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探索合并自杀的杀人行为的犯罪学特征、发生机理,为责任能力的评定提供依据,并提出进一步研究方向. 方法 采用回顾性研究方法 ,3名研究人员从1997年1月~2001年10月的鉴定案例中挑出符合研究条件的案例,进行统计学分析,并结合国内外相关文献进行讨论. 结果符合条件者共40例 ,男性被鉴定人较多(28名),平均年龄33.55岁,主要年龄段30~40岁,妄想和情绪低落等症状具有明显的作用,精神分裂症和无精神病在疾病诊断中占有显著地位. 结论 合并自杀的杀人行为具有一定的特征,应引起司法精神病学的关注,并展开更深入的研究.  相似文献   

法医在检案中 ,常常会遇到现场有二具或二具以上尸体的情况 ,如何正确认定死亡性质 ,这是亟待解决的问题。杀人后自杀是凶杀案件的一类特殊形式 ,因直接当事人死亡 ,目的动机有时难以调查清楚 ,因此勘验工作特别是法医尸检工作显得尤其重要。1989年至 2 0 0 4年 ,我局法医共受理杀人后自杀 (既遂 )案件 36例 ,现对有关资料进行统计分析 ,探讨此类案件的一些规律特点。1 案例资料1 1 一般资料1 1 1 自杀者情况 男性 35例 ,女性 1例 ;16~ 2 5岁 2例 ,2 6~ 35岁 18例 ,36~ 4 5岁 7例 ,4 6~ 5 5岁 7例 ,>5 5岁 2例。自杀者年龄最小的 2 …  相似文献   

432例自杀案例分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
但英 《法医学杂志》2000,16(2):95-95,98
自杀是人类的一种非正常行为 ,是多种社会、心理因素综合造成的结果。自杀在治安系统处理的非正常伤、亡案中占很大比例。笔者就浦东新区 1995年 6月~ 1999年 6月间发生的 4 32例自杀案例进行统计分析 ,探讨预防和减少自杀案例发生的措施。1资料统计1 1性别男性 197例 ,女性 2 35例 ,男女之比为 1:1 19。1 2年龄最小 14岁 ,最大 82岁。 18岁以下 2 2例 ,占5 1% ;18~ 2 5岁 54例 ,占 12 5% ;2 6~ 35岁 6 9例 ,占16 0 % ;36~ 6 0岁 158例 ,占 36 6 % ;6 0岁以上 12 9例 ,占 2 9 9%。1 3职业干部 5例 ,占 1 2 % ;职工 10 5例 ,占 2 4 3…  相似文献   

目的探讨烧炭自杀案件的流行病学特点。方法收集2013—2018年晋江市74例烧炭自杀案例,对死者性别、年龄、案发时间、场所、现场特点、法医尸检情况等进行统计分析。结果 74例烧炭自杀中,男性多于女性(3.625:1),20—40岁年龄段最多(占79.7%);案例数逐年上升,12月份、 1月份及2月份案发相对较多;50%同时合并服用酒精、安眠药、农药等辅助手段。结论烧炭自杀案件具有一些较突出的流行病学特点,可为法医学鉴定及社会公共卫生问题研究提供参考。  相似文献   

目的分析97例杀人后自杀案件特点,为同类案件的法医现场勘验及法医学鉴定提供参考和借鉴。方法收集上海市公安局物证鉴定中心参与鉴定的97例杀人后自杀案件,共死亡207人,其中加害人98名,被害人109名。对加害人、被害人双方的性别、年龄、关系及案发场所、死亡方式等方面的资料进行分析。结果上海地区杀人后自杀案件涉及的死者多为18~59岁青壮年,相互之间多熟识,起因多为家庭矛盾及感情纠纷;被害人女性为主,加害人男性居多;案发场所多为同一室内环境或相邻室内外;杀人多选择机械性暴力手段,而自杀则多采用自缢和高坠。结论上述关于此类案件的特点有助于法医在鉴定过程中对杀人后自杀案件做出快速、准确地判断。  相似文献   

利用锐器致伤死亡的自杀案件 ,由于尸体上有明显损伤 ,现场有大量血迹 ,极易引起人们的质疑。掌握锐器致伤死亡自杀案的特点 ,对于确定案件性质十分重要。本文作者收集近 5年间本地区所检验的 9例锐器致伤死亡的自杀案例资料 ,就其有关问题进行分析 ,供同行参考。1 案例资料1 1 一般资料9例锐器致伤死亡自杀案资料来源于本区 1997年至 2 0 0 1年间法医检验案例 ,其中自伤直接导致死亡 7例 ,自伤未死再自缢、服毒死亡各 1例。死者男性 7例 ,女性 2例 ;年龄 2 4~ 6 2岁 ,其中 4 0岁以上者 7例。 7例因失恋、离异、夫妻不和等自杀 ,其中5例…  相似文献   

自杀性犯罪是指自杀犯罪者主观上以自杀的方式采用爆炸、放火、投毒等严重危害人民生命财产安全的暴力手段进行的行为 ,并具有一定的规律性和特殊性。笔者结合 6例尸检资料 ,分析报告如下 :1 案例资料6例案例为某县 1988~ 2 0 0 2年发生的已证实为自杀性犯罪案件。基本情况见表 1、表 2。表 1  6例自杀性犯罪受害者基本情况案例受害人数性别年龄职业文化程度婚否结果1 2女 1男 1 2 9、8 农小学已  1死 1伤2 3女 2男 1 4 9、2 7、3农小学已  2死 1伤3 1女 2 5  农小学已 伤4 1女 2 8  农小学已 死亡5 1女 71  农文盲丧偶死亡6 …  相似文献   

在法医检案中,经常遇到有两具或两具以上的尸体共存的案件,其中部分为杀人后或杀人的同时在杀人现场或附近进行自杀,它兼有他杀和自杀的特点,有其特殊性和一定规律性。笔者结合59例尸检资料,对杀人后自杀案分析如下。1资料分析1.1资料来源资料来源于信阳市1986年~1998年间发生的经法医检验的案件59例,其中杀人与自杀均既遂34例,杀人既遂自杀未遂21例,杀人未遂自杀既遂和杀人与自杀均未遂各2例。1.2受害者一般情况59例中受害者共97人(男36例,女61例),82例被害身亡,8例经抢救脱险,无生命危…  相似文献   

目的总结杀亲案件的特点,为此类案件的分析、预防提供参考。方法调查溧阳地区2004—2014年破获的17例杀亲案件,对原始登记信息、现场勘验笔录、尸体检验鉴定书、破案情况进行统计分析。结果 17例杀亲案件中受害人以女性居多,嫌疑人以男性居多,杀人动机以配偶不忠或怀疑配偶不忠占较高比例。杀亲案件中有精神病患者杀人、伪装杀人,嫌疑人杀人后自杀占有一定比例。结论杀亲案件多与婚外性行为、精神病患者杀人等家庭因素有关,部分为杀人旋即自杀,致伤工具具有简单随意、易于获取的特点。  相似文献   

正在法医现场命案检案过程中,经常遇到嫌疑人杀人后同时在现场或附近自杀的案例,兼有他杀和自杀的特点,有其特殊性和一定规律性。笔者结合42例尸检资料,分析如下。1案例资料本文42例资料均为笔者单位鉴定所2011年至2015年间受理的凶杀案件中,嫌疑人有自杀行为且经法医学鉴定、现场勘查、结合调查材料综合分析,确认为杀人后自杀的案例。42例案件共死亡64人,其  相似文献   

A total of 89 cases of sharp force suicide that had been committed in the Stockholm area in Sweden from 1972 through 1984 were investigated. The series showed a male preponderance, sex ratio 3.3, and among males a shift towards the age group 40 to 49 years of age. An impact of cultural/ethnic factors was indicated by the overrepresentation of Finnish and Hungarian immigrants. A psychiatric diagnosis had been ascribed in 22 cases, and addiction to drugs or alcohol in 23. Previous attempts at self-destruction were recorded in 11 cases, only 1 of which was by sharp force. Classical indicators of suicidal intent, for example, suicide notes and the presence of hesitation injuries, were found in 28 and 80%, respectively. A preference for certain anatomical locations (throat, precordium, epigastrium, wrists) was confirmed as was the tendency to expose the skin before inflicting suicidal wounds. As compared to homicidal precordial stabs whose entrance wounds usually run vertically, horizontal or upwards/left-slanting stabs are strongly suggestive of suicide. Although cases were encountered where several "rules of thumb" concerning homicidal versus suicidal patterns were violated, our series contained no case of injuries to the backside of the trunk and no case of more than one wound piercing the left ventricle of the heart. Multiple chest wounds transecting costal or sternal bone were however not uncommon, and, along with the use of bizarre tools and objects like wood chisels or pieces of glass, illustrated the determination of suicidal intent. Toxicological analysis was positive for drugs in 22 and for alcohol in 27 cases. Blood alcohol levels were roughly similar to those found in victims of homicidal sharp force, whereas drug levels tended to be lower or higher in suicides.  相似文献   

2633例机械性窒息法医尸检资料回顾性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据湖北省部分地区1957~1986年间尸检记录,收集并分析了2633例机械性窒息死的出现率、案情性质、城市与乡村的差别等问题,为法医学实践提供了可供参考的资料。  相似文献   

目的 分析卖淫女被杀案件的规律特点,为此类案件检验侦查提供参考.方法 采用描述性研究方法,对2005至2010年的100例卖淫女被杀案件进行回顾性分析.结果 此类案件66.7%发生于21时至3时之间,88.0%发生于城市.4、7两月发案最多.85.0%的案件发生于室内.95.0%的死者年龄在16~40岁.38.1%的死...  相似文献   

The mortality of female homicidal offenders has scarcely been studied. Our aim was to examine the mortality of homicidal women in Finland using a representative nation-wide material. The data consisted of all 132 women who underwent forensic psychiatric examinations after committing homicide or attempted homicide in 1982-1992. We analysed their rate and cause of death during follow-up using standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) and the official classification of death. The mean follow-up time for dead subjects was 7 years (S.D. 4), and for the rest 11 years (S.D. 3). There were 22 observed deaths, the expected value being 1.3 (SMR 17.4). The SMR for unnatural deaths was 226 and for suicides 425. The SMRs for women below 40 years were over 220. In conclusion, homicidal women have an over 200-fold risk of unnatural death, rising to over 400-fold for suicide. This should be taken into consideration in planning discharge programmes for homicidal offenders.  相似文献   

Homicidal ideation is a clinical construct that is almost entirely absent from the criminological literature. The current study examines the criminology of homicidal ideation using archival data from a population of federal supervised release felons from the Midwestern United States. ANOVA, Poisson regression, negative binomial regression, and epidemiological tables indicated that 12 % of offenders experienced evidence of homicidal ideation and these offenders perpetrated more murders, attempted murders, kidnappings, armed robberies, and aggravated assaults, had more severe and extensive psychopathology, and were more likely to be chronic offenders. Homicidal ideation is an important construct that should be studied more not only for its association with murder, but as an omnibus risk factor for severe criminality.  相似文献   

Violence is a significant public health problem. Thus, so as to prevent this problem, homicide, the severest form of violence depriving a human being of his right to live, deserves a detailed examination. This study is a retrospective research examining the 2951 cases of medicolegal autopsies in Adana during a period of 5 years (1997-2001). Among these cases, 620, which were determined to be homicidal, were taken into the scope of this study. The cases were examined with respect to sex, age groups, the method used during the act of homicide, the number and the localization of the wounds on the body. A total of 620 (21%) of the medicolegal autopsies conducted within this period were homicides. Of these cases, 515 (83.06%) were male and 105 (16.94%) female, and the rate of the males to females was 4.9; 72.74% of the victims were between the ages of 21 and 50. It was seen that 54.83% of the homicides involved firearms, while 35.16% of the victims were stabbed to death with a cutting object. It was also determined that the victims suffered a single wound in 47.35% of firearm-related murders and 29.35% of stabbings resulted in death. Alcohol was found in the blood of 7.58% of the homicide victims, while none had any illicit drugs.  相似文献   

We studied the risk of homicidal behavior among 281 released male forensic psychiatric patients during the 14-year period 1978–1991. Released patients were about 300 times more likely to commit a homicide than the general male population during the first year outside hospital, and the corresponding risk was 53-fold during a mean follow-up period of 7.8 years. The odds ratio for committing a homicide among all Finnish schizophrenics during the 12-year period 1980–1991 was 9.7, which indicates that previous criminality associated with schizophrenia also increases the risk of homicidal behavior remarkably when compared with schizophrenia per se. We believe that this kind of epidemiological approach is a useful method of identifying and classifying factors associated with very high risk of homicidal behavior and preventing homicidal behavior among high-risk populations.  相似文献   

Given the prevalence of rimfire and centerfire rifle usage in both suicidal and homicidal cases, there is a paucity of articles in the literature that focus specifically on rifle wounds. Gunshot wounds, in general, have been extensively studied with articles focusing on the types of injuries, weapons used, wound locations and weapon range. We designed a study to examine the characteristics of rifle wounds, including both centerfire and rimfire rifles, especially pertaining to location and range of the wound. All deaths due to rifles examined at the Bexar County Medical Examiner's Office between 1988 and 2004 were reviewed. A total of 509 cases were identified, with 233 suicides and 266 homicides. We found that the average age of suicide victims (41.6 years) tended to be older than that of homicide victims (32.6 years). Suicides tended to be contact wounds to the head whereas homicides most often had multiple wound locations sustained from a distant range. The most common location to the head of suicidal wounds was intraoral whereas homicidal head wounds were more often to the temporoparietal region. We developed odds ratios for assessing the manner of death given a wound location or range; however, we caution that every case should be analyzed based upon it's unique circumstances and not solely its statistical probability.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is characterized by loss of the muscle atonia of REM sleep, with release of complex and violent behaviors that are often attempted dream-enactments. This study reviewed the literature on RBD with regard to potentially lethal behavior. A total of 39–41 clinical cases of RBD associated with potentially lethal behaviors to self and/or others were found, involving a child and adults of all age groups, that manifested as choking/headlock ( n  = 22–24), defenestration/near-defenestration ( n  = 7), and diving from bed ( n  = 10). A total of 80.8% ( n  = 21) were males; 19.2% ( n  = 5) were females; mean age was 65.6 ± (SD) 13.8 years (range: 27–81 years, and a child). (Gender/age data were not listed in the remaining cases.) An etiologic association of RBD with a neurologic disorder (or with pharmacotherapy of psychiatric disorders, n  = 4) was present in 21–23 patients. Thus, RBD carries well-documented, potential forensic consequences during RBD episodes that could possibly have been misinterpreted as suicidal or homicidal behavior.  相似文献   

目的回顾分析精神病人尸体检验案例的死亡原因及死亡方式,为医疗卫生服务和司法鉴定提供参考。方法收集中国刑事警察学院物证鉴定中心2004—2019年受理并结案的精神病人尸体检验案例105例,分为疾病死亡、自杀死亡、意外死亡及他杀死亡4组,统计各组的常见死亡原因,分析各组之间年龄、病程、体重指数(body mass index,BMI)、性别的差异。结果105例中,男性60例、女性45例,精神病病程(12.9±10.4)年,死亡时年龄(51.3±11.4)岁,61.0%为精神分裂症。疾病死亡50例(47.6%),该组死者年龄最大、精神病病程最长、BMI最低,肺动脉血栓栓塞、呼吸系统感染、心脏性疾病是常见死亡原因。意外死亡26例(24.8%),交通事故是最常见死亡原因。他杀死亡15例(14.3%),全部为男性,颅脑损伤是最常见死亡原因。自杀死亡14例(13.3%),该组死者年龄最小,病程最短,高坠是最主要的自杀方式。结论了解精神病人的常见死亡原因有助于制定措施以降低该群体的死亡率。分析死亡方式时需要综合考虑死者的年龄、病程、性别等因素。  相似文献   

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