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严格、完善的监督与救济机制,是行政公关制度顺利实行的重要保障。即使在行政公开法律制度已经建立的情况下,如果不能封政府部门和行政机关首长执行法律制度的情况进行有效的监督,行政公开制度就会形同虚设。因此,各国都非常重视建立和完善行政公开的监督与救济机制。研究国外行政公开的监督机制,能够为我国行政公开制度的建立和实施提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

国外行政公开制度的迅猛发展,越来越引起人们的广泛关注和深入思考。虽然行政公开制度已经在许多国家得以建立,但其在不同的国家实施效果差异很大,因此必须认真总结各国的成功经验。分析和总结国外行政公开制度的实施经验,有利于我们更好地审视和推动国内行政公开制度的建立与发展。  相似文献   

关于我国政务公开的制度借鉴与设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政务公开是现代民主政治的必然要求,是当今世界各国行政发展的重要趋势,也是目前我国行政改革的重要内容。 当前我国政务公开的推行仍存在众多问题与不足。我们应借鉴国外政务公开的成功经验,完善我国的政务公开制度。  相似文献   

政府信息公开是现代民主制度发展的客观要求,是政务信息管理的核心,是现代政府的法定义务,是现代行政的发展趋势。从美国的《信息自由法》和中国的《政府信息公开条例》之比较,可看出中美两国政府信息公开主体、公开范围、公开方式、公开程序、保密审查机制以及救济手段等六个维度各有的特点,美国政府信息公开制度有值得我们借鉴之处。  相似文献   

杨昱 《学理论》2010,(21):34-35
各地行政服务中心作为中国社会主义市场经济体制的产物,在落实行政审批制度改革、推进政务公开、提高政府绩效.改善经济发展软环境方面取得了很多可喜的成果。以哈尔滨市松北区行政服务中心为例,从创新体制、机制、管理等方面,着重论述其推行网上审批,打造阳光政务,提高行政效能的一些好的经验和做法,从而论证网上审批是现行体制下,行政服务中心打造阳光政务的必要手段和发展趋势。  相似文献   

冯甫 《行政论坛》2006,(2):53-55
行政公开制度是现代民主国家的一项必备制度,是行政法的重要原则,也是行政民主和行政法制的前提和基础,西方国家行政公开制度的发展对我国具有极大的借鉴意义,我国建立行政公开制度的依据,体现在理论、法律和现实三个方面  相似文献   

行政资讯公开制度是现代行政程序中的一项重要制度。探讨行政资讯公开的法律救济制度的价值、权利救济的主要途径以及该制度的基本特征,将有助于对我国行政资讯公开法律救济问题的思考。  相似文献   

行政资讯公开制度是现代行政程序中的一项重要制度。本文是对作为行政资讯公开制度重要组成部分的资讯公开的适用例外所作的一项研究。文章主要探讨了行政资讯公开适用例外的确立根由、范围及其相对性。  相似文献   

行政公开制度的研究和构建是当前学者们关注的焦点,时其所涵摄的民主、宪政等价值已经有了较为深入的揭示和探讨.运用信息不对称这一经济学理论从导致行政信息不对称的原因分析入手,尝试对行政公开制度的功能作出新的阐释,对理解该制度具有重要的作用和意义.  相似文献   

乔新生 《理论视野》2008,(11):44-46
信息公开制度是保护人权的基本制度,它保护了公民的知情权、表达权、参与权和监督权。信息公开是依法行政的具体要求,需要建立司法审查制度,应当保护新闻媒体的新闻报道权。同时,信息公开应当摆脱行政主导立法模式,建立完善的程序性规范,确保公民的选择权不受损害。  相似文献   

This study investigates administrative reform in seven Arab states, delineates common problems and describes general tendencies via content analysis of official statements. The study deals with reform in three major phases: defining administrative problems and needs; developing strategies for reform; and developing instruments of action for implementation. Appraisal of reform efforts discloses mediocre results based on a poor implementation record attributable to incongruities of methods and objectives of reform. Among such incongruities are the conventional limitations of bureaucracy, the copying of Western administrative rationality in form if not in substance, and insufficient attention paid to traditional, cultural, religious, and political contexts of administration. Recognizing the difficulties involved in conceptualizing and implementing reform in any society, the analysis offers several recommendations to improve the outcome of reform efforts, among them: encouraging employee involvement in reform decisions; improving collected diagnostic data; providing special training for employees responsible for managing reform; soliciting unwavering political commitment; developing incentive systems; and replacing the piecemeal approach with reliance on a systems perspective.  相似文献   

Levels of citizen estrangement from government in the United States have risen rather consistently since the late 1960s and have reached all‐time highs in recent years. Evidence is accumulating in political science research to suggest that public administrative theory may have contributed to this trend since the Progressive Era in the early 1900s. The authors develop this thesis by arguing that administrative theory in the United States has persistently portrayed public managers as “bridge builders” who link an expertise‐challenged citizenry to government in ways that emphasize bureaucratic over democratic administration. Moreover, despite claims of yet another “new” paradigmatic shift for the field, collaborative governance scholarship to date exhibits similar tendencies. To support this argument, the authors assess the common citizen‐marginalizing tendencies of three sets of administrative reforms in American public administration: the progressive, associationalist, and polycentric heritages. They offer counterarguments to this thesis and call for critical self‐reflection by the field and a more empirically robust research agenda on this topic.  相似文献   

根据“汤浅现象,”中国在15世纪前曾是世界科技中心,而“李约瑟难题“则告诉我们,中国尔后在很长时期却没有保持住科技的优势并发育出近代科学。究其原因,体制的制约是关键。改革开放以来,随着对科学技术是第一生产力的倡导,随着科教兴国战略的实施,中国的科技发展势头迅猛,但各种体制问题仍然是影响科技创新能力提高的瓶颈。可以说,创新推动科研发展的经济体制,创新科技行政管理体制,创新教育体制,建立现代科研制度,是目前我国科技发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

法国廉政体系以制约和监督权力运行为核心的“分权制衡”、“人民主权”、“社会监督”等理论为基础,以议会、行政法院、预防贪污腐败中心、媒体等为主要支柱,发展了比较有特色的四项廉政制度——财产申报制度、政务公开制度、公共会计制度和公务员制度。法国廉政体系建设虽然还存在一些问题,但其注重预防的反腐败理念,有效发挥廉政体系中各支柱部门的作用,以及加强制度创新从源头上防止腐败的经验,对我国廉政建设具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

近年来,行政收费问题一直受到社会的广泛关注。通过政府系统内部专项清理、整顿,我国在行政收费规范化方面确实取得了一些进展,但运用政策性文件约束行政收费效果有限,如何将行政收费纳入法治化轨道越来越受到重视。根据我国行政收费领域存在的实际问题及法治化的要求,首先必须贯彻法治行政原则,规范政府的行政收费行为;并通过制定行政收费法,严格限定行政收费的项目与标准;以及进一步完善行政收费监督体系,加强对行政收费的监管。  相似文献   

Christian Hunold 《管理》2001,14(2):151-167
This essay proposes a deliberative model of bureaucratic accountability and assesses its feasibility. Conventional wisdom suggests that a deliberative theory of bureaucratic accountability has little utility outside corporatist contexts. I reject this view because recent changes in patterns of interest representation have transformed both corporatist and pluralist bureaucracies into more hospitable environments for public deliberation. Contrary to the claims of democratic corporatists, recent pluralist practices of interest representation also seem to be compatible with public deliberation. Hence, movement toward greater openness in administrative decision-making is possible from both liberal pluralist and corporatist starting points. Corporatism clearly has no monopoly on democratic deliberation.  相似文献   

宰相在中国古代作为“百官之长”,所谓“一人之下,万人之上”,是辅佐君主处理国家大政的最高行政长官。宰相制度是君主制度的调节机制和必要补充。本介绍了与宰相制度相适应的行政中枢机构的萌发、形成、发展和转换过程,力图在动态描述中把握中央辅政体制的演变规律和发展态势,从中获得有益的启示。  相似文献   

政府保持清正廉洁是构建和谐社会的重要因素。美国政府已经基本形成一个相对完整的政府行政伦理体系。而其体系的建构则经过了上百年的历程,是由他律转变为自律的过程。美国政府道德规范体系的构建经验对中国有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

对澳大利亚强制年金的管理模式进行了系统而深入的分析,得出了一些重要结论:澳大利亚的受托人制度虽然有其优势,但由于需要一些外部条件,也许并不适合许多发展中国家;有收益率做保证加上合理的业绩评估方法有利于基金的长期增长,但无法避免一些人收入大幅度下降;高度分散化的管理模式特别是业务外包也许会提高管理成本;而扩大成员在投资领域的发言权更值得反思。  相似文献   

Why are some government agencies more open to public input than others? Although many agree about the normative desirability of involving citizens in administrative decision making, there is significant variation across agencies in the extent of public participation. This article investigates the conditions under which public managers solicit greater public participation. We argue that, in addition to normative rationales, participation also serves instrumental considerations related to agency constituency. We draw on a rich body of literature examining participation in the policy process to develop empirically testable hypotheses about the patterns of participation in the administrative decision making of public agencies. Using data on the approaches to gathering citizen input in the budget process at four state departments—environmental protection, transportation, child protective services, and corrections—we find that the characteristics of target populations (namely, their political power and social construction) are strong predictors of an agency's openness to the public.  相似文献   

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