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In universities where experiential learning is not the norm, introducing this style of learning into undergraduate courses can be an intimidating process for both instructors and students. Instructors are often unsure of how to manage student experiences in the community, while a significant number of students react with skepticism toward this new type of course, as well as concern about their instructor's changing expectations for their performance. The following is a reflection of our first 2 years of teaching undergraduate courses from a distinctly experiential learning approach. Qualitative data is used to highlight the parallel learning processes that occurred over the semester, for students as well as for us as instructors. Our biggest challenges are explored in detail, and advice to instructors contemplating adapting an experiential approach to their own courses is presented.  相似文献   

政治理论课教学在军(警)院校教学体系中占有极其重要的地位。政治理论课教员要坚持以马克思主义的意识形态为导向,以鲜活生动的话语为载体,以实现知识的内化为目标,不断提高军(警)校学员对政治理论课的认同度。  相似文献   

立德树人是教育的根本任务,高校辅导员是大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生的引路人和指导者。现代大学生出现了思想多元化、生活市场化、学习功利化、休闲网络化等新的生活方式特点,这给主要负责学生日常管理的辅导员工作带来了新的挑战和机遇。从大学生生活方式入手是提高高校辅导员工作科学化水平的有效途径,是提高思想政治教育水平的有效手段。  相似文献   

辅导员队伍专业化建设对培养有中国特色社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人、维护学校和社会稳定、保证高等教育事业持续健康发展具有重要意义。质性研究发现,辅导员专业化建设关涉的主要问题是:专业期待低、工作职责乱、制度和设施跟不上、缺乏专门的学科与课程体系、缺乏研究和创新空间、缺乏科学的学科背景与知识结构。而根据主要问题提出的专业化建设的路径抉择对辅导员队伍建设具有方向性指导意义。  相似文献   

Community-based learning offers students the opportunity to understand important concepts through their own experiences. Two courses on food and hunger in society, one a first-year seminar of 12 students and one an upper-level psychology course of 20 students, made site visits to local farms, markets, and a soup kitchen while reading about the issues and discussing them in class. At the end of the semester, each student wrote a short self-evaluation in which they were invited to discuss the aspects of the course that affected them most. Student responses suggest that the experiential component of the course was disproportionately powerful, impelling many of them to make changes in their lives as a result.  相似文献   

Identity movements, such as those representing LGBT communities, are assumed to be highly universalized; they are often thought to be highly dependent upon international linkages in order to emerge and develop. Although the Chinese LGBT movement owes much of its development to global civil society and international donors, this article presents survey and interview data that show its linkages with the international community are not as strong as we might expect. The article shows that economics and politics of transnational activism in China are tightly intertwined. The means by which LGBT activism has developed in China has simultaneously contributed to division within its ranks and with global civil society: the nature of international funding—while from foreign sources it is funneled through the Chinese government—and local political conditions ultimately impedes the growth of stronger transnational linkages.  相似文献   

学分制改革不仅是一种教学管理模式的转换,更是一种人才培养模式的演进。学分制的实施使辅导员在开展大学生思想政治教育工作中遭遇传统行政班级载体功能退隐、传统思想政治教育方法失效以及由于自身的职业地位低下而引发的思政工作难具影响力的现实困境。高校辅导员需要转换思维范式,实现本质主义思维向生成性思维的转向、树立生存式教育理念,把"问题的解决"和"意义的追寻"结合起来,积极构建与学分制培养体制相适应的大学生思想政治教育模式。此外,高校决策层还要积极营造良好合作型组织环境,提升辅导员职业地位,为辅导员自我实现和无私奉献提供精神动力,增进辅导员在大学生思想政治教育活动中的话语权和影响力,从而提高大学生思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

高校辅导员作为大学生思想政治教育的主要实施者,其幸福指数的高低,不仅仅关涉辅导员自身,影响高校思想政治教育的效果,而且关系到国家和民族的长远发展。科学幸福观认为"幸福是个体物质的实现与精神的实现的统一、自我实现与无私奉献的统一、享受和创造的统一"。关注当前高校辅导员队伍建设的幸福向度,不仅有助于"以人为本"思维前提的奠定、良好合作型组织环境的营造、职业认可度的提升,而且有助于提高辅导员的职业幸福能力,从而实现"生活方式"对"谋生手段"的超越,使高校辅导员真正担当起大学生人生导师的历史重任,为社会主义事业培养合格建设者和可靠接班人。  相似文献   

新的课程标准提出学生是教学的主体,教师是课堂教学活动的策划者、组织者和指导者,因此,在教学中,教师需要抓住教材中所蕴含的创造性因素,激发学生的学习兴趣,创设既富有变化又能激发新奇感的学习情境,充分利用学生的好奇心,引导他们去研究问题,积极构建以学习者为中心的,以学生自主活动为基础的新型教学模式,推进教学活动由教向学的转变。  相似文献   

大学生辅导员个体素质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辅导员个体素质要求 ,反映着一定社会特定历史时期社会对合格辅导员的总体要求。辅导员素质是多元的 ,多层次的 ,是具有可测性的。只有通过不断地分析和总结 ,才能理解其内质 ,才能在辅导工作实践中形成深邃的教育思想 ,产生更合理的育人模式 ,提高育人技能。  相似文献   

提高学员射击技能,是公安院校教师在教学和训练中的主要任务。但是,从近年教学实践中反映出的情况来看,要使学员准确地掌握手枪射击的动作要领,提高学员的射击技能,并非易事,尤其在短时间内,使学员掌握射击要领的确很难。文章从规范化的角度,对警用手枪射击教学方法进行了研究,以期对公安院校师生手枪射击的教与学有所裨益。  相似文献   

工学结合的教育教学改革深入发展,在一定程度上造成教改班学生缺少校园思想文化熏陶。为了弥补这方面的缺失,进一步完善我校临床医学专业的教育教学改革,将思想文化建设拓展到教改医院,是摆在息想教育工作者面前的一个重要任务。  相似文献   

本科生导师制起源于英国牛津大学,2002年起我国高等院校开始引进本科生导师制。本科生导师应从德才兼备的专业课教师中遴选。导师应为本科生教育教师系统中极为重要的不可替代、不可或缺的组成部分,他们应当成为本科生做人、做学问的引路人。导师应当与辅导员等各种类型的教师团结协作,各司其职,共担人才培养大任。导师的基本职责有二:一是导师应当注重"育人",通过与本科生的思想交流,培养具有健全和高尚人格的人才;二是导师应当充分发挥其独特的专业优势,"传道、授业、解惑",培养出优秀的专业人才。  相似文献   


Academic procrastination is a prevalent phenomenon with a range of negative outcomes. Many studies focused on causes and correlates of academic procrastination; however, the study of interventions for academic procrastination is scarce. The present study is an initial effort to study the relationship between academic procrastination, online course participation, and achievement, as a basis for developing an intervention for academic procrastination. Findings indicated that studying procrastination was negatively associated with final exam grade as well as with the three online course participation measures. Final exam grade was positively associated with two of the online course participation measures, and they positively correlated with each other. In addition, results indicated that studying procrastination, in combination with online course participation measures, explained about 50% of variance in final exam’s grade. Frequency of activities in course Web site had the strongest positive effect on final exam’s grade.

These findings strengthen the notion that studying procrastination is an impediment to students’ academic performance and outcomes and clarifies the need to develop and study academic interventions for academic procrastination as a means to decrease its prevalence in academic settings.  相似文献   

Engaging students directly with community partners can foster deeper learning and critical reflexivity. In our undergraduate seminar in “Understanding Human Service Organizations,” we developed a community-based project that has students working in groups to study local human service organizations. Students interview organizational staff, observe operations, and review documents to identify perceived organizational strengths and challenges and offer humble solutions based on course material and outside research. A key component of the course is the critically reflexive journal. Using a structured reflection guide, students describe and analyze their experience in relation to class concepts and examine their personal beliefs and assumptions. This approach is one teaching strategy that has the potential for promoting the critical awareness and reflective practice skills we seek in our students.  相似文献   

Twelve students in a developmental psychology service-learning course engaged in a service-learning project with two groups of elders in an urban setting. Nine members of the class provided quantitative and qualitative feedback on this experiential learning experience. Survey results indicated that students believed the project increased their interest in the content area and that the project was a valuable aspect of the course. Based on student reflection papers in the course, students could identify specific ways the project helped them to learn course content. Finally, two interviewed students commented on how the project helped dismantle ageist preconceptions they held prior to completing the course. The project illustrates the advantages of experiential teaching in promoting interactions and understanding between diverse age groups. Three recommendations for implementing experiential teaching in community psychology and service-learning courses are presented.  相似文献   

高等院校对外汉语专业的课外实践性学习,既可以看成是一种课程形态,又可以算作是一种专业学习方式,它具有自主性、综合性和开放性等诸多特点。设置课外实践性学习环节,挖掘实践性学习资源,选择洽当形式,并加以正确引导和评价,能有效地促进学生专业综合素养的提高,成为跨文化背景的复合型人才。  相似文献   

Cyber bullying has become more pervasive as a result of advances in communication technology such as email, text messaging, chat rooms, and social media sites. Despite the growth in research on correlates associated with engagement in cyber bullying, few studies test the applicability of criminological theories to explain engagement in cyber bullying. This study applies data from the 2009/2010 Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study to examine whether individual and social factors associated with general strain theory explain why children engage in cyber bullying. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify significant factors associated with engagement in cyber bullying. The multivariate logistic regression results show that students who experienced strain engage in cyber bullying. The regression analysis also shows a positive relationship between participation in traditional bullying and engagement in cyber bullying.  相似文献   

《保安服务礼仪》课程是一门实践性很强的专业课。本文以辽宁警官高等专科学校高职课程"保安服务礼仪"为例,从实训内容、实训方法和考核方法三个方面构建保安服务礼仪实训课教学体系,使学生的综合素质和岗位技能在实际训练中得到全面提高。  相似文献   


Students in Abnormal Psychology who pursued a service-learning opportunity worked with troubled youth in the juvenile justice system. Consistent with an a priori hypothesis, results revealed the following pattern: (a) service-learning students and traditional students exhibited similar levels of academic performance early in the semester; and (b) as the semester progressed, and service-learning students became more involved in course-related service, they showed increasingly superior academic performance relative to traditional students. As hypothesized, service-learning students were more likely than traditional students to perceive themselves as: (a) achieving personal development in the area of social responsibility and (b) learning to apply course concepts to new situations. Preliminary evidence that the project made clinically significant contributions to the service agency is also presented. Innovations to be implemented in this ongoing project are discussed, and recommendations for research are noted.  相似文献   

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