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贪污犯罪,自古有之,它是历代统治阶级禁而不绝的“痼疾”。这种犯罪在当代中国有些什么规律呢?文章分三个部分探索了这种犯罪的起伏规律。辐射规律和黑数规律。一、贪污的起伏规律,是指随着国家政治、经济形势的发展变化而呈现的时起时伏、时高时低的规律。二、贪污犯罪的辐射规律,是指在我国经济体制转型这个特定时期贪污犯罪走向的轨迹。作者探索了部门、地域两个方面的辐射规律。三、贪污犯罪的黑数规律,是指实际已经发生,但在正式的犯罪统计中没有反映出来的犯罪数字。  相似文献   

系列杀人犯罪是所有刑事犯罪中对人民群众的生命和安全造成重大威胁的一种犯罪类型。对系列杀人犯罪原因的探寻也最令犯罪学家们痴迷和困惑。是什么原因促使杀人恶魔一次又一次地杀戮?本文正是带着这一疑问,从动态的、过程的视角对该问题作出科学的解释,希望该解释能对我国系列杀人犯罪的预防和控制起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

杜勇利 《内蒙古检察》2005,(4):23-24,48
笔者多年从事了反贪污贿赂工作,在实践中感觉到,贪污贿赂等职务犯罪嫌疑人在预审阶段的心理状态不尽相同。深入了解犯罪个体心理发展规律、变化轨迹,准确把握犯罪嫌疑人在实施犯罪的过程中和案发后的心理状态,对于突破案件,探寻犯罪特点、规律,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

关兆 《法制与社会》2011,(21):252-253
犯罪制图技术依托空间地理信息系统技术,对犯罪数据信息进行加工处理,以地图形式提供警方犯罪空间规律,是服务警方决策的一种犯罪情报分析方法,是一种结合多门学科理论的犯罪情报分析技术。犯罪制图技术的理论来源是犯罪空间情报分析理论,犯罪空间情报分析是犯罪情报分析的重要组成部分。犯罪制图技术在犯罪情报分析中有着多角度多方向的应用,宏观犯罪情报分析和微观情报分析,犯罪人情报分析,系列犯罪分析和犯罪热点地区分析。犯罪制图技术在未来有着巨大潜力,其应用发展前景在于高度专门化和高度综合化。  相似文献   

抓住行业特点挖出窝案串案张丰年一般而言,犯罪是有规律的,贪贿案件的规律性和行业性特点尤为突出。办案人员如果抓住这一特点,在掌握一定案件线索后,不急于接触嫌疑人,而是从分析贪污贿赂犯罪的行业规律人手,充分了解该行业该类型犯罪的作案手法、环节和过程等细节...  相似文献   

当某一故意杀人犯罪发生时,侦查机关的第一要务是准确判定案件属性。其中确定案件是否属于系列杀人犯罪可谓重中之重,因为这既关涉到案件能否得以及时、准确侦破,又关乎司法公正。为便于侦查机关准确判别某一故意杀人是否属于系列杀人犯罪,兹在明确界定系列杀人犯罪概念基础上,通过聚类分析、方差分析、二元逻辑回归分析等方法创建系列杀人犯罪分类模型和回归模型。依据系列杀人犯罪分类模型,侦查机关可初步基于犯罪地是否偏僻、被害人尸体是否在犯罪现场、凶犯除故意杀人是否还有抢劫、是否有犯罪前科等四个方面直观判定某一故意杀人是否为系列杀人犯罪;依据系列杀人犯罪回归模型,侦查机关可精准计算出某一故意杀人为系列杀人犯罪的概率值。分类模型的直观性和回归模型的精准性为侦查机关判别故意杀人犯罪案件属性提供了一个可具体测量的科学依据。  相似文献   

胡常龙 《法学论坛》2006,21(5):18-20
商业贿赂犯罪的经济性、文本性、隐秘性决定了商业贿赂犯罪证据收集和运用过程的复杂性、艰难性、易变性。准确把握商业贿赂犯罪的证据特点和规律,是当前理论界和实务界共同面临的重大理论问题。  相似文献   

连续性、因果性和相似性原理可以称为犯罪预测的转换原理: (一) 连续性原理犯罪现象的过程分为过去、现在和未来。现在是过去的继续,未来是现在的延伸。当犯罪现象的过去、现在和未来具有质的规定性时,在犯罪现象间就存在着连续过程。这就是说,当社会性质、产生犯罪的社会基本原因没有改变,即保持着质的规定性时,犯罪现象就处在一个连续的过程之中。在这个连续过程中,犯罪现象的本质和规律是连续的,这就是连续性原理。  相似文献   

系列杀人犯罪,是一种最严重的暴力犯罪,此类案件一经发生便为媒体所广泛关注,也给社会大众带来了心理恐慌。国外一些学者对系列杀人犯罪进行了大量的研究,而我国学者对此类犯罪的研究尚处起步阶段。有鉴于此,本文在对现有资料进行分析、比较的基础上,立足我国国情,对此类犯罪的犯罪动机进行初步地探讨和研究,以期对我国的系列杀人犯罪研究及系列杀人案件的防治有所助益。  相似文献   

近年来,门源县人民检察院高度重视青少年犯罪问题,积极开展青少年犯罪原因,规律和对策的研究,配合有关部门做青少年犯罪的预防教育和感化、挽救工作。  相似文献   

Case based reasoning in criminal intelligence using forensic case data.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model that is based on the knowledge of experienced investigators in the analysis of serial crime is suggested to bridge a gap between technology and methodology. Its purpose is to provide a solid methodology for the analysis of serial crimes that supports decision making in the deployment of resources, either by guiding proactive policing operations or helping the investigative process. Formalisation has helped to derive a computerised system that efficiently supports the reasoning processes in the analysis of serial crime. This novel approach fully integrates forensic science data.  相似文献   

Case linkage involves identifying crime series on the basis of behavioral similarity and distinctiveness. Research regarding the behavioral consistency of serial rapists has accumulated; however, it has its limitations. One of these limitations is that convicted or solved crime series are exclusively sampled whereas, in practice, case linkage is applied to unsolved crimes. Further, concerns have been raised that previous studies might have reported inflated estimates of case linkage effectiveness due to sampling series that were first identified based on similar modus operandi (MO), thereby overestimating the degree of consistency and distinctiveness that would exist in naturalistic settings. We present the first study to overcome these limitations; we tested the assumptions of case linkage with a sample containing 1) offenses that remain unsolved, and 2) crime series that were first identified as possible series through DNA matches, rather than similar MO. Twenty-two series consisting of 119 rapes from South Africa were used to create a dataset of 7021 crime pairs. Comparisons of crime pairs that were linked using MO vs. DNA revealed significant, but small differences in behavioral similarity with MO-linked crimes being characterized by greater similarity. When combining these two types of crimes together, linked pairs (those committed by the same serial offender) were significantly more similar in MO behavior than unlinked pairs (those committed by two different offenders) and could be differentiated from them. These findings support the underlying assumptions of case linkage. Additional factors thought to impact on linkage accuracy were also investigated.  相似文献   

PurposeKnowing sites used by serial sex offenders to commit their crimes is highly beneficial for criminal investigations. However, environmental choices of serial sex offenders remain unclear to this date. Considering the challenges these offenders pose to law enforcement, the study aims to identify sites serial sex offenders use to encounter and release their victims and investigate their stability across crime series.MethodsThe study uses latent class analysis (LCA) to identify victim encounter and release sites used by 72 serial sex offenders having committed 361 sex offenses. Additional LCA are performed to investigate the stability of these offense environments across offenders' crimes series.ResultsDistinct profiles of crime sites that are recurrent across crime series are found, suggesting that serial sex offenders present a limited diversity of victim encounter and victim release sites. Encounter sites representative of longer crime series are also identified. Specifically, the use of sites known to "attract" potential victims decreases over series and offenders become more risk-taking in regard of sites used to encounter their victims.ConclusionsThe study identifies patterns of site- selection for the victim encounter and release in cases of serial crimes. Implications for crime linkage and police investigations strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

从世界各国犯罪学以及中国犯罪学的本土发展情况进行历史考察,犯罪学本土发展的所呈现的总体规律性为:犯罪学与各国或地区的犯罪态势、犯罪治理的社会需要等方面有着密切的关系,从一定的意义上讲,现实的需求直接推动着各国或地区的犯罪学的本土发展;与其社会思潮、亲缘关系学科的发达程度甚至其学术传统有密切的关系;与犯罪学的专业化程度、学科的独立价值等方面有着很大的关联性。  相似文献   

李波 《犯罪研究》2011,(6):102-109
考察西方犯罪预防策略的变迁,可以发现法律和刑罚在预防策略中具有十分重要的位置。但是20世纪80年代以来,另一种预防思维已经产生,这就是针对犯罪诱因的多机构协作模式,其特点是强调社会政策而非刑罚,强调非法律方法而非法律方法,强调社会秩序而非犯罪控制。考察西方犯罪预防策略的优缺点,可为我国犯罪预防策略提供借鉴。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):311-323

Past research has shown a strong link between alcohol and crime. In this study we examine the relationship between local alcohol ordinances and UCR crime rates for cities within the state of Tennessee. To assess adequately the actual relationship between crime and our alcohol availability measures, we included in the analysis a number of socioeconomic and demographic variables commonly associated with high crime rates. The results of this study suggest strongly that race, poverty, population size, and age composition provide the “best explanation” for variations in the level of criminal activity. Our findings support the hypothesis that social disorganization caused by numerous factors (especially racial and economic inequality) contribute strongly to a community's crime rate. The alcohol-related variables contribute to our understanding of the crime problem, but their impact is secondary and probably ancillary, once we have accounted for the influence of our demographic and socioeconomic variables.  相似文献   

Studies of crime at micro places have generally relied on cross‐sectional data and reported the distributions of crime statistics over short periods of time. In this paper we use official crime data to examine the distribution of crime at street segments in Seattle, Washington, over a 14‐year period. We go beyond prior research in two ways. First, we view crime trends at places over a much longer period than other studies that have examined micro places. Second, we use group‐based trajectory analysis to uncover distinctive developmental trends in our data. Our findings support the view that micro places generally have stable concentrations of crime events over time. However, we also find that a relatively small proportion of places belong to groups with steeply rising or declining crime trajectories and that these places are primarily responsible for overall city trends in crime. These findings are particularly important given the more general decline in crime rates observed in Seattle and many other American cities in the 1990s. Our study suggests that the crime drop can be understood not as a general process that occurred across the city landscape but one that was generated in a relatively small group of micro places with strong declining crime trajectories over time.  相似文献   



Using the rational choice perspective, the current study investigates the impact that the environment and offending behavior have on serial sexual crime event outcomes.


The effects of time and place factors, as well as offender modus operandi strategies, on sexual crime event outcomes are tested using Generalized Estimating Equations on a sample of 361 crime events committed by 72 serial sex offenders.


Time and place do impact serial stranger sexual offenders’ modus operandi strategies, but the place characteristics of the crime have more of an effect on the offender’s behavior than do the temporal conditions during which the event occurs. Subsequent analyses indicate that temporal and place factors, as well as offender modus operandi strategies, predict whether the offender completes the rape, his reaction to victim resistance, and the level of physical force that he inflicts on the victim, but not whether the victim is forced to commit sexual acts on the offender.


Serial stranger sexual offenders are effective decision-makers who adapt their strategies to the physical environment in which they commit their crimes, but their degree of rationality can vary as some outcomes are more dependent on the context than the offender and his actions.  相似文献   

经济刑法中危险犯的立法问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
涂龙科 《法学杂志》2012,33(8):165-169
危险犯的采用及其在立法上的扩展是立法对风险社会的回应,也是经济犯罪立法的重要特征。通过对近年我国经济犯罪的刑事立法的分析,可以发现《刑法》在大量增设经济犯罪罪名的同时,经济犯罪的危险犯的成立范围也大大扩展。同时,出于法益保护的早期化,预防社会风险等方面的现实需要,在经济刑法中设立抽象危险犯颇有其必要性和合理性。基于维护经济秩序安全的需要,可以考虑在经济刑法中谨慎地规定过失危险犯。  相似文献   

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