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We present two apparent hit-and-run cases where two women were run over. The vehicles involved were subsequently traced and their owners charged with manslaughter. Autopsy evidence, scientific investigation of the scene and circumstances of the deaths, technical inspection of the vehicles, and DNA analysis strongly suggested that both victims were lying on the road before the accident. Case 1 was a suicide. In Case 2, the victim had fallen to the ground following acute alcohol intoxication. Victimological analysis was pivotal in reconstructing the dynamics of the events. We suggest that a hit-and-run fatality should not be regarded as a manslaughter case until each piece of evidence has been carefully considered. We also propose an interdisciplinary method of reconstructing run over occurrences based on the following three steps: (i) identify whether there was a primary impact when the victim was in an upright position; (ii) identify victim drug/alcohol intoxication and/or presence of acute or chronic disease or injury, which may have contributed to the impact; and (iii) consider suicide intent.  相似文献   

Abstract: There is a longstanding empirical rule that people who commit suicide rarely shoot through their clothing, but rather put it aside to expose the nude skin. Signs of shots through clothing have always been considered suspicious, raising presumptions of the presence of an abettor. Our report, based on a retrospective study of fatal suicidal firearm injuries from the years 1980 to 2007, points out that suicide victims only rarely remove clothing from the site of the future entry wound. The report covered 43 cases with fatal gunshot wounds in the area of the thorax, with only four persons (9%) removing the clothing present in the area of the subsequent self‐inflicted wound. Defects present on the clothing of a victim cannot, therefore, be understood as an absolute criterion for disproving the possibility of suicide, and nor do they necessarily indicate an unfortunate accident or homicide. If, however, the suicide victim removes the clothing from the area of the future wound, then this is almost always an indication of suicide.  相似文献   

Stretchmark-like tears of the inguinal region are commonly referred to as typical lesions in pedestrian accidents when the victim is run over by a motorcar. These lesions can also be observed when a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle while being in an upright position. Stretchmark-like tears are due to hyperextension or excessive abduction of the hip joint. Characteristic morphological features are variable numbers of equally superficial and parallel tears of the skin following the skin's cleavage lines. Drivers of two-wheeled vehicles may exhibit inguinal stretchmark-like tears when they hit an obstacle with their bent knee, suffering excessive abduction of the hip joint. Finally, stretchmark-like tears are described in victims of collisions with railed vehicles, of aircraft crashes and--very rarely--in severely injured car passengers.  相似文献   

The paper presents final results of the studies concerning the usefulness of knee, ankle, hip, pelvis and neck injuries in reconstructing the circumstances of car-to-pedestrian accidents. Each type of injuries was evaluated with regard to possible reconstruction of the victim's position (upright or recumbent) at the moment of collision and in the upright hits-the side of the pedestrian's body hit. In each group, a chance of proper reconstruction of the pedestrian's location (which determined the frequency of injury pattern assumed as the typical one of a given position or impact side) and error risk (percentage of cases in which the injury pattern showed improper position or impact side) were calculated. These data were compared with similarly calculated possibilities of deducing based on the classical "bumper" injuries to soft tissues and "bending" fractures of the lower limb bone diaphyses. It was shown that the bone bruises within the knee epiphyses were very specific evidence for upright hits as they confirm the limb load by body mass at the moment of pathological dislocation of joint structures on impact. The evidential value of knee injuries was found to be similar to that of other "classical" methods based on bumper injuries or even higher in lateral and front hits. The injuries to the remaining structures were less frequently found and their correlation with the victim's position or impact side was lower. Nevertheless, once the whole complex of these injuries is taken into consideration the chances of proper reconstruction of the pedestrian-vehicle location increase and the risk of opinion error is minimized.  相似文献   

A rare case of suicide in which the victim had been lying along the railway track in a supine position and with extended extremities is described. The wheels of a train caused longitudinal hemisection with complete evisceration. Epidemiological data on train suicides are given and the relationship between this method of suicide and mental illnesses and consumption of alcohol are discussed.  相似文献   

Fatal pedestrian-bicycle collisions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although, fatal collisions between pedestrians and bicycles are relatively rare, they are still of forensic relevance because of the need to explore the circumstances of the accident. Based on three reconstructed cases, situation and injury patterns are presented that might prove useful in future cases: usually the person causing the accident is the cyclist while the pedestrian generally suffers more severe injuries; the situation at the site of accident is important for its reconstruction: end location of the persons involved in the accident, injuries and traces on pedestrians and cyclists, traces at the site of accident and on the bicycle; because of the lack of pre-crash traces and any eyewitness accounts, the pedestrian's injuries are the best starting point for the reconstruction of the accident; a characteristic wound on the lower leg of the pedestrian that reveals the initial impact between the front wheel and the leg is crucial not because of its seriousness, but because of its external morphology; the injuries that can be expected by the following impact between body and handlebar are unspecific and only minor; the most severe injuries to the pedestrian as a result of the accident are caused secondarily by falling and hitting the head on the road; the fall of the cyclist, however, corresponds to a throw-off followed by a sliding phase with less impact load when the head hits the ground [maximum abbreviated injury scale 1 (MAIS 1)]; the cyclists involved are mainly younger persons on fashionable bicycles (here: mountain bikes); in the great majority of cases, the injured pedestrians are frail, elderly people with a lower tolerance of trauma.  相似文献   

Two motorcycle riders lost control of their vehicle, fell, and hit a guardrail, which acted as a blade and led to a rapid, fatal outcome. In one case, the high velocity of the body at the time of the impact resulted in complete detachment of the trunk. Reconstruction of the accident dynamics enabled the guardrail post to be identified as the means of injury in both cases. The two accidents occurred over a short period of time, highlighting a dangerous phenomenon that in less severe cases is presumably associated with different degrees of survivor disability. The accidents deserve mention, because a different design of the impact surface of the guardrail post might have prevented the lethal outcome. There is an urgent need for legislators to pass regulations that modify crash barrier homologation criteria, which have been devised primarily for the safety of car passengers but fail to protect motorcyclists.  相似文献   

A 20-year-old girl along with four of her friends, all in their early 20s, met with a fatal accident in the early hours of the day. Their car was hit by a speeding truck at a crossing. All the occupants of the car sustained multiple injuries and died on the spot. The girl was decapitated in the accident. Her head was recovered outside the mangled remains of the vehicle and the rest of the body was extracted from the co-driver's seat of the damaged vehicle.  相似文献   

This study conducts an investigation of fatal falls from height, examines gender differences, and compares our findings with those of Western countries. We review deaths in Taiwan caused by falls from height that underwent forensic autopsy from 1994 to 2010. Among the examined cases, 182 were suicide, 156 were accidents, and 18 were homicides. Men who fell from greater heights had a lower probability of fatal head trauma (p = 0.045), and women exhibited a lower fatal head trauma rate when falling from heights of between 10 and 25 m in accident group (p = 0.003). There was no significant difference between cases of falling from greater and lower heights within the suicide group (p = 0.834). Psychiatric illness was only reported in 20.3% and 28.8% cases in suicide and accident groups. Only in male cases was the use of psychotropic substances higher in the suicide groups than in the accident groups (p = 0.047).  相似文献   

Deaths due to falls from height are common in urban settings. At the time the body is found, it is often unclear whether the mode of death is accident, suicide, or homicide. To assess the injury pattern in fatal falls from height with special regard to criteria that might be helpful in discrimination between accident, suicide, and homicide, respectively, we reviewed 68 medicolegal autopsy cases (22 females, 46 males, age range 13-89 years) of fatal falls from height regarding demographic data, findings at the death scene, results of the postmortem examination, psychiatric history, and toxicologic findings. Among the 68 cases, there were 34 suicides, 23 accidents, and 11 unclarified cases, in 3 of which homicide was suspected. In general, suicides were from greater heights than accidents (mean height 22.7 m for suicides and 10.8 m for accidents, respectively; 79% of suicides from more than 16 m). Strikingly, severe head injuries predominantly occurred in falls from heights below 10 m (84%) and above 25 m (90%), whereas in the group of falls from 10 to 25 m, these lesions were seen less frequently (28%). Neck injuries like muscle bleeds and fractures of the hyoid bone were found in 33% of falls from more than 10 m and did not occur from less than 10 m. Our data stress that the evaluation of pathologic features alone is not sufficient to assess the mode of death in fatal falls from height. Instead, postmortem findings have to be considered within the framework of the subject's social, medical, and psychiatric history in conjunction with findings at the death scene and toxicology results to obtain the clearest possible picture of the circumstances of death.  相似文献   

The study has assessed the usefulness of ankle joint injuries for deducing about the presumable location of a pedestrian in relation to a motor vehicle at the moment of collision. A statistically significant correlation was found between the direction of impact and the mechanism of ankle joint injuries. Such injuries were found in 113 of 317 pedestrian, fatal victims of road traffic accidents (36%). In the cases of impacts on the medial surface of the lower limb, the injuries associated with the supination mechanism were six times more frequent than the injuries associated with the pronation mechanism, while in the group of impacts on the limbs from the lateral side those connected with the pronation mechanism were four times more frequent. In victims hit from the back, the injuries connected with the plantarflexion mechanism were found almost four times more frequent than the dorsiflexion mechanism and in victims hit from the front in three of the five damaged joints the dorsiflexion component was observed (without any plantarflexion case). Less frequent "pronation injuries" in the limbs hit from the medial side and "supination injuries" in the limbs hit from the lateral side as well as "dorsiflexion injuries" in victims hit from the back predominantly occurred in impacts to the pelvic area, i.e. resulting from collisions with a van or lorry. Injuries of upper ankle joints are, thus, useful for reconstructing the presumable location of the pedestrian in relation to the vehicle at the moment of collision, especially, when the vehicle involved in the accident is known.  相似文献   

Suicide by a motor vehicle occurs more commonly than is realized, and may be difficult to prove. Suicide by other means while driving a vehicle is far less common. An automobile driven by a young woman left a road at high speed, became airborne, and came to rest on its top in a front yard. This was initially assumed to be a fatal traffic accident. Upon righting the vehicle, a .357 revolver was found on the ground beside it. A single, fatal, self-inflicted gunshot wound was found in the decedent's midanterior thorax. A suicide note was found in her purse. She had been chronically depressed and had twice attempted suicide. Vehicular suicides may constitute 10-30% of fatal single-vehicle crashes, and must be considered in any vehicular mishap lacking another reasonable explanation. Suicide by other means while driving is far less common than suicidal vehicular collision and suicidal death from carbon monoxide in motor vehicles. An autopsy should be performed in each of these sometimes-low-priority single-vehicle deaths in order to certify vehicular accidents correctly; to discover and document vehicular suicides; and to detect homicides disguised as vehicular mishaps.  相似文献   

In 2006, 67 persons were killed in aircraft accidents in Germany and involving German aircrafts abroad. In spite of extensive investigation of each aircraft accident, there are no reliable data as to the number of suicides by aircraft. We report on a 50-year-old man who committed suicide by willfully crashing his Beech "Sierra" aircraft minutes after take off from an airport close to the town of Rendsburg, Germany. Before killing himself, the intoxicated pilot had sent an SMS announcing his suicide plans to a friend. The findings of the medico-legal investigation and the results of a review of aircraft accident reports by the German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Investigation (BFU) regarding suicidal plane crashes are presented.  相似文献   

The pelvic girdles of 371 pedestrian victims of road traffic accidents were evaluated during postmortem examinations. Additionally, 144 hip joints were opened. The pelvic injuries were found in 28% of the pedestrians hit exclusively in their upright position and 52% of the victims run over by a vehicle. The side of the body hit by a car was determined on the basis of the location of blood suffusions within the subcutaneous tissues and muscles of lower limbs as well as the character of injuries found in the knee and upper ankle joints. The findings were verified with the data from court records. It was shown that the injuries of the sacroiliac joints or vertical fractures of the posterior parts of iliac bones were useful parameters for determining the side (left or right) of the body hit by a vehicle. Moreover, it was found that a direct impact on the hip region was evidenced by the ipsilaterally localized fractures of the iliac ala, central hip fractures and intraosseous blood suffusions within the greater trochanter of the femur. The external dislocations of the hip joints (always) and bilateral injuries to the sacroiliac joints (usually) were observed in the victims run over by vehicles.  相似文献   

Knee joint injuries were found in 214 out of 357 fatal pedestrian victims of traffic accidents (60%). The cross-sections of tibial and femoral epiphyses revealed bone bruises (due to compression and avulsion) and the percentage of victims with knee injuries increased to 80% (in the group of lateral impacts - 94%). The bone bruises in the central tibial and femoral condyles were observed only in victims hit in an upright position. There was a strong correlation between the side of impact on the extremities in medium sized pedestrians (from the front, back, lateral and medial side) caused by passenger cars and the mechanism of knee injuries (hyperextension, anterior dislocation of the proximal tibial epiphysis in relation to the femoral condyles, valgus and varus flexion). In the cases of very low impacts (e.g. in very tall victims hit by rapidly breaking wedge-shaped cars) or very high impact (e.g. in very short victims or truck hits) the "reversed" complexes of injuries were found (lever principle). These findings showed that knee joint injuries are useful for determining the car-pedestrian location on collision and the type of vehicle (in hit-and-run accidents).  相似文献   

By the analysis of 54 traffic accidents involving prone, run-over people it is shown that the vast majority were drunken males who lay on the road during the night and were there driven over. There are many reasons for the "lying on the road" including, falling due to sickness, voluntary lying for suicide, falling of lying due to an alcoholic condition. For evidence respectively exclusion a previous accident, the clothing must be precisely examined for trace evidence (textile changes, transfer of paint, glass fragments, tyretread patterns, skidmarks from shoes). An analysis of skin, bones and internal organs indicates the cause of the injuries (driving into, throwing on to, throwing off and rolling over).  相似文献   

Apart from collisions with road or rail vehicles and falls from height, self inflicted blunt force is a rare suicide method and mainly seen in psychiatric patients. The paper presents a rare case of suicide by active blunt force. A 68-year-old man committed suicide by repeatedly hitting his head with a stone. He sustained a craniocerebral trauma and finally died from hypothermia due to the low outdoor temperature. According to the relatives, the man was not diagnosed with a mental disorder or suicidal tendencies. Uncommon manners of self-harm are challenging for those involved in the investigation, and a differentiation between suicide, accident and homicide can only be made in synopsis of all findings.  相似文献   

In case of suicide, the presence of multiple entrance wounds is always suspicious. We report the case of a man who committed suicide by shooting himself three times in the chest and the skull with a submachine gun. The weapon seems to have been initially pointed in the precordium area with a lethal lesion of the proximal aorta. Two other projectiles were fired by the weapon and hit the neck and the skull of the deceased. The presence of three entrance wounds despite a first fatal wound could finally be explained by the characteristics of the weapon and wounds. Most suicides related to multiple gunshot wounds are explained by a first nonlethal shot but the use of an automatic weapon can also be found. In these last cases, medicolegal and criminalistics aspects become important in differentiating suicide and homicide.  相似文献   

It is supposed that some fatal aviation accidents of "cause unknown" especially of light and private airplanes are possibly intended by a suicidal act. However it is difficult to prove this suggestion. A case of a light aircraft accident is reported in which the medicolegal autopsy and the police investigation revealed, unexpected, a simultaneous homicide and suicide caused by a stabbing attack on the pilot. This paper stresses the importance of autopsies of the victims in aircraft accident investigation and discuss the medicolegal and psychopathological aspects of the case.  相似文献   

Given that most fatal hangings are suicidal and occur in locations that have been selected to conceal this activity (thus maximizing the chances of a lethal outcome), there has been very little corroboration of the speed with which unconsciousness and death may occur. A 35-year-old male is reported who committed suicide by hanging immediately after talking to his spouse. Police investigations confirmed her reliability as a witness indicating that lethal anoxia in this case had occurred within a very short time (most likely in less than 1 min) of suspension. The speed with which death may result from hanging not only gives an insight into fatal pathophysiological mechanisms, but also provides useful information for situations where a lethal outcome is to be avoided, or is not intended. For example, individuals at risk of suicide who are being monitored in institutional facilities need to be constantly under direct visual surveillance as significant hypoxia can be rapidly induced, parents and caregivers with infants and children in potentially unsafe sleeping environments need to realize how swiftly death or irreversible anoxic brain damage may occur from neck compression, and those who engage in recreational asphyxia should be informed just how quickly a fatal outcome may ensue.  相似文献   

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