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Social gender roles refer to the roles that are traditionally associated with women and men. Social gender role includes the personal attributes and behaviors which are culturally assigned to women and men. This study was conducted to determine the views of male students at Caucasian University Health School on social gender roles at work, social life, marriage, and family life. The study was conducted on male students studying at Kars Health School, Nursing and Health Officers Department during 2007–2008 academic year. The students were given 24 statements relating to work life, social life, marriage, and family life to determine their views on social gender roles. Results indicated that 30.2% of the male students stated that women could work in a paid job, 56.9% believed in equality of women and men, 44.8% approved honor killing, 40.5% said the girls should receive education as far as they can go, 54.3% said the role of the women was to “provide moral support to their husband and children”, 37.1% stated that husbands could beat their wives under certain circumstances, 52.6% said they witnessed violence in their family at some stage of their lives, 51.7% said the women’s environment should be decided by the spouses together, 25% said the women should engage in sexual intercourse with their spouses even if they did not want to. Men who thought the role of the women was to do housework/giving birth to children/looking after the elderly members of the house, and who approved honor killing and disapproved working of their spouses, and who did not believe in equality of women and men, were found to support violence to women by men. Moreover, the students who witnessed violence at some stage of their lives supported this view as well. It was considered that the students should be educated on the definition of violence and situations involving violence, and directed to consultant services.  相似文献   

司法心理鉴定在我国尚未受到应有的重视,甚至未被列为司法鉴定的一个类别。其实,司法心理鉴定应是司法鉴定工作的重要组成部分,对提高司法工作的科学性和效率有重要意义。它的许多鉴定项目对司法工作很有帮助,对司法鉴定所起的作用是其他种类司法鉴定所不能取代的。司法心理鉴定工作在我国实际上已经开展起来,并取得了一定成果和经验。这是一个需要我们高度重视、大力发展的大有前途的领域。  相似文献   

In the early decades of the nineteenth century the small European societies in Madras (now Chennai) and Bombay (now Mumbai) were divided by disputes of such intensity that the authorities in London feared for the future of British power in India. The divisions were legal and social. In law, the Governors and the Supreme Courts of both cities contested the scope of their respective roles with the arguments focusing on the rights of Indians. Again and again, government took alarm at the ‘pro-Indian’ views of reforming judges. The debates were reflected in European social divisions, thereby making them all the more intransigent; legal allegiance became linked to social allegiance. It was this mixture of the legal and the social which gave the wives and other female relatives of the judges a role in the process of reform. Normally confined to multiple pregnancies and restrained social functions, the divisions in European life gave these women an opportunity to influence legal change. Without making official public statements they took part in the development of ideas about Indian rights.  相似文献   

Ahmed  Sara 《Law and Critique》2001,12(3):345-365
In this paper, it is argued that we need to understand the role of ‘hate’ in the organisation of bodies and spaces before we ask the question of the limits of ‘hate crime’ as a legal category. Rather than assuming hate is a psychological disposition - that it comes from within a psyche and then moves out to others - the paper suggests that hate works to align individual and collective bodies through the very intensity of its attachments. Such alignments are unstable precisely given the fact that hate does not reside in a subject, object or body; the instability of hate is what makes it so powerful in generating the effects that it does. Furthermore, although hate does not reside positively in a subject, body or sign, this does not mean that hate does have effects that are structural and mediated. This paper shows that hate becomes attached or ‘stuck’ to particular bodies, often through violence, force and harm. The paper dramatizes its arguments by a reflection on racism as hate crime, looking at the circulation of figures of hate in discourses of nationhood, from both extreme right wing and mainstream political parties. It also considers the part of what hate is doing can precisely be understood in terms of the affect it has on the bodies of those designated as the hated, an affective life that is crucial to the injustice of hate crime. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

2011年5月31日胡锦涛总书记主持召开的中共中央政治局会议指出,加强和创新社会管理,事关巩固党的执政地位,事关国家长治久安,事关人民安居乐业①。要牢牢把握最大限度激发社会活力、最大限度增加和谐因素、最大限度减少不和谐因素的总要求,积极推进社会管理理念、体制、  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article explores the avenues used by non-governmental organisations working in the sector of EU social policy to influence the law-making process at the EU. The Commission's current transparency initiative has focused attention on the rules (or lack of) governing access to the Commission as the initiator of legislation. This article examines more broadly, on the basis of interviews, both the formal and informal means of accessing not only the Commission, but also the European Parliament (in particular through intergroups) as well as the Council. By using specific examples of legislation it illustrates the routes by which 'social' non-governmental organisations currently interact with these institutions, offering examples of how their work may impact on the output of the Commission, Council and Parliament. The article avoids an overly legalistic analysis with an original glimpse at the 'hidden' workings of the EU law-making process which has hitherto received little attention among legal academics and practitioners.  相似文献   

在南京、南通、宿迁5所小学中采用随机分层抽样的方法选取449名流动儿童与普通儿童,了解流动儿童的自我意识、自尊与社会支持的情况,并比较流动儿童与普通儿童之间的差异以及此三种变量在各人口学变量上的差异。研究发现流动儿童与普通儿童的自我意识无显著差异,自尊方面不存在显著差异;女性流动儿童在幸福与满足方面与男性儿童有显著差异;不同年级的儿童自我意识以及分维度存在显著差异。流动儿童社会支持在性别与年级变量上存在显著差异。流动儿童的自尊、自我意识与社会支持存在显著相关。  相似文献   

江伟  苏文卿 《政法学刊》2009,26(1):65-68
公益诉讼的社会功能,决定了它能否成功实现制度的变迁、达致制度良好运作的总体成效。相较于以调整个人之间利害冲突为基本对象的传统民事诉讼,公益诉讼不仅具有纠纷解决、实体权利保护、不当行为纠正等基本的诉讼功能,而且基于其特有的目标、结构和运行机制,还具有形成社会公共政策、创设或扩展权利、制约公权以及促进社会变革这四大特殊功能。  相似文献   

This study examined the potential mediating effects of social support and coping strategies on the relationship between intimate partner violence (IPV) and psychological outcomes. A sample of 100 Caucasian women and 61 Asian women were recruited from domestic violence agencies. Structural equation modeling was used to test the proposed model. Analysis of the combined group revealed that there was an indirect effect of the level of violence on psychological outcomes via the mediating variables of perceived social support and passive coping strategies. Ethnic group comparisons, however, indicated differences between Caucasian and Asian women. In the Caucasian group, the level of violence had an indirect effect on psychological outcomes via the mediating variables of perceived social support and passive coping strategies. In contrast, in the Asian group, the direct effect of the level of violence on psychological outcomes was strong and significant, and the mediating roles of these variables were not found. Research implications for practice are delineated. This study was funded by the Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (IDVSA) at the University of Texas at Austin.  相似文献   

农村社会保障体系建设中的政府角色及其实现的法制保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设农村社会保障体系是政府的该当责任,政府的参与应具有不可或缺性和主导性。政府应是农村社会保障体系建设的组织领导者、制度建设者、资金保障者、运行监管者和服务提供者,但当前在角色承担上仍存在参与不足、协调能力差、监管混乱和服务提供滞后等偏离现象。为有效推进我国农村社会保障体系建设,政府应树立社会保障利益公平分享和权利平等保护的理念,着力解决自身组织、领导能力建设,农村社会保障制度供给与资金筹措,农村社会保障服务体系建设以及督促机制与问责制度建设等问题。  相似文献   

民工子弟学校的外来教师,作为城乡结合点在个人层面上的一种突出体现,在心理上向往着城市,肉体上蛰居在城市,但却在真正意义上敲不开城市的大门,在城市扎不下根来.这一特殊的生活经历和体验,使他们的生活世界充满了"流动"的变数,而这一流动性,为人们认识民工子弟学校,理解民工子弟学校中展开的教育,提供了一个非常有教育社会学意义的独特视角.本文尝试通过对一所民工子弟学校外来教师的访谈调查,描述他们在城市边缘建构起来的生活世界以及教育实践过程所展现的特色,并借用齐美尔"异乡人"的概念,从无根的漂泊感以及与货币的联系这两个维度,对生活世界与教育实践之有机关联进行解读.  相似文献   

简论社会控制与司法行政的社会作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
梁兴国 《中国司法》2005,3(11):32-36
一、社会控制与司法行政社会是人类摆脱孤立走向联合、摆脱愚昧走向文明的必然选择,恩格斯指出:“由于随着完全形成的人的出现而产生了新的因素——社会。这种发展一方面获得了有力的推动力,另一方面又获得了更确定的方向。①”阶级和国家的出现,使人类社会迈入了更为高级和复杂的社会形态,从而造就了辉煌的文明成果,但与此同时,频繁发生的社会动荡、混乱乃至战争,却又常常对人类文明造成不同程度的破坏,延缓和阻碍社会的发展。“一切政体可以被内部的变故所毁弃,一般地也可以被外力所破坏。②”因此,进行社会控制,达至社会的秩序和稳定,是…  相似文献   

侵权行为法的社会功能   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国大多数学者认为侵权法的社会功能包括惩罚和预防功能,甚至有很多人主张将惩罚性损害赔偿制度全面引入我国的民事法律制度中。但是,在现代社会,侵权法的基本功能应是填补损害,传统侵权法中的预防功能已经成为填补损害的反射作用,惩罚功能在侵权法中已消失。  相似文献   

孔德勤 《中国司法》2011,(10):21-23
法律援助制度是现代社会的一种社会救济制度,是国家文明进步的标志,同时也是现代司法制度的重要组成部分。设立法律援助制度,推动法律援助事业发展,主要目的就是通过法律手段维护社会弱势群体的合法权益,保障社会公平正义,促进社会良性有序发展。推动社会管理创新需要不断加强法律援助工作。在新形势下加强法律援助工作对加强社会管理,推动社会管理创新具有十分重要的意义和作用。  相似文献   

当前,中国的社会控制机制正在经历由意识形态控制向法律控制的转变,这一过程,也正是中国法治生长和发育的过程。法治不仅是一种治理国家的方式,更是一种社会管理的方式。律师与法律密切相关,既是社会主义法治建设的重要内容,也是推进社会主义法治建设的重要力量,与社会管理创新息息相关,在加强和创新社会管理中具有独特的职能作用。  相似文献   

社会矛盾化解,是当前我国一项重要并具有创新意义的社会政策,是科学发展的必然要求。在社会矛盾化解的实践中公证宗旨更加彰显,《公证法》开篇第一条就明确规定"预防纠纷,保障自然人、法人或者其他组织的合法权益"为公证立法目的和宗旨。因此,公证作为一种非诉讼解决矛盾纠纷的方式,  相似文献   

This study examined the attitudes of police officers and judiciary members toward wife abuse in Turkey and the relation between these attitudes and profession, ambivalent sexism (hostile/benevolent sexism), gender, and gender roles. The following instruments were used for the analyses: The Attitudes Toward Wife Abuse Scale (AWAS), the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI), and the Bem Sex Role Inventory. The participants were 300 police officers and 150 judiciary members selected from different regions of Turkey. Results showed that compared to judiciary members, police officers are more tolerant of physical and verbal abuse of women in marriage, but less tolerant of the idea of the victim leaving an abusive marriage partner. Similarly, men were more tolerant than women of those husbands who physically and verbally abuse their wives, but less supportive of the wife leaving the abusive partner. Profession and ambivalent sexism (hostile/benevolent sexism) were found to be the strongest predictors of attitudes toward wife abuse.  相似文献   

王丽 《中国司法》2010,(7):59-61
党的十七大报告提出,要“深化司法体制改革,优化司法职权配置,规范司法行为,建设公正高效权威的社会主义司法制度。”其中,司法职权配置既是司法体制的具体表现形式,也是司法行为运作的权限基础。优化司法职权配置,成为司法理论研究与深化司法体制机制改革的重大任务。  相似文献   

This paper examines the structure and modus operandi of South Asian criminal organisations operating in the UK. It is based on empirical research conducted between 2005 and 2006 among prisoners sentenced for drug offences, a number of drug distributors operating in the market, and observers with a knowledge of the drugs business working for the police force or for rehabilitation services. First, the paper offers an overview of the debate on organised crime, and after a methodological note, the research findings are utilised to propose a typology. Hypotheses are formulated around the illicit drug enterprises involved in British markets. Finally, the implications for law enforcement with respect to these enterprises are discussed.
Vincenzo RuggieroEmail:

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