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At the beginning of the 21st century, a new situation has developed in Latvia as a result of social and economic transformations. Along with the formation of civil society, issues concerning the social, legal, and spiritual life of student population have come to the foreground. There can be observed new features of behavioural culture and standards of thinking, readiness to live in a democratic environment. The young generation perceives freedom and equality as necessary preconditions for varied activities, as an opportunity for individual's self-actualization. The institutions of higher education play an important role in the formation of social consciousness and serve as the environment for the development of citizenship. One of the most important subjects of educational environment is the aggregate of various student interest groups and clubs, the main purpose of which is to promote students' readiness to live in civil society by developing students' creative potential and public administration skills. The aim of the article is to study, analyse, and evaluate the experience of various student clubs and associations in the institutions of higher education in Latvia aimed at the development of citizenship.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to construct a theoretical model of the performance appraisal system that including four types according to two dimensions: the programmed degree of task and the formalized degree of the performance appraisal system. The conclusion drawn by this paper was that, the Chinese enterprise should adhere to the principles of which compounding individual goal with the organization, and balancing the organization's adaptability and the stability, to design the performance appraisal system and then promote enterprise performance management innovation and construction of harmonious labor relationshios.  相似文献   

The European Commission linked with the inadequate realization of social rights, aspiring to examine the "social rights of citizenship to a basic standard of living and to participation in major social and economic opportunities in society". Employment is a top priority for the European Union aiming to achieve an employment rate of 70% by the year 2010, and in so doing to make a decisive impact on the eradication of poverty and social exclusion. This essay will attempt to compare how Germany and United Kingdom address these issues, the different welfare regimes and how the social care response is handled in each country.  相似文献   

Parallel to the advancements in information and communication technologies, certain risks and security problems also arise, one of which is the authentication problem. In order to control who can have access to information sources, it is of utmost importance to develop an advanced authentication mechanism. It is through this mechanism that one can protect personal information, and prevent unauthorized access to the information or services provided. Likewise, this mechanism can block unauthorized persons to change or release information that is not public. All the work being undertaken in this field can be named as access control. The concept of authentication is among those concepts that have been studied for a long time in Turkey in the context of rapidly growing e-transformation efforts. In the process of e-transformation, the transformation circle is completed by first defining the concept of modeling business processes, followed by the formation of automation process, and lastly, providing services in electronic medium.  相似文献   

All the conceptualizations regarding to societies inevitably have been determined, or at least motivated by ideological processes, through the apparatus professionalized on the ideological reproduction of the social structure (Althusser). The core question of this paper is scrutinizing the particular ideological contexts under which the "social transformation" concept has grown. The critical conceptual archeology on social transformation will seaway to a discussion of two other related concepts: development and globalization. It is still ambiguous whether social transformation discussions will take the ex-position of the developmental approach, or instead be a critical alternative to the neo-liberal ideas in social sciences of the 21 st century. If the concept is taken literally, we can possibly never see a society which does not experience a "transformation" in "social" terms at all. Societies have always been transformed through social processes. However, as an independent concept it appeared in a particular contextual basis. This same multi-dimensional context was the driving force behind UNESCO's organization of the MOST (Management of Social Transformations) Program. This paper can be considered a theoretical framework focusing on social transformation as defined through the examination of its principal ideologies and the study of the concept's reproduction through international institutions.  相似文献   

With the development of the society, governments strengthen their functions and expand the scope of management, as well as administrative agencies and staffing increases, resulting in organization overstaffing, bureaucracy and public expenditure can not survey burden. From the 70s of 20th century, the model of managerialism-based government began inefficient, and appeared fnancial crisis, managing crisis and trust crisis, which led to large-scale administrative reform. In this reform, a lot of theories appeared. To redefine the functions of government and look for the way to achieve the government functions become the requirement of the age and the focus of attention. The paper is to show the defects of traditional managerialism-based mode and the new requirements of people and society, by researching into the rising of service-oriented government, so as to enhance the construction of the service-oriented government in China.  相似文献   

This study sets out to analyze and evaluate the implementation of a system for the regulation and control of social policies ("Social Comptrollership") involving civil society so as to reinforce the mechanisms for ensuring transparency and responsibility in the government's operation of social programs and the execution of public works Here is presented the analysis of the Federal Rural Housing Program (in Spanish: "Programa de Vivienda RuraF') that is aimed at providing accommodation to families in situations of severe poverty living in communities described as suffering from "high or very high levels of marginalization". The main conclusion of this research, which is based on a series of interviews with aid recipients, the officials and the social organizations involved, is that the regulatory aspects of this system for controlling social policies are not effective, since they lack mechanisms for enforcing the sanctions set down for participants who do not respect the agreements they have entered into.  相似文献   

Historically, immigration has had a significant impact on the changing demographic of the Canadian society. Each year more newcomers enter the country. There are more than 45 ethno-cultural associations and more than 100 different ethno-cultural groups residing in Nova Scotia. In the recent past, social science researchers are becoming increasingly involved in identifying ways of effectively addressing the social and health needs of this culturally diverse Canadian population. There is very limited literature on the Nova Scotian experiences of immigrant women especially those of African descent. For the government to develop public policy that ensures the inclusion of vulnerable and high-risk populations in our society such as recent immigrants and black people, their perspectives should be considered. Some steps are being taken by individual researchers to illuminate these perspectives. The paper will discuss the findings of a project that examined the health care experiences of immigrant women in a Canadian province with a goal of illuminating health care needs of recent immigrant women and facilitating community capacity building to create positive change for more accessible health care. The data collection method was primarily focused group meetings and workshops held with the individual immigrant communities. Although the project was conducted with immigrants from five regions of the world, this paper will focus on the experiences of first generation immigrant women of African descent with emphasis on their perspectives on the process mothering in a multicultural society. The paper will discuss their childrearing needs and their attempt to address these needs within the spaces of multiculturalism, the two predominant ones being the Canadian culture and that of their countries of origin. The paper will conclude with some suggestions for change at both the practitioner and policy level in order to effectively address the social and welfare needs of this population.  相似文献   

Improvements in information and communication technologies have reshaped production and consumption relations during the post-modern era. Societies have tried to adapt themselves to the requirements of new knowledge-based economy. It has also become vital for the organizations to meet the needs of knowledge society. Whether they are public or private, organizations play key roles in the transformation processes of the societies and economies. It is important for the organizations not only to use the latest information technologies, but also create social structures, which can ease information flow throughout the organization. Social network studies that are quite different from traditional approaches in sociology can be very useful tools to understand arid manipulate organizational networks. The results of several research activities have shown that actors use their social connections to reach information, resources and possible opportunities (Garguilo & Benassi, 2000). It is not enough to use advanced information technologies in an organization to build an effective knowledge distribution system regarding the social network perspective, it is required to understand the patterns of social interactions between actors and to find a fit between technical structure and social structure for effective knowledge-based organizational design. Structural holes theory (Butt, 1992) emphasized the importance of brokerage roles of the actors in a social network. Structural holes are unconnected actors (individuals, groups or organizations) in a social network (Burt, 1992). If there are numerous structural holes in an organization, there will also be quite a number of brokerage opportunities for some actors in the organizational networks. Brokers are the bridges and gatekeepers who are controlling information flow in the organizations. It is vitally important to explore brokerage patterns in an organizational network for an effective knowledge based design. This study is a conceptual framework aiming at bringing an explanation to socially created information flow structures in the organizations by using structural holes theory.  相似文献   

People are looking for therapeutic ways to deal with the damaging rhythms and handicaps of modem life styles which threaten the physical, social and psychological endurance of human-beings. Reconsideration of"old" philosophies, ancient wisdom and spiritual/mystical paths in a contemporary context was among the solutions that were launched to overwhelm the modem sense of alienation in the second half of 20th century and this tendency is still going on nowadays at the first decade of 21 st century. Sufism has been one of the traditions from which modem individuals expected answers to their ontological dilemmas produced in daily life by the society, social relations, media and finally by themselves. The purpose of this paper is to discuss sociologically whether Sufism, the mystical, peaceful and tolerant way of Islam could be an answer to the social problems of modem societies. What is the social alternative of Sufi traditions regarding the contemporary issues such as: Social and technological alienation, sustainable development and environmental/ecological crisis? This paper is an attempt to emphasize the possibilities of Sufism beyond spirituality, with a discussion based on the sociological conception of the subject.  相似文献   

This paper compares the educational system in the United States with those in two other countries. One is Sweden, a developed country that enjoys peace and social tranquility; the other is Iraq, a developing country that is torn by wars and tyrannical political systems. Based on such comparison and while acknowledging historic differences between the three countries, this paper will identify "cost of education" as a major causal agent in producing two social groups. The first group is a small, elitist cluster emerging as the leading force in all aspects of society and governance; the second group is a larger under-educated cluster, suffering from insufficient resources and forced into marginalization as voiceless, non-productive, non-competitive and expendable segment in society while plagued by poverty, or under unemployment, crime and economic hardship. In recognizing the limitation of access to education by the second group as the primary causal element in such disparity, this paper recommends "free access to quality education" as a fundamental right for all Americans and as an equalizer in correcting the American regime values in order to remain competitive in challenging.  相似文献   

Although the village and town government is at the minimum level of political organization in the state administrative system, it is responsible for the layout and organization of rural public facilities, commonweal projects, and for providing the countryside with public goods and services. How they fulfill their duties have a direct impact on the rural stability and development and on the whole country and society. With the establishment of socialist market economy and faster rural urbanization, the functions of the village and town government have changed to a greater extent. However, in the social transition period, phenomena like "the vacancy", "the offside" and "the dislocation" still exist in the operation of the village and town government. Through function analysis of village and town governments, this article analyzes the problems which the public service faces in building a new countryside, and proposes the feasible ways in function restructuring to the public service orientation for village and town governments. These are of great realistic significance for the construction of new socialist countryside and public-service-oriented government.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the incorporation of environmental and social responsibilities into the business activity, in line with the economic responsibility that firms have traditionally focused on. The social entrepreneur is a type of entrepreneur who seeks to resolve a social or environmental problem through the application of a business model, motivated by the aim of helping others and pursuing positive social change. A key aspect of social entrepreneurship (SE) is therefore the creation of social wealth. Both concepts pursue positive social change, but unlike social entrepreneurs, the objective of a responsible firm is not to solve social issues created by others, rather to understand and limit the social and environmental impacts of their profit-generating activities. In recent decades, research on CSR has grown considerably, whereas SE has only begun to receive serious academic attention quite recently. Crucially, few studies have tried to link and differentiate the two areas. Due to the increasing interest in both concepts nowadays, the need to clarify the similarities and differences between them is greater than ever, and is the principal aim of this work.  相似文献   

Market mechanisms in food safety management can not fully play its role, together with food producers, processors, distributors and other stakeholders' breach of competition rules, so food safety management must rely on government regulation. But at this stage, government regulation of food safety in China is not perfect, vicious food safety incidents that continuously occur seriously endanger lives of people, reduce the credibility of government functions and hinder the stable development of social harmony. Therefore, improving the food safety laws and the food safety regulatory system, establishing food safety credit system and expanding social participation of food safety supervision mechanism are the top priority of the government to regulate food safety.  相似文献   

In this paper, I propose to analyze the sustainable communities concept through the perspective of transportation and connectivity. Sustainable communities concept gives more importance to the social dimension that is the centre of the concern, and spatially to the neighbourhood and the complex structure of interactions, activities, fluxes that characterize the urban environment. To understand the concept, I will focus on the principles that underline this concept including the seven components that were defined by Egan (2004). There will be an approach through the evolution of transportation in cities, a contextualization of the present problems associated with this topic, the explanation of the differences between sustainable transportation and "common" transportation. The relation between land use patterns and transportation will also be addressed on how sustainable transportation can promote the sense of community in a place. In the final remarks, there will be some proposed measures associated with the concept of sustainable communities.  相似文献   

The goal of building a well-off society to benefit the majority of all people, and undertaking national construction and development, need more young talents to play intellectual role and show business skills. So Hu Jintao and Communist Party of China (CPC) put a large number of thoughts and practice of cultivating young talents. This paper consists of three parts: the thoughts of cultivating young talents, the practice of cultivating young talents, and the conclusion. The quantity and quality of training young talents have improved by leaps and bounds through these thoughts and practice. The young talents who get the attention of the world and contribute their due share to the development of the world have become a group. So the thought and practice of cultivating young talents are not only the wealth for China, but also the important wealth for the whole world.  相似文献   

The series of big scandals in the US and other countries have been sensational news around the world. Big companies with good corporate governance mechanism also suffer from the unethical behavior done by the corporate leaders. When good corporate governance mechanism are not able to prevent corporate leaders from doing unethical behaviors, then this is a sign for a corporation to look for another mechanism that can prevent corporate leaders from doing unethical behaviors. Therefore, this paper proposes that shame value may be able to lead people to think before taking any action so that unethical behavior can be minimized. This idea is developed on the basis of assumption that in the nature of people, doing unethical behavior can make people feel ashamed. By adopting shame value as a corporate culture, a firm can instill a value to the corporate leaders and other employees as an early warning system to prevent them not doing unethical behaviors. Shame value as a corporate culture creates a role model through corporate leaders to strengthen the implementation of shame value as a corporate culture and formulate the policy that can motivate employees to hold this value. Apart from that, employing values explored from religion of conduct to strengthen and maintain shame value in the organization is also suggested. Nevertheless, the limitation of shame values is that it cannot be instilled in all organization as corporate culture since the boundary of shame is different for different cultures.  相似文献   

In the era of globalization, capital, labour and even market can come in and out freely and internationally. So is a disaster. Of course, a disaster did happen in one place, but its impact carries both in domestic and abroad. For avoiding abroad disaster, European Community decides to create a mechanism to manage this issue and preserve EU interest. According to Council Regulation No. 381/2001, the Rapid Reaction Mechanism needs triggering in order to stabilize society when crisis or disaster occurs in the beneficiary countries. Precisely speaking, this mechanism differs from other crisis management means, which merely focused on rehabilitation after disaster happened or prevented crisis before. Instead, Rapid Reaction Mechanism not only involves in crisis management, but also stops carrying on damage to human beings. In fact, EU creates this mechanism in order to prevent ongoing small or medium crisis to escalate into uncontrolled catastrophe, armed conflict or war. In addition, this mechanism observes the situation, and decides to employ what instrument to constrain crisis and what partner to cooperate in crisis management. It can be denied that EU Rapid Reaction Mechanism carries out great effort during restoration of broken society or country. Nevertheless, it is obvious to rethink EU Reaction Mechanism in next generation. Obviously, both aid includes money and labour, and EU Rapid Reaction Mechanism cost highly. This research argues that EU Rapid Reaction Mechanism is not only subject to be a giver, but also to be a receiver in the future. Moreover, this mechanism needs adapting itself to receive aid from the third countries or international organizations. In addition, this mechanism can take global aid to deal with European regions' problems. This research argues to touch up EU Rapid Reaction Mechanism in order to release financial burden from EU member states. Moreover, EU member states can learn lesson from the third countries or international organizations during crisis management. Therefore, this rese  相似文献   

Housing is a centre for many socio-economic activities and often provides a mark of prosperity, social acceptance, and an element of urban development and growth in a country. However, it is suspected that the significance of housing to people in the Niger Delta of Nigeria is lacking because of poor post-construction management practice that is currently in place. At the same time, there are housing shortages, uncompleted, vandalized and abandoned social housing stock in the Nigeria Delta. This has been a continuing challenge facing people in this region as reported in previous studies. Therefore, the overall aim of the study is to develop a framework for the sustainable management of social (public) housing estates in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. This paper aims to set out the context for the research, identify its overall aim and objectives and thereafter considers issues related to the determination of an appropriate scope for the study. It argues that the management of social housing estates in a sustainable manner needs to adopt the principles of sustainability in combination with effective people-centred management and building maintenance practices. It further asserts that the development of such a framework would be a panacea approach in meeting the social housing challenges faced in the Niger Delta and in Nigeria at large.  相似文献   

The new information and communication technologies (ICTs) are radically redefining the world's social, economic and political landscape. People live in the information age and their environment and needs are changed by the development of ICTs. The Republic of South Africa as a democratic country also faces the challenge in the information age. The Government of South Africa has embarked on a number of measures to ensure that information and communication technologies (ICTs) play a vital role in society. The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) plays a central and indispensable role within the public service, impacting on the lives of all the citizens and the people who visit South Africa. The DHA has felt the pressures emanating from South Africa's transition to democracy and the tremendous growth in the demand for its services. It is important for the DHA to adopt the ICTs in its services to deliver them conveniently and efficiently to citizens. The paper presents the research undertaken of the present status and application of e-government in the Department of Home Affairs in Republic of South Africa as well as the analysis of challenges the DHA faces in the quest to deliver services with ICT. Feedback obtained from clients was reviewed with the aim of offering recommendations on how the DHA can improve service delivery using ICT.  相似文献   

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