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Internal autopsies are invasive and result in the mutilation of the deceased person's body. They are expensive and pose occupational health and safety risks. Accordingly, they should only be done for good cause. However, until recently, "full" internal autopsies have usually been undertaken in most coroners' cases. There is a growing trend against this practice but it is meeting resistance from some pathologists who argue that any decision as to the extent of the autopsy should rest with them. This article examines the origins of the coronial system to place in context the current approach to a death investigation and to review the debate about the role of an internal autopsy in the coronial system.  相似文献   

In 2003 it was estimated that 2,700 full internal coronial autopsies were performed in Queensland at a cost of approximately A$5.3 million. This large number of internal coronial autopsies (almost 95% of all matters referred to the coroner) is of concern not only due to the economic cost but also because of the public heath risks, availability of specialist staff and significant religious and cultural sensitivities surrounding internal autopsies. In 2005 the authors began research funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) to determine if unnecessary internal autopsies are being performed in Queensland and to establish guidelines for when an internal autopsy is required. This article highlights areas of potential concern when the issue of autopsy is reviewed within the coronial system through an examination of international literature on the issue of autopsy diagnosis and error rates more generally, and through preliminary discussion of the data obtained. The article considers the role and purpose of the autopsy generally as well as within the coronial system specifically; compares diagnostic error rates in hospital autopsies with those in the coronial system; the current situation internationally with regard to internal autopsies; and finally the specific circumstances existing in Queensland.  相似文献   

A multicentre retrospective analysis of 4450 autopsies carried out due to suspicion of medical malpractice in 17 German institutes of forensic medicine from 1990 to 2000 was performed for the German Federal Ministry of Health. During the time period analysed an increase of cases could be mentioned. The main results of the study are: in the cooperating institutes the total number of autopsies due to suspected medical malpractice ranged from 1.4 to 20%. In more than 40% of the cases preliminary proceedings were started because the manner of death was certified as non-natural or not clarified. Hospital doctors were more affected by medical malpractice claims than doctors in private practice. However, the number of confirmed cases of medical malpractice was higher for doctors in private practice than for hospital doctors. Although surgery is still at the top of the disciplines involved in medical malpractice claims the number of confirmed surgical cases was below the average. Mistakes in care were confirmed to be above the average. Medico-legal autopsies are still a very sufficient method to evaluate cases of medical malpractice: 2863 cases could already be clarified by autopsy. Up to now there is no systematic registration of medical malpractice charges in Germany. A systematic registration should be initiated to build up and/or improve error reporting systems and, thus, to improve patient safety. Compared to other sources of medical malpractice claims (arbitration committees of the medical chambers, reference material of health and insurance companies, files of civil courts) the data of the present multicentre study are in so far unique as only lethal cases were evaluated and a complete autopsy report was available as basis of an expert opinion in alleged medical malpractice cases.  相似文献   

目的从尸检角度讨论心外科手术后死亡的死因及诊疗缺陷。方法按临床诊断、手术类型、死亡时间、死亡特点、尸检特点、纠纷特点、诊疗缺陷等方面,比较所选案例的临床、尸检资料特点。结果心瓣膜置换手术4例,冠心病冠脉搭桥手术1例,先心病大动脉转位手术1例。心肌梗死2例,心肌广泛损伤1例。心内膜感染2例,多器官功能衰竭1例。家属怀疑诊疗不当6例。诊疗缺陷主要为手术适应证、手术时机,手术器材的选用,手术操作,术后病情观察、处理不及时,对病情严重程度、手术风险及预后的告知不充分。结论尸检不仅能查明死因,还可帮助评价手术质量、术后处理的诊疗质量,对解决纠纷具有重要的辅助作用。  相似文献   

A 20-year-old man had a spontaneous rupture of the ascending aorta while exercising. The diagnosis of Marfan syndrome, established by the gross and microscopic autopsy findings, was further supported by review of the autopsy report of the father, who had died at age 26 of a nearly identical aortic rupture. To avoid occurrences such as the above, the responsibility of the forensic pathologist should extend beyond the autopsy to appropriate counseling of families in instances where medically treatable hereditary conditions may be present in the survivors.  相似文献   

The subject of missing persons is of great concern to the community with numerous associated emotional, financial, and health costs. This paper examines the forensic medical issues raised by the delayed identification of individuals classified as "missing" and highlights the importance of including dental data in the investigation of missing persons. Focusing on Australia, the current approaches employed in missing persons investigations are outlined. Of particular significance is the fact that each of the eight Australian states and territories has its own Missing Persons Unit that operates within distinct state and territory legislation. Consequently, there is a lack of uniformity within Australia about the legal and procedural framework within which investigations of missing persons are conducted, and the interaction of that framework with coronial law procedures. One of the main investigative problems in missing persons investigations is the lack of forensic medical, particularly, odontological input. Forensic odontology has been employed in numerous cases in Australia where identity is unknown or uncertain because of remains being skeletonized, incinerated, or partly burnt. The routine employment of the forensic odontologist to assist in missing person inquiries, has however, been ignored. The failure to routinely employ forensic odontology in missing persons inquiries has resulted in numerous delays in identification. Three Australian cases are presented where the investigation of individuals whose identity was uncertain or unknown was prolonged due to the failure to utilize the appropriate (and available) dental resources. In light of the outcomes of these cases, we suggest that a national missing persons dental records database be established for future missing persons investigations. Such a database could be easily managed between a coronial system and a forensic medical institute. In Australia, a national missing persons dental records database could be incorporated into the National Coroners Information System (NCIS) managed, on behalf of Australia's Coroners, by the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine. The existence of the NCIS would ensure operational collaboration in the implementation of the system and cost savings to Australian policing agencies involved in missing person inquiries. The implementation of such a database would facilitate timely and efficient reconciliation of clinical and postmortem dental records and have subsequent social and financial benefits.  相似文献   

As organ transplantation procedures become accepted as standard medical practice, it is anticipated that the frequency of liability claims against transplant care providers will increase. This article examines current statutory and common law analyses of malpractice issues in transplantation, with particular attention given to issues of informed consent as they arise both for the organ donor and donee.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎致死或引发的其他法律纠纷可能涉及法医学病理解剖或者法医临床学鉴定。在日常法医学解剖中时有遇到因传染性疾病死亡患者的尸体,法医鉴定机构及鉴定人应当有风险识别意识,充分认识到在解剖、检查这类尸体时的被传染风险。法医鉴定人需要采取充分有效的防护措施。由于新冠肺炎属于新型传染性疾病,相关研究成果、信息资料更新快,鉴定中的信息参考要慎重选择。同时本文对因传染性疾病死亡患者的尸体解剖中常见的职业伦理、知情同意、保险理赔和环境保护等问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

Postmortem examinations are performed for a number of reasons. Medical autopsies are performed at the request of and with the consent of the next of kin of a decedent and are often requested to determine the extent of a disease process or to evaluate therapy. In contrast, medicolegal autopsies are performed by a forensic pathologist primarily to determine cause and manner of death but also to document trauma, diagnose potentially infectious diseases and report them to the appropriate agencies, provide information to families about potentially inheritable diseases, provide information to family members and investigative agencies, and testify in court. As medicolegal and hospital autopsies differ in their purpose, so do they differ in procedure. Medicolegal autopsies often include histologic analysis, but not always, as with medical autopsies. We designed a prospective study to address the question of whether or not routine histologic examination is useful in medicolegal cases, defining a routine case as one where histology would not normally be performed and where the cause and manner of death were readily apparent during the gross autopsy. We reviewed brain, heart, liver, kidney, and lung sections on 189 routine forensic cases and compared the results to the gross anatomic findings. Of the 189 cases, in only 1 case did microscopic examination affect the cause of death and in no case did microscopic examination affect the manner of death. Thus, we feel that routine microscopic examination (performing histologic examination in all cases regardless of cause and manner of death) in forensic autopsy is unnecessary. Microscopic examination should be used, as needed, in certain circumstances but is not necessary as a matter of routine.  相似文献   

本文指出医方承担医疗民事责任的范围不应仅仅局限于医疗事故,还应包括其他一些因医方医疗行为所导致患者合法权益受损害的民事赔偿责任.从承担医疗违约责任和医疗侵权责任两个方面来讨论医疗民事责任,主张引进"善良注意义务"的医疗判断标准;将医方的告知义务区分为必须的告知义务与一般的告知义务,认为医方只对违反了必须的告知义务才承担相应的民事责任.  相似文献   

Diagnostic angiography in postoperative autopsies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Postmortem angiography was used as a diagnostic tool to rule out surgical malpractice in 227 medicolegal autopsies following postoperative deaths in Finland. Of the cases, 111 involved neurosurgical patients or patients undergoing operations on the carotid arteries, 62 involved coronary bypass patients, and 54 patients died following abdominal surgery. A portable perfusion device for postmortem angiography at the autopsy table involves attaching quick couplings to a compressed airline. Permanent cast and three-dimensional topographic assessment of vascular anatomy are achieved using solidifying silicone rubber with lead oxide as a contrast medium and stereopair radiographs. This technique can be performed by experienced autopsy technicians and can be linked to normal autopsy services. In our experience, postmortem angiography is useful in investigating all complicated deaths following surgical operations.  相似文献   

During the course of medicolegal postmortem examinations, forensic pathologists often encounter the sequelae of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) that was administered by medical and paramedical personnel. A wide variety of CPR-related injuries have been described since the institution nearly 30 years ago of this now common-place emergency technique. The forensic pathologist must be aware of both typical and unusual CPR-related trauma patterns in order to differentiate between injury produced during emergency therapy procedures and injury sustained through other mechanisms (for example, during an assault or an accident). This article describes two recent separate and unrelated incidents in which an elderly woman was murdered. In each instance, bony injuries of the anterior thoracic wall structures were identified during the autopsy. Defense attorneys in each case attempted to use these injuries as proof that their accused clients had performed external cardiac massage on their victims, thus indicating that the homicides had not been intentional, and that the perpetrators showed remorse. These cases are presented, with a discussion of the typical features of CPR-related thoracic wall trauma as compared with willfully inflicted injury.  相似文献   

The upper torso of a man was discovered under a highway sign next to tire tread marks leading from the highway and continuing beyond the sign. The victim's lower torso and automobile were also found along the same path 31 m (101 ft) and 41 m (133 ft) beyond the sign, respectively. The decedent was initially thought to be a disposed, homicide victim who had been dismembered by his assailant(s). Accident reconstruction revealed that the victim was the driver of the automobile and was transected by the highway sign stanchion as he protruded through the passenger side window of his moving vehicle. Based on the scene findings, autopsy, and psychological autopsy, the manner of death was classified as suicidal. The criteria used by medical examiners for vehicular suicide are also discussed.  相似文献   

DNA evidence frequently plays an important role in criminal investigations and in some cases may be the only means of convicting a suspect. The constant improvement of DNA analysis techniques affords the individualization of minute amounts of DNA, aggravating the risk of contamination artifacts. In our study, we investigated the prevalence of DNA contamination in the autopsy facilities of the Institutes of Legal Medicine in Essen and Kiel (Germany). Using DNA-free swabs, we took samples from instruments used during autopsy and autopsy tables. Surfaces and instruments were routinely cleaned before sampling. Swabs were subjected to different PCRs to quantify the total amount of DNA and to amplify individual specific STR-markers. In most samples, alleles that could be linked to bodies that had been autopsied before were found. Furthermore, we could show that a DNA transfer from the autopsy table to a body was detectable in four out of six cases investigated. The interpretation of DNA typing results may thus be severely complicated. To avoid DNA contamination, we tried out different cleaning methods, of which only a bleach containing cleaner showed sufficient results.  相似文献   

Utilising the findings and recommendations in a 2010 coronial inquest in New South Wales into the death of Rebekah Lawrence, a person who had recently completed a personal development course incorporating confronting techniques of regression, run by persons without formal psychotherapeutic skills, this column scrutinises issues arising in relation to unregistered therapies. The evidentiary bases upon which coronial findings of suicide can be made are also examined, along with the effects of the ancient presumption against findings of suicide. In addition, the existence of regulatory controls, as recommended by the New South Wales Deputy State Coroner, are discussed. The grim conclusion arrived at is that the potential exists for further deaths of vulnerable people in the aftermath of the wielding of powerful psychological techniques by persons ill equipped to do so and to identify and respond to the sequelae of their therapies.  相似文献   

Israeli author Daniel Sperling brings to a light a disturbing practice that is taking place in some teaching hospitals throughout the world--the practice of resuscitation procedures on newly dead patients without the consent of the next-of-kin. Mr. Sperling examines some of the policies and procedures in place to prevent such practice and also looks at the ethical principles that should guide such procedures. The paper also reviews the general issue of consent in the context of medical decision-making and discusses potential legal claims that might be available to persons who have not been consulted or informed before such procedures are performed. The evolving jurisprudence surrounding the treatment of the newly dead is analyzed and Mr. Sperling concludes by suggesting ways to improve upon the procedures currently in place at some teaching facilities.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the manner of death in most hospital autopsy cases is natural, in which death is due to the natural course of disease or reasonably anticipated outcomes of medical interventions. Some cases fall into a potential gray zone between natural and accident, including rare or unanticipated outcomes of medical interventions. We present a case of a patient postcoronary artery bypass graft. Autopsy revealed the proximal anastomosis of the aorta‐to‐first‐diagonal‐coronary‐artery‐to‐second‐obtuse‐marginal‐artery graft was detached from the aorta. A broken suture was present at the disconnected anastomosis, with intact knots but was broken along its length. In‐hospital mortality rates of CABG range from 1% to 3%, with several autopsy studies identifying surgical complications as the cause of death in one‐third of perioperative deaths. No publications were found that described suture rupture as directly relating to the cause of death. This case report describes a previously unreported complication of coronary artery bypass grafting.  相似文献   

This study examines the legal issues associated with consent searches conducted by law enforcement officers to gather evidence for criminal prosecutions. Through a review of the available case law relating to consent searches the study examines the requirements of a valid consent to search, the issues associated with these requirements, and the relationship between these requirements and the Fourth Amendment. While the paper focuses on Supreme Court decisions, lower court cases are included to illustrate specific points and examine general trends. The reader is given a general understanding of judicial preferences for procedures to be used when effecting consent searches.  相似文献   

The supplementary designation "criminalistics" in the title of certain forensic medical institutes in the first half of this century is to be regarded as a reaction to faulty developments in our specialty, which almost led to the elimination of forensic medicine as an independent scientific discipline in the 1960s. The ability to think in terms of criminalistics and the corresponding working procedures has always been a crucial precondition for the forensic physician, since forensic medicine is the application of medical knowledge for juridical purposes. Forensic medicine originated with the appraisal of cases of violent death by doctors, i.e., reconstruction of the facts in the case. To use the term "criminalistics" in the form of a supplementary designation is thus not required. An attempt is nevertheless made to define "medical criminalistics" as a small but important component of criminalistics. They are subdivided into two phases: the first part begins at the scene of the crime or the place of discovery (local evidence). Here, the trained eye of the forensic physician is indispensable to the criminal investigation department and the prosecutor. Medical criminalistic thinking and working procedures continue at the autopsy. Here, forensic autopsy differs from that practiced by the pathologist. Without knowledge of the situation at the discovery location, the forensic physician runs the risk of not recognizing facts that are important for reconstruction and thus becoming a "destroyer of clues". The second part of medical criminalistics is the actual detection of medical clues, i.e., the investigation of medical clues with special methods, including histological and toxicological investigations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The doctrine of informed consent severely limits the ability of medical researchers to develop, evaluate, and refine investigational technologies for the treatment of patients suffering from heart attacks, strokes, and other "critical care" conditions. In this Article, Mr. Saver examines the current doctrine of informed consent as applied to critical care research and its various deficiencies. In addition, he analyzes recent reforms proposed by the Food and Drug Administration, which are intended to remove certain obstacles to critical care research posed by informed consent. While the proposed reforms address several of the current deficiencies, he asserts that they lack the breadth and scope necessary to advance the progress of critical care research in an ethical and sensible manner. Mr. Saver proposes several complementary and alternative reforms that would better accomodate the interests of all affected parties: the patients, their families, the researchers, and the general public.  相似文献   

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