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彭鸿斌  任宏 《求索》2010,(1):24-26
房价收入比是衡量居民对房价购买承受力的指标,本文在构建商品住宅市场价格收入比模型的基础上,试图确定北京市房价收入比的合理区间,并进而对北京市商品住宅价格水平进行评估。本文认为北京市商品住宅市场的房价收入比已经超出合理区间,房价收入比已超过大部分人的承受限度。当前北京房地产市场购房需求是由少数高收入阶层和大量投机群体所支撑的,商品住宅市场存在较为严重的价格泡沫。  相似文献   

住房问题既是经济问题,也是社会问题。居者有其屋是中华民族和谐文化的主要内容,也是构建和谐社会的重要前提。房价收入比是指家庭购房总价与家庭年收入的比值,用于考察居民的购房能力。  相似文献   

白明 《创造》2012,(2):78-78
2012-02-08从长远来看,依靠调整分配机制来增加居民的可支配收入,使居民实际支付能力的增长速度在较长时间内快于房价的上涨速度才是长效办法。国家之所以要对房价进行调控,最根本的原因在于近些年来的房价高,实在是高,老百姓买不起房,依然居者无其屋。在居高不下的房价中,不可否认有实实在在的"刚需"拉动,但更不可否认,投资性和投机性购房在很大程度上也导致了房价中具有  相似文献   

正高房价拉动了GDP作为中国人最关心的事情之一,房价疯狂的走势对不少人而言成了生命难以承受之重。面对不断高升的房价,居民只得加大杠杆购房的力度。如果说房价的初步上涨是因为供需失衡,那么后来的疯涨则有货币的作用。受困于制度管制,高储蓄率的中国人投资渠道较少,在有限的选择中房产成了较好的投资工具。房地产开发不仅对建筑、建材等行业有巨大的拉动效应,因为涉及土  相似文献   

正近几年来,城市房价的过快上涨导致居民购房负担过重,抑制了居民的普通消费,增加了城市的生活成本,加大了青年人才的生活压力,使得城市对人才的吸引力降低,城市综合竞争力下降,影响了城市的良性发展。同时,房价过快上涨也加剧了地区之间和居民之间的贫富差距,影响了社会的稳定性。当前,稳定住房价格已经成为改革的目标之一,而建立购租并举的住房制度,就是推进住房制度改革的重要举措。  相似文献   

国外购房和贷款一、二新加坡已有90%以上居民拥有住房产权,基本实现了居者有其屋。新加坡居民家庭都可以享受一次性补贴价购买政府建房。居民根据自己的需求和经济能力挑选房型和面积,政府部门则按申请人的经济状况进行审批。申购政府建房的首期付款额为房价的10%,其余的90%可以预支公积金偿还,无需动用银行存款和每月工资。凡欲建房、买房或装修住房的德国居  相似文献   

成石 《中国人大》2012,(20):6-6
房地产税改革成为最近的热点话题,其中,房产税与房价的关系更是这个话题中的焦点。有人说房产税能够降低房价,减轻老百姓的购房负担。有人说,在现在的供求关系条件下,房产税会被转移进房价,推出房产税反而会推高房价。房产税是以房产为征税对象,按房产的计税余值或出租租金收入征收的一种财产税。它最主要的特征是增加了房产的持有成本。  相似文献   

陈建华 《小康》2010,(4):47-47
政府工作报告有关房地产的内容里面最核心的两个问题,一个是遏制投机性购房,二是要规范土地收入的管理和使用,把这两个问题解决了,房价就会恢复正常  相似文献   

一、商品房价格过高的现状 世界银行对世界许多国家推行居民住宅商品化情况综合考察后,认为住房价格与一般家庭年收入之比保持在3:1致6:1之间,才有可能推行住房商品化。那么,我们的情况如何呢?我们的大多数消费者对昂贵的房价望而却步,私人购房者凤毛麟角,低收入阶层对于房价更是“谈虎色变”,不敢问津。 以武汉市为例,双职工家庭的年收入大约在10,000元上下,而商品住宅的平均售价达到了2,000元/m~2,那么购买一套建筑面积为50平方米的往房,则需要这个家庭10年的全部收入。而每一个家庭都不可能将全部的收入投入到往房上,我国居民的消费构成是:食品支出总收入约52.43%,服饰支出占14.15%,家庭日用品占14%,三项之和已超过80%,若一个家庭将收入的20%用于购房,那么就需要50年的时间才能得一间建筑面积只有50平方米的往房,而到这时,这个家庭已是“四世同堂”难以容纳了。  相似文献   

<正>本世纪以来,中国经历了极为明显的住房价格膨胀。2002年至2007年,中国住房价格平均上涨53.97%,在亚洲国家名列前茅。而在众多一线城市,10年来房价则上涨了数倍。中国房价收入比在一些大城市已达40多倍,而在大多数发达国家,这一比值仅为4~6倍。  相似文献   

田天 《中国发展》2013,13(1):52-54
该文基于住房保障体系建设与和谐社会构建的对应关系,分析了中国因房价而分化的社会贫富差异以及透析了房屋空置的深层次问题;针对房地产新政的配套实施与借鉴国外税制的成功经验,适时提出了以住房保障为基石,根除可能导致的两级分化并构建"和谐房产"的几点对策。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,城市房屋拆迁案逐日增多,在房屋拆迁中引入听证制度是保障利害关系人合法权益、达到利益平衡的有效路径,但是当下我国在房屋拆迁中的听证制度存在诸多问题,导致听证制度价值发挥之不能。本文结合我国城市房屋拆迁中听证制度之现状,探寻听证制度之不足,以期得出解决听证制度问题的方案。  相似文献   

By ordering another hike in the reserve requirement ratio,China strengthens efforts to combat inflation.Housing prices continue to creep up in tracked cities.Domestic enterprises look to expand beyond China’s bor-ders as reflected in the soaring outbound direct investment.The aviation sector loses steam as profits fall dramatically.China’s Internet giant Tencent sees its profit growth slow down.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis is far from over as world economic growth continues to decline. Can China stop the downward tendency of economic growth and reach an economic soft landing? Can China take the lead in getting out of the shadow of the economic crisis? Chen Huai, Director of the Economic Research Institute of China's Urban and Rural Development under the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, discussed these questions in a recent article in the Economic Information Daily. Edited excerpts f...  相似文献   

Housing market speculation in previous years has resulted in an"empty apartment"phenomenonhouses and apartments are purchased as investments but left unoccupied.Various Chinese media outlets reported that about 64.5 million urban electricity meters read zero in the first six months of this year in empty apartments across the country.  相似文献   

Qianwei Ying 《当代中国》2015,24(94):721-741
Using a unique dataset based on a survey conducted by the Guangzhou Land Resources and Housing Administrative Bureau from November 2009 to January 2010, this article examines the sources and distribution of the hidden income of residents from different occupational backgrounds, taking into consideration their explicit income and other socio-economic characteristics. The results show that government officials not only had the highest but also the most stable hidden income, followed by employees in state-owned enterprises and employees in colleges or research institutions. Among government officials, those holding higher-level positions possessed more hidden income than those in lower-level positions. These findings have implications for China's labour market, taxation and resource allocation, and need to be taken into consideration in future economic and political policy designs and implementations.  相似文献   

本文提出,住房公积金制度对公务员住房消费具有促进住房消费资金的自我积累、实现住房消费互助、提供实现住房平滑消费的低成本信用工具、供给政策与商业性个人住房消费贷款组合产品、丰富住房分配货币化和住房保障途径等重要作用,并对这些作用的重要性进行了分析,以期为做好公务员的住房公积金管理工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This article contains an examination of the way in which the largely British model of professional comprehensive housing management became important in Hong Kong. It shows how a comparatively small number of pioneers, mainly women who were followers of the principles of Octavia Hill, a philanthropic social reformer who developed her ideas in 19th century London, had a considerable influence in the very different environment of Hong Kong. An examination of the comparatively small amount of literature on the housing management profession is followed by a detailed analysis of the way in which the housing management profession has developed in Hong Kong. A review of the origin of public housing programmes in Hong Kong highlights the influence which housing professionals had when the housing administration was radically restructured at the time of the formation of the Hong Kong Housing Authority in the early 1970s.  相似文献   

The variations in official policy toward birth control by the Chinese communists are traced. The rate of population increase in the People's Republic of China is generally accepted as about 2% annually. Based on this rate the population which is now .75-.8 billion will reach 1.25 billion by the end of this century. Birth control campaigns were promoted during 3 discrete periods: 1) 1953-1958; 2) 1962 to the initial period of the Cultural Revolutton; and 3) from the end of the Cultural Revolution to the present. During the 1st period birth control was actively promoted through newspaper articles, birth control clinics, and the training of cadres in birth control guidance. Late marriage and population limitation were the themes of this effort. However, in late 1957 such ideas were attacked and the new population theme was the importance of large population to production. After some 4 years a new birth control campaign was instituted as a result of the collapse of the "leap forward" period, combined with the breaking off of Soviet aid. Late marriage again was promoted; the recommended ages for marriage for women were 23-27 and 25-29 for men. The idea was implanted that people who marry and have children early are likely to suffer serious health impairment. It was said that in the summer of 1963: 1) marriage licenses were not issued to men before age 30 and women before age 25; 2) middle school students who married risked being dismissed; 3) all married junior high graduates were expelled from senior high or middle technical schools and sent to rural areas to do manual labor; 4) married senior high graduates could enroll only in ordinary colleges but not "intensive colleges;" and 5) college students who married were dismissed. Meetings, conferences, forums, and exhibitions introduced and instructed in the use of contraceptives. During the Cultural Revolution, which reached its height in 1966, press propaganda on birth control and late marriage disappeared immediately. Many of the Red Guards married earlier and the birthrate increased. Since the Cultural Revolution birth control is again being emphasized with more efforts exerted in rural areas. The theory put forth is that couples who marry too early and have too many children are too tired to work and study. Housing and family allowances are also not given for the 3rd child.  相似文献   

中国妇女学学科建设中的两次飞跃及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的妇女学在近20年的发展过程中,经过几代学人的艰辛探索和实践,实现了从理论到实践、再从传统的妇女学到妇女—社会性别学的两次历史性飞跃。它昭示了妇女学的建设既要批判借鉴西方的妇女学,又要力图使之本土化。而如何将妇女学本土化将是中国妇女学面临的长期任务。  相似文献   

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