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动车运行过程中发生车窗玻璃破碎的情况具有突然性,对铁路运输安全有一定影响,并极易受到公众高度关注。动车玻璃破碎有的是人为因素引起,有的是非人为因素引起,判明玻璃破碎的原因,确定案事件性质,是采取有效措施,消除安全隐患的前提。笔者结合海南环岛高铁2010年以来发生的89起动车玻璃破碎案事件现场勘查实践以及广深线48起动车玻璃破碎案事件资料,对玻璃自爆、飞砟、弹弓弹射钢珠、抛石击打造成玻璃破碎的形成机制和痕迹特征进行了分析总结;针对抛石击打与飞砟形成玻璃破碎痕迹的区分难点,对两者因击打角度和方式不同、击打物的体积和质量的不同而形成痕迹的差异进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

1案例资料 简要案情2010年2月18日上午6时许,在某批发市场门前,3名男子进入姚某(女,37岁)的轿车内进行抢劫,并将其捅伤。现场勘查人员在车门及车窗玻璃上共提取了43处棉签擦拭物。  相似文献   

1案例资料2001年6月17日晚,某镇发生一起枪杀案,犯罪嫌疑人持猎枪将坐在一辆面的车内的一名男子当场打死,案发后第二天,刑技人员对现场进行了勘查,对尸体进行了检验。在对尸体的检验中,刑技人员对尸体头部一处损伤的形成有争议,后经反复研究,达成共识,报道如下,以供参考。现场勘查:尸体臀部坐在面的车的副驾驶座位,头部倒在驾驶座位右侧外,两扇车门均呈打开状,车窗玻璃匀被摇下,头部所在处痤位上有血滩伴脑组织,顺车门而下地面上有流淌型血迹。车内反光镜前挡玻璃内侧及驾驶座位靠背上有喷溅血迹,驾驶座位右侧座位…  相似文献   

1案件简介某年9月18日,在某地发生两起日系警车车窗被砸破,车内物品被盗的案件。案发现场因为光线较暗,视频监控图像并不清晰,案件线索有限,勘查人员在勘查现场的时候根据现场撬痕,推断嫌疑人是将副驾驶车窗用工具撬开,从而打开车门在车内进行翻动,进而将车内物品盗走。根据此特征,  相似文献   

现代生活中玻璃制品随处可见,在案件现场中玻璃也是一种常规的载痕体,如入室盗窃案中的门窗上、汽车盗窃案中的车窗上均容易留下潜在或可见的指印痕迹。现代犯罪分子一般都具备一定的反侦查意识,进入中心现场后往往戴有手套,很少留下指印痕迹;而在攀爬和撬窗中,由于外围性和戴手套的不方便,往往不戴手套,较容易留下指印痕迹。因此如何提取玻璃上的指印痕迹,往往成为勘查和侦破案件的关键。本文主要介绍了用综合提取方法,有效提取一枚玻璃载体上汗液、油脂的混合指印的过程。  相似文献   

1案例资料 某年10月1日晚10时许,某市中心路段发生一起交通事故,一辆桑塔纳轿车撞到路边护栏,车上4人(A、B、C、D)有两人当场死亡(A和B),另外两人受轻伤,事故发生后立即去医院接受治疗。现场勘查发现,轿车受损严重,车前部、右侧及后部均因撞击变形,车体右侧车窗及前风挡玻璃均破碎脱落,左侧车门完好。  相似文献   

杨帆 《刑事技术》2010,(4):64-65
1案件简介某日,某动车组在京广线运行过程中,3号车厢运行左侧第4排旅客座位外侧车窗玻璃突然遭到不明物体撞击破碎。旅客报警后,乘警询问得知,列车运行中,13时20分左右坐在车窗旁的旅客突然听见车窗外传来沉闷的撞击声,随后发现玻璃被裂成花纹状。  相似文献   

近年来,城区中砸汽车车窗玻璃,拎包盗窃财物的案件呈大幅度上升趋势。2005年~2006年,笔者据不完全统计,仅湖北省咸宁市和武汉市江夏区,发生此类案件就有数十起。案件多系流窜作案,案犯2人结伙在甲地作案,作案后逃往乙地。作案时,一人驾驶二轮摩托车在现场附近接应,另一人持弹弓用钢珠射破汽车玻璃后拎包迅速逃离现场。逃往乙地途中,将包及包内其它物品丢弃。由于流窜作案,加之案犯具有一定反侦查伎俩,因而破案难度较大。即使现行抓获,也很难有证据来锁定其犯罪。因此,在此类案件现场勘查中,如何发现和提取案犯作案时遗留的指纹,显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

犯罪现场是犯罪活动的场所,是刑侦部门认识犯罪,查破案件的客观物质基础。能否妥善地保护好犯罪现场,使它保持案发时的原始状态,对准确弄清案情,及时侦破案件具有重要意义。犯罪现场保护是指,犯罪案件发现以后,对发生案件的地点(场所)、犯罪物证和被害人采取的警戒和保护措施,防止由于自然和人为因素的影响而破坏现场,保障现场勘查在犯罪现场保持其发现时的状态下开展的一项重要工作。现场保护工作先于实地勘查工作,但它并不以勘查的实施而结束,这项工作贯穿于现场勘查工作的全过程,是现场勘查的组成部分,它不依附于而后开始的现场勘查工作,是现场勘查工作得以顺利进行的必要前提。  相似文献   

金一  戴林  王洋 《刑事技术》2011,(5):71-72
1案件简介 某年5月25日21时20分许,在某市东环路发生一起摩托车刮撞行人的交通事故,致行人倒地受伤,肇事摩托车驶离现场。现场勘查时,办案民警除在受害者裤子上发现一处伴有灰尘加层痕迹的破损外,未发现其它与肇事车辆相关的痕迹物证。  相似文献   

The literature on differences in the carceral experiences of women and men underscores the relevance of both background (pre-prison) and confinement factors for shaping inmates’ experiences during incarceration, but with a heavier emphasis on linkages between background factors and problems women face during confinement. Here, we apply these ideas to an understanding of sex differences in factors influencing victimization risk during incarceration. Sex-specific models of physical assaults and property thefts were estimated for random samples of inmates from 46 prisons in Ohio and Kentucky. Background factors were more important than confinement factors for influencing assaults on women whereas both sets of factors were relevant for men. Both background and confinement factors were important for predicting theft victimizations for both groups although the magnitude of several effects varied by an inmate’s sex. Findings suggest that effective crime prevention strategies in prison may vary across facilities for women and for men.  相似文献   

Two hundred and ten cadavers ranging in age from 25 to 60 were studied. Thirty subjects from each five-year interval were selected, and data were collected using the mandibular anterior and premolar teeth after extraction. Sections ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 mm were measured by a stereo microscope with a precision of 0.1 mm. The following factors were determined: attrition, periodontosis, root resorption, secondary dentine apposition, cementum apposition, and translucency of the root. Statistical analysis used the sum of ranks of the dental factors as an independent variable in a linear regression model to estimate the age of the cadaver. Among the different mandibular teeth, the sum of ranks of the first premolar factors had the best correlation coefficient with age. The sum of the dental factors presented a better model than each of the factors alone. The first premolar is recommended as the first step in the estimation of age.  相似文献   

The study examined procedural fairness in managerial selection practices. A sample of professional managers were asked to make first, fairness judgments about managerial selection procedures in general; and second, specific fairness judgments based on their own previous experiences in applying for such positions. Using the general fairness ratings, the determinants of procedural fairness in selection were identified by the factor analysis technique. Five procedural factors (three process and two decision factors) accounted for 57.4% of the total variance. The factor scores derived from fairness ratings of specific selection procedures were then correlated with ratings of candidates' later organizational commitment, work satisfaction, and perceptions of organizational effectiveness. Results showed that process factors were significantly associated with candidate variables but decision factors were not. The findings were discussed in the context of current procedural justice theories.  相似文献   

Deng JQ  Li YB  Wu J  Hou YP 《法医学杂志》2006,22(1):39-42
目的探索建立体外STR滑脱模型,研究STR滑脱产生的影响因素,探讨STR的发生机制。方法首先通过全基因组扩增技术—简并寡核苷酸引物PCR(Degenerateoligonucleotide-primedPCR,DOP)对模板DNA样本进行扩增放大,然后以其产物作为后续STR分析的模板,对以上实验过程中的一系列实验条件进行控制,观察滑脱现象的产生情况。结果初步建立了STR的滑脱模型,观察到了STR滑脱现象的发生。结论STR的发生是一系列综合因素作用的结果,DNA模板用量、MgCl2的浓度、DNA聚合酶的性质、样本以及STR的基序组成等因素均可能参与了这一过程。  相似文献   

The epidemiology of fatal burn injuries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper retrospectively reviews 80 burn fatalities from accidents or attempted suicides with patients admitted to the LAC-USC Medical Center from 1983 to 1987 to determine demographic factors, etiology of the burn injury, and existence of predisposing risk factors. The average age of fatal burn victims was 44 years; 74% were males, 39% were Caucasian, 35% were black, 21% were Hispanic, and 5% were of Asian descent. Blacks and Caucasians were overrepresented and Hispanics underrepresented in relation to all autopsy cases. Major etiologic factors included suicide, falling asleep while smoking, accidents while working with volatile solvents, housefires, scalds, cooking accidents, and accidents involving motor vehicles. Gasoline was the commonest solvent involved with burn fatalities. Significant risk factors for burn fatality were substance abuse (25% of cases) and impaired mental function (19% of cases).  相似文献   

目的探讨20年来凶杀案件主体(被鉴定人)责任能力评定中的影响因素。方法将1985~2004年288例凶杀案件资料分成A期(1985~1989年)、B期(1990~1997年)和C期(1998~2004年),用SPSS 11.0统计软件进行相关分析和逐步判别分析,筛选出对责任能力评定有重要影响的判别因子。结果A、B、C期责任能力的相关因素稍有差异,但均与作案动机、自我保护能力、医学诊断、情感障碍、行为障碍、自知力障碍、辨认能力和控制能力呈显著相关(P<0.01)或相关(P<0.05)。A、B、C期责任能力的判别因子也不尽相同,环境辨认、危害行为的突然性、自我保护能力和自知力障碍为A期责任能力评定的判别因子;案前先兆、作案动机、环境辨认、自我保护能力、情感障碍、自知力障碍、医学诊断、感知障碍和思维障碍为B期的责任能力评定的判别因子;作案动机、自我保护能力、情感障碍和自知力障碍为C期责任能力评定的判别因子。结论影响A、B、C期凶杀案件主体责任能力评定的因素有所差异,“动机论”对责任能力评定的影响较大。  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of personality factors and group identity factors on self-reported delinquency among high school students. Respondents were 420 Australian youth with a mean age of 15.22 r yrs. The sample comprised 224 males and 196 females. The strongest predictors of delinquency among both males and females were Eysenck's Psychoticism factor and an identity with so-called "rebels". In addition, Extraversion (males) and low self-reported academic achievement (females) were also found to be important factors. It was further concluded that Psychoticism, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness have little in common in their prediction of delinquency. The results are discussed with reference to previous research on the role of personality and group identity factors, and some suggestions for future research are also made.  相似文献   

Recent literature has suggested that measures of risk and protective factorsfor delinquency and substance use are not equally reliable or valid acrossgender and ethnic groups and has recommended differentiated programming andculturally specific evaluation methods. Three data sets containing up tofive ethnic groups were used to determine the degree to which risk andprotective factors are equally reliable and valid predictors of drug use anddelinquency across gender and ethnic groups. Congeneric measurement modelsand structural equation models were evaluated to determine if the factorstructures for these measures and their covariances with measures of druguse and delinquency were equivalent across gender and ethnic groups. Half ofthe risk and protective factors included in this analysis were found to beequally reliable across gender and ethnic groups. When controlling forreliability differences, all of the risk and protective factors were foundto predict both drug use and delinquncy for all gender and ethnic groups. Interms of the magnitude of these associations, no substantive differenceswere found in the validity of risk and protective factors for drug use anddelinquency. Differences in the validity of risk and protective factors weremore prevalent for delinquency than for drug use. However, all differenceswere substantively trivial. We conclude that measures of prevention programeffectiveness are invariant across gender and ethnic groups.  相似文献   


This study investigates the incremental validity of changes in ten stress-related acute dynamic risk factors, collected through automated telephony over 30 consecutive days following parole, for predicting time to recidivism during the following year. Before release, the participants completed self-report assessment of some stable risk factors – impulsiveness and history of problematic substance use – as well as an assessment of symptoms of anxiety experienced during the weeks prior to release. Analysis of the baseline assessments showed that impulsiveness and a history of problematic substance use, but not pre-release symptoms of anxiety, were associated with recidivism during the parole year. Growth modelling using a linear mixed model was used to assess whether inmates on parole showed changes in acute dynamic risk factors during the first month following release. Individual growth model slopes and intercept were then extracted and used as covariates in a series of Cox regression analyses to test whether changes in acute dynamic risk factors could provide incremental predictive validity beyond baseline stable risk factors. Changes in five dynamic risk factors were associated with an increased risk of recidivism, of which daily drug use and daily summary score showed incremental predictive improvement beyond impulsiveness and history of problematic drug use.  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the existing literature on risk and protective factors for intimate partner violence among Hispanics using the four-level social-ecological model of prevention. Three popular search engines, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Google Scholar, were reviewed for original research articles published since the year 2000 that specifically examined factors associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) among Hispanics. Factors related to perpetration and victimization for both males and females were reviewed. Conflicting findings related to IPV risk and protective factors were noted; however, there were some key factors consistently shown to be related to violence in intimate relationships that can be targeted through prevention efforts. Future implications for ecologically-informed research, practice, and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

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