinct and clear interests, they have had to develop their own representational mechanisms to manage the complex relationships that mark today's global system.  相似文献   

论国际旅游与国家形象的塑造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桑颖 《东南亚纵横》2009,(9):101-105
在全球化和信息化的时代,国家形象作为软实力资源更加直接、有力地影响着国家的发展.国家之间的竞争已经从以往硬实力的竞争,发展到文化、形象等软实力的竞争.在这种背景下.旅游业以其巨大的人流、物流和文化流越来越多地成为展示国家形象,提高本地知名度和综合竞争力的重要舞台.  相似文献   

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