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本文略述了列宁在无产阶级革命活动和党政领导事务中,所从事的报刊实践;概括和论述了他根据无产阶级革命和俄国当时实际的需要,对新闻工作所做的指示以及对无产阶级新闻宣传事业所做的理论思考。文章通过具体论著总结了列宁的无产阶级新闻思想。列宁新闻思想上继马克思、恩格斯新闻思想,下启中国党的三代领导核心的新闻思想。我们党历来强调的新闻的指导方针、新闻的党性原则、新闻的组织功能、新闻的舆论导向、新闻的宣传作用、新闻的群众路线、新闻的服务意识以及新闻工作与党在一定时期的目标一致性、新闻工作要为反映和指导经济建设服务的方针、新闻宣传必须具有群众喜闻乐见的新闻文风等等,都源于列宁新闻思想的精髓。列宁新闻思想是马克思主义新闻观最为重要的内容之一,其蕴涵的当代价值有着巨大的生命力,对21世纪的无产阶级新闻传播事业仍然具有指路明灯的作用。  相似文献   

本文略述了党的三代领导核心毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民同志在紧张繁忙的革命活动和党政领导事务中,所从事的新闻实践活动;概括和论述了他们根据革命实际斗争和当时工作的需要,运用谈话、通信、撰文、著作等形式对新闻工作作出的指示以及对无产阶级新闻的性质、特点、职能、任务、工作原则、写作方法等进行的阐述;并通过具体论著总结了他们的新闻思想和新闻观点。文章强调党的三代领导核心的新闻活动和思想是无产阶级新闻学宝库中的一份宝贵财产,因此,新闻工作者学习和研究党的三代领导核心的有关新闻论著及其思想,理解和掌握他们提出的一些基本原理和基本原则,这对于建设有中国特色的社会主义新闻传播事业是非常重要和必要的。  相似文献   

刘少奇同志不仅是我国伟大的无产阶级革命家,也是党的新闻宣传工作的领导者,为发展和丰富无产阶级的新闻思想和理论作出了杰出的贡献。本文略述了他近半个世纪的新闻宣传实践,论述了他在党和政府的重要领导岗位上和长期的新闻宣传实践中,以总揽全局的战略眼光,根据马列主义的新闻理论和中国具体新闻宣传的实际,就新闻媒介“桥梁说”、新闻记者的权利和义务、党和新闻工作的关系、新闻工作的基本要求以及社会主义新闻事业的体制和性质等方面的问题所进行的系统而卓有创见的理论思考,并通过具体论著总结了他的新闻思想和理论。文章强调刘少奇新闻思想是我国无产阶级新闻传播学宝库中的一份珍贵遗产,当代新闻传播工作者可以从中得到许多宝贵的启示,理解和掌握他在关键时期提出的有关新闻宣传工作的规律性认识,对于当前新闻传播工作的深层次改革具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

伟大的无产阶级革命导师马克思、恩格斯合著的《共产党宣言》(以下简称《宣言》),是国际共产主义运动的第一个纲领性文件。一百多年来,“全世界无产者,联合起来!”的光辉旗帜,指引着亿万无产者和革命人民紧密团结、英勇奋战,破坏旧世界,建设新世界。在普及、深入、持久地开展批林批孔运动中,认真学习这一光辉文献,对于增强革命团结,巩固和发展无产阶级文化大革命的成果,具有十分重大的意义。一坚持无产阶级的革命大团结,是贯串《宣言》的一个重要思想。无产阶级是人类历史上  相似文献   

打造具有中国特色和普遍意义的新闻学学科体系,应把握理论、历史与实践的三者统一。首先,当代中国新闻传播学的理论基础根植于中国共产党新闻事业的产生与发展实践,其研究范围理应从传统新闻业扩展至更广阔的人类社会传播现象;其次,新闻传播学学科的理论构建,应接续20世纪中国革命所开创的马克思主义中国化理论与实践,并在马克思、恩格斯创建的历史唯物主义传统中守正创新、融通中外;最后,从中国革命在地实践出发,可以让中国新闻传播学科在“落地”乡土中国的过程中,统筹好中国革命和建设过程中的新闻传播史研究,对缙云革命宣传史的挖掘正是一个例证。  相似文献   

无产阶级之间的国际联合和独立自主,是不同国家无产阶级政党之间处理相互关系的准则,是无产阶级国际主义的基本内容,也是马克思、恩格斯关于党的学说的重要组成部分。马克思、恩格斯关于无产阶级国际联合的思想,早己为人所熟知,而对他们关于无产阶政  相似文献   

今年3月14日,是国际无产阶级伟大导师马克思逝世98周年。马克思的一生是艰苦勤奋的革命家的一生,他为全人类的解放建树了不朽的功绩。恩格斯说:“他逝世了,在整个欧洲和美洲,从西伯利亚矿井到加利福尼亚,千百万革命战友无不对他表示尊敬、爱戴和悼念”。①刘少奇同志在《论共产党员的修养》一书中,号召广大党员要认  相似文献   

<正> 全世界无产阶级的导师恩格斯,离开我们已经九十周年了。恩格斯和马克思一起创立了科学社会主义思想体系,为世界无产阶级的彻底解放,提供了强大的理论武器。马克思逝世以后恩格斯继续担负起欧洲社会主义者的顾问和领导者的重任,为国际共产主义运动的发展,创立了不朽的功业。恩格斯在世时,世界上还没有一个国家建立起社会主义制度,所以他很少正面论述社会主义的法和法制。但是,他和马克思一样,是“在批判旧世界中发现新世界。”(《马克思恩格斯全集》第一卷第416页)因此,  相似文献   

以思想与现实的粘合度为依据,马克思的文本可以被划分为四类,报刊文章属于"第三类文本"。"第三类文本"与其他文本相比,兼具思想形成价值和传播价值,文本传播过程中产生的社会效应是判断其价值的重要指标。国内外学者高度评价《德法年鉴》中马克思发表文章的思想价值,但恩格斯晚年《在马克思墓前的讲话》中提到马克思一生参与的众多报刊时,却"遗漏"了《德法年鉴》。可能的解释是他考虑到《德法年鉴》传播效应缺失而进行了取舍。因为《德法年鉴》在传播之初遭遇"夭折"致使其社会效应大大减弱,未能充分发挥对无产阶级革命的方向引领作用,从而影响了恩格斯对其价值的评判。  相似文献   

十九世纪上半叶,费尔巴哈的人本主义唯物论思想震动了整个欧州哲学界,它极大地影响了当时包括马克思、恩格斯在内的一大批思想家和作家,正像恩格斯在《路德维希·费尔巴哈和德国古典哲学的终结》中所说的那样:“那时大家都很兴奋:我们一时都成为费尔巴哈派了。”当然,对于费尔巴哈的哲学,人们是站在各自不同的角度接受其影响的。马克思、恩格斯提取了他哲学中的“合理内核”——唯物主义,从而创立了无产阶级的革命理论。然而,他的唯心主义观点,特别是他所谓的“爱的宗教”则被另外一些资产阶级文人所信奉,  相似文献   

以“真实、全面、客观”新闻专业主义理念为基础形成的信源引用规范遇到了移动互联网、人工智能、算法推荐等技术变革,这些以传统报纸新闻业运行逻辑为根基衍生出的引用准则在数字媒体新闻生产报道中的界限并不总是那么清晰明朗,表现在溯源真实的多重性、信源平衡的多维性、转载与“合理使用”的模糊性。新闻聚合平台时代新闻媒体的引用规范,尚需在法律规制框架和传统媒体较为成熟的制度基础上进行适应新的传播语境的改革。展望未来,数字新闻生产良好秩序规范不是某一主体的责任,需要多方主体共同协作。可借助技术进行信源核实与追踪,建立一套可行的信源引用制度,同时将平台的责任纳入到内容治理中来,以平台“前后”关口核查义务为基础保障内容生产者和用户的合法权益。  相似文献   

With their “tragedy of the commons” paradigm for intellectual property, Landes and Posner argue that the most important benefit of intellectual property rights is not that they generate incentives to create new works, but that they ensure the efficient exploitation of existing intellectual works. This alternative economic case for IP notably relies on the argument that allowing the copyright on certain massively popular works to expire could lead to their overexploitation, generating negative externalities similar to congestion externalities. This article will assess in detail the plausibility of this effect, by reviewing its most plausible interpretations: a boredom effect, a “blurring” or “tarnishment” effect, a snob effect, or a decrease in product diversity. I will argue that while Landes and Posner’s argument is ultimately inconclusive and unverified by the current state of empirical research, it also raises greater challenges than has usually been thought. Moreover, taking their argument seriously can also contribute to a better understanding of the purposes and limits of an intellectual property regime.  相似文献   

This article highlights the ways in which power is conceptualized, activated, and institutionalized in American culture. Drawing from research and the author’s experience within mainstream and culturally-specific organizations in the violence against women field, this article exposes the subtle, yet pervasive mechanisms that lead to the marginalization of culturally specific communities and smaller, typically culturally specific, community-based organizations. By design and unconsciously, researchers, mainstream organization, and leaders often perpetuate a system designed to localize research, evaluation, services and resources for white people, organizations and institutions. This occurs for example, when researchers center and elevate a “gold-standard” of evidence-based practices, research, and evaluation that share no frame of reference to those being “studied” and most effected. It also happens when organizations marginalize culturally specific community members and organizations by seeking their participation at the final stages rather than at the conception of projects. The author provides concrete recommendations that researchers, providers, and leaders can adopt to counteract institutional oppression and help move culturally-specific communities and organizations from the margins to the center.  相似文献   

Corruption is pervasive, rampant, enduring, and above all else a tolerated and taken for granted social problem in China. Still, corruption is a major concern for the political leaders, general public and foreign observers. Foreigners complained about the corruption cost of doing business in China. Students took to the street and peasants staged violent protest against government corruption. The consensus is that corruption challenges CPC's legitimacy and threatens China's stability.A systematic review of literature uncovers no investigation on the Chinese people's reception and reaction to the corruption, in the net. This is a first attempt to do so.This is a research into the “feelings” and “thinking” of Chinese internet users (e-public) on (anti)corruption in China. Specially, it tries to document and analyze the comments – reaction of the e-public to news articles on various aspects of “Audit Storm” in June–July of 2004.  相似文献   

Corruption is pervasive, rampant, enduring, and above all else a tolerated and taken for granted social problem in China. Still, corruption is a major concern for the political leaders, general public and foreign observers. Foreigners complained about the corruption cost of doing business in China. Students took to the street and peasants staged violent protest against government corruption. The consensus is that corruption challenges CPC's legitimacy and threatens China's stability.A systematic review of the literature uncovers no investigation on the Chinese people's reception and reaction to the corruption, on the internet. This is a first attempt to do so.This is a research into the “feelings” and “thinking” of Chinese internet users (e-public) on (anti)corruption in China. Specially, it tries to document and analyze the comments–reaction of the e-public to news articles on various aspects of “Audit Storm” in June–July 2004.  相似文献   

左金成 《政法论丛》2012,(3):101-105
体育新闻侵权涵义的界定应以新闻侵权的定义为基础,对新闻本质的剖析有助于确定新闻侵权的涵义。依照属加种差的逻辑定义方法,结合体育新闻的特性,可将体育新闻侵权定义为新闻单位、出版单位、作者和体育新闻提供者,以体育新闻传播为目的,在采访、写作、编辑和报道的过程中,违法采访或不当报道侵害体育组织或体育个人的人格权益以及与体育相关的专有技术的行为。  相似文献   

President Donald Trump has threatened to revoke broadcasters’ licenses for airing what he calls “fake news.” While many dismissed his threat as empty, the FCC does have a news distortion policy and a broadcast hoax rule, either of which might be used to target fake news stories. Both the policy and the rule require elements in addition to the falsity of a story for a violation to have occurred, which narrow their applicability and help limit any chilling effect they might have. These narrowing elements also make it likely the policy and rule would both survive First Amendment scrutiny, but also make it unlikely they could be used to target the types of stories Trump complains about the most.  相似文献   

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