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对不同科研机构实行分类改革,实现科技资源的优化配置,是当前深化科技体制改革的重头戏。其中,应用型科研院所通过转成企业、进入企业和转为中介机构等方式实行企业化转制,动作最大,也最为引人注目。  相似文献   

刘茜 《瞭望》1999,(28)
科研机构向企业化转制,是我国建立技术创新体系的必然要求。在促进科研机构从自身的小循环进人了经济建设的大循环中,广东省作过一系列探索并取得了较好的成绩。于是,广东在一年前开始了对科研机构全面“断奶”。如今对这一既要“上山”登攀科技高峰、又要“下海”到市场搏击的做法,社会上对其得失十分关注。去年6月,广东省在全国先行一步,决定对省属的69个科研院所中的大多数实行全面“断奶”。新政策规定,除了保留6个有特色的研究所外,对技术开发型科研机构2000年全部取消科学事业费,变事业法人为企业法人。另外对咨询服务类的科…  相似文献   

福建省建筑科学研究所、光学技术研究所、机械科学研究所等十三家省属开发性科研机构,日前被福建省政府确定为首批面向市场实行企业化转制的科研单位。这标志着福建省科研机构改革步入实质性阶段。  相似文献   

2002年,在北京机电研究院的发展史上是具有重要意义的一年。这一年,依据中央科技体制改革和北京市科委《关于市属技术开发型科研院所转制的意见》的精神,机电院转制组建了北京机电院高技术股份有限公司。新公司是由北京京城机电控股有限责任公司、北京首创科技投资有限公司、北京控股有限公司、北京市京联发投资管理中心及自然人共同出资组建。  相似文献   

“下海”创建产业化优势──242个科研机构向企业化转制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年的6月30日,对于中国科技界将是一个划时代的日子_国家经贸委管理的内贸、机械、冶金、石化、轻工。纺织、建材、烟草、有色金属、煤炭十个国家局所属242个科研机构,必须于这一天之前彻底与运行了40多年的‘事业单位”体制告别,全部向企业化转制。最近,经国家科技部、国家经贸委、中编办、财政部审核,国务院已正式批准了这242个院、所的转制方案。其中,131个院所进入企业(集团);40个院所转为科技型企业,实行属地化管理;18个院所转为中介机构;24个院所并入学校、划转其他部门或撤并;还有12个(涉及29个院所)转为中央直属大…  相似文献   

谢志远 《学理论》2012,(18):90-91
随着出版社由事业单位转制为企业单位,实行企业化管理、市场化运作,作为出版社的枢纽部门——社长办,其管理和服务功能也面临着新的挑战。归纳出新时期社长办工作的两个特点,结合实际,深入分析,进行了探讨式总结,提供了较为清晰、实用的工作思路及应对问题的办法等。  相似文献   

城市化与村民自治的变迁   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在城市化进程中,村民自治,既表现为农村社会政治民主化的发展,又面临农村社会城市化的机遇与挑战.城市化带来村民自治主体条件、自治环境、自治方式与手段的变迁,赋予村民自治新的内涵与形式,其影响是深刻的和基础性的.在城市化的推动下,村民自治在农村社会关系、组织形式、村民生活方式和分配方式多样性的变动中生成、推进与发展,出现了由传统向现代转型,乃至农村社区向城市社区部分或整体转制,村民自治向城市居民自治转制的现象.  相似文献   

武汉市现有高新技术企业959家;民营科技企业2275家,其中高新技术企业600家;数十家省、市属科研院所即将由事业单位转为科技型企业。他们作为科技先导型企业有着共同特点:生命力在于技术创新;其思维方式是追求市场、技术、人才、资本的最佳结合;经营模式由小型化、分散化向集约化、规模化转变;价值取向由重论文、成果获奖向追求企业核心技术竞争力的增强、经济效益和社会效益最大化转变。为此,对科技型企业思想政治工作,也应发扬科学精神,探讨新方法,保证科技型企业在改革中找出路,在发展中增实力,在转制中保稳定,在…  相似文献   

对向企业化转制的科研机构,实行企业用人制度和分配制度 对按非营利机构运行和管理、国家资助与自我发展相结合的科研机构,要赋予充分的人事管理自主权 对主要依靠财政支持的科研机构,推行固定岗位与流动岗位相结合的用人制度,国家对固定岗位实行制度化的总量控制,建立以竞争和流动为核心的动态人事管理机制,实行人才供求市场调节和人才服务社会化 瞄准我国科研机构仍然存在 的用人机制不灵活、分配制 度不适应新形势、人才资源配置不合理的问题与状况,有关主管部门深化科研机构人事制度改革的政策思路最近己确定。各地、各部门在调…  相似文献   

姚建亭 《团结》2002,(4):25-26
科研院所转制是科技体制改革的重要内容,也是解放和发展生产力的重要举措,其成败与否直接关系到我国科技事业的发展、综合国力的增强和中华民族的兴盛。1999年中共中央和国务院发出《关于加强技术创新,发展高科技,实现产业化》的决定,为增强科技创新能力,应对知识经济挑战,建立具有中国特色的国家知识科技创新体系提出了明确方向。科研  相似文献   

近年来,高校学风建设已经成为社会关注的焦点问题,被曝光的学术腐败事件给国家科技创新体系带来了不良影响,"2011计划"的推动和实施,不仅能加强高校与科研机构、行业企业开展深度合作,促进资源共享,而且也为惩防学术腐败和科技体制改革的发展提供了新契机。以协同创新为切入口惩防学术腐败的对策主要有:完善评审和管理制度,授第三方审决权;籍助曝光威慑力,发挥媒体监督作用;注重协同创新实绩,淡化论文评审指标;建立健全监督审计制度,管好协同创新科研经费。通过营造积极向上、风清气正的教学科研环境,培育求真务实、自由严肃的学术氛围,才能真正有效遏制学术不端行为,全面提升高校自主创新能力和水平。  相似文献   

Interpretations of reality are an important, sometimes even decisive, dimension of the policy process. This essay seeks to demonstrate this point in the field of technology policy. Empirical research shows that government support for technology transfer in Germany is based on a concept of technology that is shared by neither companies nor academic researchers. These different concepts become reified interpretations of what technology means. They are referred to here as implicit theories. Interviews with academic researchers and business people demonstrate how inquiries into the realm of policy theories can be carried out.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,国际高等教育政策发生了显著变化,高等教育学术性得到加强的同时市场化程度加快、知识产业化凸显,大学正成为产业科技创新的合作伙伴,在经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用.大学知识产业化一方面是大学自身发展的要求,同时也是国家政策驱力所致.产业化过程中各国都采取了相应的立法或政策措施鼓励大学科研走出象牙塔,与产业密切结合.美国政府通过科技立法制定灵活的创新政策激励大学知识产业化;英国政府积极推动多元化的产学合作政策方案,建立产学间交流渠道.鼓励大学成为地方经济发展的动力;日本政府一贯致力于产学合作各项法律制度的完善,为产学合作发展建立良好的法制环境.发达国家制定的促进大学知识产业化的相关立法取得了良好绩效,为我国大学知识产业化专门立法提供可资借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

Students are regularly engaged in several things at the same time during class and school time. They are using smartphones, tablets, laptops, and using social media on these devices while learning and attending class. However, there are some situations likely influenced by this, current study tests the influence of technostress, cyberbullying, and media multitasking in the context of students in technology‐saturated classrooms and how this is affecting their academic performance. This study further explored the buffering effects of parental school support on the relationship between technostress, cyberbullying, and student's performance. By using the person‐environment fit model, this study surveyed 248 public sector school students in two waves and examined the impact of these variables on student's academic performance. Results show that technostress, cyberbullying, and media multitasking have a negative impact on student performance, and school parental support moderates the negative relationship between technostress and student performance. Implications and contributions have also been discussed.  相似文献   

潘远璐 《学理论》2012,(10):144-145
书院起源于唐朝,是以藏书为先导和后盾,传播学术文化和培养人才的基地。书院承担着搜集、收藏图书,讲学或学术研究,开展祭祀活动等重要功能。现代图书馆和书院有着千丝万缕的联系,其发展仅仅依赖科技的进步是不够的,它的作用可以借鉴书院的理念得到更为充分的发挥。  相似文献   

最低生活保障制度改革一直是我国社会与学界关注的重点,而由于微观数据和建模技术的匮乏.对于该问题的研究往往限于定性理解和总量分析。本文以计算机微观模拟技术为突破口,将微观主体的异质特征和行为决策机制纳入模拟的实验范畴,建立相应的模拟模型,对我国城镇居民最低生活保障制度改革进行深入的量化研究。结合区域经济现实,分别从历史特定的制度改革和政策参数的灵敏度实验两方面进行了微观模拟,实验结果量化了制度改革所引发的劳动供给与收入分配效应。同时揭示了制度潜在的低效率及其本质原因,并提出应对策略;为最低生活保障制度改革的评价与设计提供了建设性依据。  相似文献   

Although academic and professional publications give the impression that performance measurement is a growing government practice, in actuality the use of this technology is not as deep or as widespread as it may appear. Even when performance measures are used, governments rarely integrate them into planning, budget, personnel, and other management processes. Most professional researchers located primarily in academic institutions, but also in research and government organizations, approach performance measurement as though governmental officials, elected or otherwise, are already sold on its usefulness. Instead, they need to function as "change agents," using a variety of strategies to gain acceptance and understanding of the strengths and limitations of performance measurement. This article draws on the authors' experiences with the Community Benchmarks Program of the Maxwell School in Onondaga County and a review of the current literature. It suggests guidelines for professional researchers who want to increase the use of performance measures by governments at all levels.  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of collaborative online technology in the teaching of international relations and politics. Using a case study from Australia, it finds low levels of online innovation in these discipline areas that correlate with broader examinations of technology use in higher education teaching. Themes of time poverty, technical competence, and lack of career reward are frequently cited as barriers to trying new approaches. The data indicate that at present the most common outcome of any aspiration for IR/politics staff considering innovation is that the effort required to incorporate collaborative online learning is not repaid. These findings are meaningful, since the current lack of innovation and the perceptions of staff regarding support for such approaches are at odds with the marketplace pressures staff and their institutions are under. Based upon the data collected and the wider literature on technology adoption, this article proposes a “Technology-Assisted Teaching Adoption Model” (TATAM) that attempts to encapsulate the innovation judgements made by academic staff and the steadily diminishing incentives they feel towards changing their online teaching methods.  相似文献   

In the 1980s state governments adopted an entrepreneurial stance and established an extensive array of programs targeted at encouraging university industry research collaboration, the commercial development of new technologies, the start-up of new firms, and the technological modernization of existing firms. Although these state programs are frequently presented as laboratories of democracy, their relevance to national science and technology policy is open to question. State R&D strategies reflect contrasting theories about the linkages among academic research, technological innovation, economic growth, and administrative practices. Evaluations of state technology programs have essentially remained fixed at dead center, as unproven undertakings. State experiences have not been couched in analytical frameworks conducive to assessments of national science and technology policies.  相似文献   

王湛森 《学理论》2012,(17):237-239
以广州科技贸易职业学院为例分析实践教学法在高职院校思想政治教育中的运用,证明以志愿者服务为主导、以诚信教育为核心、以职业道德教育为重点、以学生社团为载体、以体验式教学为导向和以校外实践基地为依托的几种实践教学模式是行之有效的教学法.  相似文献   

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