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急救是指短时间对威胁生命安全的意外灾祸、创伤与疾病的紧急救护。(引自《医学小百科.急救》.钱信忠主编.天津科技出版社.1989年7月第一版、第1页)。它属急救医学范畴,注重处理伤病急救阶段,亦可将其划入应用医学范畴。急救应用技术大致由生活遇险求生术、意外创伤急救术、各科常见危重病症急救术、蛇、虫、疯狗咬伤急救术、各种中毒急救措施这五部分内容构成,不仅包括正常人体卫生常识等医学知识,还包括社会学、心理学等学科的一些知识。它不同于警学院校中已设置的《法医学》课程。法医学是应用医学,生物学、化学以及其他自然科学的理论和技术,研究并解决司法,公安工作中有关人身伤亡和涉及法律的各种医学问题的科学。(引自《法医学》郑仲璇主编.法律出版社.1982年6月第一版,第1页)。法医学以人身为研究的主体,同时对各种与伤、亡有关的物证进行研究,而本文所涉及的急救应用技术主要是指针对人类生命、财产和生存环境造成损害的事件(即天灾人祸)所采取的多项紧急对策与措施。  相似文献   

<正>《中国法医学史》黄瑞亭、陈新山编著。该书采用史志结合的方式叙述了我国自战国时代直至现代的法医学发展历史,对不同朝代(时期)法医学发展、检验制度、案例以及重要事件进行全面阐述;对历代180位对法医学发展有影响的人物进行详细介绍。是法医学或史学、政法、律师、医学等领域工作者和相关在  相似文献   

正黄瑞亭、陈新山编著的《中国法医学史》即将由华中科技大学出版社出版。该书叙述了我国自战国时期至现代的法医学发展历史,共36万字,附图67幅,对不同朝代(时期)法医学发展进行深入研究;对不同时期的检验制度、检验案例、法医成就以及重要事件进行了阐述;对180位历代对法医学发展有影响和有贡献的人物进行详细介绍。所选古今人物,主要以法医人物为主,也选入了医学、立法、文学、历史等方面对法医学有影响或有贡献的人物。本书有别于其他法医学史书的一个重要特点是  相似文献   

林几是公认的中国现代法医学奠基人。他创办北平大学法医学教室任主任教授,创办法医研究所任第一任所长,创办法医学杂志《法医月刊》,创办中央大学医学院法医科任主任教授;他引进现代法医学,规划全国"在重庆、北平、武汉、上海、广州、奉天建立6个法医学教室";他用现代法医学科学检案、教育学生,培养全国法医检验员班、法医师班、法医高师班,使中国走上现代化道路;他的"大法医学"发展理念、"实验法医学"观点、法医学鉴定文书公开的做法,以及敬业精神、个人品德和对法医学的理解,都在我国现代法医学发展史上留下深深地烙印,在当时乃至当代,都有深远的影响。这就是林几学术思想及其当代价值。  相似文献   

正在我国现代法医学形成和发展过程中,不少历史人物、专家学者发挥了重要作用[1-5]。为了缅怀先辈,铭记他们为我国法医学事业所做的贡献,本文续补介绍以下7位对我国早期现代法医学有贡献的学者、专家,以进一步完善我国现代法医学史的研究。1对我国早期现代法医学有贡献的法政文史学者1.1陈垣[4-10]陈垣(1880—1971年),字援庵,又字圆庵,  相似文献   

Xia J  Zhang LL  Chen XS 《法医学杂志》2007,23(6):447-449
气体栓塞是一种较多见而又威胁生命的医疗操作并发症,在法医学实践中也时有所遇,但易被检验者所忽略;也常因尸体放置较久而给法医学检验和鉴定带来困难。在此综述了静脉气体栓塞的病因、病理生理变化、临床表现及诊断和法医学鉴定的意义及注意事项,认为超声心动图、CT和MRI等现代成像技术在气体栓塞的临床诊断和法医学鉴定中有积极的辅助作用。  相似文献   

在林几的学术生涯中,中国法医学史是其研究的重要领域,并取得一系列研究成果,进而形成的法医学史观,构成了林几法医学术思想的重要组成部分。林几的中国法医学史观主要包括:以比较法医学的视野研究中国法医学发展史;运用实验法医学的方法鉴别中国古代法医学的精华和糟粕;古代法医学的现代转型具有必要性和迫切性;实现法医学的现代转型,应注意科学总结中外法医学发展史的经验教训。这些法医学史观对于全面理解中国古代法医学兴衰之路,以及推动民国时期中国法医学的现代转型具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

林几教育思想与我国现代法医学教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在我国现代法医学奠基人一林几教授诞辰一百周年之际,缅怀林几教授,史加敬里他在现代法医学发展及教育上所作出的杰出贡献。林几教授为中国现代法医学发展贡献了毕生的精力与心血。他强调“法医学为国家应用医学之一,凡立法、司法、行政上方山兀不需亚法医”,同时呼吁·5Zty为人民上保障,法医鉴定则便为法律上保障”,以唤起全社会对法医学的亟视。他热爱法医学教胄事业并在法医学教有事业上有深入细致的研究,他认为“吾囚对了法医学科鲜有章才,法医检验仍袭旧弊(指村作验尸),医师无暇(对法医学)多加研究,此项人才上栽培,刻…  相似文献   

为缅怀先辈们为我国法医学事业所作的贡献,在已介绍的12位现代法医学人物的基础上,通过查阅和收集大量医学和法医学历史文献,并进行系统梳理和分析,另外选取14位对我国现代法医学形成和发展作出贡献的医学专家和法医学者进行续补介绍。通过对其生平、学术成就和法医学贡献的全面描述,使读者以更加宽广的视角了解我国现代法医学形成和发展的社会历史文化背景,进一步完善我国现代法医学史的研究。  相似文献   

黄瑞亭 《法医学杂志》1997,13(3):183-184,150
我国现代法医学除了法医先驱不懈努力外,其早期传播与西方来华医生及其创办的教会医院、学校有一定关系,而其发展与本国及国外留学归国的医药界学者的大力支持密不可分.本文着重介绍一些中外医药学专家,他们虽然个是专攻法医学的,但对我国早期现代法医学的发展有不可磨灭的功绩.l传播早期现代医药学、法医学的外国学者十九世纪以后,外因传教医士通过设教堂,医院和创办学校等方式引进西医,先澳门、广州后发展至全国l‘1.1820年,英山东印度公司船厂李文斯敦(T.Livingstone)与马礼逊(RobertMarrison)在澳门开诊所【’].192…  相似文献   

本文从历史、文化、地理、法律、个人等角度出发讨论宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的条件。我国法医检验早期发展是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的历史条件,朱熹理学影响是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的文化条件,南宋建阳政治文化发展是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的地理条件,完善的南宋检验制度是宋慈及《洗冤集录》产生的法律条件,宋慈在《洗冤集录》中把个别的具体事例进行全体性、系统性综合是个人努力和总结的结果。因此,南宋时期出现宋慈及其《洗冤集录》是中华文化的一部分,是历史必然和文化传承至一定阶段的产物,更是中华文化结晶和法医文化遗产。  相似文献   

在有清一代乃至整个词学史上,真正建立起词统并对后代产生深远影响的莫过于常州词派。从张惠言、董士锡到周济,经过几十年的探索,以周济编的《宋四家词选》为标志,正式提出了一个体现词派特色的词统,在给学词指出一条途径的同时,也张扬了词派的理论主张及其形成过程,即从张氏的“比兴寄托”到周济的“穷高极深”之趣,再到“有寄托”与“无寄托”相统一的发展历程。  相似文献   

论宋代中国古代法学的成熟及其贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对唐宋两朝尤其是宋代法学世界观、律学作品、判例法研究以及法医学成果等方面的分析比较, 认为至少在法学发展方面, 宋代已经超过了唐代。中国古代的法律, 发展至唐代达到了最高水平, 而中国古代的法学, 发展至宋代方走上了历史的顶峰。  相似文献   

南宋名臣、文学家虞俦,<宋史>无传,清陆心源<宋史翼>亦未之补.<全宋词>虞俦小传因属草创,故甚简略,且有讹误,兹予订补.  相似文献   

以渔父为描写对象、抒情意象或抒情形象的渔父词作,自张志和一曲开始,历唐而宋唱和之作尤多,并且以渔父为题材的词作日渐繁盛.这些词或描写渔父的生活及其生活环境,或借渔父来抒发隐逸之思,或借渔父来参禅悟道.若按唐宋词抒情主人公形象分类,渔父词堪与思妇、游子、志士等类词相颉颃,可以成为一个独立的"渔父"系列,所具有的文化意蕴、词史价值值得重视,这对唐宋词抒情形象研究的全面展开将大有助益.  相似文献   

Forensic science laboratories are being challenged by the expanding decentralization of forensic capabilities, particularly for digital traces. This study recommends laboratories undertake digital transformations to capitalize on the decentralization movement, develop a more comprehensive understanding of crime and security‐relevant problems, and play a more central role in problem‐solving collaboratively with law enforcement organizations and other stakeholders. A framework for the bilateral transfer of information and knowledge is proposed to magnify the impact of forensic science laboratories on abating crime, strengthening security, and reinforcing the criminal justice system. To accomplish digital transformations, laboratories require personnel with different expertise, including investigative reasoning, knowledge codification, data analytics, and forensic intelligence. Ultimately, this study encourages managers, educators, researchers, and policymakers to look beyond the usefulness of forensic results for solving individual investigations, and to realize the value of combined forensic knowledge and intelligence for developing broader strategies to deal with crime in digitalized society.  相似文献   

This paper builds on the views presented by the author at 'The Future of Forensic and Crime Scene Science Conference'. Forensic science has become an increasingly prominent area of science within the last 10 years. This increasing prominence together with popularity in the subject has seen the number of undergraduate students studying forensic science related courses at UK Universities increase rapidly in just 5 years and there are no short term signs of this trend reducing. In 2005, there were 450 courses with forensic in the title offered by higher education institutes. Although the forensic community has expressed its concern that job prospects for these students wishing to pursue careers as forensic scientists will be limited numbers of students undertaking science courses have still increased. The increase in students studying forensic science comes in an era of decreasing science numbers in higher education with the potential to produce high calibre science graduates with sought after skills in critical thinking, analysis, interpretation and communication. Technology has continued to advance at a similar pace providing those responsible for managing crime with a need and opportunity to identify and predict new and future applications of science and technology; not just in reducing and detecting crime but also in predicting how technology will be used by criminals in the future. There is therefore a need for forensic science users, providers and educators to identify the knowledge and skills required by forensic scientists and crime investigators of the future to ensure that technology continues to be used and applied to its full advantage. This provides universities an opportunity to contribute to the development of both the practice and practitioners of forensic science. This paper outlines the current issues facing universities in relation to forensic science and identifies their future role in providing high quality relevant courses for future forensic practitioners; developing current forensic practitioners through their participation in applied research, short courses, conferences and qualifications linked to professional practice; and supporting and developing the practice of forensic and crime scene science, through the identification, engagement and dissemination of pure and applied research.  相似文献   

In their day-to-day work, carrying out complex tasks, forensic scientists use a combination of explicit, codified standard operating procedures and tacit knowledge developed through their ongoing practice. We show that tacit knowledge is an integral part of the activities of expert forensic science practitioners who continually add to their knowledge repertoire by engaging other scientists through communities of practice. We wish to shed fresh light on the gaining of tacit knowledge by forensic scientists during their apprentice formative years, termed as legitimate peripheral participation. In quantifying tacit knowledge exchanges, we use social network analysis, a methodology for the analysis of social structures, to map relational knowledge flows between forensic scientists within communities of practice at the Forensic Science Laboratory, Ireland. This paper sheds light on the importance of tacit knowledge within the training regime of forensic scientists and its recognition as equal to the part played by explicit knowledge.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(1):81-88
New scientific, technological and legal developments, particularly the introduction of national databases for DNA and fingerprints, have led to increased use of forensic science in the investigation of crime. There is an assumption, and in some instances specific assertions, that such developments bring improvements either in broad criminal justice terms or more narrowly in terms of economic or practical efficiencies. The underlying presumption is that the new technological opportunities will be understood and effectively implemented. This research investigates whether such increases in activity have also been accompanied by improvements in the effective use of forensic science. A systematic review of thirty-six reports published (predominantly in England and Wales) since the 1980s, which have considered the use of forensic science in the investigation of volume crimes, was carried out. These reports have identified a number of recurrent themes that influenced how effectively forensic science was used in investigations. The themes identified included forensic knowledge and training of investigators, communication and information exchange between specialists and investigators, timeliness of forensic results, interagency relationships and deployment of crime scene examiner resources. The research findings suggest that these factors continue to hinder the effective use of forensic science despite technological advances and this paper considers their potential causes.  相似文献   

Research represents the driving force for change and advancement in the forensic sciences [1]. Of course, forensic science features casework and the application of our scientific knowledge to medicolegal issues. However, that scientific knowledge is largely based upon research conducted over decades.  相似文献   

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