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Employment law     
This article attempts to trace the history of the award of ‘vindicatory’ damages under Commonwealth Caribbean constitutions, to determine, first, why the courts were hesitant to grant damages for breach of constitutional rights; second, the circumstances and the principles that informed the decision of the courts to accept that an award of damages was an acceptable form of redress under Commonwealth Caribbean constitutions; third, the manner in which these principles have evolved over the past decades in Commonwealth Caribbean human rights jurisprudence; and fourth, examine the principles that underlie the award of the recently‐coined, ‘vindicatory damages’ for infringements of the Constitution.  相似文献   

This article undertakes a comparative analysis of the approach in the UK with the Commonwealth Caribbean jurisprudence concerning the doctrine of legitimate expectation. It argues that there is an ad hoc approach of the courts the Commonwealth Caribbean towards their application of the doctrine of legitimate expectation and highlights the need to clearly define the reach of this doctrine.  相似文献   

Judicial protection of fundamental rights in the Commonwealth Caribbean is identifiable in recent decisions in the areas of: vindicatory damages; discrimination and mala fides; proportionality; and the independence of Magistrates. Under vindicatory damages, the courts recognise the need for non‐compensatory damages for breaches of fundamental rights. In the area of discrimination judicial decisions indicate a movement towards the removal of the requirement of proof of mala fides for an allegation of unequal treatment by a public authority. Also of note are the introduction of proportionality and protection against contracting out of Constitutional rights, with regard to magistrates and their tenure.  相似文献   

Wrongful birth cases have been a feature of the common law. In this article the author examines wrongful birth cases against the background of the New Zealand accident compensation scheme. Initially cases were accepted under the scheme, but after major changes to the legislation in 1992, wrongful birth cases were declined cover. The author argues that this should continue to be the case, and that, as a result, New Zealand courts will have to make the same policy decisions in this area as those made by other Commonwealth courts.  相似文献   

Nigeria, as a member of the Commonwealth, retains identical statutes to the UK and other Commonwealth countries on registration of foreign judgement. Nigeria also inherited the common law rules on the enforcement of judgement, like all other parts or former parts of the British Dominions. However, the Nigerian courts have construed these statutes very differently when compared with the way in which the statutes of other Commonwealth countries have been construed, and have sometimes approached the matter of enforcement of foreign judgement as if there are no extant common law rules on the matter. As a result, the need has clearly arisen for the attention of the Nigerian courts to be directed at the similarities between the Nigerian and other Commonwealth statutes on the matter, as well as the judicial practice of the other Commonwealth countries. This article presents a brief historical perspective and then demonstrates the identical features of the statutes, pointing out the perceived errors of the Nigerian appellate and apex courts.  相似文献   

The author submits that the main purpose in the establishment of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) is to promote the development of a Caribbean jurisprudence, based on the Commonwealth Caribbean's common historic, political, economic and cultural experiences and mutual history.

The article examines the role of final appellate courts, noting that judges of such courts must often choose between alternatives which are perfectly capable of being defended as rational, reasonable and consistent with ‘the law’. Factors such as life experiences, socialisation, and backgrounds all play a role in determining the choices that are ultimately made. This is why, the author underscores that ‘it is so important to have a diverse Bench, to have Judges from different backgrounds’.

For judges to come close to steering the right course they must have an understanding of the society that gives rise to the legal disputes. They must be grounded in that society. In this respect, the author argues, it is remarkable that the evolution of certain landmark judgments relating to human rights, particularly capital punishment, have been rendered by British judges, sitting and residing in England.

The article, which draws on a wealth of jurisprudence, proceeds to examine the original jurisdiction of the CCJ and the role of the Bar in defending the integrity of the Court and the justice system as well as in enhancing the quality of judgments.

Finally, it emphasises the need to promote Caribbean jurisprudence and access to local judgments. In this regard, it is lamented that many truly outstanding judgments of Caribbean judges do not receive the recognition they should because, if there is an appeal, they become almost automatically buried beneath the judgments of the higher court.  相似文献   

This article explores the scope of s 51(ix) of the Constitution, the power of the Commonwealth to make laws with respect to "quarantine". While this power has sustained the Quarantine Act without a challenge since 1908, it may be that future national public health emergencies, such as epidemics or bioterrorism, will (as has happened in other countries) demand a level of federal preparedness that requires augmented public health powers at a national level. If so, will the scope of the quarantine power, as determined by the High Court, be wide enough allow the Commonwealth to implement these powers? While there is some advantage in a national approach, there is also some authority suggesting that the quarantine power could not extend to domestic public health controls. If there is uncertainty about the scope of the power, what are the options? Should there be another approach, with the States, Territories and the Commonwealth moving towards uniform legislation and co-operative arrangements?  相似文献   

The relationship between parliament and the courts has always had potential difficulties. However, for many years both institutions have respected the need to refrain from trespassing on the province of the other. As Lord Mustill observed, ‘the boundaries (between court and parliament) remain; they are of crucial significance to our private and public lives’.1 However, developments in law and politics can result in new strains in this relationship. This article considers the particular problems posed by the relationship between court orders, such as injunctions, and free speech in parliament. The issues that will be discussed are not just concerned with English law, but raise questions as to the relationship between European law (both the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and European Community Law) and parliamentary proceedings, something that would have been unthinkable not very long ago.  相似文献   

张千帆 《中国法学》2005,3(5):36-45
本文从美国政府征收权的渊源以及联邦宪法第五修正案征收条款的原始意义出发,探讨了“公共用途”的宪法概念在美国判例史上的嬗变及其最近的发展趋势。文章指出,由于“公共用途”或“公共利益”是极难界定的概念,法院难以发展出可操作的判断标准。在美国,对征收的公共利益之保障主要在于立法控制而非司法限制。根据民主原则,法院高度尊重立法判断,凡是议会决定符合公共用途的征收一律被认为合宪。在这个意义上,议会是一个“公益机器”,通过民主代议自动产生代表公共利益的法律和决定。文章最后建议,中国应该将注意力从“公共利益”的理论界定转移到制度建设,让全国和地方人大及其常委会在征收和补偿方案的决定中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

This article aims to provide a nuanced articulation of the challenges and complexities associated with the various judicial approaches countenanced across multiple jurisdictions to date toward combating the phenomenon colloquially referred to as ‘revenge porn’. The article’s central argument is that although the scope of several civil causes of action, such as breach of confidence, defamation, copyright and invasion of privacy, have been expanded in recent years to accommodate the evolving dynamics of revenge porn, a number of theoretical and practical issues nonetheless arise, which courts across various jurisdictions, including Australia, Canada, the UK, the USA, New Zealand and the Commonwealth Caribbean, have struggled to treat with. The article concludes by asserting that notwithstanding the important role played by civil causes of action in vindicating the rights of victims of revenge porn, legislative intervention remains invaluable.  相似文献   

通过不断加强公共卫生立法,澳大利亚联邦政府在卫生与老年部下设了国家预防保健局,日益关注公民权利的法律保护,推动示范法律的研究和运用,将风险管理引入立法程序,促进联邦与州/特区的立法协作。中澳两国存在特有的公共卫生关系,澳大利亚在公共卫生法律方面的实践和经验,为我国提供了借鉴意义,特别是法律示范和统一机制、立法过程的风险评估以及基本公共卫生服务的公平性等方面。  相似文献   

This article confronts the controversies surrounding Article 50 by analysing the relationship between statute and prerogative in the UK. The piece focuses on domestic constitutional issues and suggests a new way of classifying the relationship between statute and prerogative into two types falling under ‘the abeyance principle’ or ‘the frustration principle’. The abeyance principle means that where statute and prerogative overlap, the prerogative goes into abeyance. The frustration principle means that where statute and prerogative give rise to potential inconsistencies, but do not overlap, the prerogative cannot be used inconsistently with the intention of parliament as expressed in the relevant legislation. It then argues that Article 50 has the status of primary or ‘primary‐equivalent’ legislation which could justify applying the abeyance principle. This would mean that the trigger power would be exercised on statutory authority rather than through prerogative powers. If the courts are unable thus to construe the relevant legislation it argues EU law requires the courts to bridge the gap. Alternatively, if the abeyance principle is not applicable, it argues the frustration principle could apply but the circumstances in this litigation fall outside it. In the further alternative, EU law could require the frustration principle itself to be set aside in this case.  相似文献   

The Commonwealth and State legislation designed to protect the privacy of personal health information has attracted the criticism that the constraints imposed on the use of the information in research obstructs that research. A central and common feature of the legislation is the reliance upon the review by human research ethics committees of research that proposes to use personal health information for research without prior consent from those whose information it is. The origins of this reliance are explored and explained and it is suggested that this has proved to be an inappropriate policy choice. The extension of the reliance is then described and the conceptual, procedural, workload and structural consequences of requiring these voluntary committees to conform to legislative standards of review of issues of the public interest are critically examined. In recent reviews of the Commonwealth legislation, there is recognition of the underlying uncertainty as to the appropriate balance between protection of personal privacy and the promotion of beneficial research. In the further exploration of these matters that those reviews recommended, a close and critical examination of the wisdom of continuing to rely on ethics committees is needed.  相似文献   

This article critically assesses how some public law principles, including the doctrine of legitimate expectations, are applied in the Commonwealth Caribbean. It proceeds to discuss the impact of international law on public law and to note that, through the implementation of unincorporated treaties into domestic law, the principle of dualism is increasingly losing its significance and protective effect. The consequence of this is that Governments will continue to want more opt outs and will be more cautious about signing treaties which they are not ready to implement.  相似文献   

知识产权法官造法批判   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
崔国斌 《中国法学》2006,1(1):144-164
中国部分法院在知识产权领域利用民法或其它法律的原则条款扩充知识产权的保护范围,破坏了知识产权法的利益平衡机制。本文对此类司法活动进行批评,希望重新确立知识产权法定原则在中国司法活动中的统治地位。法院在司法活动中应该放弃个人本位的自然权学说,坚持社会本位的功利主义思想,坚持知识产权法的独占适用,保证立法政策得到贯彻。  相似文献   

During the Progressive Era, the U. S. state and federal courts considered constitutional challenges to protective labor legislation. While courts often struck down generalized protective legislation, they frequently upheld such legislation for women. I explore the reasoning in the cases decided between 1897 and 1923, showing that the courts developed understandings of liberty for women that differed from those for men. In opposition to traditional separate spheres reasoning, I show that the courts viewed men's exercise of liberty as depending on their private capacities to be free, while women's labor was subject to public control due to state interest in their reproductive capacities. I suggest that constitutional theorists who are studying substantive due process should place more emphasis on courts'conceptions of the subjects of due process guarantees rather than considering solely the challenged statutes'restriction of liberty. I develop a dynamic and complex understanding of liberty to capture this aspect of the relationship between constitutional theory and gender.  相似文献   


Finland is usually considered a country where corruption is rare, and this impression is reinforced by the good results that it has achieved in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The present study describes and assesses Finnish bribery legislation, as well as a number of recent judgments handed down by Finnish courts. The legislation is quite fragmented, consisting of some nine sections in three different chapters of the Criminal Code. The bribery cases heard by the Supreme Court mainly deal with quite small-scale bribery, such as where a public official has accepted restaurant services, trips or other benefits from private companies. However, in the last few years, the courts have also had to consider some larger-scale instances of bribery, where persons working for Finnish companies have been suspected of bribing foreign public officials. The article also takes up match-fixing and election funding and their connections to bribery.  相似文献   

The law has failed to keep pace with the reality that lesbian couples are conceiving children and raising families. At both Commonwealth and State levels, a complex web of legislation engulfs and winds its way through this area of the law. This article seeks to expose some of the bizarre and anomalous consequences that have emerged through the interaction of these provisions and the resulting judicial interpretations. It is argued that this incongruous, unsatisfactory situation cannot be allowed to continue. Uniform State and Commonwealth legislation must be enacted and existing Commonwealth legislation modified to avoid ongoing inconsistencies. Finally, legislative amendments are recommended which, it is argued, will go some way towards rectifying the situation.  相似文献   

Tom  Mullen  Jim  Murdoch  Alan  Miller  Sarah  Craig 《Journal of law and society》2005,32(1):148-168
This article looks at the use made of the human rights legislation in the Scottish courts since the devolution of legislative and executive power to Scotland, based on research undertaken in all the ordinary courts, but excluding tribunals. It concludes that the incorporation of the Convention via the human rights legislation has had significant effects within the Scottish court system and on policy development without amounting to a major upheaval.  相似文献   

通过分析国内外有关公共政策的立法与实践,特别是我国法院拒绝承认与执行国际商会国际仲裁院仲裁庭就永宁公司案作出的裁决,从中显示在承认与执行外国仲裁裁决领域,公共政策的实质在于限制外国仲裁裁决的承认与执行。包括《纽约公约》在内的国内外立法对公共政策均未作出明确的定义,在各国有关国际商事仲裁的司法实践中,法院一般不轻易动用公共政策作为拒绝执行仲裁裁决的理由,凡是能够将拒绝承认与执行外国裁决的理由归咎于公共政策以外的其他理由时,应当援引其他理由,只有在极为特殊情况下法院才援引公共政策的条款。ICC仲裁庭就永宁公司案作出的裁决之所以被我国法院以裁决违反了我国的社会公共利益而拒绝执行,归根到底是该裁决无视我国现行法律规定,侵犯了按照我国现行法律规定专属于我国法院的司法管辖权。  相似文献   

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