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值班是各级行政机关一项重要的日常工作。值班室和值班员要根据上级机关要求和本单位领导指示,为领导同志处理紧急、重要事项和突发事件做好服务工作,发挥着“承上启下、上传下达、下情上报、联系左右、沟通内外”的重要作用。新中国成立后,在周恩来总理等历任国务院领导同志高度重视和关心下,政府值班工作从无到有,从值班工作有人负责到明确...  相似文献   

来华留学生突发事件的处理是留学生管理工作的重要内容。如何及时、科学地处理、应对各类突发事件,最大限度预防和减少其影响和后果是目前留管工作面临的新问题和新挑战。分析了来华留学生突发事件的类型,并提出了对策,旨在为此项工作提供参考。  相似文献   

贺天姝  王瑾  任强 《学理论》2013,(12):327-328
处理突发事件是高校辅导员的一项重要工作内容。校园突发事件不仅对个人心理造成一定程度的创伤,还会通过多种方式影响正常的教学和生活秩序。作为高校管理者的辅导员,必须严肃对待突发事件中的心理干预问题,使校园突发事件的影响最小化。对高校突发事件中心理干预问题进行分析,试图对现有的突发事件处理方式做有益的补充。  相似文献   

高校辅导员正确处理高校疾病突发事件对维护正常的教学秩序、稳定校园安全环境、构建和谐校园具有重要的意义。以高校辅导员的视角,通过案例分析,提出高校辅导员在处理大学生在校期间疾病突发事件的策略如下:建立疾病突发事件处理流程;保持联络畅通、确保第一时间上报;及时对家长沟通、安抚;做好证据保留和记录整理工作;做好后勤保障和费用报销工作。  相似文献   

高校学生事务应急管理作为和谐校园建设的重要组成部分已经成为大学生思想政治教育工作的重要内容。文章从大学生思想政治教育的角度,分析了大学生的时代特征以及高校应急管理所处的社会经济发展环境背景,总结了学生突发事件的两种类型。同时,以学生工作实践为基础探讨了高校学生工作中基层学院学生突发事件应急管理预案的构建方案,提出了高校学生工作中预防和处理突发事件的一些应对措施。  相似文献   

应对社会突发事情 ,是提高党的执政能力建设的重要内容。社会突发事件的预警包括对突发事件的监测、预控、处理等。作为我国党政各级干部 ,要把参加突发事件的处置工作 ,看做是对自己党性与能力锻炼的机会 ,提高基本素质与能力  相似文献   

吴宏伟 《学理论》2011,(32):213-214
大学生突发事件很容易引起社会的强烈反响,造成"轰动"、"放大"和"辐射"效应。大学生突发事件的处理工作是否合理、到位,事关学生的根本利益,事关学校和社会的发展、稳定。  相似文献   

以作者在从事高校辅导员工作中所经历的一起大学生突发事件为例,描述了高校学生突发事件发生后,辅导员对于事件的处理与完善预防体系的过程,从实证角度分析案例的处理细节与效果,通过综合比较与评价总结其中的得失.在此基础上,探析在当前大学生管理越来越趋于复杂化的形势下,如何进一步加强辅导员对于高校学生突发事件的认识和有效处置.  相似文献   

近年,矿难、自然灾害等突发事件的频频发生,对我国社会和人民生活产生了不小的影响,成为人们关注的焦点和热点问题。如何更好地应对和处理好重大突发事件,不仅是各级政府工作需要考虑的问题,也是思想政治工作需要回答和解决的重要课题。  相似文献   

突发事件是指从量变转化为质变,并引发一系列危害的公共事件。我国习惯称"突发事件"(Emergence Events),而国际范围内一般都称"危机事件"(CrisisEvents)。"好事不出门,坏事传千里",突发事件往往是新闻媒体争相报道的对象,处理好突发事件中的媒体关系对化解危机事件至关重要,要处理好媒体关系就必须充分认识到突发事件中媒体的作用,并树立正确的危机传播理念,把握突发事件中处理媒体关系的方法与机制。  相似文献   

“以谣辟谣”:政府回应中的特殊现象及其解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“以谣辟谣”现象是一种特殊的政府回应行为,多发生于公共政策事件、官员违法违纪事件、突发性公共事件中。以发生领域为标准,可以将“以谣辟谣”现象划分为政策型、庇护型、突发型三类。“以谣辟谣”具有网络时代特性,目标指向明确且具有前后事实对比,其产生逻辑是在特定制度环境和行政文化背景下,为摆脱回应方面的行动困境所做出的行为选择。为避免此种行为发生,需要完善政府回应的制度约束,建立常态化的回应机制,拓宽政务公开渠道,强化民间信息平台的管理,实现权威信息的全民共享。  相似文献   

突发公共卫生事件应急反应基础建设及其应急管理   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
我国正进入公共卫生危机高发期,加强公共卫生应急管理研究是当务之急。介绍了突发公共卫生事件应急反应系统建设研究中初步结果,包括突发事件主动监测、医疗物质储备、流行病学专家以及应急管理机制等。主动监测是早期发现和预警突发公共卫生事件的有效监测机制,包括医院病例监测、症状监测、药品和其他医用商品销售监测,中小学生缺课监测,动物死亡监测等。目前我国主动监测尚在研究中,储备是应急反应的必要基础,包括应急药品和物质储备、现场流行病学工作者和公共卫生实验室储备。应急反应系统组织结构和应急管理形式应在科学基础上,在法制保护下系统建立,并与国际接轨。此外,就公共卫生危机准备和处理提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

This article applies the concepts of organization field and accountability environment to a government-funded program. It argues that the formula for accountability inspired by agency theory—define performance standards, measure performance, and sanction based on measured performance—is frequently impossible to apply because program accountability can be an emergent property arising from the actions of the major actors in a program's field. Studying a program reform of social service transportation in Kentucky, it illustrates the utility of conceptualizing accountability as an emergent property of the program's field. After the principle actors in this program field—the transportation broker, the state, the transportation provider (such as a taxi company), and the riders—established their roles, there was a decline in program cost per rider and a reduction in waste and fraud. The article concludes with implications for designing more accountable programs.  相似文献   

CHRIS SKELCHER 《管理》2005,18(1):89-110
Political and managerial processes are creating polycentric networks that transcend the traditional ideas of jurisdictional integrity in state-centric systems. Jurisdictional integrity refers to the political and legal competence of a unit of government to operate within a spatial and functional realm. An intrinsic element of jurisdictional integrity in a democratic system is that citizens are enabled to give consent to and pass judgment on the exercise of authority by that governmental entity. The concept of jurisdictional integrity is shown to apply differentially in relation to the traditional institutions of government in comparison with the emergent complex of quasi-governmental agencies, special purpose bodies and multi-organizational collaborations. Distinctions are drawn between club, agency and polity entities within this emergent organizational field. Problems to be faced in the design of institutions for network governance under conditions of polycentrism are identified and solutions reviewed. The potential of consociationalism to enable collective decision making across a polycentric system is highlighted. Informal norms are shown to be essential in enabling such a system for network governance to operate effectively.  相似文献   

Beneath the fleeting commotion of natural disaster, the events of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 revealed deep-rooted dynamics of racial and class inequalities. National media frenzy in the wake of the storm on the Gulf Coast reported on the plight of black poor populations, especially in New Orleans, as those worst impacted and also most neglected. The first part of this article elaborates on the contested concepts of “race” and “racism” in a contemporary context, in which popular visual and narrative representations inform contemporary racial discourses and the perpetuation, in turn, of a dominant neoconservative hegemony. A discursive reading, in part two, of emergent political and media narratives around Katrina reveals the processes and tropes operating to (re)construct “race” in dominant American culture. In this deconstructive analysis, the devastated urban space of New Orleans emerges as a physical as well as highly symbolic regime of knowledge in relation to which dehistoricized racial constructions are propagated and naturalized. Finally, hegemony is reconceptualized as an inherently contingent contemporary power. Discursive processes of racial domination reinforced by popular representations of Hurricane Katrina have been effectively subverted by activist movements in New Orleans which mobilize alternative, experiential and spatial narratives; signifying a grassroots politicization to counter the naturalized racial tropes of neoconservative discourse and intervene with more democratic processes in the ongoing reconstruction of the devastated city.  相似文献   

In this article, we identify the unfolding unintended consequences which flow from one instance of policy layering in Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). We show how use of a causal diagram, which highlights feedback loops and emergent properties, to map complex chains of causal factors can assist policy scholars and policy practitioners to understand the likely direction of change and possible responses. In the case of Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme, our analysis suggests that the likely direction of change will work against two of the fundamental design features of the NDIS: providing participants with more choice and control, and ensuring all eligible Australians are able to access appropriate services and supports regardless of where they live. Our analysis points to the use of price regulation as the site of potential intervention because of the role it plays in subsequent feedback loops and the development of the two, unwelcome, emergent properties.  相似文献   

应急处置铁路爆炸事件的快速反应机制——异地先行控制@钱士鸿$上海铁路公安局技术处!上海200071 @崔杰$杭州铁路公安处技术科!浙江杭州310016~~~~  相似文献   

Buchanan  James M. 《Publius》1995,25(2):19-28
Federalism is first examined as an ideal-type political orderas possibly emergent from initial constitutional agreement amongmembers of a prospective political community. This abstractedand nonhistorical analysis is followed by an examination ofthe possible applicability of the federalist ideal as the basisfor reform in specific historical-institutional settings. Thedirection of constitutional change toward effective federalismis discussed, with the devolution of political authority fromcentralized structures carefully distinguished from the limitedconcentration of authority from previously autonomous politicalunits.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the way that United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) attempted to communicate its policies and messages about the topic of renewable energy during 2013–2014. Renewable energy is a fruitful topic to consider as it has a strategic importance in the discussion of the future of the UK. The emergent theme from the analysis was not only rurality and renewable energy but the connection of the issue to scepticism about climate change. This paper uses the qualitative analyses the social media posts and a sample of the linked materials, with newspaper coverage, to reveal the key themes in the UKIP discourse.  相似文献   

Dominant forms of left theorizing in relation to the crisis have constructed emergent forms of resistance as limited and reactive. This depiction of resistances, however, is created partly by abstracting the crisis from ongoing contestation of neo-liberalism. This paper situates emerging resistances to crisis and austerity in relation to ongoing trajectories of the contestation of neo-liberalism. It examines some of the solidarities and antagonisms being shaped in relation to the crisis. The paper concludes that a focus on the dynamic trajectories of alternative politics can open up different possibilities within the current conjuncture.  相似文献   

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