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We report a case of a 30‐year‐old woman who suddenly collapsed after having a physical altercation with her husband. Despite immediate resuscitation, she died on arrival at the hospital. The victim's parents requested an autopsy because they believed that their daughter was killed by her husband. Postmortem examination revealed that the victim had a diffusely enlarged thyroid gland and cardiomegaly with left ventricular hypertrophy. There was no evidence of significant trauma on the body. Further postmortem thyroid function tests and review of her medical history indicated that her death was due to Graves' disease. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case reported of sudden death due to cardiac arrhythmia from Graves' disease induced by physical and emotional stress associated with the criminal activity of another person. The autopsy findings are described. In addition, the literature is reviewed and the significance of postmortem evaluation of thyroid hormones in the cases of sudden death is discussed.  相似文献   

Sudden cardiac deaths are common within the community. They also constitute a substantial part of daily pathologic and forensic case work. However, macroscopic myocardial findings indicating acute ischemia are often absent. Then, diagnosis is based on coronary status in combination with indirect signs of acute cardiac failure. We present a case of sudden cardiac death where diagnosis was based on cardiac postmortem magnetic resonance imaging (pmMRI) findings already prior to autopsy: the heart's anterior basal ventricular septum showed hypointensities in T2-weighted images that raised suspicion of peracute ischemia. The lumen of the left anterior descending artery (LAD) exhibited a lack of otherwise discernible postmortem sedimentation of cellular blood components. Instead of a sharp border between serum and erythrocytes a homogeneous signal was seen within the narrowed lumen of the beginning LAD over a length of 1cm. Based on this, a thrombotic occlusion was assumed. Subsequent autopsy confirmed peracute septal myocardial ischemia secondary to a thrombotic occlusion of the LAD as concluded from the pmMRI.  相似文献   

Atrioventricular (AV) node tumor is a very rare lesion of the cardiac conduction system. Clinically, it is associated with complete AV block and sudden cardiac death, often in apparently healthy young people.We report a case of a 24-year-old woman who developed ventricular fibrillation during sexual intercourse and died before admittance to the hospital. The woman had a medical history of depression and was treated with citalopram.At first, no macroscopic or microscopic pathologic changes were found. Toxicologic analysis showed a toxic level of citalopram in the blood. Further microscopic examination of the cardiac conduction system disclosed a tumor of the AV node. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed endodermal origin in accordance with the latest hypothesis of the pathogenesis of this tumor.It was concluded that this young woman died of cardiac arrhythmia due to the AV tumor and not from citalopram intoxication, as first suspected. This case emphasizes the importance of a microscopic examination of the cardiac conduction system in cases of sudden unexpected death, even in cases with a plausible cause and manner of death at first glance.  相似文献   

Sudden death is defined as a death that occurs suddenly, develops during an unpredictable course, and is due to natural or unnatural causes. Although there is no universally standardized definition on how "sudden" a sudden death is, WHO defines sudden death as a death that occurs within 24 hours after the onset of symptoms. The aim of this study is to present 2 rarely reported autopsy cases and to emphasize the importance of systemic autopsy at sudden death. On macroscopic examination, crescent-shaped, thick, fibrous membranes, located 5 mm and 3 mm away from the aortic valves, were detected. Fibrous membranes extended from the ventricular septum to the left ventricular outflow tract, thus apparently narrowing this region. Left ventricular wall and septum were slightly thickened, and there were scattered grayish-white areas of a small diameter. These became more intense in the septum and myocardium of the left ventricle on the anterior plane of the myocardial sections. In both cases, the aortic valves of were thickened and also markedly narrowed on one of them. In this case, the fibrous membrane adhered to the aortic valve and extended to the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve at one side. Both aortic valves comprised 3 leaflets. Other valves and coronary arteries showed no macroscopic pathologic findings. Microscopic examination of both cases demonstrated that the fibrous membrane comprising abundant collagen fibers was situated on the ventricular septum. Hypertrophy, moderate to severe interstitial fibrosis, and focal areas of scarring were observed in the specimens taken from the septal and ventricular myocardium. No abnormality was found on the conduction system examinations. Toxicologic analysis results in blood were negative. Based on the findings, membranous-type (discrete type) subvalvular aortic stenosis, diagnosed during the autopsy, was considered as the cause of sudden death in both cases.  相似文献   

We report the occurrence of a clinically undiagnosed biatrial myxoma with left ventricular involvement in a 2-month-old male infant, resulting in sudden death. During a routine well-baby examination, a grade (34) holosystolic murmur was detected at the left sternal border with radiation to the axilla and back. On the following day, the patient collapsed and died suddenly. An autopsy revealed a large multifocal neoplasm diffusely involving the aortic valve while displaying mitral, tricuspid, and left ventricular extensions. The ensuing histopathologic and immunohistochemical studies were diagnostic for myxoma. We discuss the occurrence of cardiac myxoma within the pediatric population and review the literature as to theorize whether this lesion was a congenital process versus a rapidly growing tumor that developed after the child was born. Lastly, we address the potential for sudden death in patients with such tumors.  相似文献   

Sudden death is now currently described as natural unexpected death occurring within 1h of new symptoms. Most studies on the subject focused on cardiac causes of death because most of the cases are related to cardiovascular disease, especially coronary artery disease. The incidence of sudden death varies largely as a function of coronary heart disease prevalence and is underestimated. Although cardiac causes are the leading cause of sudden death, the exact incidence of the other causes is not well established because in some countries, many sudden deaths are not autopsied. Many risk factors of sudden cardiac death are identified: age, gender, heredity factors such as malignant mutations, left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricle function impairment. The role of the police surgeon in the investigation of sudden death is very important. This investigation requires the interrogation of witnesses and of the family members of the deceased. The interrogation of physicians of the rescue team who attempted resuscitation is also useful. Recent symptoms before death and past medical history must be searched. Other sudden deaths in the family must be noted. The distinction between sudden death at rest and during effort is very important because some lethal arrhythmia are triggered by catecholamines during stressful activity. The type of drugs taken by the deceased may indicate a particular disease linked with sudden death. Sudden death in the young always requires systematic forensic autopsy performed by at least one forensic pathologist. According to recent autopsy studies, coronary artery disease is still the major cause of death in people aged more than 35 years. Cardiomyopathies are more frequently encountered in people aged less than 35 years. The most frequent cardiomyopathy revealed by sudden death is now arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy also known simply as right ventricular cardiomyopathy (RVC). The postmortem diagnosis of cardiomyopathies is very important because the family of the deceased will need counseling and the first-degree relatives may undergo a possible screening to prevent other sudden deaths. In each case of sudden death, one important duty of the forensic pathologist is to inform the family of all autopsy results within 1 month after the autopsy. Most of the recent progress in autopsy diagnosis of sudden unexpected death in the adults comes from molecular biology, especially in case of sudden death without significant morphological anomalies. Searching mutations linked with functional cardiac pathology such as long-QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome or idiopathic ventricular fibrillation is now the best way in order to explain such sudden death. Moreover, new syndromes have been described by cardiologists, such as short-QT syndrome and revealed in some cases by a sudden death. Molecular biology is now needed when limits of morphological diagnosis have been reached.  相似文献   

Autopsy of a 3-month-old girl, an apparent case of sudden infant death syndrome, revealed anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the right aortic sinus. Acute angulation of the left coronary artery along the aortic root, as well as a focal intramyocardial course within the ventricular septum, may have contributed to episodic luminal narrowing. Anomalous coronary origins of similar type have been associated with sudden death in children, teenagers, and young adults, but have not necessarily been associated with sudden death in older adults. Somewhat similar malformations have been reported in sudden infant death; two cases involved the left coronary artery and six involved the right.  相似文献   

Abstract: Sudden unexplained deaths, especially those unwitnessed can lead to forensic issues and would necessitate the need for a meticulous and complete postmortem examination including ancillary investigations to discover the cause of death. We herein report a case of sudden unexplained death caused by malaria in an apparently healthy individual. This fatal case is presented to remind the forensic pathologist of the possibility of malaria as a cause of sudden unexplained death in malaria‐endemic regions. In the present case, histopathological examination demonstrated the presence of parasitized red blood cells with malarial pigment in the blood capillaries in the brain, myocardium, pericardium, lungs, kidneys, liver, and the spleen. Cerebral malaria with acute renal insufficiency or pulmonary edema with an acute respiratory distress syndrome might have been the cause of death.  相似文献   

Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a nontraumatic, nondrowning death of an individual with epilepsy in which an autopsy with appropriate ancillary studies does not identify a cause of death. The mechanism of death in SUDEP is unknown, but is thought to involve cardiac and/or respiratory mechanisms. Research in SUDEP is hindered by a lack of consensus regarding required components of a death investigation before a cause of death may be certified as SUDEP. Histopathologic examination of the cardiac conduction system is not routinely performed in SUDEP death investigations. We present a case of SUDEP where histopathologic examination of the cardiac conduction system revealed a focal myocardial infarct of the summit of the ventricular septum abutting the bundle of His, which potentially provides insight into the mechanism of SUDEP for this particular case, and suggests that routine examination of the cardiac conduction system in SUDEP may be beneficial.  相似文献   

We report the case of a young man with a history of sudden death. On autopsy, a large retroperitoneal mass was found along with secondaries in the liver and lungs. No testicular abnormality was detected on palpation. Based on histopathological examination, it was diagnosed to be a case of choriocarcinoma. Unfortunately, it was not definitively determined whether the retroperitoneal mass represents the primary tumor or secondary involvement with testes being the primary source. It is important that forensic pathologists are aware of this disease as a potential cause of sudden death. The main focus of the paper is the approach of a forensic pathologist to a case of a sudden death when an unexpected and undiagnosed tumor is found in the retroperitoneum and not much information is available about the clinical history of the deceased.  相似文献   

Forensic pathologists may occasionally encounter cases of apparent sudden cardiac death without gross cardiac abnormality. In some of these cases, evaluation of the cardiac conduction system may reveal pathologic lesions which may act as the substrates for ventricular tachyarrhythmias and sudden death. Sample case studies are used to illustrate the suggested criteria and techniques for examination, and commonly-encountered pathologic lesions and normal variants are discussed.  相似文献   

The case reported herein concerns the unexpected death of a 3-month-old female newborn who suddenly collapsed in her mother's arms and was dead on arrival at the hospital. The clinical histories of the baby and her parents were negative for symptoms or signs of illness, even those of cardiovascular origin. Furthermore, no clinical appearance of a pathologic status was noted by pediatricians after the birth until the last emergency recovery. The autopsy excluded external and internal signs of violence but revealed a large primary cardiac tumor arising from the free wall of the left ventricle, which had totally invaded the heart causing mitral valve deformation. Histological examination showed a low-grade sarcoma that completely infiltrated the myocardial tissue. The pathogenesis of this sudden infant death was postulated as being owing to a fatal ventricular fibrillation combined with a tumor-related restrictive cardiomyopathy obstructing left ventricular filling.  相似文献   

Primary cardiac tumors are rare, with an autopsy incidence of 0.03%. Seventy-nine percent to 85% of primary cardiac tumors are benign, and of the benign tumors, cardiac hemangiomas account for 5-10% of cases. Most cardiac hemangiomas are asymptomatic and are discovered incidentally at autopsy, or by echocardiography, computerized tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging. We report a case of sudden death owing to cardiac hemangioma in a 22-year-old woman who collapsed while shopping and became unresponsive. The autopsy revealed a hemorrhagic mass on the surface of the right atrium which was infiltrating and replacing the wall of the right atrium; histopathological examination confirmed the tumor was a cavernous hemangioma. Fewer than 20 cases of right atrial cavernous hemangiomas have been reported in English literature, emphasizing the rarity of our case.  相似文献   

Commotio cordis secondary to a blunt blow to the chest wall can result in ventricular fibrillation and sudden death in children. While it is commonly reported in adolescents during sporting activities, it may result from non-accidental trauma especially in infants and younger children. We report a case of a 6-month-old baby boy who presented to the emergency department in cardiac arrest. The patient's hospital records, postmortem imaging, and the autopsy results were reviewed. External examination of the infant did not reveal any evidence of trauma. Postmortem imaging revealed multiple healing posterior rib fractures and a metaphyseal corner fracture, both considered fractures highly specific for physical abuse. The autopsy revealed a structurally normal heart with no microscopic abnormalities. The infant's father confessed to hitting the child on the chest after which the child became unresponsive. Given the constellation of postmortem imaging and autopsy findings in addition to the father's confession, the child's death was ruled as a homicide secondary to commotio cordis. Since there are no structural and microscopic abnormalities in the heart autopsy in cases of commotio cordis, timely on-scene investigation and a thorough investigation regarding the mechanism of injury are required to make this diagnosis. Early identification of non-accidental trauma is crucial and can prevent further abuse in other siblings.  相似文献   

Spontaneous dissection of the coronary arteries is an extremely rare event that occurs usually in middle-aged women and is mostly recognized at postmortem examination in victims of sudden death. It is a rare coronary pathologic finding whose precise incidence, etiology, pathogenesis, treatment, and evolution have not been clearly established. We present a sudden death case of a 53-year-old woman with spontaneous dissection of the left anterior descending coronary artery with eosinophilic coronary arteritis.  相似文献   

The plasma cell dyscrasias are a diverse group of disorders characterized by the production of a clonal paraprotein. Sudden death is a recognized complication of the plasma cell dyscrasias, most commonly in individuals with cardiac involvement by amyloidosis. However, the current forensic literature has no reported cases in which sudden death resulted from complications of a plasma cell dyscrasia that was first diagnosed by postmortem histologic examination. We present the case of a woman whose sudden and unexpected death resulted from a seizure. Postmortem examination revealed no evidence of trauma or a grossly identifiable natural disease process that would have accounted for her death. However, microscopic and immunohistologic studies revealed a previously undiagnosed plasma cell dyscrasia, the clonality of which was determined by immunohistochemical studies for immunoglobulin light chains, that was not associated with amyloid deposition. This case elucidates a previously unrecognized cause of sudden unexpected death and illustrates the importance of microscopic studies in selected cases examined in medical examiner/coroner offices.  相似文献   

Primary adrenocortical insufficiency is a rare disease which may present with protean clinical symptoms and signs. At one end of the spectrum is the patient with a long clinical history with marked pigmentation and documented episodes of crises which may follow relatively minor viral illnesses. The other extreme is illustrated by patients with a rapid deterioration in health culminating in unexpected or unexplained death. In the latter instances, the forensic pathologist may well be involved, and the case will present a significant challenge to diagnosis. We report 5 cases of primary and secondary adrenocortical insufficiency seen at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine in 1 year. One adult man presented as a case of sudden unexplained death. In 2 cases, the diagnosis of adrenocortical insufficiency was raised following postmortem examination and confirmed by the treating physician following further consultation. In the remaining 2 cases, the diagnosis was known prior to postmortem examination and the diagnosis confirmed.  相似文献   

Kambo is a substance obtained from the skin secretions of a frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor, popular in the Amazon region, which is administered via the transdermal route. We report a case of 42‐year‐old man found dead in his house. Near the corpse, a plastic box labeled as “Kambo sticks” was found. The man was a chronic consumer of Kambo and no previous pathology or genetic disease emerged in clinical history from the declaration of his general practitioner. Autopsy investigations and toxicological analysis were performed. The histopathological examination showed left ventricular hypertrophy. Toxicological screening was negative for ethanol and other drugs. Phyllocaerulein, phyllokinin, and deltorphin A were isolated from the Kambo sticks but, only deltorphin A was detected in blood sample. We describe the first forensic case of death associated with Kambo administration. We attempt to explain how its use could be related to the cause of sudden death in this case.  相似文献   

We report a case of cardiac metastasis of primary adrenal cortical carcinoma to the endocardium of the right atrium resulting in an intracavitary mass which we believe caused sudden death by blocking the tricuspid valve orifice. We have been unable to find a similar case previously reported although primary atrial myxoma is well known to be a rare cause of sudden cardiac death by the same mechanism. Modern non-invasive imaging techniques have facilitated recognition of intracavitary cardiac metastases, and with surgical intervention, when feasible, the risk of sudden cardiac death can be reduced.  相似文献   

Pulmonary tumor thromboembolus (PTTE) secondary to uterine cancer is a rare cause of sudden unexpected deaths in the elderly population. Additionally, tumor extension to the inferior vena cava (IVC) makes it rarer. No such cases have been previously reported in the forensic literature. We report this phenomenon in a previously healthy 70‐year‐old woman with no other known risk factors for the development of deep vein thrombosis. The deceased was found dead while watching television with her relatives. Autopsy examination revealed that her death was attributed to a saddle embolus lodged in the main pulmonary arteries. A uterine tumor was discovered, and microscopic examination revealed low‐grade endometrial stromal sarcoma with angiolymphatic invasion. The tumor cells were also found in the embolus and the remnant thrombosis attached to the inner wall of the IVC. This case demonstrates a sudden unexpected death caused by acute PTTE following seeding of uterine cancer into the IVC and raises awareness of such events.  相似文献   

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