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杜强 《政治与法律》2004,(4):106-109
由于我国立法中未明确规定坦白从宽的原则和具体的制度等原因,司法机关在现实应用坦白从宽的政策时,陷入了一种司法的悖论或困境.新刑法实施后,这种困境不但没有消除,反而表现得更加突出.本文一方面对这种司法困境的产生原因进行法律分析,并比较了理论界提出的各种解决途径,其中对我国应否引进沉默权制度进行了重点探讨;另一方面得出结论,指出坦白从宽法律化是突破困境的现实选择,并提出了在我国刑法中增设坦白从宽制度的具体的立法建议.  相似文献   

鉴于政策对我国法律规范和法律运作过程产生的重要影响,本文从法理和司法实践两个方面进行讨论,得出政策作为我国的法律渊源之组成部分,这一事实是的确存在的,并分析了这一现象产生的原因。  相似文献   

我国转型期宏观调控活动中存在着一种宏观调控失范行为。其产生的主要原因是,转型期宏观调控法律制度体系中,某些法律供给缺失、控权不能、控权不足。我国应转变政策调控的习惯思维、职权主义的立法模式、粗放主义的立法策略,并完善有关保障社会主体基本经济权利的立法,通过法律制度的变革,对这种特殊的宏观调控行为予以有效规制。  相似文献   

法律经济学作为一门“将经济学的理论和经验方法全面运用于法律制度分析”的学科,是二十世纪西方法学界发展最快的学科之一。国内法学学者和经济学学者都对其做过一定程度的研究,但系统性的研究成果和富有创造性的鸿篇巨著并不多见,本文拟对产生这种现象的原因进行分析,揭示我国法律经济学研究当中存在的一些问题,进而探讨在我国法学研究和法学人才培养的现实背景下如何提高法律经济学研究水平的一些规律和方法,希望能引起读者的一些共鸣。  相似文献   

法治视野下的警察执法违法行为规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭勃 《河北法学》2005,23(10):32-35
近年来,新闻媒体不断披露的有关公安机关或人民警察违法犯罪案件,引起人们对公安机关及人民警察的极大关注。不仅对警民关系的健康发展造成影响,而且带来“法律信仰”危机。“执法者违法”现象的形成固然有执法者自身素质不高等原因,但其根源在于我国现有警察制度自身的缺陷。通过分析我国警察制度的现状,从制度层面上分析“执法者违法”现象的产生原因,探析现有警察制度存在的不足,进而提出制度改革的若干意见。  相似文献   

吴腾 《法制与社会》2011,(18):62+70-62,70
本文将根据我国法律制度下存在的制度性侵权问题,结合笔者近几年高校管理工作之经验,分析这种现象深层次原因以及具体表现形式,提出一些有益的建议,以期对社会和法制建设作一些有益的探讨。  相似文献   

肖韵  雷蕾 《法制与社会》2011,(31):233-233
目前我国对金融担保公司的监管方式主要采取的是行政监管,这种模式已经无法适应金融担保公司在我国的发展状况。本文从对我国金融担保公司监管现状进行探析,并对问题产生的原因进行审视,最后对我国金融担保公司监管的法律制度的构建与完善进行了探讨。  相似文献   

韩强  孙琼 《河北法学》2002,20(Z1):64-66
商标法与著作权法的分别立法模式在实践中会出现商标权与著作权相冲突的现象。从一个案例入手,分析产生这种冲突的原因,并进一步指出我国在这方面立法的缺陷,提出遇到类似法律冲突时,建议考虑引进强制许可制度,实现双方当事人权利与义务的公平和合理。  相似文献   

本文结合我国法律现状及相关法理法条,对刑事和解制度进行了简要的分析,并就刑事和解制度在我国的实施进行了政策与法规的探讨。  相似文献   

我国监事会监督乏力的现象一直较为普遍。本文从对我国监事会失效现象考察出发,对我国公司治理中监事会制度失效进行了分析。文中通过对我国关于监事会法律规定和实践中的现状进行分析,以期对我国公司治理的研究有所助益。  相似文献   


Gang activity in American prisons has resulted in serious problems for prisoners and staff. This study assessed prisoners’ perceptions of gang-event frequency in the UK. Interviews with 360 prisoners from nine prisons in England and Wales indicated gang-related events were perceived as more frequent in all male categories of prison than they were in female institutions. Prisoners reported drug possession and prisoner groups being formed along regional origins as the most frequent gang-related activities. Recidivists perceived higher levels of gang-related activity than did first-time prisoners. Gang-related variables also predicted prisoners’ perceptions that groups of prisoners have more control over events in the prison than do staff and that order in the prison may not be maintained. The merits of interviewing prisoners and the implications of the results for maintaining order in prison are discussed.  相似文献   

In the UK the foreign national prisoners who have breached immigration rules suffer deprivations from which the ordinary citizens are exempt. Their subjection to prison regimes often on pain of deportation leads to psychological illnesses that cause them long term damage. The deportation regime that arises by default under the Border and Immigration Act 2007 has made it difficult to avoid prison for the breach of immigration rules. The research published by NACRO shows that it can lead to trauma because there is duress accompanied by an uncertainty of fate. The decision by the Court of Appeal in R (Medical Justice) v Secretary of State for the Home Office (2011) has brought this issue of deporting ill patients into the limelight. There are expert reports that reveal that those foreign nationals who are refused permission to stay are at risk from psychiatric illnesses when they are detained. The findings are that the mental illnesses are particularly severe in the most vulnerable prisoners who develop symptoms of long term mental disease. It is critical for the medical professionals to consider their involvement at an early stage when they will be able to supervise and diagnose illness before there is damage. This is particularly the case as the NHS treatment is denied to prisoners who are foreign nationals which is makes it necessary to implement a strategy with local agencies to prevent the onset of debilitating illnesses.  相似文献   

熊建明 《时代法学》2010,8(3):36-43
徒刑到底剥夺或限制着罪犯哪些自由目前并不清楚。以囚犯劳动报酬获取权利之实践来论述徒刑中被依法剥夺的自由类型和结构,就是一种很好的尝试。刑法除了规定囚犯必须参加劳动外,并未提及劳动报酬获取权,但规定只要罪犯劳动表现和贡献符合法定标准,就可获得减刑、假释,以劳动成果换取自由是一项制度实践;但此做法目前实际上还只专用于少数人而不普遍适用于一般服刑者,这表明从学理上揭示徒刑被剥夺的自由类型与结构有重大的实践意义。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, the prisoners rights movement and active judicial intervention in prison law have widely expanded in Canada. This movement has had a significant impact on the emergence of new norms of correctional justice. The recentCorrections and Conditional Release Act, (November 1992), inserts notions of human dignity; due process of law; and to a certain extent, the fundamental rights of prisoners. The aim of this essay is to measure the impact of prisoners rights discourse, and the legal obligation to act fairly towards prisoners, on the practices and quality of disciplinary decisions. Based on observations made at disciplinary hearings in various penitentiaries and interview data derived from the main actors, the author assesses how the ‘judiciarization’ of social relations and the ‘legalization’ of discipline in the prison have contributed to the birth of a more humanized prison and the promotion of human dignity for those people who are incarcerated.   相似文献   

There are numerous individual and social benefits of increasing prisoners’ educational motivation and their level of education. During incarceration they can be motivated to consider education because of the value of education, their own resettlement, future job prospects, to break free from prison routines, or simply to be around others. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between prisoners’ educational motives and their participation in education or desires to start an education in prison. The participants were 750 prisoners who attended prison education in Norwegian prisons in 2009, plus 898 other prisoners. Three motive categories were identified: “Future planning”, “Social reasons and escapism”, and “Competence building” (learning for the sake of learning). The first factor explained more than twice of the variance of the sum of the two others. Prisoners with high scores in the competence building category were significantly more prone to participate in education in prison, also when other commonly used background variables were controlled for statistically. Among those who did not participate, high scores in competence building also predicted that they desired to start an education while incarcerated. Prisoners with high scores in the future planning category were less likely to participate in prison education. We then discuss why this latter somewhat surprising negative effect occurred.  相似文献   

Research Summary: The growth of prison populations over the last three decades is a great source of concern for policy makers and observers. One mechanism by which this growth occurs is via sentencing reforms that extend length of stay for certain categories of offenders. This has the effect of aging prison populations, which is problematic for many reasons. Apart from the increased financial burdens entailed in caring for older prisoners, it is also important to consider the intent of reforms in evaluating them. Of late, sentencing reform has become increasingly focused on the selective incapacitation of dangerous offenders. Policies that have the effect of aging the prison population are problematic from this perspective due to the diminishing returns realized with respect to incapacitation as offenders age. Dynamic systems simulation analysis is employed to investigate the likely consequences of recent sentencing reforms that increase length of stay for some offenders. These analyses indicate that the effects of recent reforms may not be as dramatic as some observers have predicted, but they suggest that the consideration of alternatives to incarceration for elderly offenders is warranted from the standpoint of cost considerations as well as that of selective incapacitation. Policy Implications: The results indicate that California's Three Strikes law will not accelerate the rate of growth of the elderly prison population. However, even without increasing the proportional representation of elderly prisoners, the number of elderly prisoners is expected to grow substantially over the next three decades. These prisoners will strain criminal justice system resources while presenting little public safety threat. State criminal justice policy makers and their constituents should closely examine laws that impose very long stays without discretionary release, as these statutes may contribute to the production of elderly prisoners. This problem is particularly pronounced in Three Strikes and other habitual offender laws that use retrospective methods to identify habitual offenders. Additionally, the effects of reforms lengthening stay for some offenders must be considered in light of cumulative effects of sentencing reform resulting in changes to the demographic structure of the prison population overall. Dynamic systems simulation modeling is presented as a valuable policy‐making tool, as it allows the policy analyst to examine the potential impacts of laws in the absence of data suitable for conventional statistical analyses.  相似文献   

In prison and jail subcultures, custodial personnel are committed to the penal harm movement, which seeks to inflict pain on prisoners. Conversely, correctional medical personnel are sworn to the Hippocratic Oath and are committed to alleviating prisoners' suffering. The Hippocratic Oath is violated when correctional medical workers adopt penal harm mandates and inflict pain on prisoners. By analyzing lawsuits filed by prisoners under state tort law, this article shows how the penal harm movement co-opts some correctional medical employees into abandoning their treatment and healing mission, thus causing denial or delay of medical treatment to prisoners. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

唐兢 《政法学刊》2008,25(4):79-82
死刑复核权收归最高人民法院后,死刑犯在看守所的羁押时间延长,监管难度加大。保障死刑犯在看守所的监管安全,要准确分析其心理状态,加强教育转化和心理疏导工作,创新监管模式,改善传统控制手段,争取办案单位和社会力量的支持与配合。  相似文献   

行刑监督是行刑程序不可缺少的重要组成部分。对监狱行刑公权力实行具有一定独立性的监督,不仅有利于保护犯人权益,也有利于监狱对犯人的教育和监狱安全。在我国实行由社会力量进行的独立监督,具有一定的法律和实践基础,是可行的,同时有国外经验可资借鉴。这一机制的建立有利于对公权力实施有效的监督。  相似文献   

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