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The history of the participation of People's republic of china in international human rights affairs can be mainly divided into two phases since its founding 70 years ago, and it can be further divided into four stages with typical events after the launch of reform and opening-up.Since the adoption and implementation of the reform and opening-up policy in the late 1970 s china has witnessed the active participation and fruitful achievements of china in bilateral and multilateral human rights cooperation and communication, as well as making important contributions to the international human rights cause.  相似文献   

The founding of People's republic of china marked the start of a completely new historical development stage for human rights in the county.The founding of the People's republic of china has had a profound impact on the development of human rights in contemporary china.The People's republic of china defined the socialist nature of the development of human rights in contemporary china, shaped the new concept of equality in chinese society, determined the direction of human rights development that attaches importance to the protection of economic and social rights, and established the idea of advancing human rights development from the overall perspective.  相似文献   

The 2018 Symposium on National Human Rights education and Research summarized the achievements in human rights education and research in china, in the past four decades of reform and opening-up, especially since the 18 th National congress of the communist Party of china The Meeting mainly concentrated on topics "new era of human rights education and talents cultivation" and "new era of human rights theory innovation and academic orientation" An overall outline of human rights education system have been constructed in china and details of the concepts from a macroscopic to a microcosmic perspective show the features of china's human rights education and research institutions The discussion of academic topics has predicted the development trend of theories of china's human rights in new era, and expanded relevant comparative research and empirical research.  相似文献   

The Communist Party of China has been concerned with the protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities since its founding.in the period of the new democratic Revolution and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it adopted a series of protective measures in various forms in line with local conditions.Since the reform and opening-up, the cause of persons with disabilities has developed in an all-around way under the leadership of the CPC.especially since the 18th national Congress of the Communist Party of China, the protection of human rights for persons with disabilities has been innovatively developed, and persons with disabilities have been truly participating in social affairs and share the country's development gains as equal subjects of rights.The centennial history of the Party's protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities shows that the CPC's ideas of human rights protection consecutively comprise humanitarian assistance, humanitarian protection, and people-centered human rights protection.The main identity of persons with disabilities has changed from the object of protection during the revolution to the object of medical care and social welfare, and the subject of human rights.The content of protection of rights and interests has developed from survival assistance to comprehensive protection including education, rehabilitation, employment, etc.The dignity, autonomy, equality, and social participation of persons with disabilities as the subject of human rights have become increasingly prominent.  相似文献   

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the human rights cause in China has developed and progressed through the period of democratic revolution, the early founding of the People's Republic of China, the new period of reform and openingup, and the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. all previous national Congresses of the Communist Party of China have made illustrations and arrangements on human rights issues, and the successive Party leaders have made important expositions on human rights issues. The Party and the state have enacted a series of policies, laws, and regulations to protect human rights in various periods. China has made historic and great achievements in human rights practice and created a human rights development path suited to China's national conditions. China's human rights development over the past century has fully proved that the CPC has always been, and it remains, the firm core of leadership for China's human rights development and progress.  相似文献   

前言,能源是人类文明进步的基础和动力,攸关国计民生和国家安全,关系人类生存和发展,对于促进经济社会发展、增进人民福祉至关重要。新中国成立以来,在中国共产党领导下,中国自力更生、艰苦奋斗,逐步建成较为完备的能源工业体系。改革开放以来,中国适应经济社会快速发展需要,推进能源全面、协调、可持续发展,成为世界上最大的能源生产消费国和能源利用效率提升最快的国家。  相似文献   

The development of women's rights is a specific field in modern national governance.The essence of women-related issues in modern times lies in the political and legal systems based on gender inequality and the unequal male-female relationship established by male chauvinism, which has further created domination over and prejudice against women.Since the founding of the New China, especially after the launch of reform and opening-up, the Communist party of China and the state have attached great importance to the protection of gender equality, bringing about the continued improvement of the protection of women's rights.However, due to various economic and social barriers, there is still a long way to go to achieve full gender equality.To understand the issue of women's rights from the perspective of national governance and apply the concept of modern national governance to the protection of women's rights, it is imperative to pay great attention to the substantive equality concept in the protection of women's right during the national governance process, take empowering women as an important approach, raise women's gender equality awareness, and recognize, grant, enhance and guarantee women's individual rights .  相似文献   

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China70 years ago,the human rights discourse of the Communist Party of China has been constantly updated.In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China,the CPC spontaneously formed a collective discourse on human rights with the right to subsistence and self-determination as its core;in the 1980 s,in the process of reflection and refutation,the CPC paid more attention to individual rights,and gradually increased the sense of a human rights discourse with Chinese characteristics;since the 1990s,the CPC has combined the specific national conditions and the international environment to form a human rights discourse.The system of human rights discourse has been constructed in terms of the order of priority of human rights protection,path of human rights development,relationship between human rights and sovereignty,and development of the world human rights cause.Since the 18~(th) National Congress of the CPC,the CPC has put forward the idea that "living a happy life is the primary human right" at home and the idea of building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings for the world,and the discourse system of human rights with Chinese characteristics has gradually been improved.The independent variable of the change of human rights discourse of the CPC is the specific national conditions at different stages and the recognition of national identity formed on this basis.The other variable is the international environment and external relations that China is facing.  相似文献   

七、发挥宗教界的积极作用新中国成立后,宗教信仰自由政策在新疆得到全面贯彻落实,极大激发了宗教界积极投身经济社会建设的热情。改革开放以来,特别是近些年来,新疆各项事业得到全面发展,综合实力显著提升,法治建设稳步推进,民生建设不断加强,天山南北发生了翻天覆地的变化。宗教界在维护新疆社会稳定和长治久安、促进新疆经济社会全面发展中发挥了积极作用。维护国家统一和民族团结。在中国,维护国家统一和民族团结的核心是做好反分裂工作。  相似文献   

The dominant human rights views in a country or region is closely related to the economic and social development of that country or region and is closely related to human rights practices. Since the launch of reform and opening-up, the development of China's conception of human rights has gone through many stages. The changes of contemporary Chinese human rights conceptions have gone through the stages from the views of human rights to the theories of human rights, to the norms and practices of human rights, and human rights conceptions developed from avoidance to controversy, from passiveness to initiative, and from learning to construction, which reflects the continuous development of China's human rights cause. By analyzing the journal records through a search of the human rights and its related keywords, it is possible to chart the evolution and historical context of contemporary Chinese human rights theory.  相似文献   

The process of China's participation in international human rights cooperation is closely related to the process of reform and opening-up launched at the end of the 1970s, while participation in international human rights cooperation is based on the process of reform and opening-up. It is the fruit of the reform and opening-up policy and the emancipation of the mind for China to decide to participate in international human rights cooperation. Since then, along with the process, the process of China participating in international cooperation can be divided into four periods. The first established the multi-ministries cooperative group to do research on international human rights activities in 1980. The second, was the first white paper on human rights published by the government in 1991. The third was the incorporation of human rights in the Constitution in 2004, and the fourth been putting forward the idea "a community with shared future for human beings" in 2013. All of these are landmark events for China to participate in international human rights cooperation against the general background of the reform and opening-up policy.  相似文献   

China’s human rights cause has undergone a new phase of development under the reform and opening-up policy that became off icial in the late 1970s. The changes include a shift from protection of human rights by law to Constitutional protection  相似文献   

OVER just 40-plus years of development since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy,a poor village built on reclaimed tidal marshes in east China's Jiangsu Province has emerged as an eco-friendly,industrialized urban center with modern facilities matching any major city. Situated on the south bank along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River,Yonglian Village in the town of Nanfeng in Zhangjiagang City has seen an earth-shattering transformation.During the annual sessions of the 13th National People's Congress(NPC)and the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)in 2021,Wu Huifang,NPC deputy and secretary of the Party Committee of Yonglian Village,accepted an exclusive interview with China Today,sharing Yong-lian's experience in making growth benefits available to all,guaranteeing people's political and civil rights,and achieving sustainable development.  相似文献   

The Belt and Road Initiative makes an important contribution to the right to development in theory and practice in the current world. Since the reform and opening-up, the Chinese government puts the rights to subsistence and development before any other human rights, which effectively guarantees and accelerates a rapid economic development in China. Nowadays, countries along the Belt and Road have joined a "community of common destiny". Inside the "community of common destiny," countries have enjoyed not only the responsibility, rights and benefit of the right to development, but also a win-win cooperation that ensured the right to development. Therefore, the Belt and Road initiative enriches the UN Declaration on the Right to Development, and "community of common destiny" of countries becomes a higher form of the right to development.  相似文献   

A market economy requires the individual rights of citizens be protected, and that the exercising of those rights be regulated, whose realization depends on the legalization of human rights protection On the one hand, individual rights must be protected by law On the other hand, a law-based society needs to be built so the boundaries of individual rights are clear, the exercising of those rights are regulated, conflicts between rights can be resolved through the courts, and the personal infringement of others' rights and the overall interests of the society is prohibited by law During the 40 years of China's ref orm and opening-up in China, the promotion of the legal protection of human rights mainly lies in three aspects: first, the important role of the rule of law plays in protecting human rights has been clarified; second, the four steps of the rule of law(scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, judicial justice and observance of the law by all Chinese citizens) have been strengthened to safeguard human rights fully and effectively; third, the Chinese human rights system under the rule of law has gradually been aligned with international norms.  相似文献   

The international agenda on business and human rights has entered a new era when the united Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights was endorsed in 2011 Meanwhile, as china is growing to become one of the biggest economies in the world, chinese businesses are exerting greater impacts on human rights in and outside china The "Pillar II" policy shift of the chinese government regarding human rights refers to the translation of human rights from norms of public law to value principles for the private sector including businesses, and such a policy shift has been both a result of chinese businesses dealing with "imported human rights challenges" in china, and one of the reasons for chinese businesses tackling "exported human rights challenges" in overseas investment and trade Through a series of policy changes, the chinese government has transformed international human rights principles and norms into a value system and code of conduct meant for chinese businesses to respect and observe, which can greatly enhance the awareness and capacity of chinese businesses in fulfilling the irresponsibility to respect human rights in and outside china on the other hand, the challenges and opportunities from different dimensions are faced by the chinese government and businesses in business and human rights Therefore besides effectively fulfilling its duty to protect human rights, the chinese government needs to optimize and strengthen its "Pillar II" policies, so as to push and support chinese businesses in knowing and showing their responsibility to respect human rights at both perception and practice levels.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国逐步形成了以党的全面领导为核心的国家治理新模式。坚持和完善党的领导制度,有利于优化国家治理结构、提升国家治理能力、协调国家治理关系,是适应历史发展、坚持理论创新及顺应改革实践的必然选择。从治理主体、治理关系、治理模式三个维度入手,突出党的核心地位,优化党政职能结构,健全运行体制机制,是加快制度优势向治理效能转化、引领国家治理现代化稳步前行的现实路径。  相似文献   

诱惑侦查是实践中经常运用的一种侦查方式,由于诱惑侦查没有明确的法律地位以及在实施过程中伴随着侵犯人权的风险,导致诱惑侦查的争议不断。随着新刑事诉讼法的出台,尊重和保障人权作为一条基本原则出现,在诱惑侦查的使用过程中如何平衡惩罚犯罪与保障人权之间的关系成为一大难题。因此,只有根据新刑事诉讼法的相关规定来研究诱惑侦查的法律规制,才能致使诱惑侦查有效打击犯罪的同时又不致侵犯人权。  相似文献   

本文主要考察新民主主义革命时期、社会主义建设时期和改革开放以来中国共产党妇女就业保障的基本政治主张、保障方式和内容以及保障特点。党自创立起就确立了保障妇女就业权的基本理念,制定了具体的劳动保护措施,并逐渐建立起以就业权保障、劳动保护制度和生育保险为核心的妇女就业保障体系,以法制保障妇女就业权和同工同酬权,不断推进妇女就业保障的社会化、多元化和系统化。  相似文献   

From December 10 to 11,2019,the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly held the 2019 South-South Human Rights Forum in Beijing.Participants from more than 80 countries,regions and international organizations discussed and exchanged views on such topics as "the practices and experiences of human rights protection in the countries of the Global South","path of human rights development against the background of the diversity of civilizations","building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings and global human rights governance".Participants in the forum actively voiced their national human rights views,exchanged human rights development experiences,explored human rights development paths in developing countries,and reached broad consensus.In an international environment featuring the rise of unilateralism and hegemonism,the South-South Human Rights Forum issued a strong message of solidarity and cooperation among developing countries on human rights issues,and also conveyed to the world the firm determination of developing countries to jointly promote the healthy development of the world's human rights cause.  相似文献   

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