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正微软并购诺基亚,商务部附条件批准——4月8日,商务部宣布有条件的批准微软对诺基亚设备和服务业务的并购。去年9月,微软宣布将以72亿美元并购诺基亚的手机业务及大批专利组合。中国商务部的批准被认为是这笔并购案跨过了最后一道"门槛"。  相似文献   

9月3日,微软宣布以约72亿美元收购诺基亚设备和服务部门,包括诺基亚专利组合10年的非排他性许可。这是继谷歌收购摩托罗拉的手机业务后行业内的又一个大事件。相对于谷歌收购摩托罗拉而言,微软收购诺基亚给整个业界带来了更大的影响。谷歌通过收购进一步强化了自身的专利铠甲,收购后,摩托罗拉基本上被处于冷藏状态。而微软的收购只是购买了10年的非排他性的专利许可。显然,已经拥  相似文献   

正芬兰手机制造商诺基亚作为曾经的手机市场霸主,在当下苹果和三星风光无限的智能手机市场,却是黯然转身。然而,在过去的2013年,诺基亚的身影却依然频繁出没于媒体报道之中,首先当然是因为微软收购诺基亚的大事件,此外,诺基亚投身于智能手机领域的专利大战,也是其引人瞩目的一个重要原因。随着2013第一季度销售中亏损13亿欧元的负面报道,到8月为止,诺基亚已经在美国ITC、特拉华州以及德国的慕尼黑、曼海姆、杜塞尔多夫对  相似文献   

欧盟批准微软和诺基亚并购案 近日,针对微软收购诺基亚案,欧盟委员会在经过考察后发现两者之间的业务只有“适度重叠”而不大可能引发不当竞争,因此欧盟委员会批准了微软收购诺基亚设备与服务部门的申请。之前美国政府也无条件通过此案,  相似文献   

正去年诺基亚将其手机业务卖给了微软公司,该项交易在今年获得包括中国在内的亚洲国家反垄断审查批准后,算是画上了句号。从诺基亚在手机市场日渐衰微,到其将手机业务卖给微软(但保留了大部分专利),业界就一直担心曾经处于绝对垄断地位的行业老大会不会来个"暗黑"转身,成为恐怖的"专利海盗"。种种迹象表明,这种担心绝非无中生有。  相似文献   

正曾经作为手机行业的霸主,在通讯界呼风唤雨、叱咤风云;然而市场的本质是优胜劣汰,这个曾经行业的佼佼者现在也是风雨欲来,面临着行业的重新洗牌4月29日消息,诺基亚前CEO史蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)前一天表示,他并不是微软派往诺基亚的"卧底",出售诺基亚是因为当时公司处境实在太糟糕。埃洛普曾承认,在过去的几年中诺基亚一直磕磕绊绊,发展得并不是很顺利。埃洛普说:"对于我们做出的一些艰难决定,包括将诺基亚出售给微软,许多人对此有情绪。"埃洛普2010年9月出任诺基亚CEO,上任五个月后就决定放弃自家操作系统,转而  相似文献   

大洋彼岸的微软扇动了一下彩色的翅膀,带动了全球手机市场一片灰色的焦虑。微软并购诺基亚,不单纯是一个科技话题,不单纯是一个财经话题,甚至不单纯是一个新闻话题,因为这个星球上也许绝大多数人都曾经和正在或者将要和他们的产品打上交道,所以这起并购,变成了一个纯粹的公共话题和社会话题。2014年4月25日,微软完成对诺基亚设备与服务部门的并购。历时8个月,总额达72亿美元的的并购案以此为标记,划上句号。  相似文献   

HTC被判侵犯诺基亚专利 9月24日,iTC法官在初步判决中宣布,HTC公司侵犯了诺基亚两项关于手机与平板电脑的专利,这两项专利与手机和平板电脑的信号收发技术有关。  相似文献   

大洋彼岸的微软扇动了一下彩色的翅膀,带动了全球手机市场一片灰色的焦虑. 微软并购诺基亚,不单纯是一个科技话题,不单纯是一个财经话题,甚至不单纯是一个新闻话题,因为这个星球上也许绝大多数人都曾经和正在或者将要和他们的产品打上交道,所以这起并购,变成了一个纯粹的公共话题和社会话题.  相似文献   

在谷歌以125亿美元购得摩托罗拉移动业务之后,微软启动诉讼程序,诉称摩托罗拉的安卓手机侵犯了其专利权。微软声称,摩托罗拉侵犯了其七项专利,要求美国联邦贸易委员会(ITC)禁止其手机在美国的销售,这就使得视窗手机与安卓手机的专利大战再次升级。摩托罗拉就此发布声明,声称其也已经在美国和欧洲针对微软的大规模专利侵权行为提起诉讼。  相似文献   

法律视角中的山寨现象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山寨现象,主要包括仿造名牌的手机等产品、模仿明星去做广告、模仿他人文艺作品和模仿水立方等知名建筑等.山寨手机采用了MTK芯片,绕过了被诺基亚等大型企业所掌握的手机的基础专利,并未侵犯被模仿厂商的发明、实用新型等两类专利权,但山寨手机侵犯被模仿厂商的外观设计专利权;山寨手机又因具有与品牌手机"相似的标识"而涉嫌不正当竞争、侵犯商标权.山寨明星的广告,因侵犯了明星的商品化形象权等而违法.部分山寨文艺、山寨建筑,侵犯了著作权.  相似文献   

This study designs a method of identifying the camera model used to take videos that are distributed through mobile phones and determines the original version of the mobile phone video for use as legal evidence. For this analysis, an experiment was conducted to find the unique characteristics of each mobile phone. The videos recorded by mobile phones were analyzed to establish the delay time of sound signals, and the differences between the delay times of sound signals for different mobile phones were traced by classifying their characteristics. Furthermore, the sound input signals for mobile phone videos used as legal evidence were analyzed to ascertain whether they have the unique characteristics of the original version. The objective of this study was to find a method for validating the use of mobile phone videos as legal evidence using mobile phones through differences in the delay times of sound input signals.  相似文献   

手机通话语音的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,手机通话语音已成为司法语音鉴定中最为常见的一种语音形式。本研究从手机通信系统的信道特点出发,分析手机通话语音的声谱特点和共振峰频率变化等情况;同时还比较了不同通话网络、不同通话方式及不同手机的通话语音特点。实验发现,手机通话语音与直接录音语音有明显的变化,主要表现在高低频信息的带宽滤波效应、高低频共振峰的漂移、语音质量、音色、韵律特征等方面;还发现,不同手机通话条件下的语音变化程度不同。最后,讨论了手机通话语音变化对说话人鉴定的影响及鉴定中的注意事项。  相似文献   

曾高飞 《法人》2010,(8):8-9
如果不能顺应3G手机和智能手机(智能3G手机)的发展潮流,九成的国产品牌手机将面临被市场淘汰的风险  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(3):385-398
Data from mobile phones are regularly used in the investigation of crime and court proceedings. Previously published research has primarily addressed technical issues or provided operational manuals for using forensic science evidence, rather than analysing human factors and the implementation of forensic tools in investigation settings. Moreover, previous research has focused almost entirely on western countries, and there is a dearth of research into the uses of forensic evidence in China. In this study, a review was carried out of court sentencing documents referring to mobile phone evidence in China over the period 2013–2018. Automated content analysis was used to identify the specific evidence types utilised and the sentencing outcome for each case. Results show that mobile phone evidence was used in 3.3% of criminal proceedings. Among various data types mentioned in criminal proceedings, call records sustained as the most frequently used type of data. After which, instant messaging tools (e.g. WeChat) are an increasing proportion of all mobile phone evidence, from 1% in 2015 to 25% in 2018. For cases that utilised mobile phone data, the analysis of instant messaging and online transaction tools is routine, with little variation in the use of each application (WeChat, Alipay, QQ) for investigations of different types of crime. However, in the majority of criminal cases, mobile phone data function as subsidiary evidence and posed limited impacts on verdict reached. The current findings indicate that a large amount of mobile phone evidence was transformed into other evidence formats or filtered out directly before court proceedings.  相似文献   

马进保 《犯罪研究》2008,(4):54-59,73
电子信息犯罪是现代高科技发展的衍生物。不法分子运用窃听、窃录、窃照、发送不良手机短信、制造计算机病毒、伪造信用卡和破坏互联网传输功能等手段,严重危害国家信息安全,实施商业欺诈,侵犯社会组织和公民的隐私权,对经济发展、社会和谐造成极大威胁。面对这一新的挑战,我们必须采取法律的、技术的手段进行控制和防范。  相似文献   

手机物证检验及其在刑事侦查中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
随着移动通信技术的迅速发展和广泛应用,手机内部包含的信息已经成为犯罪侦查重要的线索和证据来源。采用专门的符合物证鉴定原理要求的技术方法检验手机的SIM卡存储器、主板存储器和闪存卡,可以获得大量的手机使用者个人信息、通信内容信息、通信发生信息、使用者写入存储信息和手机设置信息等大量信息资料。手机检验结果给出的这些信息具有非常高的侦查和证据价值的,手机也因此成为物证鉴定领域内一个新的检验对象。  相似文献   

Microsoft released a new communication platform, Microsoft Teams, in 2017. Due in part to COVID-19, the popularity of communication platforms, like Microsoft Teams, increased exponentially. Given its user base and increased popularity, it seems likely that digital forensic investigators will encounter cases where Microsoft Teams is a relevant component. However, because Microsoft Teams is a relatively new application, there is limited forensic research on the application particularly focusing on mobile operating systems. To address this gap, an analysis of data stored at rest by Microsoft Teams was conducted on the Windows 10 operating system as well as on Android and Apple iOS mobile operating systems. Basic functionalities, such as messaging, sharing files, participating in video conferences, and other functionalities that Teams provides, were performed in an isolated testing environment. Cellebrite UFED Physical Analyzer and Magnet AXIOM Examine tools were used to analyze the mobile devices and the Windows device, respectively. Manual or non-automated investigation recovered, at least partially, the majority of artifacts across all three operating systems. In this study, a total of 77.6% of the populated artifacts were partially or fully recovered in the manual investigation. On the other hand, forensic tools used did not automatically recover many of the artifacts found with the manual investigation. Only 13.8% of artifacts were partially or fully recovered by the forensic tools across all three devices. These discovered artifacts and the results of the investigations are presented in order to aid digital forensic investigations.  相似文献   

Wearable devices allow users the ability to leave mobile phones behind while remaining connected to the digital world; however, this creates challenges in the examination, acquisition, identification, and analysis of probative data. This preliminary research aims to provide an enhanced understanding of where sensitive user data and forensic artifacts are stored on smartwatch wearable devices, both through utilization as a connected and standalone device. It also provides a methodology for the forensically sound acquisition of data from a standalone smartwatch wearable device. The results identify significant amounts of data on the Samsung? Gear S3 Frontier, greater than that stored on the companion mobile phone. An Apple Watch® Series 3 manual examination method which produces native screenshots was identified; however, the companion mobile phone was found to store the greatest amount of data. As a result of this research, a data extraction tool for the Samsung? Gear S3 Frontier was created.  相似文献   

PDU模式下的短信息编码方式,被GSM手机广泛运用。在实际检验鉴定工作中,涉案手机检验量大幅增加,并且手机检验分析系统无法解析镜像文件的情况时有发生,检验人员只有对PDU有足够的了解,才能对手机取证驾轻就熟。通过对PDU模式结构的实例分析,手工成功恢复出手机短信息,这种分析的方法和经验可以应用于所有GSM手机的短信息取证。  相似文献   

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