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扩大的权利与扩大的义务——数字艺术行为哲学论要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字艺术是一种基于人工智能技术创生的新型艺术形态,其本质在于双重互动不确定性机制.在该机制的作用下,数字艺术行为秩序较之原子艺术行为秩序发生了重大而深远的变化.首先,数字艺术开拓出一种人人享有的创作权和传播权,消解了原子艺术秩序中的艺术创作特权和传播特权,数字艺术创作权利的本质是一种艺术发表权.其次,通过艺术发表权,数字艺术衍生出一种原子艺术秩序没有的艺术接触权,接触权也是一种普遍的、平等的、人人共享的艺术权利.另外,数字艺术还抑制了主权者的艺术监管权力.数字艺术上述扩大的权利也相应为数字艺术主体衍生出同等数量的艺术义务.相对于原子艺术秩序中的那些义务,数字艺术义务的履行即尊重各项数字艺术权利的行使、避免生产传播有损于社会大众身心健康的艺术作品在当下人工智能社会遭遇到了巨大的挑战.  相似文献   

数字艺术是一种基于人工智能技术创生的新型艺术形态,其本质在于双重互动不确定性机制.在该机制的作用下,数字艺术行为秩序较之原子艺术行为秩序发生了重大而深远的变化,出现了大规模的致瘾化、低俗化、盗版化、泛自由化等非义行为症候.对抗数字艺术非义行为的第一个逻辑环节就是为数字艺术生产、传播、消费和监管等各类行为主体规定明确的权利和义务边界,其次是为数字艺术各种权利僭越和义务中止行为定性定罪,最后是针对不同的数字艺术罪过施加不同程度和不同性质的惩罚.  相似文献   

2008年1月杭州通过《公共安全技术防范管理办法》杭州市通过《杭州市公共安全技术防范管理办法》,对杭州市安装和使用"电子眼"作出了明确规定。这是继北京、深圳等城市之后,又一发布实施公共监控图像管理办法的城市。  相似文献   

建立城市公共安全系统的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
城市公共安全系统是涉及到生产、生活和生存安全的各个领域的安全系统。对城市公共安全系统的研究包括七个方面,分别是城市工业危险源、城市公共场所、城市公共基础设施、城市自然灾害、城市道路交通、城市突发公共卫生事件和恐怖袭击与破坏。城市公共安全研究的理论基础是风险理论,通过对可能发生的城市公共事故灾害进行风险分析;制定保障城市安全和城市经济社会协调发展的安全规划;实施风险减缓对策措施的风险管理;建立城市事故应急救援系统及公共安全信息管理系统,从而实现建设和建立城市公共安全系统的目的。  相似文献   

2008年1月杭州通过《公共安全技术防范管理办法》 杭州市通过《杭州市公共安全技术防范管理办法》,对杭州市安装和使用“电子眼”作出了明确规定。这是继北京、深圳等城市之后,又一发布实施公共监控图像管理办法的城市。  相似文献   

公共管理者在公共管理中作用举足轻重。本文区别于传统学者汲取西方先进国家与企业的管理者领导文化,转而从中国古典阴阳哲学中寻找领导者的艺术根源。用二元相对平衡理论解释了公共管理者领导艺术的必要特质与特点,为我国建立领导选拔机制,深入公共部门人力资源管理改革提出了新的思路与方向。  相似文献   

公共数据包括公共管理数据和公共服务数据。推动数字经济发展、保护国家安全与个人合法权益以及政府部门依法行政是建设公共数据确权授权法律机制的三项决定因素。公共管理数据是公共性最强、可共享利用程度最高的数据。推进实施公共管理数据共享法律机制是建设整体政府、数字政府、法治政府的必然要求,其关键在于建设全国及地方统一政务数据平台。公共管理数据授权开放包括狭义的公共管理数据开放和公共管理数据授权运营,其重点在于促进市场主体对公共管理数据的多元化利用。公共服务数据具有一定程度的公共性,但其同时也具有民事权利客体的性质。公共服务数据确权授权法律机制应当确认公共服务机构对公共服务数据享有数据财产权,同时在现有法律规则的基础上赋予公共服务数据更高程度的开放性,充分释放其作为生产要素的重要价值。  相似文献   

5·12汶川8.0级大地震以来,学校安全一度饱受非议和重视.近年来我国大学城建设蓬勃开展,文章以广州大学城为例,反思了我国大学城的公共安全现状,并分析了当前大学城在公共安全管理中存在的一系列问题,如管理体系不健全、公共危机意识不强、危机认知水平滞后、应急预案不完善、安全防范技术薄弱、机制建设不成熟等.最后,在安全管理、教育、应急救灾和信息发布等方面给出了一些相关的建议,以期望能有助于推进我国大学城公共安全与防灾减灾能力建设.  相似文献   

风险社会下,为应对空前激发的安全保障诉求,公共空间开始普及人脸识别应用,产生了个人身份建构权侵犯等风险。公共安全保障不得以牺牲个人利益为代价,人脸识别在公共空间的大规模运用应以公共安全保障与个人身份保护并重作为价值目标,体现从个人信息有序共享向个人身份保护的理念转换。为平衡公共安全与个人身份保护,应构建法律、技术、伦理"三位一体"的系统规制体系。具体而言,我国应强化公共场所管控者的"守门人"义务,明确开发者基于信息身份保护的设计义务,同时培育公众的"数字理性"素养。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和社会的进步,人们对社会发展和人类幸福的认识进一步升华。其中一个重要热点,就是对公共安全的认知和感受。我国公共安全管理需要破解的主要难题,就在于要用发展中国家的经济实力、社会管理水平,去满足突发公共事件多发背景下更高的公共安全需求。在我国,公共安全保障基础相对薄弱,与经济高速发展的矛盾越来越突出,公共安全形势严峻是我们要面对的一个现实问题。出人意料的是,这两年我国出现了安全生产形势总体稳定,趋向好转的大好局面。所以,确保公共安全在我国的政府行政,特别是地方行政中将占越来越重要的地位。  相似文献   

This article addresses cultural policy in post-Communist Romania, focusing on the justifications for support of culture and the arts. The objectives are to clarify values legitimizing public support and to determine their effect on the meaning and impact of cultural policy. The author argues that justifications of public funding—instrumental or intrinsic—depend on how successive governments represent the roles conferred to culture and the arts, as well as on the particular ideas of culture and art they promote. Policy discourse after 1989 has been characterized by its nourishment of a persistent instrumental ideology that gradually connected to the international debate and has been dominated by a traditional, narrow conception of culture and art, which conflicts with a modern conception. Until recently, the fluctuations and conflicts between different values and ideas of culture and art have worked to constrain cultural policy, disrupting its implementation and altering its effects.  相似文献   

In light of the need to start clearing the methodological confusion in the field of arts management, this article provides a critical overview of the teaching curricula in the field. Distinction is made between programs that copy directly from business management; programs that focus on the technological process of producing an artwork (usually run by practitioners); those that interlink cultural management and cultural policy (highlighting the role of public governance as a higher principle); and programs that focus on an entrepreneurial approach to arts management, connecting it to issues of creativity and innovation. The author calls for clear goals to educate administrators and arts or cultural managers. The suggestion is made to follow what I call the Janus syndrome: looking toward managerial and economic realities but primarily focusing on the arts—the aesthetic and the social aspects of the field. A question is raised about the position of art in arts management curricula, as well as the organization of undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the field.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the responses of the English legal system to the radically changing relationship between the arts and conventional morality during the period 1780 to 1959. The art for art's sake movement is identified as being a significant catalyst in the process whereby the arts became removed from traditional moral constraints and the response of the courts in their application of the common law of obscene libel is considered in light of this influence. The replacement of the common law of obscenity by the Obscene Publications Act in 1959 concludes the discussion, the inclusion of a public good defence marking a crucial turning point in this area of law.  相似文献   

群体性事件与网络、网络舆情研究述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
易星 《政法学刊》2014,(4):101-107
中国正处于群体性事件的易发、多发和高发期,频发的群体性事件已经成为影响社会稳定的最为突出的问题。近年来,几乎所有的群体性事件的发生发展都体现了网络及网络舆情的推波助澜作用。群体性事件中的网络及网络舆情既是党政部门的工作重点,又是学术界的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

Arts management has commonly been analyzed as a microcosm of the art field, in which struggles between artistic, economic, administrative, and societal considerations are constantly being fought. Using the field theory of Bourdieu, scholars have attempted to uncover levels of functional differentiation within arts organizations, and interpreted differentiation between artistic considerations and economic and administrative considerations as a core element in defining the artistic autonomy of such organizations. In this article, I present an alternative approach to the interpretation of artistic autonomy in arts management. Through the stories of three artistic directors and the way in which they run their theatres, I aim to show the theory of justification (developed by Boltanski and Thévenot) and shed new light on the interpretation of arts management, as well as on the understanding of artistic autonomy more generally.  相似文献   

This article investigates the extent to which public higher education institutions participate in state-level arts policy through a history of selected budgets and a textual analysis of performing arts presenting centers at public higher education institutions in Virginia. Evidence from this research suggests that the arts policy field is altered by the emergence of public higher education institutions as policy actors. The findings have financial and decision-making implications for arts policy makers, university administrators, and arts agencies as the participation of public higher education institutions affords new opportunities and challenges for the state encouragement of the arts.  相似文献   

Arts education in the United States, especially in public schools, has been neglected and its public funding has decreased. This is partly due to the difference in the conception of public education policies and the arts. The theory of economic goods and an analysis of two current education policies demonstrate that public education is treated as a public good that is needed by all people, and therefore funded with tax dollars. Because the arts are common goods that different people value in their own terms, education in the arts is treated as nonessential and funded sporadically in public school settings. Based on the theory of the commons, the author suggests that nonprofit arts organizations are equipped to deal with the common good and diverse nature of the arts and can provide sustainable arts education that fills the gap of arts education in public schools.  相似文献   

网络群体性事件:概念、特征及其治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗亮 《行政与法》2010,(9):45-48
网络群体性事件是网络时代政府面临的新型危机形态。它具有参与主体的虚拟性、爆发时间的瞬时性、聚合能量的倍增性和诉求内容的隐秘性四个主要特征。因此,建立舆情预警系统,主动设置公众议程,争夺网络话语权,把握舆论制高点以及搭建网络对话平台,畅通民意互动渠道,是政府治理网络群体性事件的基本策略。  相似文献   


While previous researchers have attempted to explain the uncertain quality of visual arts with reference to branding theory, they have overlooked the role of art fairs. Socio-cultural approaches to branding allow us to explore the function of intermediaries in valuing contemporary arts. This article aims to analyze the role of art fairs in the process of branding young and emerging artists. In particular, a prestigious art fair, Frieze London, serves as an instrumental case study for developing a systematic understanding of art fairs in terms of valuing and branding contemporary art.  相似文献   

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