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李青 《政法学刊》2004,21(3):93-95
知识经济时代里,人类社会的生存、发展越来越依赖创新人才。中国的教育制度在培养创新人才方面越来越凸显其局限性。然而中国教育制度中存在应试教育模式、人才培养上的工具主义、功利主义教育思想以及人才质量观上的陈腐观念等方面问题,这必将影响创新人才的成长。  相似文献   

知识产权法的制度创新本质与知识创新目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴汉东 《法学研究》2014,36(3):95-108
创新是知识产权法的历史过程与时代使命。知识产权法的创新意义,表现在其本身的制度创新与所追求的知识创新两个方面。知识产权法产生、变革和发展的历史,即为科技、文化创新与法律制度创新相互作用、相互促进的历史。理想的知识产权制度应是持续激励创新的制度,也是自身不断创新的制度。现代知识产权法存在可能发生的"制度风险",影响或制约着创新发展目标的实现。国家与社会事务的管理者具有"政治企业家"的角色担当,作为创新制度的最大供给者,应在知识产权法的主体意识层面、制度设计层面以及社会运行层面作出理性反思和积极应对。  相似文献   

创新是人类社会发展和进步的关键.同样,刑事犯罪信息工作也离不开创新.通过不断创新,使之在信息化时代异军突起,成为重要的三大刑侦基础业务之一,逐渐主导侦查破案.因此,只有勇于创新,才能有发展.  相似文献   

戴小明  王贵松 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):141-144
石佑启教授的专著<论公共行政与行政法学范式转换>从现代公共行政改革与发展着眼,从范式转换的高度全面而系统地梳理了行政法与公共行政的演进关系,概括了传统的行政法学范式及其面临的挑战,进而提出必须突破传统的理论框架进行范式转换,从而勾勒了在现代公共行政背景下的新的行政法学图景,为进一步完善行政法学理论体系,促进行政法治制度创新,更好地解决公共行政变革中产生的法律问题,提出了诸多富有创建性的观点,填补了行政法学研究上的一些空白.  相似文献   

刘霞 《行政与法》2014,(5):64-68
新媒体时代的到来,改变了信息传播的方式,改变了人们的生活、生产方式,给社会管理创新带来了机遇和挑战.新媒体视角下,如何推进社会管理创新,是当前各级政府面临的重大课题.社会管理者应树立现代媒体意识,运用新媒体技术,预防和减少社会矛盾,改进社会管理方式,以实现社会治理的科学化.  相似文献   

在知识经济时代 ,创新的企业文化已成为企业的生命线 ,成为使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地的保证。企业的发展不仅在于经济的增长 ,而且在于文化的发展。在政治、经济和文化三大系统中 ,文化处于最高层次 ,起着统帅和导向的作用。经济文化一体化是当代社会发展的大趋势 ,这个大趋势在 2 1世纪将更加明显。因此 ,研究现代企业文化创新与企业文化是一个值得探索的时代课题。  一、现代企业文化创新的内涵现代企业文化创新的前提是摆脱单一文化的束缚 ,把多种因素引入企业文化体系 ,创新出新的企业文化 ;只有符合知识经济规律的企业创…  相似文献   

大学基层学术组织是在学科制度化与学科去制度化的相互博弈过程中不断形成和发展的。学科制度既是构成现代大学组织制度的基础,又是促进大学基层学术组织形成和发展的动力。在知识既高度分化又高度综合的背景下,学科发展面临着去制度化的压力;学科过度制度化制约传统基层学术组织的变革,给其组织模式和治理机制带来严重挑战。为应对学科制度危机,应从学科理念、学科结构、学科治理、学科文化等方面入手,创新我国大学尤其是研究型大学的基层学术组织的治理理念、治理结构和运行机制,回归大学基层学术组织作为人才培养和知识生产的学科属性,着力增强组织治理能力,提升学术创新能力。  相似文献   

政府管理创新是当今全球化时代的一个世界性课题。对我国各级地方政府来说,要在全球化进程中有效发挥作用,就要不断提升管理能力和行政绩效,增强地区发展竞争力,认真剖析当前地方政府管理面临的种种问题,积极推进地方政府管理的适应性创新,以期建立起一个与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的现代新型地方政府,实现对社会公共事务的合理、有效、规范的管理。  相似文献   

刘志军 《法制与社会》2012,(12):237+251
中国法学教育规模较之以前有了突飞猛进的发展,不仅综合性大学和专门的政法院校培养了大量的法律人才,理工科大学也成为法学教育领域的一支重要力量.面对中国法律人才严重的“相对过剩”,各类法律院系都在探讨法学教育的创新方式,本科生导师制的理念与实践被引入其中.作为规模较小的理工科大学法学专业,具有实行本科型导师制的独特优势,是实现创新型法律人才培养的有效形式,应当探索其实现的理念和机制.  相似文献   

米健 《中国法学》2012,(2):5-19
整个人类社会发展史其实是一个人类交往史。在所有人类交往活动中,法律文化的交往占有极重要的地位。清末百余年来中国法律的发展与进步,为人类社会法律文化交往提供了一个颇具说明意义的典型示范。但是,在中国法学界,许多问题的认识和讨论长期处于无意识的无我状态,即文化主体意识缺失的状态。这在很大程度上导致了近现代中国法学或中国法学家们,至今尚未能完全自觉地作为一个文化交往主体进入人类法律文化交往。世界法律发展史上,不同法律文化的交往不外乎通过借鉴、继受、移植、整合和融合等五种形态得以实现。这种法律文化交往的实质是实然与应然、地方性与普遍性的关联与转换,是一个地方性向普遍性发展、普遍性由地方性构成的互动过程。在此过程中,没有文化主体意识,就难有文化主体地位,就难以正确认识和解释法律文化交往的各种形态及其一般规律,于是也难以自觉主动地参与文化交往活动。其结果,必然是更难正确认识和把握自身法律制度的建设与发展。  相似文献   

Innovation drives economic growth. Economic growth leads to longer, healthier lives by transforming yesterday’s luxuries into better, cheaper, and more efficient goods and services. University research is a key component of our nation’s innovative capacity. In an increasingly dynamic and global economy, the institutional infrastructure is inefficient at moving university innovations to the marketplace. University researchers often face convoluted procedures with insufficient guidance to commercialize their innovations. As angel investors and venture capitalists increasingly invest in later stage enterprises (See PricewaterhouseCoopers, and National Venture Capital Association. MoneyTree™ survey report. 2007. and VentureOne, “Venture Capital Industry Report.” DowJones 2006), researchers face difficulty finding early stage funding to develop and test prototypes and conduct market research. In order to fill this funding gap and accelerate the commercialization of university innovations, a new type of organization has emerged—the proof of concept center. An analysis of the Deshpande Center at MIT and the von Liebig Center at UCSD provides valuable insight into how proof of concept centers can facilitate the transfer of university innovations into commercial applications.
David B. Audretsch (Corresponding author)Email:

This paper presents an econometric analysis of the impact of collaboration with universities on the innovative output of firms. We also illustrate the differences that emerge from robustness checks, based on different matching estimators and samples. Our findings strongly suggest that university collaboration has a positive influence on the innovative activity of large manufacturing firms. In contrast, there appears to be an insignificant association between university collaboration and the average service firm’s innovation output.  相似文献   

高等教育创新是一项复杂的系统工程 ,它包含教育观念、教育体制、人才培养模式、教师素质以及教育评价体系等的创新。本文通过对高等教育创新机制的研究与解读 ,力争寻求高等教育创新的实施方法 ,实现我国高等教育的新发展。  相似文献   


A growing literature in public management has identified the key role that innovation can play in enhancing agency efficiency, effectiveness, performance and legitimacy. However, considerably less is known about the actual sources of knowledge generating innovative activity in the public sector. This paper fills this crucial gap in the literature by explicitly analyzing the link between a key source of knowledge and ideas, universities, and the innovative activities of public organizations. By utilizing a new source of data, this paper is able to show that not only do universities play a key role in generating innovative activity in public organizations, but the nature of innovations and their impact on public sector performance are related to the role played by universities. The findings suggest that universities play a key role in generating innovative activity in public organizations as doing so can increase the quality of public services, employee job satisfaction, and interagency collaboration.


每当有新的传播媒介产生并应用于家庭教育工作时,媒介和家庭教育工作就会立刻融合于一体,形成各具特色媒介化了的家庭教育文化。印刷传媒时期是家庭教育工作的普及期,视听传媒时期是家庭教育工作的发展期,网络传媒时期是家庭教育工作的创新期。现在和未来,家庭教育工作将超越媒介实现历史回归。当前,家庭教育工作科学发展的内涵包括:家庭教育提升人的质量;家庭教育引领社会发展;家庭教育丰富社会生活;家庭教育紧跟时代步伐。  相似文献   

The characteristics and behavior of university spinoff activity is an important subject in economic and management studies literature. Such studies merit research because it is suggested that university innovations stimulate economies by spurring product development, by creating new industries, and by contributing to employment and wealth creation. For this reason, universities have come to be highly valued in terms of the economic potential of their research efforts. The aim of this paper is to offer a framework for the study of academic entrepreneurship that explains different aspects of university spinoff behavior in a coherent way. We suggest that the existing literature on this topic can be categorized into six separate streams and synthesized in a framework that captures the determinants and consequences of spinoff activity.   相似文献   

A central argument behind the Bayh-Dole Act presumed that firms had no incentives to invest in downstream R&D aimed at developing university inventions committed to the public domain. The empirical evidence on university patenting and licensing is partly at odds with the premises of this argument. Non-exclusive licensing of university patents has been common and lucrative, and in the area of biomedical technologies university patents and licensing restrictions may be a hindrance to downstream R&D, rather than a stimulus. The paper presents a model of R&D competition based on a university invention where appropriability conditions are defined by the patentability of downstream innovations and imitation opportunities. A comparison of equilibria under “open access” to university inventions and under “university patenting” shows that only under restrictive conditions the latter regime results in increased R&D investment and social welfare. In general, university licensing royalties are therefore a poor gauge of social welfare gains from university patenting. This is an extensive revision of the paper “University Patents, R&D Competition, and Social Welfare” presented at the conference on University Spin-Offs at the Université du Québec à Montréal on February 27th, 2004. I would like to thank the conference participants and a referee from the journal for useful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

大学理念是人们对大学的理性认识、理想追求及其教育观念.从纽曼到洪堡,再到弗莱克斯纳、范海斯、博克等,大学的理念不断得到发展完善,逐步形成了教学、科研、服务社会、引领社会、国际交往等大学理念.大学理念有共性、个性、时代性与前瞻性、社会性与本土性等特征,具有导向、调节与激励、造就大学精神、引领社会发展等功能.大学理念关系到大学的兴衰存亡,当前建构大学新理念可以从正确定位、办出特色、树立大学教育的可持续发展观、坚持大学的综合功能观等方面着手.  相似文献   

The Family Mediation Project is a not‐for‐profit means‐tested research initiative at Waterford Institute of Technology, based on an innovative family mediation model developed by Dr Roisin O’ Shea, following her Irish Research Council funded doctoral research. The project, led by W.I.T.’s Dr Sinéad Conneely (coordinator) and Dr Roisin O’ Shea (principal investigator), is test‐running the next iteration in family mediation, embedded in the community, comprising of the most effective elements sourced globally, with a particular focus on innovations in Canada, and is gathering empirical data to evidence outcomes. The final “real world” phase of the project commenced in May 2018, an exciting collaboration between voluntary, statutory agencies and a research institution to further test the effectiveness of this innovative approach on a larger scale at community level in the south Dublin area. This paper will discuss the project innovations and efficacy of the projects objectives, to provide effective mediation as quickly as possible for families and their children, within their community, by experienced family mediators, with hook‐ups and sign‐posting to trusted existing resources, such as the support services offered by the Family Resource Centres, and on‐line and face‐to‐face resources, with the court‐room as an end of pipe‐line solution or emergency forum only.  相似文献   

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