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金路  严丽 《政法学刊》2011,28(1):103-107
我国现阶段的社会转型对社区管治与社区警务产生着深刻的影响,使社区的管治环境、人际关系、管治方式和治安生态发生了重大变化。在对社区实施的政府管理与居民自治中,政府管理是主导,需要通过完善的居民自治才能最大限度地发挥管理作用;居民自治是基础,只有在政府引领下才能充分实现自治功能。社会转型期的社区警务活动,应当立足社区履行公安社会管理职能,充分利用社区资源改善警务运行条件,建立和谐警民关系为社区建设提供治安保障。  相似文献   

去年10月全国社区矫正工作会议召开以来,各地认真贯彻落实全国社区矫正工作会议精神和《关于在全国试行社区矫正工作的意见》精神,扎实开展工作,全国试行社区矫正工作进展顺利,工作规模和范围不断扩大。一是工作开展范围不断扩大。截至目前,社区矫正工作已在全国28个省(区、市)的219个地(市)、1354个县(市、区)、15621个乡镇(街道)展  相似文献   

一、社区矫正试点工作的基本情况按照年初全国司法厅(局)长会议要求和“两院两部”《关于开展社区矫正试点工作的通知》以及全国社区矫正试点工作会议精神,截至目前,社区矫正试点工作已在6个试点省(市)的35个区(市)、310个街道(乡镇)展开,其中北京市已经在辖区内全面铺开。6个试点省(市)共接收、管理社区服刑人员4917人,其中,管制48人,缓刑2786人,假释649人,监外执行181人,剥夺政治权利1253人。试点工作积累了经验,取得了成效。第一,积极争取各级党委、政府重视和支持,密切与相关部门协调配合,建立健全社区矫正领导机构和工作机制。社区矫正…  相似文献   

本调研小组通过实证调查的方式发现并分析了当前珠海市社区民间组织存在的问题,其中包括社区居民对社区民间组织了解程度不高,社区民间组织提供的服务内容不均衡,缺乏政府支持以及社区民间组织的参与率不高等。在此基础上提出应以彻底落实"社区本位"的社会管理体制改革的思路为基础,以社区居委会为平台,多元化地拓展对社区民间组织的政策和资金扶持的渠道,创新调动社区居民参加社区民间组织潜在动力的实际措施,建立社区民间组织宣传机制,扩大社区民间组织影响力,让社区居民更加了解社区民间组织。  相似文献   

刘佳 《行政与法》2007,(11):15-17
社区治理的主体既包括政府部门,也包括社区自治组织和居民个人。在以往的社区治理模式中,都过分强调政府的作用而忽视了居民个人对社区公共政策的参与,这就造成了当前我国城市社区中居民参与水平低下、参与机制缺乏的状况。因此,采取积极稳妥的政策措施,转变政府治理理念,改进治理模式,全面理顺政府与社区关系,为居民参与社区治理创造有利条件,大力构建和谐有效的社区治理体系乃是当务之急。  相似文献   

全国社区矫正工作会议召开以来,各地高度重视,认真贯彻落实全国社区矫正工作会议及两院两部联合下发的《关于在全国试行社区矫正工作的意见》精神,结合实际,周密部署社区矫正工作,在机构设置、队伍建设、经费保障等方面做了大量卓有成效的工作,为推动社区矫正工作全面试行,推进社会管理创新、促进社会和谐稳定做出了新的贡献。全国已有30个省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团的17981个乡镇(街道)开展了社区矫正工作,累计接收  相似文献   

2012年《社区矫正实施办法》实施至今,我国每月社区矫正人数净增长17.2万人,每月平均增长1.32万人;截至2012年7月底,江苏省累计接收社区服刑人员18.1万人,所有的乡镇(街道)都开展了社区矫正工作。江苏省农村社区矫正工作在已取得的经验和成效的基础上,在农村社区矫正的理念、体制和方法方面不断创新。本文提炼出江苏农村地区的  相似文献   

在我国推进城镇化建设的背景下,社区建设面临着各种新问题,因此,在理论研究与实践中应重新认识社区自治理论,因为城镇化的关键是人的市民化,居民的社区意识是社区自治的动力和源泉.所以,只有将宪法中的民主、法治理念和精神及价值导入社区的宏观治理结构中,建构社区自治的新模式,才能有效地提高居民的自我管理能力,促进社区冲突解决机制的形成.  相似文献   

为确保社区矫正"防脱管、防漏管、防严重再犯罪"专项活动取得实效,近日,浙江省上虞市司法局建立了社区矫正"三色"预警机制及其考核办法,并纳入市委、市政府对乡镇(街道)年度岗位目标责任制考核。  相似文献   

于敏 《法制与社会》2013,(6):149-150
城市社区居民自治是加强我国基层民主建设、促进社会民主政治发展的必然要求,是我国历史发展的客观要求。社区居民自治是实现居民自我教育、自我管理、自我服务的机制,关系到政权的稳定和和谐社会的构建,对促进政府改善管理、重构权威具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

郑建君  马璇 《公共行政评论》2021,14(2):135-153,231,232
【问题】政治信任是支撑政治系统运行的重要心理基础,对推进政民良性互动、提升公众的政府支持具有重要意义。村、社区是公众的社会生活共同体和国家治理的基本单元,人们对村社的认同如何转化为对政治系统的信任以及此过程受到何种条件的影响,这将是本研究尝试探究的问题。【方法】论文基于95个行政村和城镇社区的5040份有效数据,将村社认同作为高层级变量,运用多水平结构方程模型和贝叶斯可信区间估计,对所提出的跨层级的“有调节的中介模型”进行检验。【发现】村社认同对个体的政治信任水平具有显著的正向预测作用,且公民参与在二者关系中具有部分中介作用。同时,个人传统性不仅在村社认同和公民参与关系中具有显著的负向影响,也能进一步调节村社认同与政治信任的间接关系。具体来看,在不同水平的个人传统性下,村社认同差异通过公民参与对政治信任影响的间接效应表现出来。【贡献】论文从政治心理学的视角出发,揭示了“村社认同→公民参与→政治信任”这一中介作用路径,并进一步分析了个体传统性变量对上述影响机制作用发挥的边界效应,为理解和分析本土情境下公众的政治信任发生机制提供了可鉴路径,对激发公民参与、提升政治信任和推动基层治理转型的治理实践具有启示。  相似文献   

演进韧性强调系统在危机中变化、适应和转变的能力,为现代风险社会中社区媒介参与社区治理的路径优化提供了新的理论资源和视角。据此审视疫情防控中邻里互助、技术嵌入下以信任与合作为基础的多元交叉网络、社区中“隐私悖论”负面性的消解及微基建项目的推进发现,疫情防控期间社区的内部边界并未封闭,居民主导的治理模式在强调社区韧性的背景下愈发重要。社区媒介结合互联网、大数据、区块链等新一代信息技术的去中心化赋权,为居民自治机制中由“精英模式”向“共建人模式”转型提供了替代方案:通过设计基于区块链技术的社区社交媒介,在其与线下公共空间的互动中完成共建人的开发与培养,继而发展多样的内生性社区自组织以建立居民自治主导的社区韧性。  相似文献   

Drawing on one element of the discussion by Jacobs ( 1961 ) of the social control benefits of “eyes on the street,” this article explores the link between the prevalence of active streets and violence in urban neighborhoods. Three distinct data sources from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods are merged to explore the functional form and potential contingency of the active streets–violence relationship: 1) video data capturing the presence of people on neighborhood streets; 2) longitudinal data on adolescents (11 to 16 years of age) and their self‐reports of witnessing severe violence; and (3) community survey data on neighborhood social organizational characteristics. The results from multilevel models indicate that the proportion of neighborhood streets with adults present exhibits a nonlinear association with exposure to severe violence. At low prevalence, the increasing prevalence of active streets is positively associated with violence exposure. Beyond a threshold, however, increases in the prevalence of active streets serve to reduce the likelihood of violence exposure. The analyses offer no evidence that the curvilinear association between active streets and violence varies by levels of collective efficacy, and only limited evidence that it varies by anonymity. Analyses of data on homicide and violent victimization corroborate these findings.  相似文献   

Although the “stop snitching” phenomenon has brought recent attention to crime reporting, researchers have recognized for a long time the importance of this issue. Early studies focused on individual-level factors related to reporting, but recently, researchers have begun to examine neighborhood-level predictors. Most of these studies, however, omit key individual-level predictors of reporting and provide relatively little insight into the individual-level processes through which neighborhood context might affect reporting. This study uses survey data from a multisite, school-based study to examine whether neighborhood structural characteristics and individual-level attitudes and experiences are related to youths’ intentions to report crime. In addition, we assess whether neighborhood characteristics influence reporting via their effect on individual-level attitudes and experiences. We find that neighborhood poverty has an inverse relationship with crime reporting intentions and that numerous individual-level measures are associated with reporting, including attitudes toward the police, delinquency, and perceptions of the community. Importantly, the effects of neighborhood characteristics are reduced when youths’ attitudes and experiences are included in the model. Taken together, our findings suggest that neighborhood context might affect reporting by shaping the attitudes and experiences of youth.  相似文献   

Sun  Ivan Y.  Wu  Yuning  Hu  Rong 《Asian Journal of Criminology》2021,16(3):293-312

Despite their colossal size and importance in policing, China’s auxiliary police forces have garnered very little research attention. This study attempts to fill our knowledge gap by first describing key features that distinguish the auxiliary police from the regular police in China and their counterparts in Western societies, followed by an empirical investigation of public attitudes toward the auxiliary police in China. Based on survey data collected from a coastal city in China, we reported the general patterns of people’s evaluations of auxiliary officers and assessed whether variables representing institutional trust, media exposure, and neighborhood context are predictive of Chinese attitudes toward the auxiliary police. We found that Chinese citizens rated their local auxiliary officers very positively. Trust in the government and police and known negative reports about the auxiliary police are linked to Chinese’ global satisfaction with the auxiliary police. Trust in the police, exposure to and belief in negative media reports about the auxiliary police, and perception of neighborhood collective efficacy are associated with people’s specific attitudes toward auxiliary officers. Implications for future research and policy are discussed.


In low- and middle-income countries, health care systems are an important means by which individuals interact with their government. As such, aspects of health systems in these countries may be associated with public trust in government. Greater trust in government may in turn improve governance and government effectiveness. We identify health system and non-health system factors hypothesized to be associated with trust in government and fit several multilevel regression models to cross-national data from 51,300 respondents in thirty-eight low- and middle-income countries participating in the World Health Surveys. We find that health system performance factors are associated with trust in government while controlling for a range of non-health system covariates. Taken together, higher technical quality of health services, more responsive service delivery, fair treatment, better health outcomes, and financial risk protection accounted for a 13 percentage point increase in the probability of having trust in government. Health system performance and good governance may be more inter-related than previously thought. This finding is particularly important for low-income and fragile states, where health systems and governments tend to be weakest. Future research efforts should focus on determining the causal mechanisms that underlie the observed associations between health system performance and trust in government.  相似文献   

The bulk of “neighborhood effects” research examines the impact of neighborhood conditions cross-sectionally. However, it is critical to understand whether the effects of neighborhood context are situational and whether they endure over time. In this study, we take seriously the notion that there are enduring consequences of exposure to deleterious neighborhood conditions. Using a rich set of longitudinal data on adolescents from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods, we estimate the effect of exposure to violence on both internalizing (depression and anxiety) and externalizing problems (aggression). We find that exposure to violence has both an acute and enduring effect on aggression, yet no effect on anxiety-depression, net of individual, family, peer, and neighborhood influences. Part of the enduring effect of violence exposure is explained by changes in social cognitions brought on by the exposure, yet much of the relationship remains to be explained by other causal mechanisms.  相似文献   

A continuing debate in sociological criminology involves the association of crime with economic disadvantage at both aggregate and individual levels of analysis. At the aggregate level, data from law enforcement sources suggest that rates of intimate violence are higher in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Disadvantaged neighborhoods may experience higher rates of intimate violence for compositional or contextual reasons, or rates may only appear to be higher because of differential reporting. Similarly, at the individual level, intimate violence appears more common among couples that are economically distressed, but whether economic distress triggers intimate violence is not certain. Using data from waves 1 and 2 of the National Survey of Families and Households and from the 1990 U.S. Census, we investigate the effects of neighborhood economic disadvantage and individual economic distress on intimate violence against women. Controlling for violence at time 1 and other individual level characteristics, we find that neighborhood economic disadvantage, neighborhood residential instability, male employment instability, and subjective financial strain influence the likelihood of violence at time 2. The relationship between neighborhood disadvantage and intimate violence appears to reflect both compositional and contextual effects.  相似文献   

法律对土地承包经营权的转让、转包、入股的受让方作出了限制,信托作为一种能够避开法律限制的流转方式而备受瞩目。但是,设立信托需要转让土地承包经营权,法律没有明文规定信托作为转让的例外情形的,即使采用信托方式流转,也不能避开法律的限制。实践中,为了避开法律对受让方的限制,农户与村委会、区镇政府签订了层层委托关系,致使信托财产、信托当事人不明确。为解决这个问题,重新构建土地承包经营权流转信托:不以土地承包经营权本身作为信托财产,而是以土地承包经营权的租赁权为信托财产。  相似文献   

Prior studies of recidivism have focused almost exclusively on individual‐level characteristics of offenders and their offenses to explore the correlates of reoffending. Notably absent from these studies are measures reflecting the neighborhood contexts in which individuals live. The current research addresses this shortcoming. Using data on a sample of ex‐offenders in Multnomah County, Oregon (Portland and surrounding area) in conjunction with 2000 census data, we answer two questions. First, which individual‐level factors influence rates of recidivism? Second, to what extent does neighborhood socioeconomic status account for variation in the reoffending behavior of ex‐prisoners that is not explained by their individual‐level characteristics? We find that those who return to disadvantaged neighborhoods recidivate at a greater rate while those who return to resource rich or affluent communities recidivate at a lesser rate, controlling for individual‐level factors.  相似文献   

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