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航空运输消费者知悉权保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民用航空运输与其他运输方式相比具有速度快、安全性高的特点,其能够为旅客提供快速、便捷、安全的运输服务。随着我国民用航空运输市场化程度不断深化,已经有越来越多的消费者开始选择航空运输作为自己的出行交通方式。航空运输方式普遍化的过程中,也出现了一些问题,例如航班延误、航班超售等,这些问题都涉及到消费者知悉权的保护问题。  相似文献   

杨惠  吴桐水 《河北法学》2005,23(8):65-68
在航空运输中,由于多种原因,航班延误难以避免,因航班延误引起的纠纷时有发生.现行的民航法及相关法规对于航班延误的定义、承担延误的责任原因、承担责任的方式、延误赔偿限额等问题或者没有规定,或者规定太原则、笼统、不统一,缺乏可操作性.时至今日,关于航班延误的诸多问题仍然不能"依法解决".有关部门应当尽快制定并完善相关法律法规,使航班延误的处理工作步入法制化的轨道,依法解决航班延误的有关问题.  相似文献   

金艳 《法制与社会》2010,(31):81-81
航空业的发展使航班延误问题逐渐成为关注的焦点,但由于缺少统一规范,航空公司与旅客之间关于航班延误的问题不断。本文试通过分析相关国外公约以及国内法律法规,结合本国的实践,寻找有利于解决航班延误问题的方法。  相似文献   

近两年来,民航领域的航班延误问题成为旅客和媒体关注的焦点。来自民航总局的统计数字称,国内航班每年有1/5不正常,每10个航班当中就有两个延误。每年全国约有1000万以上的旅客遭遇过航空延误。造成航班延误的因素很多,有天气等自然因素造成的延误,航空公司为保飞行安全,只能晚点起飞,也有航空公司自身的原因造成的延误,如飞机出现机械故障、飞机调配出现问题等;还有空中流量饱和,空管对飞机起飞进行控制。很多时候航班延误是人为无法控制的,但在遭遇航班延误后,如何给乘客一个“说法”和安抚赔偿制度却是人为可以提供的。本文的作者在国外和国内遭遇航班延误的不同经历,反映了国内外航空公司不仅在硬件设施,更是在服务意识和职业精神的差异。  相似文献   

航空旅客运输航班延误及其法律责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国社会经济的不断发展,国内远程客运已经越来越依赖于航空运输,而国际远程客运则几乎完全是航空运输的天下。近年来,我国航空旅客运输引发争议最多的方面无疑是承运人的延误及其法律责任的承担了。〔1〕我国《民用航空法》第9章(公共航空运输)有着浓重的《华沙公约》体系的痕迹,除责任限额有所不同外,其余几乎都能在《华沙公约》体系内找到对应的条款,因此就航空运输延误的法律问题进行研究,国内运输与国际运输其实并无本质区别,本文对于此问题的研究,亦不作国内与国际的刻意区分。从民法角度而言,航班延误可归属于履行迟延的范畴,对…  相似文献   

王建平 《法学家》2006,(5):123-129
国际民航公约规定,航班延误后,航空公司应当承担相应的法定义务,即对旅客提供关怀或者帮助的义务.我国《民用航空法》没有规定航空公司的这一法定义务,中国民航总局《航班延误经济补偿指导意见》虽对相关义务作了规定,但该指导意见失当之处颇多,已成为旅客不当维权一个大因.与此同时,航空公司缺乏我国《合同法》第60条规定的附随义务观念,其行为遭致了"冷漠航空"的社会评价.从《中美航空协定》的公约义务,从我国航权开放的角度,将航班无责延误后的地面服务设定为法定义务,并列为特殊侵权的情形,是非常必要的,也是切实可行的.  相似文献   

"航班延误"不是指航班的具体始发或抵达目的地时间上的"误点",而是指旅客或托运人选择空运这种快速运输方式所合理期望的期限.如果对延误引起的损失提出赔偿,通常需要受理法院地法证明它是一种不合理的延误.承运人只在因不合理延误造成旅客或货物损失时才承担法律规定限额赔偿责任.  相似文献   

当前航班延误赔偿司法认定面临延误界定困难、延误原因复杂、延误补救义务模糊、延误赔偿标准缺失、合同特殊性认识不足五方面的现实困境。承运人并非对所有延误都负责赔偿,有争议的航班晚到和机械故障所致延误赔偿,应归责于承运人,但因救治病发旅客可免延误赔偿。延误赔偿的认定需法官对延误、过错、损害、因果关系四要件进行相应的自由心证,依法适用过错推定责任原则。延误致旅客人身伤亡和财产损失的赔偿限于直接损失,但旅客因自身原因意外死亡或扩大损失的赔偿,不予支持。延误赔偿的违约责任与侵权责任竞合选择前者居多,但延误的精神损害、律师代理费的赔偿和赔礼道歉一般不被司法支持。  相似文献   

谢雨佳 《法制与社会》2012,(4):268-269,283
近年来,国内不断有航空公司列出旅客黑名单,禁止有过机上滋扰行为记录的不轨旅客再次乘坐该航空公司的航班.在航空运输安全面临日益严重威胁的今天,航空公司此项行为得到了一定人群,尤其是广大旅客的支持和拥护.然而,也有人认为旅客黑名单虽有其合理性,但涉嫌侵犯个体权益.从航空运输实践看,航空公司旅客黑名单的合法性取决于相关运行程序的合法与否.  相似文献   

事件回放 2016年12月19日夜至12月20日凌晨,严重雾霾导致北京首都国际机场航班大面积延误,退改签机票的旅客排成长队.2017年元旦期间,中国北部再遭遇严重雾霾,导致航班延误或取消,让不少乘客被迫在机场跨年.截至1月1日下午,有媒体统计,首都机场进出港航班取消126架次,天津机场进出港航班取消309架次,因天气原因对于航班正常准点率的影响达到29.53%.那么,在极端天气下,因雾霾导致航班延误无法出行,乘客能否要求航空公司赔偿呢?我将对此展开分析,期冀对读者有所裨益.  相似文献   

This special issue of Law & Policy examines legal, bioethical, and social science perspectives on the critical problems and choices arising from the rapid changes in the health care systems throughout the industrialized world. Advances in medical technology, the rising costs of health care, and the aging of the industrial populations have made health care a crucible for many of the broader policy concerns facing the world in the new millennium. The purpose of the special issue was for these issues to be addressed in a multidisciplinary forum, to add to the broader spectrum of socio–legal scholarship. Scholars from diverse countries examined a variety of issues from ethical, social science, and clinical perspectives.  相似文献   

Afghan Questions     
The international community views the national reconciliation process in Afghanistan as a bold political experiment that can have a most beneficial impact on the elimination of regional conflicts throughout the world. It is not by chance that this innovative initiative is already being supported and continued by the revolutionary government of Nicaragua, along whose borders an undeclared war has been waged for many years now by the "Contras" financed by the United States. As M. S. Gorbachev, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, stated in his Declaration on Afghanistan, "this is an expression of new political thought on the Afghan side." This is also an opportunity to demonstrate our good will to the great powers whose governments and peoples bear special responsibility for the elimination and prevention of dangerous hotbeds of tension on earth.  相似文献   

陶侃 《金陵法律评论》2004,(3):58-62,134
蔡元培关于世界本原的思想,既传承了中国道家的"道器说"和宋明以后的"物心说",更糅合了德国古典哲学家康德的"二元世界说"和叔本华的"意志论",并在此基础上提出寻找世界统一本性的"通性"说."通性说"表达了蔡元培为达到理想的大同世界所作的哲学思考和心路历程,成为影响和决定其一生的思想基础.  相似文献   

Professor Breyer presents here a framework for analysis and reform of economic regulation. The framework consists of three basic elements: justifications for regulation, modes of classical regulation and the problems they entail, and "less restrictive alternatives" to regulation, including taxation and disclosure. Using contemporary regulatory programs as examples, Professor Breyer argues that many such programs are ill designed to meet their objectives, and that the problems inherent in such regulatory regimes are severe. Finally, he briefly sketches how one might, as a practical matter, go about achieving reform, citing as an example the recent change in airline regulation.  相似文献   

Court delay has been much lamented about the world over. Judicial efficiency is one important element in keeping it under control. This paper surveys the available evidence concerning the determinants of differences in judges’ output. It points out weaknesses in the literature and makes a number of proposals how these could be relieved.  相似文献   

The protection of children from violence is increasingly beingplaced on national and international societal and politicalagendas throughout the world. Although responses vary, measuresto punish abusers in the criminal courts and measures to protectchild victims in the family courts are common to many jurisdictions.When an allegation of abuse is contested, the conflict mustbe resolved before these punitive or protective measures canbe implemented. However, proving that a child has been abusedis a process fraught with difficulties. This article exploresthe concept of proof and illustrates the challenges faced insubstantiating allegations of physical abuse in criminal prosecutionsand care proceedings in England and Wales. In so doing it considersthe relationship between the two kinds of proceedings in thelight of their respective punitive and protective objectives.It concludes that, although recent developments may occasionallyhave blurred the distinction between the two systems, the fundamentallydifferent objectives of each remain and that this distinctionjustifies apparently conflicting outcomes in the quest for truth.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(1):146-157
Cyberspace and thus cybercrime know no boundaries. This chapter reviews some of the basic forms of cybercrime, draws specific attention to the issues that arise when offences occur across borders and in relation to organised criminal groupings, and provides illustrations based on some of the more celebrated cases of the past few years. The borderless nature of cyberspace and the exponential take-up of digital technology throughout the world guarantee that transnational cybercrime will remain a challenge. Fortunately, many nations are rising to this challenge, individually and collectively, but the web of international cooperation does have its holes and those nations that lag behind the leaders risk becoming havens for cybercriminals of the future.  相似文献   

柏拉图理念论的形成数学起了关键的作用。理念论把世界分为理念世界和可感世界,从而形成哲学两重世界。柏拉图的哲学两重世界对西方哲学的影响非常大,西方许多哲学大家都受过柏拉图理念论的影响。哲学两重世界的理论影响了自然法,使自然法成为了形式法,对实定法具有约束作用,这对西方法律形式合理性的形成具有重要影响。  相似文献   

TRIPS协定与国际贸易中的知识产权壁垒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辛柏春 《北方法学》2009,3(1):80-86
TRIPS协定为世界范围内的知识产权保护建立了统一可执行的最低标准,打破了知识产权所固有的地域性的限制,在很大程度上促进了国际贸易的自由化进程。但是,由于TRIPS协定规定的统一标准过于维护权利人利益,部分超出了发展中国家的能力范围,给国际贸易造成了新的障碍和壁垒。新的知识产权壁垒的产生,又在一定程度上限制了国际贸易的自由化。因此,TRIPS协定对于国际贸易来说无疑是一把“双刃剑”。  相似文献   

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