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新加坡独立后,一方面致力于国民经济的建设和发展,另一方面也高度重视发展教育。在结合社会经济发展,加强人才培训,开发人力资源上取得了令世人瞩目的成就。本文拟就新加坡教育发展的情况及其发展原因作些粗浅的分析,探究其教育兴国之道。 一、教育发展历程 1、独立前的教育:又可分为殖民时期和二战后至独立时两个时期 (1)殖民时期。新加坡在二战之前曾是英国的殖民地。英殖民者向土著人提供基础教育,其目的仍是为殖民者自身利益服务的。当时,新加坡建立了两种不同类型的学校:一类是殖民政府建立  相似文献   

印度近代知识分子是英国殖民体制下形成的独特社会阶层,是殖民时代政治、经济及文化政策发展的必然结果。近代知识分子在印度现代化进程中表现出高度的灵活性,这使得他们很容易同其他阶层建立起政治合作关系。在19世纪,印度知识分子与英国统治者忠诚合作,积极参与社会改革;进入20世纪后,他们与工商业资产阶级结成政治同盟,高举民族独立的旗帜。他们是社会的良心,是社会公平和正义的象征,关心着整个民族的前途与命运。  相似文献   

试论英国在缅甸的早期殖民政策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1885年底英国最终吞并缅甸后,在宗教方面,采取了所谓的“中文化”不干涉政策;在政治方面,采取了“分而治之”的政策和“金字塔型”的行政体系;在经济方面,采取了“单一制”的经济掠夺模式;在文化方面,采取了“世俗化”的殖民文化政策,笔者认为英国殖民者对缅甸采取的各项殖民政策导致了缅甸社会的畸形发展,这也是导致缅甸独立后社会发展及其缓慢的原因所在。  相似文献   

1945~1965年,英国对新加坡的政策发生了一系列变化,从将新加坡设立为直辖殖民地到同意新加坡自治,再到推动建立大马来西亚并最终接受新加坡独立。导致这些变化的背后有着多重原因,包括英国为了维持在新加坡以及东南亚的利益,国际环境的变化,对共产主义浪潮的疑虑及对美国因素的考量等。  相似文献   

英国殖民初期缅甸掸邦的茶叶贸易在殖民者"分而治之"政策的统治下,在当地土司头人和代理商的重税盘剥下艰难地向前发展,最终迫于各种压力,困扰茶商的税费问题得到解决。同时,茶叶生产和茶叶贸易也带动了掸邦山区社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

一、印度劳工流入马来亚马来亚半岛和印度之间的接触可以追溯到前基督时代。然而在英国殖民统治之前,马来亚半岛的印度人数量并不多。直到19世纪晚期,随着英国人在马来亚半岛的稳固,印度人才逐渐增多。而印度工人大量涌入马来亚,与橡胶种植的兴起密不可分的。英国人于18世纪始控制马来半岛。从1786年莱特首登槟城至1895年的《邦咯岛协约》,英国人势力一步步地从马六甲海峡延伸到内陆的马来州属①。通过律政司制度,英国逐渐控制整个马来半岛及新加坡,并开始了对马来亚的经济掠夺。除了利润丰厚的采矿工业,英国殖民当局对发展出口型农业十分热…  相似文献   

新加坡是一个由华族、马来族、印度族共同建立起来的国家,全国人口有250万,其中华人占76%,为新加坡的主体民族,新加坡是东南亚各国中唯一的华人占绝大多数的国家。从1905年起,新加坡开始有华侨学校,侨校数和学生人数不断上升,华文学校在华人社会发展史上扮演着极重要的角色。英殖民政府对华文学校的作用及它超过了英文学校的发展很不高兴,总是想方设法要改变这一局面,但直到第二次世界大战结束初期,仍然抑制不住华  相似文献   

魏炜 《东南亚》2012,(1):66-70
新加坡基地是英国重点经营的远东军事基地,战后英国在百般无奈中宣布撤离。英国撤离新加坡基地对东盟区域合作的早期阶段产生了积极影响:凸显新马防务合作的紧迫性,缓和了新马紧张关系;促使马来西亚提出地区中立化主张,提高了东盟政治合作层次;改善了新加坡的地区环境,推动新加坡面向地区的政策调整与实施进程;促进了马六甲海峡安全的内部合作。  相似文献   

廖丹 《东南亚纵横》2002,(10):33-36
新加坡是一个东西方文化交融的社会。与其他国家相比 ,新加坡社会的文化基础更具有多元性。本文试从新加坡社会的儒家思想、西方民主思想和多元民族思想三个方面分析新加坡社会的政治价值观。一、儒家思想华人在新加坡的历史十分悠久。早在英国人登陆新加坡之前 ,就已经有华人在新加坡定居。在莱佛士宣布新加坡为自由港之后 ,华人更是大量地涌入 ,逐渐成为新加坡第一大种族。据统计 ,到1995年止 ,在新加坡310万人口中 ,华人有240万人 ,占了将近77.5 %。新加坡的华人深受儒家传统文化的影响 ,在长期的生活中仍然保持着中国传统…  相似文献   

作为当代世界闻名的政治家,李光耀在长期的政治生涯和治国实践中,从新加坡的各种现实条件和所处的国际环境、时代特征出发,提出了国家安全方面的独到的思想理论。本文对此拟加以述评。一、国家安全的重要意义象亚洲绝大多数国家一样,新加坡长期饱受西方殖民统治,二战时遭受日本帝国主义侵略,李光耀也亲身经历了日本殖民占领时期,目睹日本帝国主义残暴行径,深深感受和了解新加坡人民的苦难,因此,独立后新加坡人民更加珍视国家的独立与尊严,渴望建立一个稳定、有序、和谐的社会。1971年春,在新加坡大会堂举行的"共产主义与民…  相似文献   

During the morning of Monday 11 December rioting began outside the Supreme Court of Singapore, where a largely Moslem crowd had gathered to hear the court’s decision in a case where the custody of a young Dutch girl, Maria Hertogh, was being contested. This riot was the first and only one of its kind directed against the British and Eurasians in Singapore by the Malay-Moslem community. Both the violence itself, as well as the circumstances which precipitated this Moslem protest, became the focus of a tangle of cultures and religions which aroused worldwide interest. The riot was considered to be the fault of the British colonial authorities, who had been guilty of racial and religious discrimination, and seen as an indication of anti-colonial feeling among the people of Singapore. The events in Singapore also aroused strong feelings of anger among the Malay political parties who felt that the Moslem religion had been humiliated by the judgement of the Singapore Supreme Court. As a result, British rule in its predominantly Moslem colonies, already under threat from the various pressures for decolonisation, faced a further challenge. Despite the significant impact which the Moslem riots had both in Singapore and elsewhere, they have understandably been overshadowed by the more systematic and enduring violence emanating from another quarter, the Communist presence in Malaya. This study therefore sets out to understand inter-racial problems after the Second World War which was also related to problems relating to security, religious and inter-racial relationship. During the war period social and racial relationship seemed to be tied closely due to the suffering and the majority of the people were trying to help each other however after the war when everybody were liberated, political and racial relationship seemed to be divided and fragmented.
Nordin HussinEmail:

新加坡的威权政治是一种现代型的集权政治模式。自20世纪60年代中期以来,新加坡政府以集权主义的现代形式去推进国家建设,以勤政务实的现实主义态度去解决不同时期的历史课题,将国家的发展和民众的行为纳入一种既有传统精神又有现代气息的政治秩序之中,使国家经济高速发展的同时又能维持社会的政治稳定,创造了举世称道的“新加坡奇迹”。新加坡威权政治及其演变,对于广大的发展中国家尤其是东亚、东南亚国家的政治建设而言,有积极的启示意义和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

新加坡公务员培训制度的改革及发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代以来,为了迎接全球化、信息化以及国际竞争加剧的挑战,新加坡政府对其公务员制度进行了一系列改革。公务员培训制度作为公务员制度的重要组成部分,也在培训机构、培训内容、培训方式等方面经历了诸多变革,反映了当今时代公务员培训制度改革和发展的某些共同趋势。了解新加坡公务员培训制度的改革和发展,合理借鉴新加坡公务员培训方面实践有效的管理经验,将对完善和发展我国公务员培训制度具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

伴随着20世纪80年代以来中国大陆、香港、台湾新移民的大量涌入,新加坡的中国新移民社团①应运而生并迅速发展,进而在新加坡的当地社会扮演重要角色。本文先简要描述了新加坡中国新移民社团产生的背景及其建立、发展的概况;随后分析了新移民社团的三个主要社会功能,最后探讨了新加坡中国新移民社团目前存在的问题并展望其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

A key demographic feature in the high-income country of Singapore is that women have longer years of life than men, and the aging pattern in Singapore is similar to that of Northern Europe. This paper describes how this current generation of older Singaporean women aged 65 and above experiences declines in health status and well-being as they age. Their vulnerability is the higher risk of chronic illnesses stemming from longer life expectancy and a lower likelihood of access to appropriate health and social care. This is because health and social care in old age are mainly financed by individual out-of-pocket spending which includes support from adult children. Unlike Northern Europe, Singapore does not yet have a well-developed social welfare system to support women in old age.  相似文献   

新加坡廉政建设的辉煌成果与其廉洁教育是分不开的。新加坡大学生廉洁教育已经形成一个比较成熟的体系,即注重以思想政治课堂教育培养大学生廉洁意识、以校园文化建设熏陶大学生廉洁信念、以校外社会廉政实践氛围增进大学生廉政信仰。学习和借鉴新加坡廉洁教育的成功经验,我国应构建起政府监督指导、高校重点实施、家庭和社会共同关注的大学生廉洁教育系统工程。  相似文献   

It is well-known that donors give considerably more foreign aid to former colonies than to countries lacking past colonial ties. Unfortunately, we know relatively little about why this is the case. For one, there is almost never a theoretical justification for the inclusion of colonial history in statistical models. For the other, the only explicitly made rationale by Bueno de Mesquita and Smith (2009) actually predicts an interpretational problem: colonial history not only increases a former colony’s saliency to the donor, but also has left deep marks on recipients’ social and political institutions today. Both aspects shape how much aid a donor transfers to the recipient. This leaves ambiguous the meaning of the routinely found positive, sizable, and significant coefficient of colonial history on aid flows. We solve the inferential quandary by using a decomposition approach from labor econometrics. Our results show that about 75–100% of the colony effect on foreign aid stems from the greater saliency that donors give to policy concessions from former colonies.  相似文献   

Using an original dataset that covers the period from 1951 to 1995, we consider the enduring effects of Western overseas colonialism on the democratic survival of postcolonial democracies. We treat colonialism as a holistic phenomenon and differentiate the relative effects of its legacies with regard to the level of economic development, social fragmentation, and the relationship between the state and civil society. We find that Western overseas colonialism, a factor often overlooked in recent large- n studies, continues to have an effect on the survival of democratic regimes. We further find that the legacy of specific colonial powers has an important effect on survival as well. Unlike previous studies, we find that former Spanish colonies outperform British colonies when colonialism is conceptualized holistically. However, when we break colonial legacy into separate components (development, social fragmentation, and the relationship between the state and civil society), we find that the advantages former British colonies enjoy are attributable to the legacy of the state/civil society relationship. Moreover, we show that at least in the case of former British colonies, time spent under colonial rule is positively associated with democratic survival.  相似文献   

论儒家伦理对新加坡的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新加坡是一个移民国家,有20多个民族,其典型特性是:多元种族、多元宗教、多元语言和多元文化。在新加坡,占主体地位的大多数华人信仰佛教和儒家思想。20世纪80年代,新加坡掀起了一场新儒学运动,其核心就是儒家伦理。主要是挖掘儒家伦理资源、编写儒家伦理教材、出版有关儒家伦理的图书、开设“儒家伦理”课、举办有关儒家伦理的国际会议,搞得轰轰烈烈,影响甚大。  相似文献   

本文从政府层面、工程项目层面和建筑企业层面介绍新加坡对工程质量的管理,归纳其中的一些具体措施,为我国的工程质量管理提供借鉴.  相似文献   

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