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尚未完成由传统向现代的转变--山东女性生活方式管窥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年第二期中国妇女社会地位抽样调查(山东)数据,反映了山东女性的活动空间、休闲方式、时间分配与家务劳动、生活消费、社会交往的情况,体现了她们对生活的满意程度。调查发现:女性仍然是家务劳动的主要承担者,无论是生活消费、休闲方式,还是社会交往,女性均落伍于男性,还未完成由传统向现代的转变,女性的活动空间有待于进一步扩展。  相似文献   

正According to a recent survey on marriage by a research center under the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Young League, those born between 1995 and 2009, known as Gen Z, aka the major group to walk down the aisle in the coming 10 years, displayed a decreasing interest in getting married. Further analysis revealed that female respondents were noticeably less willing to marry than men. Women reluctant to engage in marriage outnumber their male peers by 19.29 percent.  相似文献   

结合调查问卷,对大学生羞怯的特点以及大学生羞怯与父母教养方式之间的关系进行分析。对大学生羞怯特点的研究包括性别、专业、年级、家庭所在地、是否独生子女等,羞怯与父母教养方式的关系的研究包括相关关系、不同羞怯水平父母教育方式、羞怯对父母教养方式的回归等。这两方面的研究及结论有助于对大学生羞怯问题及相关心理问题的进一步研究。  相似文献   

Why do some people say ‘I don't know’, ‘I have no opinion’, or simply refuse to say anything in a public opinion survey? The Western literature on public opinion research suggests two major types of causal factors for the non‐response: the respondent's individual characteristics (e.g. age, education, and occupation), and the survey's contextual characteristics (e.g. the length of the survey, the nature of the question, and the setting of the interview). The emphasis, however, has been on the individual factors. This study applies these theoretical predictions to a pool of 14 survey data collected in China during the 1980s. The results show that both the individual and contextual factors are equally important in determining the occurrence of non‐response. In particular, farmer respondents, questions involved a politically sensitive topic, and surveys sponsored by a government agency are more likely to cause ‘I don't know’ answers. Interaction analysis provides some preliminary evidence to suggest that lack of cognitive ability may be a primary source of non‐response on knowledge‐related questions while fear of political consequences may be responsible for non‐response on political sensitive questions. Based on the findings, we discuss the implications for analysis and interpretation of Chinese survey data.  相似文献   

Whether the Chinese Communist regime can maintain socio‐political stability and survive the potentially turbulent transition to the post‐Deng Xiaoping era remains a serious question challenging many China watchers. Assuming that political support is vital to the stability of any regime, the authors seek to answer this question by examining two major components of political support, instrumental support (citizens’ evaluations of governmental effectiveness) and affective support (citizens’ evaluations of governmental legitimacy). Using data collected from a public opinion survey conducted in Beijing, China in late 1995, this study explores the levels of both affective support and instrumental support, and the nature of the relationship between these two types of political support in China today. The results of this study show that: (1) the current Chinese regime enjoys a moderately high level of affective support and a slightly lower level of instrumental support; (2) the two types of political support are moderately correlated; and (3) the relationship between these two types of support persists across key demographic groups. Based on these results, the authors conclude that the current Chinese leadership has a good chance to maintain political stability in the post‐Deng era, while it will face severe challenges in substantially upgrading its current level of legitimacy by solely relying upon improvements in governmental effectiveness in the short term.  相似文献   

本文根据中国教育统计年鉴和相关权威统计部门提供的数据,对1995-2004年全国31个省区市在学前、初等、高中、高等教育、职业培训和教育成果等六个层面的学生性别结构状况进行了历史的纵向对比和地区间的横向比较。为了解中国教育领域的性别平等与妇女发展状况提供了一些基本的资料。  相似文献   

2011年8月,笔者在北京市海淀区、江苏省常熟市、山西省朔州市和甘肃省平凉市这四个地区实施了公共文化服务体系的实地调研。结果表明,尽管现有的公共文化服务已能初步满足人民群众的需求,但是仍存在诸多需改进之处。未来的公共文化体系建设应坚持政府主导,加大财政投入,同时积极鼓励社会力量参与,并在法制化的基础上因地制宜,切实满足人民群众不断变化的文化需求。  相似文献   

中西人体艺术反差的文化渊源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹鹏志 《思想战线》2001,27(1):98-103
在远古时代,西方女性裸体形象强调的是性崇拜,中国强调的则是生殖崇拜,带有明显的血缘内涵.奴隶社会的古希腊,性崇拜在当时特定的大文化背景下,理所当然地演变为对于人体美的迷恋和创造,使人体艺术得以发展和繁荣;非常强调宗法观念和血缘继承关系的中国古代,则本能地反对"伤风败俗"、"诲淫诲盗"的人体艺术.西方非常注重人体形式美的塑造,并力图通过人的形体美去显现人的内在美;中国却非常注重人物神韵的传达和人伦的鉴识,甚至可以在"离形得似"中实现对审美理想的追求.西方绘画经历了人体画--有风景的人体画--有人体的风景画的演变过程,人体美是其中不可或缺的元素;中国绘画发展到南北朝时,由于受到玄学的深刻影响,很快便进入到山水风景画的成熟期,人体画没有得到充分发展.如此,造成了中西人体艺术的巨大差异.  相似文献   

The state manned bathyscaphe project, a program regarded equal in significance to the manned space flight project, is now on the horizon. This proiect is listed as one of the key tasks for the ““863 Plan““ of the national Tenth Five-Year Plan, and researchers have only recently disclosed details of its progress.  相似文献   

加强和创新社会管理是中国特色的社会建设之重大课题,民主党派参与其中有其重大理论意义和现实意义。改革开放三十多年来,我国经济社会发展取得突出成就,经济社会正处在深刻转型期,转型期也是矛盾凸显期,这给社会管理和民主党派都带来较多新的挑战。民主党派如何做到既克服自身局限性,又在多党合作框架下充分发挥自身优势、积极参与社会管理及其创新,在中国特色的社会建设中有所建树?解决此问题有如下路径:民主党派参与政权,积极促进改善民生;民主党派议政、参与民主协商,加强联系社会,促进民意畅通机制,促进社会公平正义;民主党派进行民主监督,促进反腐倡廉建设;民主党派进行调查研究,利于把握社会建设规律。  相似文献   

In 1947, based on a questionnaire survey of luminaries from all over the world, the united Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization(uNESCo) put together an expert commission to study the philosophical foundations of human rights.Lo Chung-shu(Luo Zhongshu), a Chinese scholar who was part of the commission, contributed an article titled "Human Rights in the Chinese Tradition" to the program.He introduced traditional Chinese human rights concepts and proposed that every person in the world enjoys the rights to subsistence(the right to live), self-expression and happiness(the right to enjoyment).Lo's exposition of the basic principles underlying human rights and the specific human rights he proposed were eventually embraced by the universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international treatises on human rights, a testament to his foresight and vision .  相似文献   

Searching for New Markets In a search of export strength,Chinese manufacturers are increasingly turning their eyes to emerging markets that were spared the worst of the financial crisis.  相似文献   

What is the relationship between ownership type and environmental performance in Chinese firms? Using a survey of over 1,000 industrial firms in 12 Chinese cities in 2006, this article tests a number of competing hypotheses linking ownership type to environmental performance. The results show that small and medium state-owned enterprises (SOEs) on average spend less on pollution abatement technologies and are less likely to meet national emissions standards, compared to privately owned enterprises (POEs) and foreign invested enterprises (FIEs). However, the environmental performance of the largest SOEs matches that of their private and foreign counterparts. These findings are complemented by qualitative interviews and archival research conducted in 2012.  相似文献   

Lianjiang Li 《当代中国》2001,10(29):573-586
Based on data collected in a survey conducted in six Chinese provinces at the end of 1997 and early 1998, this article offers a preliminary analysis of why some peasants wished to see Mao-style anti-corruption campaigns. It shows that the support for campaigns is negatively correlated with the respondents' evaluation of local officials' performance in governing by law, their confidence in the equality before the law, and their assessment of the effectiveness of lawful participation. It concludes that popular support for mass mobilization could contribute to rural instability as Chinese farmers become increasingly impatient with the regime's failure to control corruption.  相似文献   

Tiantian Zheng 《当代中国》2006,15(46):161-182
Nightclubs emerged in the post-Mao era following the initiation of economic liberalization. Although the consumption of sexual services of hostesses is illegal and subject to different degrees of harassment by local police, the patrons claim that their engagement in sex consumption represents their weapon against the socialist morality and socialist state. In my own analysis, I illustrate how sex consumption is a criterion to evaluate one another's deference, reliability, self-control, and sexual potency. Sex consumption becomes a business ritual for conducting the pre-selection of, and bonding with, potential partners to reach mutual trust in their social alliance in the current Chinese state-clientelism.  相似文献   

Lisheng Dong 《当代中国》2014,23(88):756-779
This article uses survey data collected in 2010 and conducts a systematic comparative analysis of the perceptions of the EU by the Chinese general public and the elite. Most ordinary Chinese citizens do not understand the EU very well, but their impressions of the EU are very positive and they also hold good expectations for the future of China–EU relations. The Chinese elites and ordinary citizens differ significantly in terms of ‘favoring the EU’ or ‘favoring Russia’. The multivariate model indicates that EU travel experience, annual income level and Internet dependence have significant positive effects on ‘favoring-EU’ feelings. Those who have EU travel experience, higher levels of annual income and greater opportunities to obtain information via the Internet are more likely to be ‘favoring-EU’.  相似文献   

当代城市女性家庭压力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统家庭压力研究偏重压力的作用机制、家庭适应性等微观方面,且多为立基于西方制度和文化背景的一种假设.本研究从宏观脉动入手,在中国文化环境、尤其是当代城市生活时空下关注家庭压力背后的社会历史原因.研究采用质化量化分析结合的方式,对上海78个家庭进行了多次深访,并结合875个家庭的抽样调查资料,对当代城市女性家庭压力的现状和特点、两性资源及其利用状况进行了深入分析.  相似文献   

This article starts with a brief comparative analysis of China and East Europe in terms of their stark differences in approaching economic reform and social welfare. Perhaps China has the benefit of learning, from the 1989 Tiananmen Incident, of the undesirable social costs incurred by economic reform. Henceforth, it has adopted a pragmatic and gradualist approach towards economic reform. This article reports the findings of an attitude survey in Shanghai, which by and large are compatible with the gradualist approach of the Chinese Government toward economic reform and social welfare. The survey finds that the Chinese in Shanghai positively rate economic reform in light of the benefits that it has brought about, but they are also aware of the large income disparities caused as a result. In the light of the evidence, the article suggests that China's economic reform has not transformed people's beliefs to be in line with the market system. The Chinese are still, in general, in favor of a large role for the state in welfare and they themselves are not willing to shoulder heavier welfare responsibility. In the concluding section, the article explains this mixed pattern of public perceptions and pinpoints the likely developmental trend of China's welfare system.  相似文献   

本研究基于文化规范理论,将转型社会中的中国农村界定为修正的父权制文化阶段,在此背景中探究夫妻双方的资源、性别意识等对于家庭购买决策模式的影响。利用2005年在安徽JC的调查数据和分步多元Logistic回归方法分析后发现,妻子的教育程度越高,家庭中的日常消费和耐用品购买越倾向于以妻子为主或联合决策模式;夫妻双方的性别意识越公平,家庭中的日常消费和耐用品购买越倾向于以妻子为主或联合决策模式。分析结果支持假设,说明文化规范理论可以较好地解释中国转型社会中农村地区的家庭购买决策模式。  相似文献   

新文化运动中关于贞操问题的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新文化运动时期发起了中国历史上第一次关于贞操问题的讨论。这场讨论以对女性的关注为出发点围绕着贞操是否道德而展开,深刻剖析了贞操观的内在矛盾,批判了中国的节烈观,在思想界产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

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